What's next for /ourgirl/ Cara?

what's next for /ourgirl/ Cara?

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Maybe a sandwich, look at those legs. Needs some meat on them

sitting on my face

Leg day hopefully

getting P I E R C E D

fucking ur waifu

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shitting on my face

no they don't

How do we stop her, lads? She literally can't keep getting away with it.

I don't know. She's pretty much famous for no reason apart from coming from a privileged background and having intense eyebrows. She should just carry on with what she's doing.

In the 90's she would have been known as an "it girl"

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More drugs

Hopefully squats, to fix those god awful legs.

She'd look way hotter if she was thiccer user

You're a virgin.

kys or go and fap to buff jessica biel

Imagine the stench.

A rope I hope

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>or go and fap to buff jessica biel
You say that like it's a bad thing.

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that's a man

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Rug munching for reps

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You're not, tho

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Hopefully squatting over my face and dropping a smelly steaming shit log right on my face

Lars von Trier, go away

taking off those boots

Marrying me

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this pic makes me think they should do a LotR Gollum spinoff with her as Gollum

Obligatory reminder

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I want to brush her eyebrows so fucking bad

fucking ENOUGH of this shit you disgusting fucking brapposters

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Adriana Lima, Laetitia Casta and KArolina Kurkova are the only three on that list looking normal.

i don't get it. all of them are hot af except for the 5 or so boyish looking ones like aline weber and sara blomqvist

Emily Didonato is best girl