/ABAG/ - Alita: Battle Angel General - #22 - Beautiful Hands Edition

This is thread for general discussion of Alita: Battle Angel.
Post and discuss your thoughts on the movie, pics/gifs/webms related and relevant info/rumors/news.


Rotten Tomatoes - Critics 59% Audience 94%
IMDB - 7.6/10

Production Cost and Box Office Sales Numbers

Conversation Starters:
>Have you seen it?
>What did you think?
>Who is planning to see it?
>What do you expect?
>Who won't be seeing it?
>Why not?

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alita a cute

He did it, lads.
James Cameron achieved moe in 3D.
They said it was impossible but he did it.

I'd honestly cut off my hands if those prosthetics were available.

Alita X Kizuna Ai crossover when

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>moe in 3D
was already a thing

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Imagine giving yourself a handjob with Alita's hands everyday.

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Saw the movie today, finally.
It was quite decent. Not great, but decent. I think a lot of my lack of excitement was due to the fact that I'd read the manga and knew what was going to happen.
Still, Alita herself is the best fucking part of he movie. I just love this 100%-sincere dork. I don't remember the last movie whose MC I liked this much.
The eyes were weird though. They didn't bother me much, but I couldn't help but think this gimmick wasn't ultimately needed.

I unfortunately saw TFA in 3D with friends and it was fucking annoying to watch, let alone the movie itself being crap. When I got my IMAX ticket for Alita, I didn't appreciate it was in 3D at the time because the fucking website didn't make it clear. However i didnt have any issues with the 3D at all, it never felt out and in my face and just shitty. Really did actually pull me in more.

Saw it again on Monday in 2D and still liked it, even more than the first time somehow. China better save this movie since NA let everyone fucking down it seems so far

here's some talking points:

1. jaw-dropping special effects and world class action sequences (motorball is the best race scene since podracing)

2. very fast-paced, zero filler or drawn out dialogue, packs three story arcs of Gunnm into two hours

3. Alita is cute

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The big eyes helped differentiate Alita being a cyborg from the humans in the movie. It makes sense she would have big eyes. She is a warrior and would need the advantage of big eyes for a wider field of vision during battle.

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Whoever wrote the script should be shot. The rate of cringy lines per minute is out of this world

I have seen Alita in both 2 and 3 D. It was too flat for me in 2D. The 3D is what I will go see again this weekend because it has so much depth and clarity.

>Alita is cute
She is not just cute, she is refreshingly no-bullshit, brutal, honest, a bit bonkers, genuinely strong without forcing in or excessive posing, and at the same time very feminine character.
She's great.

Man, I fucking hope they make a sequel. The full motorball arc and more Nova are going to be amazing.

Just saw it last night and I've got to say Alita's movie sucked. Overwrought garbage with twice the budget it needed relying on well worn cliches we've all seen a dozen times already in better movies like Robocop, Elysium, and AI.

Alita herself was great however. I liked her more than I liked any protagonist from any franchise film in recent memory. I want to see more of her struggle. I liked seeing her in action, I loved her personality and energy, that optimism she had was infectious. I'm kinda bummed once this movie bombs we'll never see her again. She's more fun than anyone of the big comic book heroes with the exception of maybe the new kid playing spiderman.

Maybe ask the theatre to play the movie at speed for you next time if you can't keep up.

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Cats and owls etc. have big eyes so that they may see things to murder.

>half speed


Here me out, I had waited on the movie for 18 years, got the deluxe box set next to my old Viz copies too. I knew when i went in that it could never live up to the 18 years of hype and when it was done, i was satisfied...it didn't feel great or bad but I was just okay. I felt it was a 6/10 maybe a 7.

I saw it again a week later and somehow...it was much better. I can't explain it especially since I never like movies more on the second viewing. But i would say if you are willing, give it a week and then go see it again.

Yeah, I was actually going to do that. It's very weird how this movie makes me want to see it again even though I wasn't in complete awe of it or anything. This literally never happens with me.

That's a good point. Alita's large eyes would let more light in when in the dark. Definitely an advantage for night/low light combat.

