What's the best animated show, and why is it Big Mouth?
What's the best animated show, and why is it Big Mouth?
big mouth is actually kino
>animated loli vagina is now mainstream
Never thought i'd see the day.
Big mouth is absolutely based. The humor can be too kino for the normies though.
/zoomer/ general?
Is this being kino a meme or is it actually good? I hate the animation
it's a meme. big mouth sucks.
>animated loli vagina
>it's from a hideous cartoon
This is some real monkey paw shit
I’m thinking the simpsons
specifically one episode
It's funny. That's all
>hideous cartoon
that's the point. It's not trying to be erotic.
>americans unironically watch garbage like this and think it's good
calling it an assault on the senses would be too kind for it
>he doesn't appreciate art
I mean, come on, that one kid only has two pubes and they both talk. You even get to see his shaft. This is as good as animation gets.
kill yourself pedshit
Just popping in to say yikes.
My friend made me sit through it. It's trash.
It's not for everyone I guess but I like it. Puberty is a weird fucking time. For everyone so I appreciate a comedy focused on that
Absolutely nothing beats prime Family Guy.
Why can't america into serious animation? It's always a story for children or an "adult" comedy?
Stuff like Over the Garden Wall has broad appeal for adults & children and as much artistic merit and worth as a story, as the best anime.
And considerably better voice acting.
Yikes. Dropped after the first song and dance number.
Let me be blunt:
How much worse is the culture war going to get?
watch Rollerball
>((big mouth))
nah, you didn't watch it at all, you're just a weaboo and you're shitposting
Stop recommending this garbage tier show. It's edgy adventure time with "le randumb" humor.
Big Mouth is actually pretty good once you get past the lefty propaganda. Coach, magician kid, and entire kike family are the best. I have it play in the background while I'm cooking or some shit. Looking forward to s2
Great counterpoints.
what is edgy about it?
The way I would describe it, is that it's culturally 'American' in the same way that a miyazaki film is culturally Japanese. The broad use of haloween as a setting, the classical folklore and the children adventuring achieves the same affect as tanuki, cricket sounds, sliding paper doors and onsen.
So it has that really magical feeling of having a cultural heart.
this analysis bought to you by a kiwi.
Wow what an adult show. Truly a narrative masterpiece for the ages. He's the highway man, get it?
So you did watch it?
So you're not a weaboo?
I like anime as well btw.
All I got from this is you don't know what American is, or what makes Ghibli films good. It's not the culture, it's the interesting worlds and relatable characters.
Garden Wall has a fat kid, and a whinny kid. The setting is completely inconsistent, switching from 1800's style clothes, to vegetable people. The stories go nowhere, and have no meaning. Most anime can at least string together a consistent narrative over 13 episodes, garden wall just goes episodic, with no meaning or change ever being seen.
That's a really cool new orleansy song though. And there are some quite beautiful songs in it too, like;
based Satan
Do you not understand what i'm saying about that aspect of Ghibli films? You might think that it's not particularly important, but do you not accept my point whatsoever?
I get what your saying, it's just stupid and wrong. Americans don't chop wood, dress or do anything the towns people of over the garden wall do. The idea that it's culturally American is absurd, and could only be held by someone who has no idea what America is like.
>The setting is completely inconsistent
like alice in wonderland?
or the wizard of oz?
its ok, especially compared to usual netflix efforts
the art style is garbage though
Both are children's stories yes. Just like Over the garden wall.
Is there even a story? The entire show is episodic.
Your confusing culture with the reality of your daily existence
It's not about but of a place.
It's not like Japanese people use Katana or shoot bows off horseback or encounter Kami either. Most of them don't have paper screen doors.
That song you linked, is new orleans style music. Haloween is an american tradition. It sounds like you are the one who doesn't understand your own culture.
We were discussing the example of Ghibli, and don't think that means that's all I know or like about anime.
But Ghibli films are also childrens stories. Which have enormous appeal for adults too.
Have you read Alice in Wonderland or The Wizard of Oz? They're fantastic.
Episodic stories are still stories. But yes, there is a story and character arc for the protagonist.
