Justie Smollett

How is this gonna play out...?

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Other urls found in this thread:

dropbox.com/s/rnio82555v8eiqk/2019-02-19 Sandmann vs. Washington Post - Complaint.pdf?dl=0

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Well ofc, who would want to be associated with that idiot now? Even if people actually thought he is a.nice personable guy he is a walking PR disaster

>doubling down
His only winning move was to come clean, apologize, and claim mental illness and restart the victim status campaign but he's a fucking moron

reminder this dumb yid-jig hired Kaoernick's lawyer

Ive been seeing you fucks post about this cunt but I still have no idea what he did.

They caught him bleach handed and he still won't fess up. Hopefully he refuses any plea deals and goes to trial. Imagine if the trial is televised.

But that wouldn't help his career in the short term. his poor planning suggests that he is not a long-term thinker like that.

He's just the latest to fake a hate-crime against himself.

He pulled a hey rabbi whatcha doin and got caught.

He faked a hate crime and filed a false police report to further his career

Kamala Harris is going to get indicted. She set him up to pass her anti lynching legislation.

He gets sentenced to death by maga mob lynching

This fag has already been busted by news kino Tim.
Stick a fork in him...
He's done!

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>sodomite claims to believe in God

O Doubt

Gay black man is randomly attacked by a pack of homophobic white supremacists wearing MAGA hats in Chicago.

Actually gay black man pays a couple of nigerians to rough him up a bit.

>20th Century Fox Television says it is removing actor Jussie Smollett's character from the final two episodes of this season of 'Empire' after "disturbing" allegations he lied about being the victim of a racist and homophobic attack

Because of this retarded faggot Empire is again in the limelight.

>I swear to God I did not do this!
As if his lies haven't gotten him in enough trouble. Now he's going to damn his soul.
Well, I guess he was already not on God's good side on account of the buggery, but still. Not good.

Rosseane Barr makes a joke tweet
>Gets immediately axed, reputation dragged into the mud, Hollywood turns its back on her

James Gunn made a bunch of inappropriate jokes on twitter a decade ago
>Gets immediately axed, reputation dragged into the mud, Hollywood turns its back on him

Justine Smanlet fakes a racial attack to get a rise on his paycheck and to get media attention, could've sent two innocent men to jail for years
>Posts bail, goes back to work.

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I doubt this nigger believes in God.

this. I was thinking recently about what I'd do in his situation and that's the only even slightly feasible option. But anyone who came up with the line 'This is MAGA country' it's going to be clever.

Let's make this clear, most hate crime incidents actually do happen. People like smollete give you fucks fuel to deny this reality. Fuck him and fuck you all.

Watch this incel's video:

Just take the probation and community service dude, don’t pour gasoline on the fire

Is this bait?

most hate crimes are committed by minorities against whites but don't get classified that way.

>Hi, Jussie. You look like you have something to say. Do you?

That would be a sign of intelligence.

pretty good so far

I think fake hate crimes outnumber the real hate crimes at this point. People don't resort to this shit unless the demand exceeds the supply.

I bet you still use Gillette razors.

He is going to get off with a slap on the wrist, lay low for a few years and then get back into the spotlight again as some sort of political activist that was bullied by mean right wingers. Any mention of his hoax will be sweeped under the rug or be put as a small note at the bottom of articles.

He started a conversation.
And that's a good thing!

They are going to make an example out of him.

Expect him to get jail time.

Such is life in AmeriKKKa...

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Lmao, I never used to believe America was racist.

But first they manage to turn a story to make an old native man who was cornered the bad guy and now a black gay man who was assaulted by white supremacists is made out to be a liar. Fucking ridiculous, I feel for the guy.

>Let's make this clear, most hate crime incidents actually do happen.
And most incidents are perpetrated by non-whites on Jews, lmao


>Several cast members want him axed.
What, do they want to axe him some questions? I don't understand.

I never heard of empire before this. After this, it's all I'll remember the show for.

>could've sent two innocent men to jail for years
he should be publicly hanged by neck till death as an example just for this

This really. He was brave and his "crime" should be considered performance art.

I wonder what the difference is between al of them

I think it's mainly going to be because he made a lot of powerful people look stupid by supporting him.

