oh fuck please no
they're doing a twilight zone reboot
Oh fuck please no
first reboot 85-89
second reboot 02-03
Is black Twilight Zone going to be anything like black Twitter? That shit is whack.
Every episode, the twist will be because the main character was racist.
Oh i wonder what themes will it abord
First episode: racism
Second episode: racism
Every episode: racism
>/pol/tard pretends to be a twilight zone fan
you do know a LOT of classic twilight zone episodes referenced or were allegories for racism?
They're just retelling old ones more or less. Nothing to see here. I'll still check it out though.
Think there will be an episode where a black dude gets turned into a white man?
you guys are some sad one note mutherfuckers
except they won't be going for the allegory part this time.
They fear Netflix and they are desperate
Gee, i wonder how they gonna talk down to me this time...
Will it be about racism? oh it can't be, nobody is this brave.
I won't even waste my time watching this. And I know most people won't either, since it will be on their streaming site only. I wouldn't watch it on broadcast or for free, and the normies won't bother either. Failure, when?
>Enter a world...where white bad and shit-color good
>You steal this bike with an imaginary bolt cutter...
It looks like its going to be one overarching story with Twilight Zone themed antics along the way. eg. shite
I got the impression too. Don't they realize that having one story per episode was part of the originals charm and made it easily accessable ?
yeah, where have you been the last 5 weeks?
I don't think that's gonna be the case, I think it's just a good marketing tool. Take audio from one clip, play it over a scene from another, that sorta thing.
I hope your right but it seemed like multiple famous actors where dealing with a time travel theme and there is no way they were all in the same episode.
>straight white male bad
>feminism good
It really is the Twilight Zone!
>World without blacks is shown as being a hellish dystopia
I'm in the Twilight Zone now!
I think there's one episode involving a camcorder that can go back in time to try and prevent a death (Rewind), one episode involving predicting the future a la Nick of Time, and one episode focusing on divulging timelines/universes.
Could be kino; probably won't be.
post your fav episodes. for me, its the howling man
CBS : "Black Mirror is doing well on Netflix, so what do we have like that? TWILIGHT ZONE!"
It will only be on CBS All Access. It will not last long. So do not worry.
it would be hilarious if some poor bastard from a paradise timeline where hitler won ww2 was transported to ours and he freaks out and how terrible everything is.
I cannot wait for this. I am team Edward. Who are they going to get to play Bella? Why did it take so long for them to make a TV show about the movies?
>only on CBS All Access
in other words, nobody will watch it
This one bombed, and at least it was on something a few people watched.
There is an old saying about doing something over and over and expecting a different outcome.
>forest whitaker
gee I wonder why it bombed
He was decent back in the 90s in low budget movies, now just seems like creepy old crazy nog.
what happened to Ken Levine's interactive The Twilight Zone?
This gif made me a bit uneasy.
Why don’t these reboots get some balls and film the episodes in black and white like the orginal. It creates the surreal factor
that's a classic, i'm partial to willoughby myself
>dubstep remix of the Twilight Zone Jingle with a soundcloud rapper
The theme is that the entire series reboot is a Twilight Zone episode in itself with a family from the 50's watching this debauchery on their old telly in shock.