>watch WW2 documentary
>lose all interest when Germany starts to lose
Watch WW2 documentary
>switch to ancient alien friday marathon
>feel comfy
The sack of Berlin is the best part though
>watch american WW2 film
>paints nazis as homocidal comic book-tier villains and the american GIs as heroes
Final redpill: Germany had no chance of winning
I've just start rolling my eyes when I watch WW2 movies and play WW2 games and they portray the Germans as cartoonishly evil.
What is operation sea lion.
can't win if you dont play
1939-1942 was the best part of the war though. That was when battles still could go either way, bombings from both sides happened, the spy game was alive and well, and both sides tech was conparable. 43 and onward is when the war became a boring mop up operation with the technologically and numerically superior allies leisurely grinding down the axis.
>Watch Cold War Documentary
>turn off before 1989
Something they could never have pulled off
a joke
>Why are nazis portrayed as the bad guys in media when all they did was torture millions of harmless men women and children to death for the crime of being born? And on top of that the nazis were fighting for the white race by invading white countries and murdering millions of white people before losing the war they started, you dumb bluepilled cuck.
Germany could've won the war, the Nazis couldn't
Any kinos where the hero commits heinous acts of justified revenge?
Would have twisted the neck of Europe and kept amerifats out of the war. Also Japan should have never attacked but that's cause Asians are retarded and not Hitler's fault.
Why are left wing memes always fucking long? Like you'll see a left wing meme text image and it has like 6 sentences on it. If you have to go to this level to explain your joke it's not funny.
>Hitler and nazis were the good guys lmao
Grow up
Delusional incel, there is not a chance in a million that the g*rmans could somehow arrange enough transport ships and then somehow go through the Channel without the Home Fleet and the RAF shitting on them.
With what navy could they pull an invasion off?
What about Royal Navy?
>not Hitler's fault
Hitler declared war on USA
>watch WW2 documentary
>downplays Japanese responsibility for the war
>downplays Japanese warcrimes
>but goes through the horrors of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in gruesome detail
Lefties are literally soulless homunculi that cannot do anything except exist and go along with the existential flow of humanity
>naming a naval attack after a marine mammal
this movie has terrible writing
Is it too much for your Trumpnigger brain?
they don't understand that memes have to be short and to the point in order go to viral
Brevity is the soul of wit. If you have to explain your joke with a lot of text your joke is shit.
they did as well as humanly possible, considering they were up against a coalition of all the jew-controlled countries, which was about half the world
>watch WW2 documentary
>barely any mention of the bombing of Coventry and Birmingham
>expects me to give a shit about Dresden getting turned into a parking lot.
Nah, you're alright lol.
Exactly. Most Americans probably have no idea what Nanjing is.
>be a normie
>see a left wing meme
>see two paragraphs and 600 characters
>Get turned off
>See right wing meme
>"Libtards are stupid" over a picture of a kitten running into a wall
>Lol click share
This is why you guys lose. You don't learn or adapt you are always chasing the right but never surpassing them.
people sort of know about it but they don't know just how bad it was.
more civilians died in Nanking than in both the bombing combined and they were killings of extreme unnecessary cruelty instead of simply the result of an indiscriminate attack of pure power.
And more Chinese died in WW2 than Jews.
both of those bombings were less deadly than dressden combined
>when an "untermensch" chink from 5th centyru BC is smarter than your entire political and military apparatus
I read a book on it in HS (of my own volition), at the time I cared deeply about how evil the japs were but over the years I've come to seen just how shitty chinks and their country are, so I've given much less of a shit about it.
>There are people here who believe that the Germans could have won the war with their autistic ideology
>nazis thought asians were "untermensch"
>sun tzu
have a (You) as well
When I hear liberals or boomers get sexually excited about killing Nazis it kind of makes me question a lot of things. Like when the last Wolfenstein came out and all the liberals said "this game is awesome you can kill Nazis!!!" the overcompensating was much and almost sociopath like. I never played a game where I was like "you can kill communists!!!" or "you can kill aliens!!!!" but then again liberals celebrate killing a baby in it's mother's womb so this is no shock.
