>it's a Ben adds nothing of value to the episode episode
It's a Ben adds nothing of value to the episode episode
>Its a henry does a politically incorrect yet funny accent
Mon Visage
Ben is literally the best one at this point.
Henry neutered himself and stopped doing impressions because he didn't want to offend people and Marcus went full Le Research Man
My man Ben is the only one keeping this ship afloat
Ben's had some pretty solid jokes recently aswell
>its a reading from Wikipedia episode
Henry is borderline intolerable when he goes full reddit
Marcus is the virgin meme personified
Ben is literally a chad. He adds everything.
Henry does impressions all the time. Recent episodes haven't really had much material for them.
>"and then they carved up the 4 year olds body and filmed them sexually pleasing each other with the severed parts."
>"Actually, and this is so vial I hesitate to even mention it, they were registered to the Republican party and told the cops that God told them to do it..."
>"oh well there ya go, god and his kid killer fetish again."
>"Hey man, HEY like what the fuck is it with these disgusting Christians always doing thus fucked up shit? It's alwat s them right?"
>"Product of Trumps America."
>"hmmm... and how does that make everyone feel?"
>"Oh fuck you why don't you go talk to your butt buddies over at FOX huh? Bet they've got you slotted in for a nice kiddie fiddling session already!"
>"Well we were just bought by Disney, so there's certainly a possibility."
all discord trannies in this thread need to kill themselves
You made all of this up in your head. Are you a schizo?
SEETHING my favourite murder cuck
you fear chad podcast on the left
Have they dropped the leftist genuflecting and politics? Post 2016 became unbearable since each episode was just dripping in asshurt.
Yeah they had a few odd "white people are evil lol" bits back in the day, but the election fucking ruined them in the worst way. I listened to them for laughs about ghosts and made up alien and mobster Bashir, not clumsy political jabs I've heard 200000 times already.
They literally never bring up politics. Are you the same weirdo from the thread before?
Is this supposed to be an actial wuote (because its fake) or a shitpost joke about how their show goes? Because it's still wrong. Go back to /pol/ and take your butthurt with you.
What podkinos do you guys listen to at work?
Ben literally worked on Fox News you dumb fucking spastic
I was listening to the boston strangler episodes and god damn Henry's impression of the physic guy had me dying.
they aren't political but they hold some reddit opinions. the anti-christian slant gets a little old after awhile
Nothing because I don't have the luxury of that at work.
Childhood is hating Ben for being completely uninformed and off-topic. Adulthood is laughing at Ben's complete retardation. Anyway, since I know you're reading this you cuck faggots, do a series on the Order of the Nine Angles. You'll thank me.
Come on, they’re not my favorite murder
Ben used to read stuff too but now he's supposed to be more of the audience and ask questions
Have they cut back on real crime and gone back to regional monsters and aliens and other bullshit?
>do a series on the Order of the Nine Angles. You'll thank me.
This would actually be a fun idea.
I treat it like a discount Norm Macdonald, except he's not pretending to be dumb.
They’re currently doing skinwalkers, last week was Ouija boards, week before that was Mengele for three weeks.
They did a multi parter on the men in black and ouija and shit. Just go look user. Personally I enjoy all subjects
>Listen to the NXVIM coverage
>I'm expected to believe a bunch of New York comedians think Bronfman is a WASP name
The virgin cum boy vs the Chad Podcast on the Left
God the Mengele episodes had me cringing hard. So bluepilled.
>oh no we do have native american listeners, we love all of you
I like the podcast but god damn they can't go more than four episodes without showing serious white guilt.
Marcus I know your reading. Cover the ussr era gulags.
>it's a death of a musician series
absolutely lowest level content
If you want shit covered email it. I emailed them the dem donor ed buck story and they covered it on side stories twice
>covering the truth of far leftists systems
Doubt it.
Thanks, I'll check them out again
Working through The History of Rome while waiting for a new episode
They have multiple times shit talked the ussr and commies. I feel like you guys honestly don't even listen to the show much
Like the Jim Jones series they brought up socialism and how it wasn't a religious cult many times
top kek, pretty spot-on.
>a well-funded organization capable of pulling strings
>It's a Ben apologizes and reassures the listeners setting off Marcus and Henry to also apologize and reassure the listeners episode
>They have multiple times shit talked the ussr and commies.
A few times, Doesn't really count within the context of serial killers and dylatov pass.
