bunch of self-important faggots t b h
Bunch of self-important faggots t b h
based /pol/ working cucks into a seething shoot
I used to go on pol and write long ass polemical posts about 'We have to save the white race and our heritage, western civilization is the greatest and most beautiful blah blah etc'
They fucking loved it, but in reality i am a white nigger that any sensible pol government would throw in the ovens
/pol/ and sjws, two sides of the same horseshoe
t. /pol/
sneed and chuck, two sides of the same fuckandsuck
They don't even study political theory and how it's been applied throughout time. The anti-left rhetoric is true though. Both ideologies are cancer though but the left are worse and do deserve all the criticism and hate for their insanity.
>hates /pol/
>make threads about how much he hates /pol/
on a Television and films board
Holy seethe
weird flex but ok.
why do they take Yea Forums so seriously lads?
I stopped browsing /pol/ because of the lack of nigger hating. Yea Forums was a better fit for me in that regard. Fuck niggers
back to /pol/ kiddo
but that's not a picture of Yea Forums
I actually bought into their bullshit for a little while, but then I actually started digging and every single member of the alt-right turned out to be disgusting mutts and jews. Just look at pic related, it's the biggest alt-right podcast, and they're the so-called white nationalist.
You should always be wary of people who identify as "white" unironically
Yea Forums isn't self important at all, this board is like 70 percent shitposting
Same desu, I've gone from being alt-right to a centrist NatSoc
Hell yeah screw those snow flakes they arent like reddit XD
>Yea Forums isn't self important at all
hello newfag
it used to be before you made an account here
It's interesting how if you make a thread like this about Yea Forums it gets deleted within 5 minutes
this doesn't a happen on any other board either. Yea Forums, Yea Forums, /ck/, even /ic/. all allowed to discuss how to stop the Yea Forums problem yet here it's not allowed
What exactly is the "Alt-Left"? How would you define it?
Also their argument about whites being non-violent falls apart if you look at history. Everything they hate the jew, Arab or nigger for is what other races say is the main characteristic of the white race.
>Asian does better in studies.
Well we got bigger dicks and more pussy than them.
>Pajeet talks about how they were the richest region on the planet.
Lol stop hanging on to the past. Yeah whites are the best just look at our past.
>Niggers are so violent and are always on foodstamps.
Pajeets and Asians consistently outperform whites economically and commit less crimes than them.
>Fucking Muslims pushing their culture and agenda.
Meanwhile whites literally did the same thing for centuries and still continue to do so
>positive chris(hrdwick)
>positive lawrence
>positive her
jesus christ how old is this image
everyone hates those now
>t. faggot
Back to plebbit
>identify as "white" unironically
yeah ok Moshe, but I guess people who identify as everything but white are super great right?
American Left
>political theory and how it's been applied throughout time
Meaning ordinary, mainstream Democrats with mostly center-right political positions? Not sure that makes sense.
Fuck niggers and fuck trannys
but trash like this stays up when i have a legitimate question...
fucking hons
>keeps exposing himself as a radditor
This but with jews. /pol/ is overrun with boomer kikelovers and MIGAtards. On Yea Forums even the leftists acknowledge that jews run shit so our discussions are much more stimulating.
>rebbiting intensifies
while what you're saying is true, I don't think you need to demonstrate superiority of your race in any capacity to want a country for your own race/ethnicity.