Don't forget she's cocky, reckless and extremely stubborn. And these qualities ACTUALLY have ramifications not only in the movie but the manga itself. Best part is does she learn to control herself more and curb these problems? Not at all.

That's how it gets you

>Worn cliches

Nigger, BAA was probably the grandmom of most of those "cliches" in the cyberpunk genre. Show some respect.

Reminder that if you like Alita you understand nothing about women.

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>worn cliches
Which ones do you mean exactly?

Source lol?

>this movie makes me want to see it again even though I wasn't in complete awe of it or anything
I think the movie has this effect because it is so fast paced and full of details that get delivered in an instant. The first viewing is just enough to take in the action and get a minor grasp of the story and detail. The second viewing the story details fill in and everything starts coming together. The third viewing is the best as it can be fully enjoyed without scrambling to figure out what is going on or be distracted by the intense action. At least that was my experience anyway.

>better movies like

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I hate weeb shit, most female protagonists I've ever seen, ham fisted narratives that have been done a thousand times (Like ohmahgerd wat if robuts had rights).

I fucking loved Alita. I would change very little with it. Almost every note it attempted to hit was hit.

What's the damage with Chinese and Japanese opening day? Is this movie still flopping?


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>I hate weeb shit
What "weeb shit" have you tried?

So glad i watched it was going to give it a miss but it was well done and was just a good action movie spliced with a good storyline makes me want to go read the source material and i hope they make any equally good sequel

>/ABAG/ - Alita: Battle Angel General
Jesus fuckin christ it's literally /reylo/ spam all over again
The movie was awful and it didn't make any money
Cameron just kill yourself already

That movie copied Alita you turd.

Fifteen minutes into netflix and chill Alita give you this look. What do?

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Don't get you tried of posting the same shit every thread?

>seething in every /abag/ thread
lmao at your life

>"As if any adult woman would want to look like an artificial waif!"
Worst Korea would like to have a word with you, ma'am.

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The shilling is real

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Some people just have the courage to say what we're all thinking.

Cameron owns Alita's movie rights. Disney does not own Fox yet. Disney will not see a dime from Alita. All of Alita's proceeds go to Cameron, Fox and stockholders. Disney's MCU is in direct competition with Alita.

Now go away you filthy Disney paid disinformation MCU shill.

this person gets it

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>Reviews are glowing
>Ratings are high
>Turnout for Thursday premier was apparently really good
Just gonna have to see how it competes against that Wandering Earth movie, it's projected to make at least 50mil for now

Get more popcorn and get the fuzzy blanket out from the closet so we can snuggle.

>Reviews are glowing

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That's why I love Japanese honestly. They embrace all the weird shit and degeneracy, adopt to it, and run with it. The western pussies try to suppress or shame it instead and it always only leads to problems.

>Rotten Tomatoes
Oh come on now

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>how it competes against that Wandering Earth movie
WE has basically run its course at this point. Everyone has seen it already.

>Implying critics aren't *always* wrong, because they don't know what constitutes a good narrative due to their disconnection with the reality that makes a narrative good.

>Neglecting the reviews from moviegoers that give it 90%+


Snuggle and spoon her. Smell her hair and kiss her neck.

They are full of shit.

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>two generals at once

Not even trying to hide it.

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Are there any good torrents out yet? I'm not paying for shillshit

What do you stand to gain from posting that? A block of cheese?

>the movie's been out for a week
>are there any good torrents?
Is this your first fucking movie release?

>he hasn't seen it

Why would we hide our love for this movie? And why would you even come in here?

No and there will never be a "good" torrent of an IMAX 3D movie.

Okay, rude

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fuck me you're not even trying anymore.

whats worse is you do it for FREE, even jannies have more dignity than you.

Elysium was ok but in no way better than Alita.
Alita herself was 100% the best part though. Was actually pretty dissapointed by Ido & Norton, Cameron didn't let them get hammy and both are total hams. (Both the actors & the characters)
Probably would have been better to switch their casting, or tap Willem Dafoe or even Nic Cage.


>26 tickets to Alita: Battle Angel please.

