*uses gun for the first time in her life*

*first shot is a miss, every shot the followed was a hit*

Attached: 06606.jpg (815x799, 92K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>misses a shot
>incels still shout MARREY SUUUUEE
So sad

Based retard.

I guess they never miss huh?

>drive a podracer
>lose at first
>every race afterwards is a win

That's the Force

It wasn't the first time, you stupid queer

Retarded speedwatcher

>Let go of me

Grow up.

>I know how to ran without you holding my haaaand

I think I can handle myself!

>Luke gets in X-Wing for the first time ever
>Destroys the Death Star

Guns are fairly intuitive. Mastering them takes lots of training but just hitting a target isn't terribly hard. It's one of the reasons why if you take a nogunz shooting about 90% love it.

>I'm acting!

Everyone knows Luke is a mary sue.

Dude don't you understand what the whole character of Ray is about?

The Force makes her do everything.

She doesn't need to train or practice.

That's one of the reason why her character sucks. She doesn't evolve. From the first movie she knows how to even read and control minds HAHAHAHAHA. That must be a power for very advanced Jedi and she do it even when she doesn't know what it is.

This is exactly why she's a shit character.

They could solve all of Mary Sue's problems in Star Wars: The Force Awakens
ISimple, just show Rey when she is was a child surviving alone in that place and learning and mastering the force
Everything could be easily explained in 5 minutes

There is a narrative principle called Chekov's gun which states that nothing should be mentioned if it is not relevant later in the story. Luke mentions that he shot animals smaller than a meter and that is was easy despite the fact that others thought it was hard. There is nothing wrong with having a powerful character, the issue is when you are explicitly being told that the character has no prior experience and still being asked to believe they would be that good as it destroys suspension of disbelief

like was a sociopath who killed womp rats most likely everyday with his t-16

That was the dumbest looking gun. The prop guy should have been fired.

>First time in aerial combat
>Very first shot hits three enemies

Attached: 2b3.jpg (504x768, 53K)

Fuck you Janny I'm going to keep mentioning her moist pits every time you delete this

But it wasn't his first and he was a pilot.

*uses lightsabers for the first time
*instantly better than someone trained by both the jedi and the sith

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Everyone has the force now apparently. So why can't everyone be as flawless as Rey?

He was fucking worthless at it though. All he could do was shoot at the hull of the death star and fly through a trench, Then he gave Jesus the wheel to let his missiles hit the mark.

How is that Gary Stu?


It wouldn’t fix anything, she still would be a Mary Sue. Hell, most of Mary Sues in fanfiction have all sorts of explanations for their powers.

Remember always hyper-extend its NEVER a bad thing

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They were Skywalker force gods and allowed to be mary Sue's

I wouldn't have a problem if Rey was a Skywalker

My thing is how does that formation even make sense

>i bullseye womp rats on my t-16 all the time!
They even set it up right before dick weasel

It still would be a problem, retard. Her being a Skywalker wouldn’t magically make her not a Mary Sue.

>Luke is good at exactly one thing
>mentioned multiple times that he’s proficient at piloting
>Still needs to be saved

Original Star Wars has flaws. You could point them out all day. That doesn't make Rey NOT the most retarded character ever.

Also, the flaw you pointed out wasn't even a flaw. There are some, and you should worry about them more than a typical fantasy plotline that was well explained.

Why does her head look like it's on backwards?

It would give a canon reasonable explanation why shes a mary sue, dumbfuck

>not his first podrace
>souped up with custom parts he was not able to afford before
>still barely won

He played the shit out of the X Wing fighter game at Tachi Station though.

>THIS is a 10/10 Aryan specimen according to white people

>Rey gets on the falcon guns for the first time
>gets a triple collateral kill on TIE fighters on her first shot
I can't be bothered to find an image of this but it is supreme bullshit.

Mmm nice little boobie there mmm yeah

it was his destiny


>never held a lightsaber before
>has no training in the ways of the force
>defeated a man trained in the ways of the force and a lightsaber using the ways of the fortce and a lightsaber

I guess she never miss huh?