That's exactly the point you stupid fuck. A false claim like this detracts legitimacy and police resources from REAL cases.



there are no real cases

With a felony conviction with the highest penalty since he is challenging it in court.

He's a fucking disgrace. Basically just insulted everyone who has actually been a victim of a hate crime.


They will maybe try to spin it like i was just a satirical performance art

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Hate crimes are real cases and so is false reporting. Stupid fuck.

Yes good Goy, very clever !

>publicly denies allegations
>even though definitive evidence against him is already public
>entering a not guilty plea
He passed go like ten die ago. He's fucking buried every opportunity to put this behind him and end up on top. What an absolute retard.

>hasn't been a lynching in America in a long time
>Jussie gets "attacked"
>Kamala Harris and Cory Booker have an anti-lynching bill ready to be signed into law the very next day after both saying the incident was a "modern day lynching" on twitter
>truth comes out
>Kamala: uhhhh what tweet!!
(((coincidence))) I'm sure

cant we just lynch the fucker, not a race thing but shit everyone would be fine with it

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>faked an anthrax attack at his own workplace
>talked to his accomplices on his own cellphone an hour before and hour after the "attack"
>paid his accomplices with a personal cheque
>described his assailants as caricatures chanting "MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!"
>wore the noose around his neck for hours after the "attack"
>was too much of a pansy to actually let his accomplices rough him up to make it look real
Did he do anything right?

>How is this gonna play out...?
With people realizing that gays are lying sociopaths

So Yea Forums what would have happened if he never got caught and got away with it? What would be the endgame?

This fucking entitled cunt did all this as he wasn't happy with his salary.
>100k per episode
Fuck this niggra

>anti-lynching bill
I've heard about this and I'm quite confused... why would you need a bill about something that is already considered a horrendous crime? Can someone walk me though this?

What the fuck would an anti-lynching bill even accomplish nowadays? Does it have some kind of loophole that would make more trivial stuff be considered lynching?

>Hate crimes are real cases

Did you think I meant that hate crimes aren't real cases? HAHAHAHAH fucking stupid triggered lib

>I swear to God I did not do this
So what's the deal, he goes to Hell and gets raped by Satan?

Shitlibs BTFO again

He did get caught. The police have physical evidence, witnesses, etc. They have phone records of him calling the two brothers before the attack AND after the attack. He's fucked.

>he goes to Hell and gets raped by Satan?
For a gay that's heaven.

This is what happens when you live in a bubble with other brainwashed liberals.

The mainstream news media is going to condemn him for being a sexist and racist due to his false accusations toward white males

Yes. It wasn't politically motivated at all.

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to make a true example out of this faggot and to hopefully permanently deter all the random nobodies that usually try to pull this kind of shit, they need to name a whole new law after him.

Jussie's Law: Falsely claiming to be the victim of a "hate crime" shall be punishable by up to no less than five (5) years in prison and a 100k fine.

use this fucking idiots case as a benchmark to help put an end to this kind of shit, once and for all.

Fifty years ago we'd have you upside-down with a fucking fork up your ass!

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Even the leftists that at first quadrupled down on his story have turned on him and are now in full damage control mode want him punished.

Your point,then,idiot,tell it.

Trannies utterly BTFO

>This can now be used by the alt right to justify further racism
Why can't the liberal media just take the loss and move on bros?

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>claim mental illness
Yep, he should take the Bruce Jenner pill, it's the only way.

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I thought that I DINDU NUFFIN was just a meme.

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Just remember that these people fantasize of raping you to death and killing you.

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White straight men have better things to do then beat up niggers and faggots for fun like work and fuck our white wives and girlfriends so no hate crimes don't happen.

They will. They are just waiting for the next outrage that will hit in a few days.

>damage control
Yeah. Facts came forward and he was lying. You want them to keep supporting him?

I appreciated this, user.

He's hoping for a liberal jury to acquit him of any wrong doing. It isn't out of the question unfortunately. I hope he goes to prison, especially if the FBI brings federal charges for the fake white powder in the envelope.

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You have big peepee.

Fuck I hope this Kamala cunt goes down as well.
>Being named after a wrestler LULZ

holy shit triggered tranny is triggered


>still denying it
how fucked is he?

Wow deflecting much?