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Snuggle and cuddle while I playfully feed her oranges and chocolate.

This, it's like the people who say Avatar on Blu-ray on their 3D 48" TV and said they didn't get what all the hype was about.

The only way to experience Alita is in IMAX 3D. When it's out of theaters and out of IMAX you won't be able to see it again only poor imitations.


Gonna tell you the truth, I went to see it expecting a heroine that treats all men in a passive agressive way, a rebel without cause and someone that only cares about herself, the very same things that usually make me hate heroines in most recent movies.

I got so happy when I found out she was exactly the opposite of that, she didn't need to look like a man and act like one to be considered powerful and strong, they made her likeable and cute while also making her a death machine that can rip anyone to shreads.

I love Alita.

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>"D-Don't you find it strange that I am not totally human?"
>"You are the most human person I have ever known"

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By the way, the Norwegian subitles were pretty bad. It got most of the gist correct, but it's pretty obvious that the subtitler was working from listening instead of a written English script.

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I'm just so glad this doesnt make the list of movies Hollywood has destroyed as of recent

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You can’t torrent an IMAX 3D experience

Man, Last Order has some great pages as well.

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Alita a cute. A CUTE!

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Did Hugo really think he was gonna be able to walk up that giant cable? That part was stupid.

$15 a lot of money for ya?

yeah the artwork is generally incredible throughout IMO

Jesus Christ stop spamming this headcanon you retard

It makes perfect sense dipshit
The big eyes make more tactical sense than giving them boobs and emotions

Cats and owls are nocturnal, stupid.

>The laws of physics is headcanon

Don't worry, one day a great filmmaker will eventually put his heart and soul into something you truly love too. No need to be salty, user.

1. Hugo is not a smart lad in general.
2. It is much better explored in the manga. He was basically absolutely shaken and broken by the loss of his real body after being forced into a shitty robotic one and had a nervous breakdown.

My cat is awake right now el retardo

>1. Hugo is not a smart lad in general.
And yet he lead a crew of humans that incapacitated cyborgs and stripped their parts for the dude who was basically the top kingpin on earth.

This movie was fun and all, but the ending was rushed to shit and ruined the whole thing.

>Rotten Tomatoes - Critics 59% Audience 94%
Why are critics so out of touch?

Well, yeah? You don't need to be particularly smart to gang up and rob people in the streets.

Your domestic cat doesn't have to hunt prey, does it, retard?
You're a really dumb sack of shit. I can tell that youre also overweight and poor.
Feels good knowing I'm better than you in all aspects of life.
Post a pic of the inside of your home right now, I want to laugh.

I may go see her today
I already watched it 2 times
I could easily watch it 5 times in total before the week is over
I'm a poor fag
Send help

You sound like a really dumb little reddit bitch. Something tells me youre also overweight and poor.

>Hugo dies
>Lel let's make him a cyborg so he don't have to die
>Dies anyway literally two seconds later

the fuck was that?

Really glad I'm not you. Your life is trash.

Disney jews

What the fuck even called this on? Are you alright, anons? Did someone upset you today?

Sad how these losers have to do mental gymnastics to justify the gaping logic holes in this flick. If only they could focus their energy into a career, they'd earn more than minimum wage.

Yeah you're definitely a broke little reddit bitch.

He was wanted for murder, just chased out of Ido's clinic in a walled city, and up until that time a big part of why he loves Alita is that he sees her as his ticket to get up to Zalem.

As somebody who's never read or watched the source material it made sense to me. I didn't notice any plotholes in the story apart from "why don't we just show up at Ido's clinic and grab the bitch". Are they afraid they'll get the hunter-warriors and the community revolting against them and cutting the cables to the space elevator thingy?

I told you to post a pic of you shitty home, loser. I want to laugh at how sad your existence is.

Manga tells it better, but the movie conveys that Nova told the factory that Hugo was still alive and went to get him so he had to escape to the only place he felt he could go.