>you will never lick that prime pit

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>has been podracing his entire life
>has never once even finished a race because of how balls-to-the-wall insane they are for someone with human reflexes
>only won this once because of the will of the Force and because he now believes there might actually be a tangible way that he could be special

Doesn't matter. Kylo was supposedly trained by two of the most powerful Force users in the universe.


>Luke misses 98% of his shots in A New Hope. Gets kicked around and made fun of by literally every character. His only accomplishment is in the last 3 minutes of the film.

lol incels, your beloved Luke's a Gary Stu!

Didn't he win the race because every other pod was destroyed by the time it was over?

Luke regularly raced an airship through Beggar's Canyon. Just a week before he went offworld, he won a race by "threading the needle." This has been established lore since 1981.

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>"I bypassed the character development!"

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>the moment when starwars was ruined forever.
oh so luke was an adrenaline junky racer who almost died every race? wow yeah thats definitely his character haha

The only good thing about disney wars is that the lightsaber fights actually look good and don't look like long senseless dance off choreography like in the prequels.

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Someone post him webms

Not only that, but in TCW, Ventress got into a ship crash, most likely breaking Rubs and giving her a Concussion (she also Passes out TWICE from those Injuries), yet she still fights completely competently and almost kills Obi-Wan and Anakin

I bet you don't even have a driver's license.

The only good thing about disney wars was Kylo Ren but they ruined him.

And Snoke also ruined.

And the return of Luke also ruined.

Right. Then again, she has a vagina. Where is her get out of jail free card?
>Inconsistency is a bitch.


The destruction of the death Star was a massive team effort.


Holy shit I didn't notice

Why does she make a constipated face when shooting a gun?

I don't think every other pod was destroyed, but Sebulba certainly Ben Hur'd the shit out of everyone coming close to overtaking him. So the perpetual losers were safe.

Because the actress doesn't know shit about acting. Daisy is the reason why Rey comes off so emotional and emotionless at the same time.


Go back and watch the movie. Right before Sebulba's pod racer blows up, Qui Gon Jin can be seen closing his eyes in concentration. The only reason Anakin won is because Qui Gon cheated.

Incredible acting and lines.

>blocks Rey’s path

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>Has the spirit of a true Jedi

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>rey casts fear
>it's very effective

Attached: Casting Fear.jpg (125x116, 2K)

What is this, an image for ants?

>hold the weapon in her right hand
>uses her left eye to aim
Bravo JJ

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Oops didn't post the webm

Attached: AOE fear spell.webm (860x804, 2.99M)

Obi-wan complemented his piloting skills. Luke himself said he wasn't such a bad pilot himself. It was foreshadowed.

in the future guns have laser tracking technology that hit their targets 75% of the time, you dont even need to aim

This is fairly common among people who are right-brain dominant; I've been shooting for twenty years since childhood and aim with my left-eye despite being right handed. It also usually correlates with playing FPS games Y-axis inverted.

I like that they ran away from the crouching tiger wirefu choreography, but literally any of the millions of kids on youtube who've made lightsaber fights with sticks could have done as good or better.

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>Star Wars
>In the future

>lasergun props
Harrison Ford probably used a blank-fire pistol before, but that's probably as close to "firearm expertise" as anyone in that production likely had... and you know he didn't give a fuck.

>be protagonist
>succeed in action

What he meant to say is that she is holding the gun in her left hand but it looking down the barrel with her right eye which is double dumb retarded.

From a certain point of view

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>dat anime back hand swinging because she can't properly flip the sword back to the normal position

to be fair I do this too with a long stick and when nobody is watching, imagine getting paid big monies to do this.

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>still raging about muh sjw"s ruining a children's film franchise
Sort your lives out

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the new Kylie Minogue music video is looking good

That's the faces she'll pull when i'm 18 inches deep in her ass whiteboi

yeah, colon injuries hurt like hell

how long is it going to take you people to move the fuck on from star wars?

Imagine being paid millions of dollars and you can't even StarWarsKid better than this.
They had to slap Ewan McGregor to get him to stop making his own lightsaber noises.