It's important to note how angry a lot of them are at how this makes them look bad. They really don't care that he lied but that he got caught. Niggers love to play semantics but they absolutely cannot here.

Well BBC news and CNN for example have somehow managed to blame Drumpf for this.

$10 says he'll commit suicide after being convicted.

$20 it's staged

Plus it's going to deflate their victimization currency that he was trying to cash in big on

We know he lied because he got caught.



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Pretty fucked. If I were him I would have went with the typical celebrity "I have a problem and I'm seeking help" angle. The amount of resources that went into investigating the multiple "hate crimes" he faked must be staggering at this point and now he's making the courts and prosecutors throw even more money and people at him. They're going to nail him to the wall.

bros what if he fakes his suicide lol

That's why /pol/tards are the biggest faggots on the internet.
The Jussie incident is fucking hilarious, but it doesn't change the fact that/pol/fags and Trumpcucks are the cancer killing the internet.

Here's hoping he gets Seth Rich'd after it's discovered that he's in cahoots with Kamala and Booker and this was politically motivated.

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>his poor planning suggests that he is not a long-term thinker like that.
I'd like you to remember that he's a black gay nigger.

How can you be this fucking retarded?

Holy fuck. They can never just accept that someone who is "on the same side" as them did something wrong without trying to justify it in some kind of way. Disgusting.

>managed to blame Drumpf for this
How? Did he "create a climate" of some sort? That's my favourite meaningless media cliche.

You're really buying that crap? He's covering up for Harris.

Suicide or mental help are the two conclusions here. The problem is the longer it goes on the less sympathy he has for the mental help option.

Because Trump is an unfunny faggot.
Milhouse is a better meme than Trump.

in other words

>there are cast members who DON'T want him axed

$40 it's staged ridiculously poorly.
He'll probably just try holding his breath during the coroner examination.


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He is still lying, and now he's blaming the cops and trying to say they are framing him.
Fucker doesn't know when to quit.

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Unlike your ilk, which are the cancer killing the world.

>He turns up in Brazil a week later

Smollett's manager would be an accomplice since he did say he was on the phone while the attack was in progress.

I hope they get Kamala for masterminding all this. No way all 4 involved would be smart enough to have conceived it.


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I visited /pol/ heavily during the election and got redpilled as fuck but I don't think anybody is denying that people do actually commit hate crimes. It's a shame a real one isn't caught on camera. The last hate crime I remember publicly released was those 3 black guys torturing the white guy because Trump won (the white guy wasn't even a MAGAtard)

First he will announce that he's naming people if he goes in prison.
Then he gets "suicided".


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No wonder he always in hat.

Are you okay?

>He'll probably just try holding his breath during the coroner examination.

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SJWs are not my ilk. They're batting for the wrong team. They should be on your team, fucktard.

They have fucking phone records of him calling the two brothers before and AFTER the attack. He's fucked.

dubbies and we get kamala harris ass whole pics

They're unironically passing the law to virtue signal for the past victims of lynching.

>this is the face of a man who brutally assaulted just a few days ago

I could have told you that.
He's black.

>His only winning move was to come clean, apologize

WRONG. once you apologize it's over. every single person in a scandal who's apologized get's the fucking book thrown at them. our society hates apologies. some will hate you for it but the alternative is that EVERYONE hates you for confirming it's truth. our current president is a master of this. never apologize to the public. some people will still believe he din du nuffin as long as he keeps it up, even if he's charged. It's the only winning move desu

Sure as hell am, queer.

You must be 18 to post on this site.

>Redpilled by /pol/tards
That's what it takes? Retards telling you about white genocide?

Jesus that guy is annoying. Imagine actually interacting with him in real life

kys, internet cancer

>*pats your head*
I'm sorry about how your life turned out, user. It sounds sad.

All these expensive lawyers, and none of them have fucking convinced him to just admit it and claim mental health issues? That's obviously his only option left now.

is this a hate crime?

Low IQ Black votes

A lot of people will point out the fact he is black. It is really because he is a Jew.

I'm older than you, bitch

nice argument faggot

He did.

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Nah, all you election retards should just neck yourselves.
I have no mercy for you lame ass cunts.

When hes not on screen everyone should be asking, "Wheres Jussie?"

Any Vegas or gambling fags out there that can check the over/under on Jussie killing himself is? I’m feeling lucky today.