Manga shows him have a full on mental breakdown when he sees his robot body and learning that Vector lied to him, that his whole meaning of life was based on a lie. He climbs up the pipes, throws his chips down to people below and tries to climb up only to meet the same fate

You can't escape your destiny

Please list any plot holes, maybe I missed them

I'll just post some pages from LO that I really liked.

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I can't imagine being so bitter and angry at the that I would hang out on a Tibetan basket weaving image board posting negativity like this. I hope your life turns around user. I really do.

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This manga can be really fucking weird at times.

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See now that would have made sense and would have been fun to see.

>Manga shows him have a full on mental breakdown when he sees his robot body and
This, wasted opportunity
They should have shown the horror that losing your body is
It would have explained
>the madness manifested by the biological mechanical hybrids
>differentiate and elevate Alita who despite being a cyborg retains her humanity and compassion and empathy
Still it would be very hard to fit these themes in 5 minutes, it would need at least half hour to fully develop so I guess they did the right thing with quickly disposing Hugo
They can develop these themes in the sequel

Still a flawless amazing film in my opinion

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If you really believe that then your even more retarded than if you think your trolling.

Cats literally aren’t nocturnal tho bro, they’re just active at night.

>talks about flaws
>still a flawless film
That's not how it works famalam.

Worthless, pathetic bitch, I just spent this past weekend in Vegas with my girlfriend. What did you do? Oh right, you went and saw Alita (by yourself) and you've been on Yea Forums posting about it ever since.
My one meal at Fix was more than what you earn in a week.
And now I've derailed your precious general.

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There was an interview with Robert who addresses this along with the two hour runtime and despite me wanting more too, I understand why he did it

I can’t go broke either so I watch the cam rip in between trips to the theater to see it again

I'm saying that what I initially perceived as a flaw isn't because I'm sure the creators already thought about it and let it out
So the film is still flawless

>Cats literally aren’t nocturnal tho
>they’re just active at night

>active at night
>not nocturnal

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fucking flatard lmao

How pathetic a man can be. Nay, a boy.

>akshually if you read the manga....

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I love Alita.

If you're too cheap for the ticket, you aren't worth it desu. Have at least some dignity and wait until Bluray quality is out.

>resort fee
>resort fee tax
lol what the fuck?


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Doing it as long and successfully as him? Yes, you do.

I'm not the doofus, but I'd say how they didn't just show up at Ido's clinic and get Alita is a bit of a plothole. It would cause a scene and upset the local community, and Chiren might not want to harm Ido. But Nova has no such qualms.

I guess the question to every "why" in the next movie would be "Because Nova thinks it's more entertaining that way."

Nova's casting is pretty phenomenal desu.


So Nova can just take over whomever he wants on Earth? Why not just take over Ido?

>got myself all 9 volumes of the original manga in a nice collector box
>really like it overall
>that ending
holy shit I thought I liked it when I read it years ago but it really feels like a fever dream now that I got back to it. I started reading Last Order, is Mars Chronicle worth the read?

He can only take over people who has a chip in them. Chiren and Ido don't have a chip. At least that's what the movie claimed.

I did notice him hearing what Hugo and Alita said on the tube though, so it's possible that he had a chip in Hugo. Or really good long-range microphones.

A better question is why Nova kept Ido alive. For his amusement?

Would disturb local 'peace' a lot and Vector always tried to keep it in the dark. There are a lot of ways to murder someone legally in that city. Also, there's assumption to be made Ido owns a small arsenal being both the brilliant scientist and hunter warrior he is.

6/10 movie 10/10 waifu

Manga Nova :
>Is 50-60 years old
>Is generally called by his full name, Desty Nova
>Got kicked out of Zalem for being a nutjob
>Lives on the surface, in a big house in which he practices his crazy experiments
>Has a slutty lover and a big deformed assistant
>Behaves like a stereotypical mad scientist, laughing loudly while talking about his crazy theories
>Loves chaos above all

Movie Nova :
>Is 300 years old
>Is simply called Nova
>Lives in Zalem
>Controls fucking everything on the surface
>Possibly also controls Zalem
>Speaks calmly
>Never seen eating flan

If we get sequels, I hope efforts will be made to make Movie-Nova more like Manga-Nova.