>starving to death on a desert planet
>gets offered 60 portions for a droid she just met
>lol no, he said he has a mission to complete
I still think about that scene

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>McGregor and Christensen spent 3 months training for their fight
>Ridley is so "talented" she learned her choreography in 90 minutes

There's no pay gap, but there should be.

>that moment around 00:23 where Ewan smacks Hayden across the face. I don't know what carbon fiber sticks feel like, but I'm guessing not nice.

Attached: revenge of the sith bts 1.webm (500x281, 2.78M)

>Ben Amidala
>Ben Skywalker
>Ben Organa
These would have made sense, given prestige and power.
>Ben Solo

I'd be suspicious of such a deal as well. Imagine if I could buy a trip out of that shithole with that droid!

>The Force (literally The Dao) maintains natural balance
>Dark side is disproportionately powerful
>The Force corrects
TLJ literally explains this. Watch the movies. This also explains Anakin's own origins, being born at a time when the Jedi council was way too powerful.

>never flown
>immediately wins dogfight against dedicated fighters in the space equivalent of a medium sized bomber

>women are put in charge of the biggest franchise in movie history
>tank it in a few years
it's like a beautiful, slow motion train wreck

Attached: 1548064098797.jpg (400x400, 64K)

Because that's his dad's name.

It's his nickname according to Disney.

I like the retcon that the millennium falcon suddenly has endless shields and can tank the damage of like 2-3 dozen tie fighters as a novice shoots them all down

They made some upgrades since last time.

I agree with you. It would have been kinda weak but it would have been something. She could have been some raw talent that started experimenting with her own powers and realized them later. Some morsel of explanation. Instead she just comes out of nowhere and blasts through everything in her path with no explanation as to why or how.

No it's his name and I rather he have his dad's name than his mother's because that's how that usually works.

Attached: Star TV - Making-of Star Wars Episode III.webm (500x280, 2.79M)

>inherit an artificial name (Solo)
>inherit a royal name (Amidala, Organa)
>inherit a legendary name (Skywalker)
If Han and Leia could have kept their marriage instead of going full Hollywood, and if Disney didn't ruin Han's name, your point would stand. Han is an orphan, without a house. Leia is the last member of a royal family.

Alderaan is gone, comrade. There are only citizens of the New Republic now.

Attached: First_Senator_Leia_poster.png (1650x2158, 2.52M)

>noguns spotted
I shoot right hand left-eye also, it was a huge improvement to my accuracy.

>artificial name

It's his dad's name, get over it. That's how it works.

He doesn't need a royal or legendary name because he already has Skywalker blood and in Leia's book it states that if Ben wanted to he could succeed Leia as the ruler of Alderaan but he wouldn't even want to. He doesn't need a name to do that.

Of all the complaints, this one is probably the most retarded.

Having the name Solo sure as fuck didn't keep Snoke from targeting him for his Skywalker blood or Luke projecting his own hubris onto him because of his "mighty Skywalker" blood. The names mean jack shit.

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It's honestly much better to give him the name Solo, because it's literally a completely original name now so he can be his own character and make his own legacy with it. It's probably the message they are pushing with his character.

Ironic that Rey is supposed to be the new generation "Skwyalker bad" character but her entire character is just stealing from the Skywalkers to try and make herself important. Whereas Kylo is actually trying to become his own thing despite actually being the real heir to Legendary bloodlines.

The story really doesn't need Rey because of this. Kylo can double as the legacy child and a child of the new generation.

>if Ben wanted to he could succeed Leia as the ruler of Alderaan

oh.... oh user.... oh no....

Whats with this meme that shooting womp rats makes Luke a sociopath that they keep pushing? Its clearly supposed to be more like American children shooting pests with their varmint guns, which is completely normal.

>durrf it's blown up

They were talking about titles retard. Leia gave them up, but Ben could have them if he wanted and him having the name Solo wouldn't barr him from doing so.

It would have been so much better if Rey was never a character and the new trilogy was Ben vs his parents and uncle.

