Discuss the most disgusting HORROR FILMS ever created

This is a thread to discuss what is consider the most disgustingly disturbing horror films ever made by peoples opinions - thank you

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I recently watched a Chilean movie called Trauma and it was a big pile of nonsense. Described a lot as what A Serbian Film wanted to be but it's probably even worse. CGI blood, terrible editing, the violence is very stylized and thus not disturbing at all despite the disturbing concepts (Serbian film's "newborn porn" vs traumas "raping your own dead mother") and worst of all both directors are pretentious wankers peddling the movie as a political allegory of their own country.

samefag here. The American guinea pig series is also terrible, don't waste time or money on those

Well thank you for your honesty, I've seen the serbian film, I wouldn't say it was as disturbing as i thought it would be, however i think the concept of the "newborn porn" definitely does kick the other films

what about the vomit gore trilogy?

The Fly

i am jazz

That one scene in Bone Tomahawk was pretty uncomfortable to watch.

only scene that has made me feel kinda uncomfortable was the "rape scene" of his own child in 'A Serbian film'.

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Not really a horror film

Fuck off back to your containment threads

Give it a rest.

you will never be a real women and the actions you will use to fix that will have consequences of that will be a horror for the rest of your life

i have to go with the last jedi, a truly disgusting horror tale.
also fuck every redditor in this shithole.

This fucking movie

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>This is a thread to discuss what is consider the most disgustingly disturbing horror films ever made by peoples opinions - thank you
Wrong thread?

Post the webm.

You know the one

what makes you say "fuck every redditor in this shithole" as you too are a redditor due to your reply?

Dude i actually have been wanting to watch Maniac! but ive gotta get it on DvD I'm sorta a collector, just started, but its one film i need to wait to see than just stream it.

August Underground?

i agree society is definitely up there with strange films, ill need to check out August Underground.

Funny Games

yeah fuck you.

Slaughtered Vomit Dolls
Street Trash
Slime City
The Fly remake
The Thing
Cannibal Holocaust
Dead Alive/Brain Dead
A Serbian Film
Guinea Pig
Evil Dead
Evil Dead 2
Evil Dead Remake

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what's your problem with me? come on spit it out!

now you sir, have a good taste, i agree with most of your selections :)

remake isn't bad either

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Yeah, Elijah is damn good in it.

>The Vomit Gore Trilogy.
>August Underground Trilogy.
>Pink Flamingos.

They're the most disgusting horror films I can think of that I've seen.

the original French film is a truly fucked movie, not just scary but like the kind that leaves you feeling gross afterwards

dude you gotta watch "A serbian film", also where did you watch The Vomit Gore Trilogy, do you own it on DvD or..?

I was gonna watch that yesterday, ill end up watching it today.

>still no green elephant
555-come on now

The chick vomiting her insides up in City of the Living Dead is fucking vile and the first thing that comes to mind.

You could also track down some stuff that crosses over into porn territory and spits in the face of anything even remotely approaching good taste. I've heard The Taming of Rebecca is pretty insane.

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The last half hour or so of Megan is Missing stuck with me for some time after viewing.