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Holy mother of cringe

Very nice theme.

>BO after a week is a measly 150m on a 170m budget
Not so out of touch after all

The only good thing about the original manga ending is the organic Alita nipple we see at the end. It's a rushed ending the author had do make because he had serious health issues at that time.

I'm currently reasing Last Order, haven't read Mars Chronicles yet so I can't answer your question.

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>these are the types of people who are trashing Alita


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>Without China

Is he?

I liked it better when it was called Elysium.

Ido is a pillar of the community, with both the civilians and hunter-warriors, and we don't know what Kevin McCallister traps he might have set in his house. It's never shown in the movie though. What is shown is that the hunter-warriors like him, but not enough to stop the bad guy.

For Nova to work as a bad guy moving forward, we need for him to be at risk in some way from other actors in Zalem or Iron City. There needs to be a sort of balance of terror here where he would die if he takes things too far and upsets the order of things.

>$700 mi in China and Japan alone

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the original title is Gunnm, user :)

Rewatched that after because I wanted more of the setting and Blomkamp truly is a boring director. The movie is so painfully mediocre, it's stunning. He truly is a one trick pony.


>It's never shown in the movie though.
I mean that as a bad thing - just to clarify. If there was an apparent reason why Nova doesn't just send the Centurions there (like talk about how he's an outcast from Zalem's society or something) I still count it as a plot hole. Though not one that destroyed my enjoyment of the movie.

Agreed. I think the risk pretty much lies in him going overboard and making his direct influence too obvious.

Literally fake news lol

I'm pretty certain Elysium plagiarized Alita.

China just made Alita 20 million on Friday, so we are definitely looking at a 55 plus million opening weekend for them. Good for them and us!

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Link? I want to hear good news about my hon.

>so we are definitely looking at a 60 plus million opening weekend for them.

It's also actually more likely to hit 60 million opening weekend.

Even fucking Scott Jew Mendelson is changing his tune.

I'm so happy now! Go ALI!

just go watch it already you fucking fag

Let's see how Japan fares and how the US does over the weekend. Foreign markets haven't been tallied in awhile, so an additional big drop will happen from those countries. I imagine by next Monday or Tuesday, the film will be sitting above 300 million.

/ABAG/ confirmed discord tranny general.

Hopefully Japan doesn't disappoint too much, I was thinking about 50m overall but we don't have any source on Fri opening as of yet.

>tfw pic related will one day be brought to the big screen
With a tight retelling, the Barjack war can be absolute kino.

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Oh, Japan won't give it more than 30 million, I'm betting. The only source I can find is from some forum, saying it made less than a million Friday.

>Mendelson is now changing his tune
I didn't expect such a rabid Disney bootlicker to actually report on good things for Alita

Let's not celebrate yet, this is but one victory. There's still a battle going on.

He did daily reports on how good Aquaman and Wonder Woman were doing. I don't why you think he only praises Disney.

He lives by hate-clicks. Hate-clicks from Alita-haters can sell as much advertising as hate-clicks from Disney-haters, I posit.

150 000 000 $ total so far?


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Yeah, much later in their runs when they defied expectations. More often than not, he props up anything Disney related and reports neutral/grossly negative anything else.

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Why do so many of these manga artists have "health issues"? What is this code for?

It's about to get a lot bigger with foreign markets getting updated after a full week and two big markets opening.

That figure is from before China and Japan openings. Add China's and Japan's box office to 151,000,000 for a more accurate estimate.

So if she jerks you off and you jizz on her palms it would enter her mechanism and cause her hands to seize up?

Also larger eyes allow her to capture more light, with the result being able to see in the dark.

>They vibrate

O-oooo-ooh God!

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>150M in China
kek, so much for the "worst bomb of 2019"
disneyshills btfo

>he doesn't know how box offices work

Where were you when all Disney shills were killed instantly?

ye, most incomes have not been updated for a week or more

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$150 million is the optimistic scenario in China. $135 million is the more likely outcome.