It basically is. Rey is there, but she is just a POV character she doesn't do shit. It's like she's just there to bear witness to Ben's story and his struggle against his family and the rest of the galaxy, trying to find his own place. Any message they claim to be trying to push with her character is done 100x better with Ben's. She is really unnecessary and only serves as a self-insert for the audience at best

>Chad Focal Point between Dark and Light vs Virgin Random nice desert mechanic

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Rey is necessary to pop out Kylo's babies. That's why she's a literal who, she doesn't need to be anybody important if that's her only real job kek

>It's his nickname according to Disney.
They obviously didnt think of that retarded shit when they made TFA

literally and thematicaclly incorrect

idgaf thats sexy as hell

They had such a great concept with Qui-Gon. It's a shame you don't really get any more characters like that in the rest of the series maybe barring the cartoons, EU, and stuff like that which I don't watch and so wouldn't be aware of.

Probably how it was going to go, certainly was a path that was open, until Rian buttfucked the entire series. I'm still in awe of how he managed to destroy the entire franchise.

does anyone in hollywood know how to use a gun?

Attached: nice_aim.jpg (815x799, 154K)

based logically sound argument poster

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What the fuck are you talking about? Kylo is more of a protag in TLJ than Rey is. Rey does NOTHING the entire movie aside from lift some shitty rocks. Even the climax of the movie is "Kylo killing Snoke, Kylo facing off against Luke" Rey is a background character where she belongs.

>It's his dad's name, get over it.
It's not really Han's name. Han is just Han. He flies solo.

"Womp rats" was slang for sand people.

No, and that's why they are afraid of them. To them it's literally a magic button that eliminates people.

>original trilogy
>character does something unlikely
always hated this

Still better than rey

one of the few interesting things about both films is that Finn is written more like the main character of both.

in TLJ he changes sides and directly contributes to blowing up death star 3 with intel

in TFA he has a mission, a shitty romance, and a heroic sacrifice scene.

meanwhile in both Rey is just training and has minimal direct impact on the plot. Disney WANTED to write a strong female character but misstructured the story and tried to compensate by making her OP.

the worst is when people hold the gun in their right hand, and aim by closing their left eye. how the hell do they even think that makes sense?

I didn't mind this as Leia doesn't miss once in Star Wars.

*succeeds at everything*
*is trusted and liked by everyone*

>the lightsaber fights actually look good

Attached: teleports behind you.webm (1920x804, 2.98M)

That doesn't fix a damn thing, and begs even more questions. Rey being an Amnesic Jedi is better than your shitty suggestion, and that's still bad.

The only good fight was Kylo vs. Finn in EP7, and Kylo could have ended it within a split second if he wanted.

Attached: extra midichlorian.jpg (2000x3000, 2.64M)

it's not like it's rocket science, you point it at what you want to hit and pull the trigger, granted there aren't any sights but you also don't need pinpoint accuracy to ruin someone's day

That's Lewis Hamilton

>the god b0re

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prominent people have been known to change their last name to the one their mother or even their grandparent had to claim a title and gain respect
and he did claim a new name, but one unconnected to his ancestry

Did i miss something in this scene? How the hell does dropping the lightsaber change anything?

>Sebulba certainly Ben Hur'd the shit out of everyone coming close

My sides have Ben Hurt

And even after all of that Han "never tell me the odds" says "that was one in a million!" So it was recognized as a miraculous confluence of factors. A ton of pilots died in the process, Luke would have died if Han didn't show up, Luke had just enough training to trust in the Force just enough to maybe tip the odds in his favor, Luke was already a good pilot who was then vouched for by Biggs, and so on. It's unbelievable the amount of delusion at work when people try to equate Luke with Rey.

>shoots down episode 9’s box office

the aimbot needed a test shot to work properly.

nah he still got repeatedly cucked by massa, alonso and räikkönen

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She has good pit game though.

I guess she never misses-- huh?

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I'm not entirely convinced that anyone defending Rey or the new movies in general on this board are not just false flagging to get the movies even more shit on than usual.

Over six hours late.

Watch ESB again, it's tanking TIEs when Leia starts running over asteroids. (Women drivers)
They even take a few hits from the Star Destroyer leaving the asteroid field/ escaping Bespin, though they are trying to capture not destroy them.

