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me in 5 more years

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Still 13 years to get there


I'm 38 next month. If I finally get with a woman in my 40s, will she find it strange if I tell her I'm a virgin?

if good digits, we all make it

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They're gonna have to make 50 year old virgin soon for half this board

>make it
what does that entail, you or some other user's version of "making it" might not be what I want to attain

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I'm so impressive they make movies about me.

fuck, i had one year until wizarddom. thanks alot user

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Please tell me you're memeing

What makes you think that?


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only 6 more years to go for me.

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ha ha yeah obviously what kind of a loser is almost 40 and never been laid ha ha

1 more year bros


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You better be the one memeing.
Otherwise why are you even here normalfag?

not...much longer now...

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honestly the virgin part is whatever
but imagine actually visiting Yea Forums, let alone Yea Forums, in your 30s or 40s

Janny regularly deletes this thread. Make you ponder


I haven't had sex in five years. Girls look at me, but I don't know how to talk to them so I stare vacantly like a retard. Pretty sure they think i'm an asshole.


Imagine even going on the internet in your 30s or 40s lols

>tfw 28 this year
>will be 4 year dry spell in July-August
It is not better to have fucked and lost, it is better to have never fucked at all.

>but imagine actually visiting Yea Forums, let alone Yea Forums, in your 30s or 40s
This will be you one day.
Do you actually think you will ever be free from this place?

>he thinks you can leave this place

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based hivemind

are you me?I came close to banging a mexican roastie that was cute but after I nearly came from dry humping her mound through her yoga pants she left.

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what should they do instead? play chess in the park?

Watching this kino with people is the real psychological horror

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+2 years for wizard. 30-40 will be easy, it's easy enough without magic powers when you hate women
roasties can't touch me

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Is it really that bad being a 30+ yr old virgin?
Ive never had any females give me any attention so ive never craved it.

been here since 04
hit 40 2 years ago

been loving every laugh for decades

no regrets

Based. I hope I can be as cool as you one day, user-senpai

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give him a kiss now faggot

Did you niggas not go to college? The pussy flows like water

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y-yamete b-b-baka

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