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I fell asleep it was boring as fuck

It's pretty fucking average. All visuals. Kids should love it.

I never really got into comics too much but why would you make ten of the same character? Isn't the point of a superhero to make them unique? I never understood why Flash enemy would just be yellow Flash. Seems lazy as fuck.

You know how hack millennial reviews throw around shit buzzwords like "visually stunning"? This film actually visually stunned me. Some shit in this film I couldn't even imagine how anyone would think this up. But then again I did watch it baked.

film is a visual medium you turbopleb

Sells more comic books and action figures.

comics are picture books for children

The artsyle was good, but the story and rap music really didn't go well. Rest of the OST is great though.


Attached: grug.png (573x448, 115K)

>black character
>vandalizes property
every time

Why hasn't the MC skin colour been mentioned yet?

Yea Forumsmblr should be gassed


It had an incredible visual style
Solid pacing
Solid Pixar movie 3-act structure
A reasonable story in terms of consistent internal logic
plus, it never got too preachy or sad-bait.

Overall well made movie. Better than most other Marvel movies.

Pretty interested in what boomer parker is gonna do in his own dimension
found Spider-Man dying at the start pretty saddening even though we just met him

did the sound mixing feel like shit for anyone else? maybe i downloaded a bad torrent

Based film

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No, they did some shit meme when they transferred the recordings to vinyl, then scratched them live, then transferred the scratched track to digital manually.

The after credits scene was literally post-credit kino

subumans supporting a failure

I just saw it, I thought it was good and I hate Miles with a burning passion (still do and always will). It had some decent moments some of the set pieces looked great and had a decent character arc for the most part but it was to bogged down in references honestly, I know that was the point but jesus christ. It's a movie made by committee and it shows.


Agree !!!

Attached: A586E88A-837C-48C6-AEF8-EC803A90F66F.gif (480x199, 478K)

Best movie ever made

>black character says he runs better than he swings