Clairo thread

I love her and her last album was great

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Her last album sucked
to page 10!

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why does this bitch look 15, it's creepy

piss off simp

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why do you call her a bitch?

You don’t love her. You just want to have sex with her and you’re lonely so you make attachments with people you’ve never met and who will never know you exist. There’s a containment thread for this shit. Keep it to /wpop/

post more pics I need to coom

She said she wanna have sex with me.


that's a fat pucci

You look at a lot of 15 year olds in their underwear, creep?

Mom said there would be people like you, trying to deny me from loving.

You're a creepy faggot.

Oh, but I bet it's ok to stick a penis up someone's shitbox?

It's not okay but calling it a shitbox makes you sound even more like a faggot rapist.

Pretty judgmental.

Is insane how beautiful she is. She is wasting her beauty doing music, she should be doing porn instead

>hey look at me I ignore blatant indicators of criminal behavior and I call myself a good person for it
Not being judgemental is retarded.

So let me get this right, you think the woman that takes intimate photos and shares details of her mind to impressionable lonely males to make them think she's attainable as a girlfriend to sell her music is doing nothing wrong. The manipulator is fine, the manipulatee is the person that should be shunned from society. Hell of world you faggots wish to create.

All industry plants are bitches.

Were you never that age and aware of what teenagers look like? She looks 16 lol

you mean page 1?

She's cute but her music is generic garbage

ugly bitch with man nails

Seething woman detected, only a femoid would notice her nails unless they were literally ripped off
I don't even know who this bitch is but she has a better body than you and is very pretty

relax she's a 6

I'm a dude, I hate manly hands and feet. Instant turnoff.

her music sounds like ten thousand other sadgirl indie bedroom pop people, and falls into the exact same pitfalls. The songs never go anywhere, it's just her singing boring melodies over the same four chords, no bridge no chorus, just hammering the same thing over and over making all her songs feel way too long. She's like a more boring Best Coast (already very boring). She's cute and has a nice aesthetic going on, which is why all of you faggots listen to her because you don't like music, you just want to feel cool - not even for people to see you as cool - you want just want to convince yourself you're cool.

it bugs the shit out of me seeing some bitch born in 1998 or whatever, with rich parents just casually ride into a music career on the blandest shit ever just because she's thin and pretty and nobody gives a shit about music, they just want to fucking send heart eyes at her instagram stories and convince themselves that someday they'll fuck her, or somebody who looks like her.

She takes on the guitar tone of 90s indie and suddenly she's being hailed as a new sound or some shit, when she's making literally the most shallow pastiche of the genre you could ever imagine, sucking all of the creativity and zest out of it.

Not that anybody fucking cares, because nobody listens to the entire fucking song (nevermind the whole album) and instead exclusively listens to clairo in 30 second increments on tiktok because they "vibe" with it or some banal fucking shit that doesn't mean anything.

And we call it "indie" despite all this, despite being functionally identical to top40 music, everything that top40 music does, and everything that is bad about top40 music. Poptimism was a fucking mistake, because it gave us this shallow-ass shit, which is completely drowning out any decent underground music, instead serving up the same monoculture bullshit slop, removing all else.

Bring back gatekeeping if the alternative is this stupid inane corporate sanitized bullshit.

tldr faggot.

damn she has a nice body

I love her.

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nah she looks like her early 20s not 15

What does an attractive white girl have to be mopey about anyway?

also why does she look 40 in this photo?

cuz she is one stfu basedboy faggot

You’re such a pathetic loser it’s not even funny. Kill yourself, seriously

Any girl who posts a picture of themselves in bra and panties is super horny. Why is no guy fucking her?

Fuck off back to Twitter

Just because you lookup someone online doesn’t mean that you’re in love with them or even like them. If girls could see my activity online they would probably start imagining all types of things that aren’t true at all.

That ghetto long nail trend is stupid and looks like shit

It’s all so tiresome

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low t post



Mommy Clairo

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I like the frecks under her eyes


why do i like lesbians bros

love this style, reminds me of the 90s

why do here pupils look like that?

any pic of her ass and showing face at the same time?

you sound like a huge faggot

don't tell that to

She’s really not that hot but that webm of her in that tight dress where she showed the strap was pretty insane

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I think it's just the shitty lighting+reflection of shit

why is this feces popular?

Don’t like this. I don’t think I’d go for her even if she went back to her initial girly style, she already showed her true colours, there is some weird mental shit thing going on there.

more like wine aunt

Low IQ

I match with art hoes that look like this all the time in the gentrification capital of the world

Isn't she like 15?