Both great episodes though.
>I feel like you guys honestly don't even listen to the show much
Been listening since the beginning, but dropped them last year.
>Like the Jim Jones series they brought up socialism and how it wasn't a religious cult many times
Marcus constantly turns a blind eye when the subject comes up, and has defended it on Abe
s Lincoln Top Hat.
It's all so tiresome
Ben is a fucking sweetheart, that man is too good for that show.
>complaining about the guys bringing up politics
>is actually just listening to top hat
I'd forgotten this existed. I've not been there since way before the election, how bad could it have possibly gotten
I've listened to like 5-7 of their shows, Including Last Podcast, Abe Lincoln, Page7, Round Table, and Wizard and the Bruiser.
Last Podcast is easily the best of the bunch, but it's dipped in quality and entertainment.
Marcus and Henry didn't recover from 2016, I'm just sick of hearing about it.
Wbat do you mean explain? Fuck off you snowflake. Go listen to it
>Haven't listened in a year yet so obsessed as to enter every thread and talk non stop
Honestly man I think you're mentally ill. They never being up politics on LP. I think you have issues functioning or enjoying stuff by people who differ in what you've been programmed to think. I see it a lot elsewhere but with left wing ideology. I'm not quite sure what to call it, but it seems like legit autism to me.
I see you a lot in LP threads and it's starting to make me worry about you
>Wbat do you mean explain?
Explain your train of thought.
>Fuck off you snowflake. Go listen to it
I don't really want to.
>>Haven't listened in a year yet so obsessed as to enter every thread and talk non stop
>non stop
I posted now and the first post your replied to.
Shocking, there must not be more than one person in the world disappointed with their decline.
RIP Kevin Barnett too. I don't even want to go listen to the new Round Table shows, must have been rough on them.
>getting this triggered over a shitpost
>Honestly man I think you're mentally ill. They never being up politics on LP. I think you have issues functioning or enjoying stuff by people who differ in what you've been programmed to think. I see it a lot elsewhere but with left wing ideology. I'm not quite sure what to call it, but it seems like legit autism to me.
What the fuck are you talking about...?
You sound like the unhinged one here, I loved their show, they just haven't' been good in a long while.
>I see you a lot in LP threads and it's starting to make me worry about you
Dude, you are actually a paranoid schzio.
This is the first time I've ever seen Yea Forums, let alone Yea Forums talk about this show.
the gulag system was pretty lenient for all except political prisoners. in that case it was brutal
I think you need to get some help and people shouldn't entertain you snymore so I'm going to stop. You type the same way every thread and bring up Kevin inevitably. It's very obviously you.
My advice to you is to lighten up. One day you'll be dead and it's not worth living like you do. Get a job, get some friends. You'll realize people really don't care about your beliefs offline. It's not a big deal like this place has programmed into you.
M-Marcus? Is that you?
>I think you need to get some help and people shouldn't entertain you snymore so I'm going to stop. You type the same way every thread and bring up Kevin inevitably. It's very obviously you.
What has this place done to you...
What the actual fuck.
>My advice to you is to lighten up. One day you'll be dead and it's not worth living like you do. Get a job, get some friends. You'll realize people really don't care about your beliefs offline. It's not a big deal like this place has programmed into you.
speak for yourself, you schizoid freak.
>Haven't listened in 3 years because you got asshurt about someone not liking this awful president
How would you even know if they haven't been good? You haven't even listened to them in ages
>inb4 faggot mod deletes this thread
>>Haven't listened in 3 years because you got asshurt about someone not liking this awful president
I'm not american, and don't give a fuck about your politics.
I'm not listening to a paranormal podcast to hear some guys get triggered over their president.
More like based mod. Threads about that faggot contrapoints have less gay handbags at dawn horseshit in them.
please delete thread mod
>had potential to be a comfy last podcast thread
>spastics start arguing about politics
Absolutely tiresome
Ben's grandparents are literally war criminals.
It's weird you say that because if you don't care why would maybe a tiny Trump joke make you so mad and make you stop listening? Because that is all they've done is like a joke. They've never went off topic and got triggered as you seem to imply? I really don't understand
it's not funny to make fun of the God emperor!!!!!!
>shill gets angry at shitposters and criticism
>shill is a shizo
>replies are all political nonsense
This is just the opposite of comfy
You guys should check out The Dark Histories. It's like LPOTL or LORE but without the faggortry and pretentiousness.
