Why was LOTR so afraid to showcase more great female warriors?

Why was LOTR so afraid to showcase more great female warriors?

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>female warrior

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Was "i am no man" not enough for you?

Don't worry friend, that's why were getting a remake that is much better at representation for all.

Because Tolkien didn't live in a time of delusional post modernism.

But you can find what you're looking for in the Hobbit.

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what the FUCK are those faces?

Based non 21st century Tolkien

This is the specific moment when the series turned to shit and became Naruto

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Watch vikings

>This is the specific moment when the series turned to shit and became Naruto
Yuup. Word on the street is that somewhere along the line Martin stopped writing the episodes and now the show is basically in the hands of Jews. Not even excited for the finale.

This shit doesn't even happen in the books, yes?

Someone post the comic

Because even in a fantastic land of impossible things like dragons, monsters and ghosts, a female good at something would be too much

No. Brienne also never meets Arya or fights the Hound in the books.

>Martin stopped writing the episodes
Did he ever?

From what I've heard, it's just that the show has caught up with the books and now has nothing to work with. But instead of stopping, the show writers are making up their own stuff.

>Watch vikings
>hey priest come cuck my wife
>shed your sexual repression
>pagans all like to cuck each other
>way better than xstianity
>it's totally normal
>btw look at this strong independent woman
>she's a shieldmaiden
>check out these three sheildmaidens
>don't you just love this village of shieldmaidens?
>look at this company of sheildmaidens
>i'm coming back for that army of shieldmaidens you still owe me!

>>i'm coming back for that army of shieldmaidens you still owe me!

Attached: Shalom_my_friend.webm (720x404, 2.98M)

Martin only wrote a few eps, 1 per season I think

Yeah you're right but I know Martin definitely was helping write the episodes and giving input. At a certain point the writing quality just goes off a cliff, and it could very well be when they catch up but I have no idea.

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Maybe he was actively consulting? I could have sworn. I apologize if not true.

Hollywood is really driving themselves off a cliff.

If you believe it.

you're right, he gave dabid 1 and Dabid 2 outline for the series in case the TWOW didn't come out in time (lol)
They just went full Reddit with it

Maario Naharis

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It was already reddit