So do you guys think episode 9 will gross less money then TLJ? (TLJ made about 1.3 billion)
Or if you want to take it further do you think it won’t break the 1 billion mark?

>hfw she sees my massive space schlong for the first time

>So do you guys think episode 9 will gross less money then TLJ? (TLJ made about 1.3 billion)
>Or if you want to take it further do you think it won’t break the 1 billion mark?
It will reportedly break the 1 billion mark, as in, people will report that it broke the 1 billion mark.

The Mouse has already been blackmailing theaters over shit like this, no doubt they'll bury any really bad news.

I wanna suck her tidday

Depends on how much money Disney is willing to pump into marketing. If they decide they're not going to lose any more money than absolutely necessary, as in fuck marketing and a promo tour and shit and just quietly release it like the Solo movie, it's definitely not going to break 1 billion.

That's Rey

Attached: 1486246885072.jpg (640x632, 71K)

Trips don't lie
And it would be funny if they hadn't taken down one of the most awesome guy franchise of all time and gotten rich in the process.

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ahe doesn't have any. they just made her go braless in the forest planet scenes.

you missed the most evident thing: shes is pushing his blade against herself, he just has to push it a bit to get her this makes no sense at all

lol Finn is a comic relief/side character joke. Rose even comes off as more of the main character in their worthless side story. Kylo Ren is the main character of both movies.


Fuck off, he doesn't need the shitty names to be the most sought after man in the galaxy CLEARLY. He made his own name, Kylo Ren, and Ben Solo before that. He's Supreme Leader without a name or face, keep crying.

He had the chance to claim his mother's titles, he didn't want to because he's not a leech like Rey.

>one unconnected to his ancestry

Thanks for proving my point faggot. He doesn't need the Skywalker/royal names.

Attached: 5a274fdff36ee13e3c943f2b22a2067e.jpg (564x552, 34K)

Does'nt work without the pic of are Queen

>billions of mouse dollars
>like tears in the rain

Star Wars being bought by the mouse is the best thing to happen to Disney in decades. Shame the Star Wars EU had to be sacrificed at the altar too.

>said to be a very talented pilot through the entire fucking movie
>still almost died 1vs1 against a Tie Fighter
>needed Wedge then Han to save his ass

Attached: [HorribleSubs] New Game!! - 11 [720p].mkv_snapshot_00.28_[2017.09.19_19.56.39].png (1280x720, 1.45M)

Lucas deserved all the hate he got for Special Edition alone and Disney movies being complete trash will never redeem him.

I'm not trying to play into your argument, rudeposter

Don't respond to me ever again shitposter.

Seething Gen X faggot.

SE > Originals.

>he's on Yea Forums for not shitposting
user...this entire board is a container full of shitposts

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What part of "use the force" did you not understand?

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>Original Star Wars has flaws.

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I shoot right-handed with my left eye open.

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wtf I love Rey now

this took me five(5) minutes

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>that face

does she have no other face?!

Her flying the felon throw a ruined destroyer was by far the worst. Did she ever fly a ship before? Why would she fly ship ever? she didn't want to leave her planet

oh my fucking god. ironically this was probably made for the dumb chinese audience. does anyone have the chink review translations? they're gold

Attached: c'mon now.jpg (125x125, 2K)

>Her flying the felon throw a ruined destroyer

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You roastie whores literally cannot stand a man exisiting, who isn´t crawling up your butts just to have a whif of your goddess vag, don´t you.

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They don't seem to be doing a good job, by this time before TFA release it was EVERYWHERE. And here, we don't even know the title.


What did he mean by this?

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Womprats are stated to be man-sized (not much bigger than two meters). Them fucking up Owen's equipment is probably the only reason he even lets Luke fly the T-16. perhaps womprat is the equivalent of porch-monkey in reference to sandpeople/ Tusken Raiders.

Muh gawd this choreography sucks to high heaven!

Attached: WHOA WHOA WHOA.gif (169x304, 557K)

This bitch is getting excited that she just killed people. What is wrong with her?

it actually works better. posting the image is "LOL GET IT? SHE SAID IT". posting without the image is only people who get it will get it.