Thanks Jussie, for letting us all know who the real haters are.

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Is that Karl Pilkington?


Statistics can say fuxking anything. Especially with Jews involved.

>hate "incident"

It is really funny because that is what he would do to whites if he could. That was his fantasy.

How does one even chant "make america great again"?
Not a particular cadence to that sequence of words.

how do you not recognize jonah in a mask?

Say that again when Trump loses 2020.

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Wait what's wrong here? She's condemning Jussie while talking about problems she cares about. She's usually a crazy bitch, but this is reasonable.

And that's a good thing!

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>Anti woman
Who hates women?

>Who hates women?
Other women.

That noose is so fucking badly drawn holy shit.

I see the pics of this kid and the Indian dude. I try to ignore the news these days. What actually happened between this two? What should I search on YouTube to see the events play out?


He won't get suicided. There's a lot of libs running for president and the DNC isn't going to call in Podesta if they can cull the field a bit.

>No! My Empire is falling!
Jesus fucking christ

How much do you want to bet that there's a "how to tie a noose" link on his browser history that he forgot to delete?

She spends more time talking about 'real' hate crimes, racism, and homophobia than Jussie. She was pushing the Jussie hoax harder than anyone when it first broke, yet this is what she has to say after the truth comes out.

What about anti-white?

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I believe him!

>worships men who still can't come up with shit against the president
>thinks he has an argument.

>not a single apology for jumping too quick to conclusions, or exploiting it to get her federal "lynching bill" passed, which had stalled in both house and senate by both republicans and reasonable democrats, due to some of the ambiguous language that could be used (verbal "attacks" can now be considered forms of lynching, potentially)
>immediately deflects to shit that is basically nonexistent, in order to sow more division among the populace.
That being said, noone is surprised.

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It says anti Trump.

If the races were reversed on this one there would be a statue on the spot where it happened so nobody would ever forget.

Sounds like he lied to not only the FBI but also the Postal Inspectors.
He is fuck, fuck, fucked.
You do not lie to the Postal Inspectors. They will ruin you.

>no anti white
>source : SPLC
Verify your sources, people

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How are they removing him from the final episodes if the season has already aired?

Unironically this

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My favorite was the one time on CNN they were talking about the increase of anti-jew attacks in NYC, but they had to dance around it because New York Times wrote an article recently lamenting that virtually all anti-jew attacks in NYC have been initiated by blacks and muslims for the past 2 years. Hate Crimes are on the rise! It's Trump's fault Muslims are beating the shit out of Jews!
It's like that line they use about immigrants comitting less crime than native born Americans.
These people have no shame, and will lie by omission with no qualms what so ever.

She was one of the first big people to jump to his defense and preach "shame on you, red america" kind of angle. Then she drops this, not even addressing how SHE made a mistake in using her influence for his defense without waiting to verify the evidence. You can't just believe accusations without evidence. It's like false rape accusers.

Insane people do insane things. The lawyers probably told him to come clean and plead guilty, but he is probably telling his lawyers that he didn't do it too.

So if somebody reports a crime you're supposed to say they're lying until proven otherwise?

The thing that makes me laugh is how so many normies say shit like "omg we're so divided" when we've been divided since the 60s, some would say even earlier. They somehow still think that two groups of people in this country, who disagree and hate each other, can still "coexist".

Is this graph trying to tell me that not a single white person was attacked for being white?

You guys might be able to politely ask for her to apologize. It would be a virtue signal opportunity for her at the very least.

One must wonder why his hair and clothes didn't turn white from being bleached.


They lynched a kid in Florida last December.

Okay, I'm retarded so here goes - isn't paying bail basically the same thing as a bribe? Pay enough money and you don't get punished?

Only in America. And there are non bailable offenses.

Because it seems like she's deflecting, which she is.

>He said the attackers put a noose around his neck, poured an unknown substance, likely bleach, on him and used their hands, feet and teeth as weapons in the assault, according to the report, which ABC News obtained last week via a Freedom of Information Act request. Smollett said the attackers also yelled, "This is MAGA country," during the attack -- a reference to President Donald Trump's "Make American Great Again" slogan.
He claims the attackers bit him lol.