>Disney now owns fox
>Disney will own all profits fox makes on alita
>autists now think disney is trying to tank alita box office so that they can make less money

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I've been monitoring everything for the past week. Many countries have not had their numbers updated since the 10th, so there'll be a random jump in numbers this weekend when they get updated.

boxoffice mojo has numbers updated to the 20th, just 2 days ago

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>>Disney will own all profits fox makes on alita

Sure. But Hollywood accounting is weird. We sort of need to see the actual financing deals and who gets how much gross points before we know how much the studio makes. Nothing like a Hollywood accountant to make a box office success "lose" money for tax purposes even if the financiers made huge profits.

Are you fucking dumb? I said other countries, like foreign wise.

>Disney wants to tank Alita so they don't have to pay taxes
>thinking disney pays taxes
holy shit you guys are deluded. get a fucking girlfriend this alita bitch is not gonna come out of the screen and suck your dick for defending her movie

20th includes just the domestic total

not getting enough sleep and high stress does awful things to your body

They work all day without any rest days for years. Maybe someone from Yea Forums has that pic of Oda's or Mashima's schedule. I don't remember which one was it but it was ridiculous.

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>Disney now owns fox
Merger is not yet complete, so no, they do not.
>Disney will own all profits fox makes on alita
They don't, as again Fox isn't Disney yet.
>autists now think disney is trying to tank alita box office so that they can make less money
We can see you bullshit from a mile away you fucking shill.

3 hours of free time? Goddamn slacker!

>Are you fucking dumb? I said other countries, like foreign wise.

>20th includes just the domestic total

You two are correct. It's only updated till February 17th for most of the countries. Most countries on BoxOfficeMojo aren't reported daily.

>be in theater
>"You made the biggest mistake of your life. And what's that?"
>audience eyes widen in anticipation
>"Underestimating who I am."
>audiences starts clapping and screaming with laughter while throwing their fedoras at the screen
>on the back of me I hear people singing The Game of Thrones tune with the text "men blown the fuck out"
>Salazar rolls out a rag doll esque Ruth Bader Ginsburg in front of the screen and starts dancing like PSY while chanting "UP UP UP UPVOTE REDDIT STYLE"
>meanwhile people pull out their phones and start taking pictures of RBG and posting it on reddit claiming she's still alive
>as I wanted to leave the theater I stumble on a band of 30 manchildren chanting "UPVOTE REDDIT STYLE .... UP, UP UP UPVOTE REDDIT STYLE" while dancing like PSY
>desperately trying to escape this hell hole I see alot of children crying of fear but their parents don't seem to respond
>as I take a look around the theatre trying to find an escape I come to the conclusion that the whole audience except for the children are singing and dancing "UPVOTE REDDIT STYLE"
>in a desperate attempt to survive I pick one of the pusssyhats on the ground and start chanting "times up men" to every person I come across while trying to escape
>the crowd didn't seem to notice me and as I walked out of the theater I looked back
>the children are getting crushed by the amount of people dancing and singing like PSY
>i remember the tears on their faces but all I heard while finally leaving the theater were the people screaming "upvote reddit style"

I really hope you didn't actually take the time write that out, dear god...

Imagine if she put those up your bum hole and fiddled with your prostate, that would be so weird, ha ha.

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Was it autism?

Punch her teeth

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not in my pasta folder.
might this be something fresh for once?

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Whenever I start writing something like this I usually stop half way and think "wait, is this actually funny?". You apparently did not have this moment of clarity.

She's gonna make it. bros


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guys, help
I think I'm legitimately in love with Alita

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>oldfags hate it
>>most of this thread
>newfags love it
What happened?

i tell her to focus on the movie

self reflection on social communical issues is not a typical characteristic of AssBurgers


seriously. how can you love someone if you never met them. you are just obsessed

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as am I, although it is not a sexual love, but rather one of worship. She is perfection is an imperfect world and the only thing I can ever hope for is that one day there will be someone like her.

Considering she can walk underwater I doubt that would be an issue.

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>$135 million is the more likely outcome
of the first week of the movie in China's theatres.

