Movies about the the hardships of being a woman?

Movies about the the hardships of being a woman?

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Why do girls like black guys so much?

Is that Jussie Smollett?

toll status: paid

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If I remember this story right didnt he do that after finding out all three of their kids were actually his cousins?

What do you say to a woman with two black eyes?

Nothing she hasn't already been told twice.

she weighs more than him lol

She looks like she fucks black eyes.

... Black guys, sorry.

Real question is
Did she cheat tho?



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No no nooooo lmfaoooo

Jesus christ i have never seen a black person chimp out like this. Pure animal.

She can't even produce coherent sentences. It's probably a case of mild retardation.

Sounds like a noise I would make while shitting.

Because they’re trying to spite their parents, and this is the quickest/easiest way.

If all three of their kids were his cousins, wouldn't that mean he knocked his aunt up?


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They're the only race of men allowed to get away with "toxic masculinity". Women are attracted to aggression (initially). Also, the big dick meme.

ask your mom

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My main nigga Kunyae a good boy yo he dindu nuffin wrong cuz dat ho wuz takin mad shit yo


Why do niggers like fat trash so much?

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Easy pickings. They use the shotgun approach when going for women. Hit on every single one of them until one bites. Trashy women are quicker to take the bait.

What a moron. Even after she got her face picasso’d, she talks like there’s still something between them or he’s a respectable person. She deserves what she gets

>white women
Not even once.

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>Black girl with nose ring


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