>mounting defense
>lied to CPD
>lied to federal police
>lied to postal inspectors
Nigger is a literal who, establishment will have no problem throwing him under the bus and reversing just to appease the public.

Bail is temporary release while you're on trial. You get the money back after making all required court appearances. You can't pay bail to avoid prison.

This is fucking stupid, how the fuck did Trump influenced anti-semitism when he's one of the most pro-Israel shills out there?

The fact that the hasn't been axed already is evidence of privilege he has that would never be granted to whites in the same position.

It allows you to live at your house and be with your family while you wait to be sentenced or go to further hearings.
And only for certain types of crimes. Violent crimes almost always have no bail.

That said yes, it is just an indulgence exclusively for the filthy rich.

As a public figure, you should not comment until the judicial system has had their say. Go back and look at how many times Obama was wrong by publicly castigating "hate crimes" and police abuse (Michael Brown comes immediately to mind). By the time the investigations and court proceedings were complete, the facts were the exact opposite - no hate crime, dindu was overwhelmingly guilty. But the damage was done: racial relations went backward by sowing animosity, and yet never an apology when he was proven wrong.

Posting bail buys your way out of a holding cell before you stand trial. If you're found guilty, you head right back.

>bit him
couldn't he have showed the authorities the bite marks and had them tied to dental records?

Did this really happen? Lol. Source?

Until the courts have had their say, or overwhelming evidence is in your favor, yes. The evidence was stacked against Jussie from the start, and his story never sounded plausible.

lmfao in burgerland when some nigger incites other niggers to go out and kill white people by faking a crime their future presidents talks about how niggers need to be protected better from white people

Nice "country" you got there

I guess they had soft teeth. No bite marks.

No. Bail is only for pre-judgement. You haven't been proven guilty, so you don't technically belong in jail, but they don't want you skipping town, either.
So they say "Give the court a million bucks, and you can go home until your trial. When you show up to your trial, you can have your million bucks back" -- and the amount is based on what you can afford vs. how likely you are to run vs. the severity of the crime. They make it so it's high enough that you won't run away, because if you do, it'll cost you more dearly than if you just wait for your trial.

Ask her if she thinks it's possible to be racist against whites.

Dubs and you die and go to Hell.

Kamala is a Senator: she didn't need to do either since she wasn't directly involved.

No, you get the bail money back after you make your court appearance. It's an insurance policy to make sure you don't skip town. The purpose of bail is to allow people who aren't a danger to anyone but are still a flight risk to avoid pre-trial detention, which also saves the state the cost of jailing them.
If you can't afford the bail, a bail bondsman can loan it to you. He'll also sic bounty hunters on you if you do flee.


Politicians SHOULD be impartial. However if someone reports a crime you should merely investigate it and not take a stance on it until it has been proven reasonably within a court of law.

The opposite side of "Believe the victim" is guilty until proven innocent.

not today sweaty

Bail is insurance so you don't run off. You don't have to pay bail, but then you stay in jail. If you pay bail, whether innocent or guilty, you get it back at the end of the trial.

u avin a giggle m8

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>He also revealed that he didn't want to call the police at first, but his friend and creative director, Frank Gatson, did so on his behalf. When police arrived, responding officers said they found Smollett in his apartment with stained clothing and a "white rope draped around" his neck, according to the report.
So was he just going to not call the police and play this up in the press? Based Frank Gatson, bringer of justice.

>hate incident
Oh my god, this is sooo lazy.

Remember who the real victim in this is goyim

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bros be real with me, how long will he last in prison? is /ourguy/ gonna make it?

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Kamala Harris concocted this entire thing. The "Jessie wanted better pay" thing is a lie. How would the cops even know that? This is a damage control exercise via Rahm Emanuel.
I'm not going to let this get memory-holed

But she didn't blame or defame anyone. She just said that it's a shame this has happened.

Like this:
"Do you think it's possible to be racist against whites?"

On Twitter?

I hope so, she's the biggest threat to the main character

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unironically hope he gets murdered by a black guy
it would tie this whole thing up into a neat little bow

>Kamala Harris concocted this entire thing.
lol what?

I never said the police shouldn't have investigated it, or given Jussie the benefit of the doubt until evidence proved otherwise. I said it was bullshit for a US Senator to exploit this hoax before any investigations had been completed, and more importantly, before any judicial conclusion had been made.