Some people call 'em crimes against humanity. I call 'em crimes against time.
Good bedtimes stories because his voice and deliver puts me to sleep.
Anything is going to be more pretentious than LP. I swear if i listen to this and it's super duper serious I'm gonna laugh at you
>Anything is going to be more pretentious than LP.
Nothing is more pretentious than Marcus's tangents into his sex life.
The pretentiousness was in reference to LORE, faggotry to LPOTL respectively.
I used to be that way with LORE, especially with the low key piano going on in the background, but Aaron's had his head up his own ass for quite some time now. LORE now feels like its more ad than episode, and Cabinet of Curiosities just fucking sucks. His Salem Witch series was kino though.
This never happens
Literally has never happened
side stories is the only thing worth listening to now. mainly because it's like early last podcast where its more casual and they just chat shit about whatever weird stuff has happened out in the world. and ben actually has stuff to contribute
i think a lot of podcasts have gone to shit because the hosts take themselves and the show to seriously
I'm gonna tell Marcus you called him an incel, that research lackey wage is going down.
I already do it for free
Cum Town. Dick Show.
>it’s a ‘Marcus awkwardly reads an advert for a sex toy website’ episode
>Adam and Eve....dot...com.
It ain't Blue Apron kino that's for sure.
>thinking that the show title is a reference to politics, and not the film Last House On The Left
>virgin cum boy sits around all day buying electronics and feeling nothing but resentment, maybe does an episode when not taking on the clintons with a single tweet
>chad podcast on the left researches for a gay book and puts out perpetual shit episodes while adding more garbage side stories each month while fretting about muh 6 gorillion
Yes, truly a CHAD
He's such a useful idiot for satanists though.
>No REAL Satanist would do something evil and vile!
lol ok Henry
As a big fan of dick who's been to a live show where would I even start with cum town, I'm sure I'd like it but there's so much
>implying he isn't correct
people who think satanists are le spooky murderers and not dumb redditors are retwrds
Can you explain what cum town or cum boys or whatever is
The Richard Kuklinski episodes were fun
I'll never forgive him for retiring the accent.
Right wing retards gunna be right wing retards
you start at episode 1. if you don't go through the OG home improvement intro song days everything that follows is meaningless
shit nigger alright ill trust you on this
if Yea Forums was a podcast it'd be cum town
>when not taking on the clintons with a single tweet
You mean when not bowing down to a bunch of chapo fags and neolib boomers and deleting his twitter after they tear him apart
Is using proper punctuation a tool of the right wing? Get the politics out of your ass.
This is a Last Podcast thread.
It's basically the main guy Nick doing impressions of people, and talking about dicks and retards and gays
Cum Town is the show helmed by the Clown Prince of the Alt Right and President of the DSA Nick Mullen and his friends who laugh at his funny n word jokes
Discussion centres mainly around being a JUSTed loser (Stavros has recently lost his front tooth) and making boomer jokes about the mothman prophecies and seinfeld
Start at the start, Cum Town peaks at the beginning
Bully town is the funniest episode though
Ben is the audience vessel. He asks questions for us. It'd be weird if they were all just spewing facts
not sure how so many people dont understand this
I'd say go on Youtube and watch a best of compilation playlist. It'll give you a good sense of their style.
Ben is my favorite too.
George Ouzounian is a literal cuckold. That is all.
thought his twitter got banned? the chapo association is the worst part of cum town, admittedly
too smart for Yea Forums honestly
the worst part of cum town is they had assterios on before ever having dick on
Sounds like shit
What's the difference between cumtown and chapo.
They both seem like political shit.
satanists are just more euphoric atheists.
I mean they're still capable of doing fucked up shit, but so are Buddhists.
Yeah that's why it's so good
Some of them are m8, let's be real.
You've got dabblers in it for pussy like Henry, then you've got the more hardcore scary people that leave entry level LaVeyan satanism for something more extreme. It's like S&M, sure not everybody into kinky sex is the fucking Toybox killer, but let's not pretend the Toybox killer wasn't into kinky sex and you shouldn't instantly be suspicious of a man with a sex dungeon.
gotta have an opener before the main event
both and pretty much covered it
I havent listened to any podcasts for over a year.