>nazis were the bad guy
>it's literally a crime to question anything at all about the holocaust in Europe.
Japan was too valuable to be seriously punished despite its invasion of China preceding the invasions Italy and Germany engaged in.
And despite their cruelty and massive death toll to civilians they only paid 1% of the reparations Germany did.
Also a reminder that Russia was the only country to prosecute the scientists and facilitators of Unit 731.
Everyone else thought their research on "what happens if you reattach human arms the wrong way round" was too valuable and let them go.
Leftypol used to have a meme thread up. Funniest thing I have ever seen, but for all the wrong reasons. Most of it was just copy+pasting memes from /pol/ and slapping oh Marx and the pig in a tophat everywhere.
Tell me how they could have won the war if they had, the eastern front, the african front and the later Western one, wasting resources on "muh jews" and having to deal with constant resistance from occupied territories.
>thoughts win wars
how retarded are you? also there is nothing wrong with their ideology other than it hurts your feelings
>the Nazis were evil they killed millions of innocents!
>doesn't think about that the allies and soviet carpet bombed every German city existing
>watch film produced, written and staffed by jews
>it's biased against nazis
who'da thunk it
Germany was LARPing the whole time engaging in retarded fantasy shit.
>Dude what if there are aryans at the center of the earth?
>Dude what if I inject blue dye into children's eyes?
>Dude what if we used our ponytails to psychically communicate?
Germany was fucked simply because it was run by autists with retarded side-projects and demands that ruined any kind of efficiency the country could have had.
It was fucked from the start.
>there is nothing wrong with their ideology
I guarantee you don't know enough about their ideology if you actually think that.
the allies didn't do that because they believe in psychic subterranean aliens though.
the germans could have won the war, but they needed to do a lot of things differently.
1. continue bombing the british air force's infrastructure instead of switching to terror bombing. had they kept up bombing the factories, airfields, and radar stations for only a few more weeks then the raf wouldn't have been able to oppose them at all.
2. operation barbarossa: hitler delayed the invasion by 6 weeks to deal with a greek uprising. had he left the italians to deal with the greeks and started the invasion on time, they would have had 6 more weeks before winter set in and could have reached moscow.
the invasion should have went straight for moscow then make a bee line south to capture the oil fields near the caucaus mountains.
3. not declaring war on the u.s. i still don't know why hitler thought that would cause the japs to open a second front against the soviets.
lots of what ifs, but the germans' fates weren't sealed as soon as the war started.
So sending resources to kill the kikes instead of sending them to the frontlines wasn't stupid?
>carpet bombing
Also, why wouldn't they do it when you keep in mind how many more innocents the germans killed? Start shit get hit
They sowed the wind and reaped the whirlwind.
If Hitler found the spear of destiny he would have won the war
If Hitler didn't literally send soldiers to the arctic to build a castle so he could stay there while they tunneled to the center of the earth then that might have helped too.
/leftypol/ is a playground for the mentally retarded. /pol/ is similar except they don't take themselves seriously.
I've read about it extensively, again the only thing you find wrong with it is the things that hurt your feelings, things such as their views on race.
The only resources they used on the jews was food and clothing. The death came from the shitty condition in the camps after the allies started bombing the shit out of everything and people started getting typhus and starving to death.
>The current hegemonic system is clearly moral! no astroturfing going on here!
>mfw the people shouting "DO IT AGAIN" and "TALK SHIT GET HIT" will go to hell and enjoy eternal damnation
Yep, after the epic battle of Stalingrad, documentary are so boring.
Nice, did you like Punisher season 2?
so you agree with all the fantasy sci-fi shit or do you just ignore the retarded parts?
Because I care a lot less about eugenics than the fact they didn't know what they were fucking doing.
I mean they weren't even studying eugenics correctly, using non-identical twins in place of identical twins for example.
>believing in heaven
And how is it bad to say that the germs got what was comming for them?
The Nazis advanced medicine like 100 years but no one ever wants to talk about that
Why were V1s and air-raids over Britain so pitiful?