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Jussie only makes $150,000 per episode.
How bad do you think it hurts him to pay $10,000 to get out of jail?

"hate crimes"

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>order a hit on yourself by two giganigs
>barely escape with your life
>get killed in prison by a giganig

Reminder that this woman locked up shitloads of poor black parents of kids who truanted because she supports prison labour

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So his jewish side did the planning then

you're a fucking idiot if you can't see that she was in on it

To bolster support for her (anti-white) anti-lynching bill, of course. Didn't you know that Jussie is a personal friend of hers?

>Legislation was in play to get the Anti Lynching bill passed by Kamala Harris in February.
>Jan 21. Photos show Smollett was campaigning with Kamala Harris on, MLK day.
>Jan 31, Smollett was attacked in an attempted lynching.
>Feb. 14, The Anti lynching bill was passed through the Senate, where the Smollett case was specifically cited.

I can't find the specific article now it was a couple,e months ago, here is a recent one with some numbers:

There were a couple articles form around when this happened:

Some synagogue got vandalized, naturally the left jumped on it so they could whine about Trump, including the mayor and the broad city fatty canceled her appearance and just made a huge speech about Trump and anti-semitism.
Then it turned out it was a black guy and the story got holed instantly.
Especially since the black guy was adopted by Jews, and had a cushy job in NYC fighting against "hate crimes," while he ranted on facebook how much he hates Jews.

It's funny how much blacks despise jews.

>wanted a raise
>didn't do it

pick one

did america really need to introduce legislature banning lynching? is there a law allowing lynching currently? does lynching mean something other than killing someone by hanging that i'm missing?

It's already covered by things like assault, attempted murder etc. but in case you hadn't noticed legislators are now just in the business of making laws that sound good

>who says, "faggot 'Empire' nigger," "This is MAGA country, nigger," ties a noose around your neck, and pours bleach on you?
Nobody in human history?

Everyone hates Jews. None more than whites.

Normally you'd just prosecute people for first degree or second degree murder. But this would effectively tack on an extra charge to it. It would also put any lynchings under Federal jurisdiction. It's a generally useless law that's just there for show.

I'm going to take what your saying as "not b8" and explain nicely: right after the act, she put out a tweet blaming President Trump and republicans indirectly for the attack, saying their racism and bigotry had inspired Jussie's lynching. And what's her response after jumping too early to conclusions and being proven entirely wrong?
>"Oh well I'm personally hurt (now she's the victim), but even so, all the stuff I said is true in my first tweet even though the foundation of my argument is destroyed"
Pic-related, some of the many celebrity/politician tweets that jumped far too early to conclusions. You also watch he try to weasel out of it as the facts starting coming out.

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why are these people allowed to collect taxpayer money as salary.......

Has any commentator anywhere mentioned the fact that this is blood libel against white people?

ironically had the law been passed they would be able to prosecute smollett for attempted lynching of himself

I hope the feds pursue the white powder in the mail angle, and bring them all down.

Libs are all about branding. Their style is to introduce extraneous stipulations into morally unilateral positions.
Fag marriage becomes
>two people in love
>"WTF you oppose two people in love? Why do you hate two people in love, you dipshit?
>secretly include clause to abolish second amendment

>he doesn't say that at least 3 times a day
Typical liberal brainwashing

His net worth is conservatively 500k, and liberally 1 million. Additionally, I believe his pay/episode is 65k, albeit you need to factor in taxes,make-up fees, union fees, agent fees, PR/marketing, etc. I'm not saying he's poor, but I believe the bond was 100k, and he had his passport taken.

Because everyone is too comfortable to do anything about it.

I think the law did pass. But I'm not sure about the legality of applying it retroactively.

which is the worst tweet here in hindsight? I'm going with Cortez.

Listen, he's a hell of a lot better off that the average lower class person in this country.

"You also watch her try to weasel out of it as the facts starting coming out."
Forgot the link

>It seems Smollett is well aware of the dissension on set. TMZ broke the story ... Jussie showed up on set Thursday after the madness outside the court and apologized to everyone, but insisted he's innocent. We're told he's changed his number because certain pissed off cast members were blowing up his phone. He's only given his new number to the people still in his corner.