Depression and/or attempted suicide

>implying oldfags aren't Alita fans
>implying newfags fresh off the boat from reddit aren't the ones shitting on Alita
user I...


they work too hard and get sick. poor japanese artists


How much of a cyborg would you become if we had tech like in Alita?
(If you upload your brain you become a robot not cyborg)
For me I would only do it to replace any missing limbs
a full body cyborg seems too extreme of a change

This, I've been coming to Yea Forums since 07 and I liked Alita

well, yes, love without knowing someone is just obsession, so I love/be obsessed with a character I'll never know
I feel like you think you pulled a gotcha on me

>Implying you are not the one shitting out this narrative.

Should I read the manga first or watch the movie???

Yeah these threads are totally not full of newfags who love this movie Go ahead and now pretend you haven't seen this post now, shill

Take your meds schizo

Replace my digestive system because I have a whole shit ton of health issues with it.

I'm going to say because Robert Rodriguez isn't part of the Director's Guild of America and they can't let non members make successful movies. Kind of like how all the critics panned George Lucas's prequels while sucking off the sequels.

Why weren't you here even 6 months ago?

>newfags and oldfags can't possibly enjoy the same thing
Nice fallacy you got there

In all seriousness, what did he mean by this?

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That cancer pasta was made by someone to take a dig on Alita you idiot.

Also alcoholism and overwork

Cheer up, user, the reason people look up to her is that she represents a part of all of us. And it's not her being a perfect being that speaks to us, it's her spirit overcoming her physical and mental flaws to become something greater than she thought she could be. Of getting up to fight when people think she's done for.

So she's 300 years old? You are millions of years old (wo)man! You're the result of generations of creation. Messy, wayward, tragic, but triumphing in the face of it all. And this is just the beginning.

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Alita 2 features a black love interest. Your reaction?

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Why do Alita drones constantly prove that they're new?

How many (you)s today user?

or its a bad movie.

You wouldn't be writing that if she were fat

you mean this robert rodriguez or some other one, Yea Forums teen?

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won't happen. only interacial Cameron does in BF WM

I wish I could refer him to my post yesterday about watching Alita before attending the NBA Slam Dunk Contest with my best friend.



flip a coin

umm, it was evident from the movie (and the OVA) that Vector and Shiren are fucking.

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it was a different time

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>rewatching Alita on a big screen
>some guy in the front row decided to FUCKING VAPE in the middle of the movie
>go to a manager and talk to him about that shit
>got some security guard standing there, but other than that they didn't even kicked him off
I was speechless.

Imagine being such a pusyboi that your gf paid you the whole trip, meal included of course.

you mean all those ones that have bad scores from audiences as well? except for alita since he has a budget that can support shills?

Watch the movie then read the manga

It was also evident that she paid the toll.

>You wouldn't be writing that if she were fat

She is a literal brain in a jar. The brain is about 60% fat.

user has fallen deeply in love with paralyzed and crippled girls where there was no hope of any physical love. Sure, a healthy body carried with attitude is what is seen as physically attractive by most people - but I guarantee you that all those guys who went to see Aquaman weren't there because they were gay for Jason Momoa.


Only if it's The Rock playing Figure 4


omg this guy posted his vegas receipts to prove something online lmao

Movie first, otherwise the manga might ruin the ruin the movie and give you high expectations. Should be movie first, then OVA, then manga.

fuck off shes mine, i was with her for 20 years now all your marvel fags are trying to jump ship because of Captain Brie foot fungus

This makes a lot of sense. Thanks for the explanation. I think I won't now, as you bring good points. Still, though, it's damn nice. Wish I was a richfag...

>marvel fags are trying to jump ship because of Captain Brie foot fungus
Who isn't? No one likes her or wants her, and it's painfully obvious from miles away she's going to one punch Thanos and then give a speech complaining about men ruining everything. No one likes preachy movies.

Bump again
Why are alitafags so fucking new?

>Critics 59% Audience 94%

When was the last time there was a 45% difference between critics and audience?

Oldfag here, love Alita, your retarded.

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There's 54% difference for Venom.

I think James Cameron just wanted the Disney eyes that he had for Avatar because he knew people would find a character with big eyes more innocent, sincere, and lovable.