They didn't destroy or kill shit. Absolute rookie numbers.
whats with faggots putting a * on normal fucking words?
Who had the best battle strategies? Any examples?
shut up you wh*tey eunuch
why did Hitler decide to declare war on Russia?
>Hitler declared war on USA
because american niggas declared war on japland for raping hawaii
>watch american revolution documentary
>lose all interest when the good guys start to lose
some of them but not all of them.
nazi science also helped us get on the moon.
That doesn't justify the retarded shit they were doing like injecting blue dye into children's eyes.
A lot of nazi science was not really what anyone would consider science and was just retards playing the system.
Some of the "esoteric" stuff had merit, such as trying to find the origin of Indo-Aryan peoples, the majority of it was plain retarded however. Most of the retarded stuff was pushed by Himmler rather than Hitler anyway, so it had no overrall effect on the practical applications of the ideology.
No one ever wants to talk about how they pioneered highways, improved worker's rights by implenting shit like the 40 hour work week, conservation of nature, and many technological advancements both in and outside of war.
Zhukov. Just send more millions of soulless commies.
Thank God that Civil War movies and documentaries haven't stooped this low.
Because that was his intention for the war all along
To save the world from Communism.
Who do you think you are kidding mr. hitler?
>Most of the retarded stuff was pushed by Himmler rather than Hitler anyway, so it had no overrall effect on the practical applications of the ideology.
perhaps but don't give Hitler a free pass.
He definitely believed in a lot of the magical bullshit and no matter what you think about race he was validating his racial views with retarded fantasy shit he had read years prior.
If you want to be a white supremacist that's up to you, I won't even say you're wrong.
But basing that view on concepts like the city of atlantis, the spear of destiny, fucking subterranean aryans and the like is retarded.
Rokossovsky, the mere mention of his name sent fascist incels running for their lives before getting crushed by the hundreds of thousands in Bagration.
It does justify it retard. You know how humans learned about medicine? Through trial and error and that's the dirty work the Nazis did. We still know little about the human brain and what causes things like tumors but if the Nazis had live suspects they could cut their heads open and do tests they would figure out in months. This is reality and it's not pretty.
>No one ever wants to talk about how they pioneered highways, improved worker's rights by implenting shit like the 40 hour work week, conservation of nature, and many technological advancements both in and outside of war.
people talk about it, it's just no excuse.
For every achievement they made there were plenty of retarded nonsensical shit they were doing at the same time.
most of the fresh cadavers they were utilizing were being wasted on retarded science inspired by fantasy and sci-fi shit.
There in lies the problem.
I can appreciate for example how grave-robbing was a positive in that doctors got access to bodies and our understanding of anatomy improved.
But doing retarded shit you should fucking know will not work just because you're getting paid either way isn't excusable. You seem to be under the impression that the majority of nazi scientists were doing the real groundbreaking shit when in reality it was an obvious mixed bag.
If the nazis had a less retarded ideology not based on occult shenanigans then they could be more practical and scientific minded, limiting research to actual valuable endeavors and your positive image of their progress would be more accurate.
You realize they did this shit in the 1940's right? Stop playing dumb and pretending superstitious shit wasn't a big deal back then. They had to check boxes off to verify stupid shit that was believed in the past was wrong.
the 1940s was not that long ago user.
We had a pretty good understanding of disease already.
You shouldn't actually need to inject blue dye into people's eyes or reattach their arms the wrong way or attach their esophagus to their intestines to check it off the list of retarded shit that hasn't been done.
Basically this. Hitler made too many fundamental mistakes like getting supply blocked numerous times as well as losing the macro game.
user it doesn't matter how much time passed again the world is dramatically different now compared to then especially with scientific and social progression. Let's have an adult discussion here user not one where you try retarded semantics or other retarded Reddit shit.
Now if only all of these could be substantiated with primary source evidence rather than dubious claims made by others like Ahmed Huber
His micro was shit too tbqh
>lol, lets stop all of my tanks and let the allies leave Dunkirk
Had Dunkirk gone another way, the war would have been very different.
>WW2 documentary
>fake concentration camps are shown