Last I was listening was just Comedy Bang Bang and last podcast on the left
the host sounds retarded when he talks about stuff after the main part of each podcast
constantly repeating himself in his terrible accent
Which episodes are actually scary? I often turn to truecrimegarage because the jokes on this become too much
the cum boys don't care about politics in the slightest, and the pod is like the one Orange Man free comedy safe place
Monday Morning Podcast
I've started listening to choice Art Bell shows
I'm looking for similar supernatural/ayy podcasts which aren't completely obvious that the hosts are hamming it up
Pretty much this, Henry would probably be chad-tier if he'd get off his edgy high-school LeVeyian Satanist shit
Fresh from R*****t
No episodes of this are scary unless you're literally 8 years old.
>people complaining about politics
Ben is a politician and ironically he probably brings up politics the least.
Marcus is pretty passive and will only engage if it's brought up.
Henry brings up Gamergate a bunch of times for some reason, it's annoying but really not offensive.
If you people REALLY want to feel the inserted politics listen to Talking Simpsons
>literally goes through trivia and making of each episode of the simpsons
>majority of the guests are gay
>main host is gay
>complain about old episodes sending bad messages (i.e Homer Badman and the MeToo movement)
>for some reason brought up Venom and complained they only made him look like a woman for the kiss scene is because of homophobia
>gay guy constantly says monogamy is dumb because sex "is like a handshake"
yes, the podcast where nick mullen riffed on the gayest bomb of all time is similar political shit to a trashy chapo trap house
the hosts are friends with each other but the extent to which cumtown has "politics" is limited to shitting on israel and hollywood pedophilia shit. iirc the host of cumtown wanted to have weev and Sam Hyde on but it never panned out.
chapo started as a show making fun of liberals and cucked conservative columnists but is now basically the daily show for millenial "socialists"
The cumtown sub is almost bearable
bob mackey is bigger faggot than the literal faggot on the show
>The eliot rodger episode where Marcus gets mad at Ben calling out his virtue signalling
the cum town sub is essential reading for keeping up with the show
I can't imagine not knowing about the tom Myers cum tribute
>Wanting to hear Gilbert Gottfried speak
Henry is probably the least of them all in political bringings up. He says he doesn't like talking about it much and never really does. He was a guest on a podcast and talked more about it and said he wished he hadn't as he was in a bad place
That podcast is the highlight of my week.
Ben's great. I used to not like him but his jokes are always way more subtle than Henry's so I think people just don't notice or something.
>implying Chapofags would make jokes about Africans being rapists
>chapo started as a show making fun of liberals and cucked conservative columnists but is now basically the daily show for millenial "socialists"
This sounds thoroughly awful.
Cumtown sounds like edgy but fun.
They're not connected?
Casey Anthony episodes are kino
nick's old roommate was one of the hosts of chapo but that's about it
I have no idea what you're talking about. I mean quality isn't as good as the early ones but it's still fine.
It's because he's the dumbest of the three, as well as being the uninformed one
For example in the Donner Party episode it's not merely that Ben hasn't researched the Donner Party, it's that he doesn't know relatively basic shit about history in general
Nigerian Shark tank pops up in my head every once in a while, and it always gets a laugh out of me.
>I would like twelve dollars to buy a lemonade
The hosts are all friends and sometimes apear as guests on the other show
gilbert mostly just laughs
the best episode is the bruce vilanch one
he is in no way the dumbest lmao thats fucking Henry.
Ben just doesn't research the shit anymore because he is the audience surrogate. He plays this up for laughs
ben is an illiterate who can barely read
>the manlet fears the giant
>be ben
>shortest among your family
>ashamed of your proud Germanic heritage
>not funny, not even as funny as the virgin marcus
>notice henry is successful, even stars in marty's films
>get jealous and run for public office
>lose BIGLY
must be great being ben
>not funny
he's literally the funniest one in the group
>discussion gets interesting
>the one fucking guy who did any research is explaining something he learned
>the other guys do nothing but sit and wait for an opportunity to make a joke that involves repeating something and screaming for 2-3 minutes at a time
FUCK this podcast. Literally any other paranormal podcast is 1000x better
you got my reply
can you name some other ones
>pleading for home improvement facts because of the holocaust
sure bud
If you don't understand the subtle nuances of Ben's comedy then I can't help you.
Are you American per chance?
Americans seem to have trouble understanding comedy outside of funny screams.
>it's a part 1 of 15 episode
Yeah, no thanks.
>the subtle nuances of a Wisconsinite
Is this podcast leftist?
I don't watch leftist podcasts.
