Character goes to bed

>character goes to bed
>falls asleep immediately without any struggle

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>character wears his backpack in bed

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>character's dick isnt deformed due to years of sleeping on stomach

W-what happened to the cow's ears? :(

Stop taking drugs or drinking and its easy

>character doesn't toss and turn for hours because he decided to not drink that night

These threads are terrible unless you start them with a frog image

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Why the fuck would someone take Cybill Shepard to a porn on the first date?

>character wakes up
>feels more tired than he did before he went to bed
I hate this trope

There's been basically no point in my life where it's taken me fewer than 45 minutes to fall asleep. It usually takes between 90 minutes and 2 hours, and frequently even longer. I also tend to start waking up about 4 or 5 hours after I've first fallen asleep, and will probably wake up every 20-30 minutes past that point until I'm finally ready to get out of bed. Seeing as I need about 9 hours of sleep a night I usually end up sleeping in until about 2:00 in the afternoon.

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I'm constantly exhausted from work so I can fall asleep whenever I want :)

she was such a babe in that movie

Just grab a book and start reading from it until you start to doze off. Easiest way ever to fall asleep, no need to drug yourself up like some fucking junkie.

I fall asleep within 2-5 minutes of laying down.

I cant remember the last time I slept over 8 hours
Been years

This. What the fuck was travis problem? He probably would have got laid that night but he just had to display his power level.

Just down a glass of vodka 20 minutes before bed

>character goes on a drinking binge
>actually able to pass out the entire night and wake up in the morning instead of waking up every hour and drinking more before driving to work in the morning drunk

I fall asleep so easily unless I’ve been doing blow all day

$25 for 30 minutes with Jodie Foster is a great deal

Don't do this if you're a brainlet. I've basically trained my body that reading = sleep so I can barely read anything for pleasure now.

>character isn't 28 and realizing that his youth is gone and he's probably never going to get over not having had social teenage years instead of being in his basement on friday nights playing video games



>character dreams he was working/running all night and wakes up sore and tired

>character hasn't heard of the high elves

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literally me, including the age.

Based emmettposter

Based and brap pilled

>character’s only moments of bliss are the few minutes in bed right before falling asleep

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>character drinks a ton of beer
>wakes up after like four hours of sleep feeling totally fine
>passes out at work at 2:00

>mfw today I blew 6 loads sniffing milf panties

>character is very tired and goes to bed
>he doesn’t just lay there until he has to get up and take sleep aids

>character is a lonely male
>he goes outside to find meaning and isn't on the internet 21 hours a day

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You are me.

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what's next for us? is there a way to get better?

im gay btw so that means you're gay too haha

>character is 33 and drinking five liters of vodka a week and living off the government tit because he's a fucking waste of space and should be dead, but the heart attack just doesn't come

Literally me.

>character wears shoes indoors

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thank fuck somebody understands how it feels
absolutely divine feeling

imagine even feeling anxious making eye contact with someone in your dreams lol


>the heart attack just doesn’t come
Don’t worry the liver failure will
but do seek help tho I had a long time friend die because of alcohol caused organ failure. Not a good way to go

How tf does anyone unironically sleep like this? You'd have to lie face down ass up leaving yourself vulnerable for rear attacks also your spine would all sorts of fucked up.

>character laying in bed and remembers stupid embarrassing shit from his past and punches the air, then keeps his mind racing on other random thoughts to keep the memories at the back

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Imagine not being able to speak to women
Just imagine haha

>character lays on bed
>has an anxiety attack

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I once had a panic attack trying to talk to my crush in a dream, no fucking joke. This was years ago but it speaks pretty strongly to my mental state at the time.

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Bull terriers are there ugliest breed of nigger dogs around. Disgusting creatures

>character can constantly feel his heartbeat while lying down and feels it in his ears if he sleeps on his side

nice attention to detail

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>character notices his heartbeat and it keeps him from falling asleep

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>character notices bulge UwU what's this daddy :3 and it keeps him from falling asleep

>feel like this
>one night suddenly you can't feel your heartbeat anymore and you think you're about to die
>massive panic as you shoot up in bed and your heartbeat comes back with a vengeance for the rest of the night


Yeah but I'm a double faggot so you are too HAH.

>Character wakes up 3 hours into their sleep with a painful erection because they beat their meat all day yesterday.

fix your sleeping habits you degenerate

I fall asleep like 15 mins after my head hits the pillow

>character lives alone
>he doesn’t have talk radio playing all the time just to hear someone’s voice
Not very realistic

>character goes to bed
>the next 45 minutes of the movie is that character tossing and turning and struggling to fall asleep

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I bet none of you have any responsibilities or just procrastinate all day. If you had a schedule or had a hard day you'd sleep fine at night.

>character even responds in agreement as if they hear him

what a loser

wtf, you had a panic attack while sleeping? How' does that even works? this a real thing?

dude, stop stalking me.

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>years of erection with tight underwear makes your dick bend downward
good for hitting the g spot when she's on her back tho

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>character doesn't masturbate in her bed before going to sleep

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>start feeling your heartbeat hiccup
>anxiety kicks in and it feels stronger

It was in the middle of a dream during which I was in the same location I would see my crush at the time. I realized I was dreaming and decided I should go and talk to her because my actions wouldn't have any consequences. I managed to stammer out a few words before I got short of breath and "passed out", at which point I woke up.

Those extra beats are just my heart trying to impress me, right? haha