why the fuck is everyone ugly in this show
Why the fuck is everyone ugly in this show
I dunno, the lass putting the stooge in a head lock is kinda cute
Trying to be accurate
literally looks like a football player wearing makeup and a curly wig
because they're irish
the irish are an extremely ugly race
t. irish
I'd give duckface a good shagging
go away, im Yea Forums's resident derryfag
you're both fags
any lisburn man in
Orla is best girl
you wish, gayboi
Official Ride Rating
1. Michelle =/= Orla
2. Erin
3. Clare
Orla sounds like a permanently high grandma
dumb cunt
This qualifies as "ugly" nowadays. Not "plain" or "ordinary".
Norn Iron is full of inbreds
yeah too many brits
Why did god curse us so?
to be irish is to suffer
they're British
what the fuck Michelle looks completely different, make up is heavy as fuck
what a sad, sad sight
Lol this has always been ugly.
50s American girls were the hottest in the world, people still lust after them.
Meanwhile 2019 British women look like their face was run over twice by a pickup truck
Now imagine being Northern Irish
look mum!! i posted it again!! XDDD
butthurt paddy detected
>tfw getting head from the plumper
>why the fuck is everyone ugly in this show
you must be new to the concept of British Isles
it's only the celts that are ugly
irish are ugly, scots are ugly, welsh are ugly cornish are really fucking ugly. the english are good looking in the more pure germanic regions, once you start mixing them with the celts e.g yorkshire you get the bongs
That's not the Michelle actress is it?!
Paddy girls tend to have an inbred look to them
It's someone else
That's the point, schoolgirls put in on thick
>thread is bumplocked
may as well post underage feet desu