Astonishing Legends. But be warned, everything from 2018 onwards has about 5 minutes of advertising every 15 minutes. It's fucking insane.
Joe Rogan does a 3 hour poscast every week and frontloads 5 minutes of ads in the beginning. Astonishing legends fags talk about the great courses and blue kitchen for 15-20 minutes for each 2 hour episode.
I also recommend any Joe Rogan interview with Graham Hancock, Robert Schock, or Randall Carlson. And look up on youtube any interviews about Missing 411. That shit is a giant rabbit hole to go down.
Does anyone else think this show has gone to shit? It just doesn't seem as fun anymore, and there's way more emphasis on actually telling the story rather than just making jokes.
>I don't watch leftist podcasts.
I'm sure you don't rightard
>the one fucking guy who did any research is explaining something he learned
He literally reads off wikipedia.
according to him he reads at least 3 books for each episode which is why they're slowing down on main episodes and supplementing with side-stories.
>wikipedia is not valid or accurate information in spite of it being the most heavily sourced depository of information, carefully curated by the greatest autists of our time
don't you have some 6th grade english papers to grade or something?
Well i like hearing the truth, not beta snowflake nigger lovin incel shit that's made up to feed your pipe dream agenda of entitlement.
Except he doesn’t
will you stop saying this meme
he literally has a research assistant at this point
Ben saying RRRRRAAAAAAAASSSSSPUTIN is 10x funnier than anything virgin Henry has ever said
he's making fun of you for saying you watch podcasts you dumb retard
>Well i like hearing the truth
It's not that it's invalid, it's just not appropriate enough to be called proper research.
If you're going to do an episode on Mothman, it's going to take more than just reading John Keel's wikipedia page.
You'd have to go through his book and other researcher's book on the subject, The research should really be going the extra mile.
Other podcasts do it, Marcus literally just hired some below-minimum wage interns to dictate wikipedia for him.
He does actually.
>will you stop saying this meme
>he literally has a research assistant at this point
She doesn't do much besides copy pasting paragraphs off wikipedia.
And don't get me started on that Chaos Magick episode, he was so uninformed and pretty much said false information.
My favorite bit was when he had to rely on some icelandic guy to give him the sparks notes version of it for him.
Ummm no you fucking dunce haha
Yep. Truth hurts leftards.
Lol hurr muh fake progressive tolerant life durr durr. Muh social justice and gibs.
How was the mengle episode? I figured it would just be talking how the Nazis are exactly like Trump's America.
mengele series is okay but there are a few actual drumpf jokes in it that are eyeroll tier
What bothered me most about it was them talking about how horrible the nazis were and then turning around and being like WOOOO FUCKING MURDER AND TORTURE NAZIS
>Lol hurr muh fake progressive tolerant life durr durr. Muh social justice and gibs.
user I think you are having a stroke
also I was making fun of you for saying you watch podcasts but of course you were too dumb to get that
I used to listen to all their heavy hitter podcasts and then one day I was doing some reading on a serial killer (can't recall who) that they'd made a podcast about and half of the shit they said wasn't even true.
Are you retarded? Henry goes full reddit sometimes but how can a podcast about serial killers be 'left' or 'right'
vae victus
but in all honesty you shouldn't be looking to a true-crime comedy podcast for your moral compass
Don't ever speak to me again.
>Henry goes full reddit sometimes but how can a podcast about serial killers be 'left' or 'right'
Marcus: Hold my beer.
*patrician choice coming through*
These guys are their obvious succesors:
Based dishonorably discharged redneck a dimwitted friend.
I just don't like it when they try to be moral but end up being bloodthirsty, is all. It's pretty uncomfortable when rational Ben is just sitting there listening to Marcus and Henry rant about this kind of thing.
I sometimes listen to lore
But I haven't listened to any podcasts in a while
>only my side is the truth i don't listen to the other side
hmm, what does this remind me of?
>hmm, what does this remind me of?
Nazis and Commies?
I miss paranoia shope
Listening to podcasts like this is a form of cucking, it's like watching porn. You don't have any friends/girlfriend irl so you substitute the social interaction with Internet people that don't even know you exist.
It's pathetic.
being this paranoid about being cucked is cucked in itself
So is watching sports being a cuck since you could be out there playing yourself?
Watching movies also being a cuck because you could be having adventures with your own friends?