Fucken lol

Booker or Cortez, all are pretty bad though.

How does that tweet blame Trump? Not even indirectly does it indicate so.

>he still has his job

Not surprised but still, yikes

Easily Sanders because he tries to use it as evidence to suggest there's a, "surge in hate crimes." Granted Booker and Harris are really bad because they flagrantly just copy pasted each other.


Oh for sure. I'm just clarifying that he's "not rich" either. Tbh, I know chemical engineers with stock options, mid 20s, that are guaranteed "more rich" than him strictly from their jobs.

You only ever have to pay 10% of the bond amount to get out.
And I was mistaken, he only makes $125,000 per episode, which he apparently thinks is not enough.

My favorite "hate" statistic was the 70% increase from 2016 to 2017 of Anti-Semitic incidents in the US as tracked by the SPLC. They failed to mention in their end of year summary that the increase was almost entirely due to a lone Israeli teenager making prank calls.

Kids were getting harassed by "black Israelites".Crazy injun walks up to them and starts rain dancing like a mong. Indian says he was scared for his life when in reality the white kids just got on a school bus and left. The Indiean is also stolen valor who says he served in Vietnam as a "Recon Ranger". In reality he was only stationed stateside as a refrigeration specialist or some shit... never even deployed to Vietnam.

Nah, Roseanne is also a Jew. He's a LEFTIST jew.

MSNBC/CNN/ABC/etc had all of these clowns on for weeks after the "attack" blaming Trump around the clock. These are just the tweets that started it all.

I stand mistaken, then.

revisionist oscar bait adaptation

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How did she try to justify anything?

Smollette is her nephew

Arguing that Kamala Harris was in on this kind of ignores that fact that she's a career prosecutor who would know how incredibly likely this was to blow up in his face.
For one thing, mailing a letter was a huge mistake. No one with even a passing knowledge of criminal law would gratuitously do something that gets feds involved, much less the post office feds.
You can point out Smollett's involvement in her politics as a likely inspiration without going down the rabbit hole of thinking she somehow masterminded it. This scheme was unequivocally retarded.

Indian guy was trying to defuse a situation between Israelites and maga students. Students decided to mock him for it.

>that deer in the headlights look

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Go back to fucking 16 years old gymnast, Arnie.

>I visited /pol/ heavily during the election and got redpilled as fuck
I'm just so tired of you people

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She didn't concoct the whole thing - she's not that stupid (i.e. to get to that position, you need to know A. how to lie B. never to leave evidence/connections). That being said, I'm sure Jussie was motivated to impress her and his other politcal marxist pals.

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Oh this lying black cunt.
You would think she'd at least rehearse an answer to the most obvious question.

not everyone can make jack bauer money. did anyone even know who this nog was before this debacle?

Tbh pham, you might be underestimating the stupidity of people in this country. I think our country is run by teenagers wearing adult bodies.

If I remember correctly, 1 got some prison time, but for the most part, they got slaps on the wrist. Video was pretty horrific.

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Yes, I agree with you, see

Those kids weren't mocking anyone.
Before you say anything else that stupid, read the legal complaint:
dropbox.com/s/rnio82555v8eiqk/2019-02-19 Sandmann vs. Washington Post - Complaint.pdf?dl=0

Lynching means breaking someone out of jail without coordinating with the person on the inside in legal parlay. There was a hilarious headline a few years back about some nigs charged with lynching when they wedged open a back door at a county jail to bust out their homie.

great post

Turn that around. Three got prison, one got slapped.

shit b8 see

Lynching is to murder (an accused person) by mob action and without lawful trial, as by hanging.
Don't be stupid.

Thanks for that. I think on of the worst interviews from the incident was the girl's grandmother ( top left corner) giving the same old "she dindu nuffin, she A student, she changin da world, loves God, this is racism".

It's almost like on an anonymous website anyone can be anyone. So, for instance, if you wanted to make "the other side" look bad/worse, you could just larp as being one of those while making retarded posts.
I'm not sure if that's right, but I have no reason to doubt it because, as a Communist, I read it on r/InTheCloset where me and the other Democrat men hang out. You're probably just jealous because my dad works at Nintendo anyway desu.
But yeah, I'm sick of those retards too.

Actually I think it was because she had two young children.

