This movie should be called Cringe ll. Jesus fucking christ, what an awful, awful movie. Cheesy score, forced dialogs, bad acting, one dimensional characters, unrealistically stupid fight scenes. Oh my fucking god, didn't these people watch Warrior? Didn't they watch the first Creed at least? Unless it was also a homage to those original extra unrealistic fight scenes from the first Rocky movies, the stuff they portrayed on the ring was just dumb. Dumb, dumb, dumb! What a waste of my time. Oh, and that final fight intro with his wife singing was offensive.
This movie should be called Cringe ll. Jesus fucking christ, what an awful, awful movie. Cheesy score, forced dialogs...
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I don't know why they let Stallone write it again
He has an Oscar for writing screenplays?
needed more dragos, less tessa thompson. also drago's son should have lost the first match then win the second one
>Dumb, dumb, dumb!
Biggest disappointment of the past 10 years. And last Jedi came out within that time span.
It was utterly boring, soulless...a Hallmark kind of movie. Almost enraging at times.
What did you expect? The first one was pretty shitty/forgettable as well.
I loved Drago and Drago's son in this movie. Cute end with them. Made me cry. The rest was trash I agree. Tessa is her usual awful self, and the dialog during the proposal sounded like what you'd hear from a white person thinking what black people sound like. Michael was pretty forgettable in this movie which is pretty hard to do considering he's pretty great. I would love if they did a movie about Drago's son and their relationship continuing after Creed II events.
The black rocky series is a money grab. Rocky Balboa was a feeler into the black community for continuation of the series. A 60 year old man would he killed 30 seconds into the first round. It was a retarded movie. The idea was solid, (old school vs new) the way it was done was retarded.
The boxing was really bad in this
Looked like complete shit compared to what was in the first movie
>not a single boxing strategic discussion
>no mention of how creed will have to work hard to change his boxing style
>just take him to the desert and make him run in dust, play nu rap in the back ground
there you go, you're ready...
Well it's evident now how Ryan Coogler is a waaaaaay better director than Steven Caple Jr.
>nigger wins
fuck this shit
Who even cares about Creed? Niggers aside, he's just a boring character. Rocky was a charming simpleton boomer who awkwardly courted his 6/10 waifu, Creed is like a generic negroid dream
The first Creed movie was a vehicle for Rocky fans to have another Rocky movie, to maybe give closure to the character.
It should've ended there, but noooooo Stallone had to get greedy.
except black people hate rocky because they think boxing is 'their' sport. and of course it's a money grab, you can argue the original Rocky should've been left standing alone and it wouldve gone out at its peak. but that wouldn't have made it culturally relevant
>because they think boxing is 'their' sport.
Why would they think that? I'm no expert, but boxing seems to be pretty egalitarian when it comes to racial background of reigning champs. It's not like running where nogs universally dominate
it's /oursport/, nigger get you won't steal it from us.
or he just likes making those movies
If they had developed Drago’s son more as a character it would’ve been a decent film.
Also an actress like the eldest daughter from Black Lightning as Bianca instead of Tessa Thompson who is just so distractingly bad would’ve been better casting as the girlfriend.
It was ok. I wanted a little bit more between Rocky and Ivan. When Ivan threw in the towel I feel like Rocky should have acknowledged that more, if not thanking Ivan for doing it but at least saying "You did the right thing" or something. Some type of growth or closure to their relationship.
>Stallone had to get greedy.
Formerly Creed
That would have been cheesy as fuck. Ivan learning some lesson or whatever doesn't cancel the fact that he basically murdered Rocky's best friend.
I wanted this movie to be great because I think Coogler is overrated but man it was disappointing. I only enjoyed Stallone and both Dragos who had an actual arc. The funniest part is that I legit thought "well at least Tessa isn't ruining it this time" and then the fucking intro song comes out at the fight and I instantly went "fuck this bitch".
First Creed was really great as a reboot/spin off.
Creed 2 was absolute shit.