Her accent is horrible. Fuck I can't stand listening to this non-actor. Sounds like she has peanut butter in her mouth.

How did Rian subvert good choreography so effortlessly? He really is in a league of his own.

Women should never be allowed to hide their asses with clothes. They should be forced to walk around like this all the time.

TFA would actually be good if Rey were dressed like this. Jesus christ that ass though. I want her to sit on my face.

>Women should never be allowed to hide their asses with clothes. They should be forced to walk around like this all the time.
Brie Larson

She doesn't have an ass to hide though.

it actually was kinda jarring. There's not a hint of seriousness in her at that moment.

it's a story written by legit psychopaths.

to this day i still can't stomach more than 20 minutes of tfa and i've never seen a minute of tlj
only 6 movies and some of the eu are canon

Every scene she has a stupid look on her face. Jar jar was hotter than her

I love how everyone doesn't even care that an 8 year old could managed to drive an unstable vehicle built from scraps. It's anime levels or retardation.

He was pretty good with a wrench and did you see his midichlorian count? Practically off the charts!

i must have missed times people where saying anakin in ep1 was a great character and not one of the worst things about the film.

I must've missed the part where Mary sues weren't allowed in SW except for the 8 year who built a sentient robot to help his mom with the dishes.

But it wasn't his first race?

It lobs charged particles in an arc.

He's an 8 year old who apparently could survive more than one death race with a flimsy, malfunctioning pod. He shouldn't even be racing, weeb, it's cartoonish as fuck.

She's not a Skywalker... she's a Kenobi

The Force works in mysterious ways

Sometimes it earns 1.3 billion dollars at the box office and people call it a flop. An enigma, for sure.

Being a Mary sue isn't really about being incredibly overpowered, it's about having the entire universe go out of it's way to completely revolve around a character, such that they are the key to everything and can do no wrong, especially in the case of an existing franchise.

Attached: yoda vs rey.png (862x1192, 1.37M)

>known as the jedi killer
>only knows one jedi
>never killed him.

well, I guess he had a heart attack after taunting him on skype, not sure if that should count.


>not realising Lucas did it to piss you virgins off
Lucas was based alone for that act.

So why didn't he? He had no use for him and stated that he wanted him dead. I'll tell you why. Shitty writing.

Just like Mel "Blinky Eyes" Gibson.

A Mary sue is just a self-insert of the author, which is why the world revolves around their character. Unless Abrams is trans or something, Rey isn't a Mary sue.

>next film he effortlessly decapitates two apparent elite clones, with his back turned

The reddit way, of course.

Rey is Kennedy / the Lucasarts Story Group's self insert.

No it isn't. Waste of digits.


Rey is JJ's waifu, Rose is Rian's. Both movies are just their waifus getting blacked.

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He killed Luke's faggy temple, thus ending the Jedi seeing as Luke was just going to rot away on an island.

>Ridley is so "talented" she learned her choreography in 90 minutes
the choreographers were too chicken shit to tell a female she was bad at something
so true to form she got full A's and the end result is a mess

This. Even if they gave some dumb explanation as to why Rey is so powerful she would still be a garbage mary sue

Normal for sociopaths

Dumbest post in this thread.

That first shot was all the training she needed. She was an expert marksman after that.

People often do this in non-oscar bait films, user. That way, age 18-25 year old males will think less heavily on the implications of murder and violence and thus more likely to enlist in their (((government's))) armed forces to become disposable weapons on legs.

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It's disgusting how creatively bankrupt disney wars is.

wow both characters are women with flowing clothing and they have armwraps or bracers and a long weapon, one of which is featured on literally every star wars game. Rey must've been ripped off from this!

>both are british snobs
>both specialize in using staffs
>both of an uncanny ability in the force(bastila's mastery of battle mediation, Rey's mary sue powers)
>both fall in love with a sith lord
>Kylo's suit and mask look nearly identical to Darth Revan's

The only thing that's left for Rey to do is fall to the dark side.