If Jussie Smollet can get indicted, the endless amounts of white people reporting innocent Black people to the police can too

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Are you a retard or just baiting?

I'm okay with any shithead getting jailed to be honest. We're far overdue for some spring cleaning.

based and redpilled tbqh

hes already a fag so hell is a given either way

might as well go all in in that case and blaspheme to your hearts content


There IS a difference. Rossane Barr made a racist joke, which shows she is a racist.

James Gunn essentially implied that he was a pedophile.

But Jussie didn't do anything inheriently hateful. It was stupid and self centered but he was trying to get HIMSELF ahead, not put OTHERS down.

Thats the difference.

>reporting a crime should be punishable

Fuck off nigger


It's over, now even liberals are mocking him
There is no recovery to Jussie

>not put OTHERS down
not even a MAGA fag but come on. that was textbook instigating.


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He put down White people and Trump supporters. It's like if Roseanne faked being attacked by two niggers who shouted "I'm with Her!"

Jussie is gonna be burned by the media hardcore, but will face minimal actual justice. His career is done

>t. posting a memefrog at a rapefugees twitter is a hate crime
fuck the SPLC and fuck the jannies too!


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>fakes a crime
>blames white people
>not hateful

America already has the highest prison population per capita

These celebrities hold superiority over large swaths of the populace. I’m pretty sure he probably thinks everyone is dumb and will buy his BS if he cries enough

>Several members want him axed

I'm tryna axe dis nigga why he did it too senpai


If it makes you feel any better, if you look at the details even the chick who got the plea bargain had to spend a year in jail before being released, since they were arrested in January 2017 and she got her plea deal on Dec 2017.

So all these fucks have an additional year or more to their sentences.

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But Gunn and Barr are Jews too

He was instigating but not saying another race is inferior

No he didn't. He put the blame on them but again that was a ploy to put himself ahead.

Its not

If the feds don't look into this, then this country is lost.

so y'all are now just posting straight-up nazi vids now?
can we stick to the television and film discussion?

They want to use it for political points for their 2020 campaigns.

Fuck off moron.
He incited racial hate against white people.
The fact that he chose the perpetrators of the imaginary attack to be whites is unequivocally a racist act.

I can't tell if this is b8 or not

>He incited racial hate against white people

And Trump incites hatred against Mexicans. But he hasn't gone out and said 'Look at this fuckin beaner' on twitter. There is a huge difference.

>having WRONGTHINK is far worse than committing multiple felonies in order to frame a racial and political demographic

didn't see any armies marching or prison camps...can you explain what part of that video was Nazi related? Ironically, an actual historical Nazi video would be television and film related.

What he did is a hate crime

>webm - man caught stealing
>song - makes fun of criminals who say "dindu nuffin"
What's nazi about this again? I'm guessing this african american is a nazi too?

then why didn't he just claim it was a black guy?


Question for Americans - how is it possible to be "racist" against Mexicans when "Mexican" isn't a race but an ethnicity?

Roseanne didn't even commit a crime you fucking moron

lmao thats the whitest question i ever heard

Cause everyone knows you mean Hispanic people in general

Accusing black people of crimes is racist.

There is a fucking difference. Thinking an entire race of people are inferior shows you have an evil, hateful mindset.

Committing a crime is wrong but people make mistakes. It doesn't show that he thinks all mexicans are rapists or something like that,

Bad, I hope.

But Hispanic isn't a race either. It's a regional identity comprised of several races - whites, blacks, indians(non-pajeet kind), mutts of various kinds.

There are white Hispanics you realize this right?

He literally tried to incite a race riot/race war. If his story wasn't utter horseshit one of two things would have happened:
a) media crucifies two random whites who get accused, they get convicted and sentenced to six gorillion years in supermax solitary
b) two random whites get indicted but manage to get decent lawyers and zimzam the trial - leading to an inevitable nigger chimpout on the streets of Chicago

either way at least two people would suffer severe and unjust consequences of Smollets greed and possibly thousands

It wasn't, the fucker just wanted more money and used it Trump as a scapegoat. I don't even like Trump but all this did was help him out.

user he dindu nuffin because Drumpf.
On the other hand Roseanne is a hateful racist.

>poorly staged
I think they're mocking the fact that it was poorly staged, not the fact that he tried.