What's next for the Goop now that she's left the MCU?

What's next for the Goop now that she's left the MCU?

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oh wow i didn't no she had big boobies

white men calling her mommy

hopefully being decapitated by Kevin again

She is NOT my mommy.

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the stank on that cunt

it would be the cleanest in the world

>That she fucked Harvey Weinstein for her Oscar win. Probably had to do some truly disgusting things.
>Goop is a front to launder money for human trafficking

God, I fucking hate whores like her. They should all be thrown into the ocean with the sharks.

Absolutely based and /ourgoop/

Are you a Jew?

Are you a Jew?

She has recently discovered anal

So a lot of anal.

Denying that she hit that guy in 2016 then skiing away with her instructor from what I read

What a Jewish response.


She's such a cunt.

no u jew

Harvey also lost his power, so she has nothing.

Her company Goop is worth $250,000 dollars. I think that stupid cunt will be just fine without sucking on that fat Jew cock.

That's just smoke and mirrors user, you will see that with the new show.

>$250,000 dollars
Sorry, I meant $250,000,000

Pretty good for 46 desu

And she hasn't left the MCU she'll be in Avengers 4.

Attached: Gywneth Paltrow.jpg (1000x1000, 94K)

>That's just smoke and mirrors user
250 million dollars is not smoke and mirrors.

Ask Elon.

You're an idiot.

ok :^)

>good for 46
kek, right, i guess that's something

7 limes

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I wonder how she trims her bush nowadays