They could just be trolling us and actually put Monica Rambeau in Endgame. I mean, Marvel Comics knows how unpopular Carol Danvers with the comics audience, and I don't think Bob Eiger and Kevin Feige is as stupid as Marvel Comics is when it comes to producing stuff that the audience clearly doesn't want. No?

Fucking Kek. I just imagine you standing in the middle of the theater and shouting that.

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i could see them making Figure 4 black, yes

this year
but this is an actual film so it might be too highbrow for your Yea Forums ideals of what movies are

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based and alitapilled

holy crap what an amazing contrast with alita

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Stop posting this dogshit fucking movie, this ass fucking general, get a fucking life you pathetic fucking Cameroon worshipping retards who are COPING because this dumb anime look robot faggot nigger has big booby eyes like the tits on your mother whose milk you still suckle out from despite being 30 years fucking old, you absolute faggots, you retards, you filthy, mongoloid motherfuckers.


Does anyone have the whole oath? Would make for great greentext.

what an ass. I smoke all my weed in the car before going in to see Alita again.

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Clearly real manga readers know Alita is a submissive little girl who lets uncle Nova take care of her.

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Have a bump (of cocaine).

No one wants to see your train wreck of a flick Disney puppter.

I miss watching this movie

Should I go watch it again at the kinoplex?

critics can't defy the mouse

Of course.

Yeah just try and keep your tickets so that when shills start to try and claim N-NO ONE HAS ACTUALLY SEEN THIS FILM MULTIPLE TIMES, like they're starting to a little, you can btfo them.

Start reading what you're responding to. I'm skipping Disney's Captain Marvel. Might see Shazam!, but not sure about that.


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she litterally dominates Nova with cuteness

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>James Cameron makes anime real in 2019
>People are fucking happy about it
>candyass redditor says people are coping

What did he mean by this?

why was the first trailer also the best?

Yeah I wonder why we post movies on Yea Forums wtf...

Thank you based China

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>candyass redditor
why is someone that wasn't here even 6 months ago calling anyone a redditor?

>China better save this movie
It's projected to get $60M+ in China on opening weekend

That's around the $61M that Ready Player One made in China

which succeeded largely because of China and other foreign markets.

I don't know. Why don't you answer that?


because I was here and I'm still looking for an answer
why weren't you here?

based contrarian faggot showing us who's in charge here

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protip, newfag-oldfag is a state of mind, not time spent here. Actual newfags constantly bring up their "status". Actual oldfags just have fun and post fun things.
the more you know newfag

>stop liking what i don't like!

>46 user rating
>The number even less than the number of "critic"
>Somehow this is a relevant example.

I've been here since 2010 you faggot and since you seem to be such an expert on reddit you should be able to answer your own question yourself.

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you didn't answer my question
Why weren't you here?
Let me guess you'll say 2010 like all the newfags since people still talk about that and you can pretend. not 2009 though right?




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>talking about reddit
>bragging about how long they have been here
>posts are nothing but trolling shitppsts
Know how we know you rode in on the Trump train if not in the past six months faggot?

Funny how the whole "election tourist" thing is only brought up by those who got here at that time or just maybe a few months before
Tell us about how "reddit boogeyman posting" only started around the election time now

Hey hey hey guys guys guys

I remember newfag summer of 2007 and when we voted the Gurren Dan sumbol to the be on the new flag of the United Kingdom

Actually seriously caring about newfags vs. oldfags is sad and pathetic. Except if it's a meme.


It's live action anime faggotry, its bound to be autistic (like you, faggot)
considering the whole point of this shit being spammed is because you want to jerk off to le EPIC robot waifu I honestly would argue it's not relevant to the board
I'm not the fag for liking this projection GOD I WISH THAT WERE ME fantasy like 99% of you coons do for BR2049
Based but I'm serious
Yeah cuz your opinions are gay and rooted in some autistic childish fantasy of MUMMY ALITA SIT ON MY FACE xdddd
Fuck yourself

>Bitch, are you going to watch the movie or not?

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