The plot with the woodsman arcs the whole series
The relationship between the brothers arcs the whole series, and changes
and it's a coming of age story about overcoming your inhibited self which also arcs the whole series and develops when you learn about what happened in reality and the main guy develops relationships in the other world.
No, you're just a retarded foreigner who has no clue what he's talking about. The fact you're calling it "new Orleans style music" instead of southern blues is a dead giveaway. Not to mention it's nothing close to either of those, because it's a retarded cartoon song meant to be zany and wacky. But obviously you can't tell the difference.
life and times of tim was way better
This post doesn't even fucking make sense dude. You're correcting me, and then you say your correction is wrong. When what I originally called it is absurdly broad and clearly fits the style of music.
You're just butthurt about something and I really don't totally understand it, but see if you can find me a single reference to anyone else who doesn't like the music from Over the Garden Wall. Does literally anyone else share your opinion?
Obvious bait you cunt
And just go ahead and tell me that this does nothing for you;
tell me that it's just a retarded cartoon song
Go on.
Satan BTFOing netshit pedoshills.
You're also wrong. It's more folk music than blues.
Season 2 is out. They also did a valentines day ep
This is the band from the show. Well a similar one. It's self described folk music.
man american cartoons are the stuff nightmares are made of
I'm listening to this over and over and can't hear a single redeemable thing. What do you even like about this song? The lyrics aren't good, the "melody" is slow and boring, there's almost no interesting themes or musical patterns. It is perfect for over the garden wall though boring, bland and uninteresting.
literally no one else shares your opinion
>It's not blues it folk
I love when people say something that makes it so clear they have no clue what they are talking about. Enjoy your garbage cartoon.
I didn't say that it's not blues.
Seriously what is your fucking problem? Can you explain what you're actually upset about here? It's clearly a larger issue that you take offense at.
>forced to watch this at some chick's house
>Most retarded thing I've ever seen
>Dicks, talking pubes, kid who fucks pillows, pop culture reference, Jew joke, dicks, dicks, dicks
Who the fuck watches this dreck?
I'm no prude, King Star King is one of my favourite cartoons, but this is just crap.
mb I meant s3. The valentine's episode was fucking good I didn't realize how much i missed those fuckers
I don't get why everyone is crying about the character styles. They're not supposed to be attractive but Yea Forums is acting like it's the greatest offence in cinematic history
It's because actual pedos like erotic sexualised depictions of children like you get in anime with 'lolis', and they view them as 'pure', so this show which has an ugly artstyle and isn't actually jerkoff material for adults triggers them and they lash out and call it pedo because it's not 'pure'.
This show is disgusting plebbit tripe for high schooler go die in a ditch you fag.
My larger issue is shows like this get peddled off as the best animation has to offer, when the average anime blows it out of the water. I'm tired of the best American cartoons being about dopey calarts kids having wacky adventures in the woods. I'm especially tied of plebs like you who lap it up, and ask for more.
Prime American Dad does all day long
You know a show is bad when even satan himself dislikes it.
>shows like this
Most of everything is terrible, so it's foolish to dismiss things based on generalizations about similar things. You can say that you don't like it, but don't say that it's bad. Because what, similar show, is better than Over the Garden Wall? This is the best of its kind. And so if the best of something is, as you say, abysmally bad with no merit whatsoever, then the worst of it's kind is what? Equal? That doesn't make sense.
It's not a competition either. As I already said, I like anime a lot as well. I watch far more of it than I do western animation. But the vast majority of anime is also abysmally bad. And anyone would be equally foolish to dismiss an anime which isn't as equally dreadful just because of a general disdain for the medium.
>This is the best of its kind.
That's the problem. The "best" still has boring stupid child characters, stupid "le randumb" jokes, out of place song and dance routines, and lame storylines. Until something comes out that breaks this trite mold, western cartoon swill always be kiddy shit, even if they are the "best" kiddy shit.
You're being very disagreeable
I've never actually wanted to kill a tv show before, but the more I look at this thing the more I wish I was able to reach out and end its life
It's is still, far, far from being the best animated show.