So what's this podcast about ? A friend of mine tried to get me into The Dollop but there's to much white bashing for my taste and I'm not even white
God LPOTL got a little too much for me, they like making quick political jabs that suck. Plus I dont care about learning about the holocaust or any of the non serial killers/cults/paranormal stuff from a paranormal podcast. Also Ben does a retarded presentation voice which makes Side Stories unlistenable for me
Watching sports is gay because you're just salivating over one large nigger manhandling another while being marketed endless shit. Sports are one of the gayest and most bluepilled things you can watch.
Early Dollop was good, but 2016 made them go off the rails, like a ton of other podcasts.
>be Irish
>listen to the dollop
>Dave keeps insisting he's Irish despite being an American
>keeps talking on behalf of Irish people and preaches his white guilt about the things Irish people did in the 1800s in America
>Irish people kept writing in being irritated by this
>he starts seething, doubles down on his white guilt, GUYS IM IRISH AND I SAY THIS ISNT OKAY
>makes Gareth stop doing funny alcoholic Irishman impressions because he genuinely thinks that's what people were annoyed at
had to stop listening after a point. It's a shame, Gareth is pretty funny
I want to listen to the back log but Aukerman is a fucking kike
Any of the live in Australia Dollop episodes are good otherwise they can be unlistenable
Fucking stitcher premium. Shit is so gay.
Ben and Marcus are the best ones. Henry is horribly unfunny and tries way too hard. If you think his humor is funny you have the sense of humor of a twelve year old.
>go to one of their live shows
>starts out pretty funny about the early logging industry
>then almost immediately devolves into preaching about the early socialists movements
It is never fucking ending with that shit. Just tell me funny stories.
I remember that one off Netflix short comedy movie he did.
absolutely fucking atrocious
>The penguin oil episode.
pretty much, normal people don't live like that
Based Hong Kong Henry & Dogmeat
based schizo
Based Mandingo lover
Nice retort, faggot.
By the way I'm impressed with this thread.
it used to be way, way better. ben used to really funny and make fucked up jokes, now he just throws out his "gosh golly" canned lines and shit so you know how woke he is because he wants to run for office again some day. henry's not much better. overall they just feel neutered compared to before. it's not THAT noticeable and it's still a really good podcast but they all come across as kinda faggy. politics doesn't come up that much but they never miss an opportunity to remind everyone that they're on the "right" side of every single issue.
all that said the thing that really gets under my skin is the way they reference pizzagate, like "haha these people Hilary Clinton is raping kids in a pizza restaurant!" these guys fucking did an entire series on the franklin coverup and underground pedo rings. they KNOW this shit goes on, and if there's even a single genuine bone in marcus or henry they've looked at all the weird shit and know there's way fucking more to the story.
What do you do while driving somewhere? It beats music
Don't mind me, just dropping off a much better paranormal/conspiracy podcast
it's literally the opposite with Ben
he's not actually an edgy guy and used to try WAY too hard and it was so embarrassing
Perhaps they're not retards and are aware of things like Occam's Razor and not leaning into magical thinking because wish fulfillment?
it's been a while so i guess i'll take your word for it. i just remember him having alot more to say.
anyone else used to be in the Facebook group?
Place was such a fucking shithole it made me delete my account a few years back lmao
>at work
I just listen to old O&A bits.
explain to me what a "pizza related map" is buddy. and for fuck sake you don't have to be a right wing or a left wing person to have looked at the piles of creepy shit and coincidences to think that something is going on there. tourist.
Christ, that must have been awful. My ears always prick up whenever they mention some email that got from a fan who's "going through hard times". I can only imagine that it was a whole lot of people posting about their mental illness and fat goth chicks and guys looking to score with them.
it pisses me off because in the earlier days it seemed like they always looked at the full story, entertained all the possibilities. they would take a stance on what they personally thought but it was always even handed. now they have no problem misrepresenting the claims made because it fits the political agenda. it's just fuckin gay
Chapo trap house
podcasts are fantastic if you exercise or drive at all.
I go on a jog for an hour every night and I eat through podcasts very quickly.
I also listen to audiobooks but sometimes I'd rather get an hour of new shit from some guys yucking it up than listening to an hour of world history.
Bob Mackey is the world's biggest faggot. If it weren't for him and henry being such fucking encyclopedias of bullshit, that show would be unbearable.
don't call me a faggot, but I enjoy MBMBAM
I'll never understand what people get out of this podcast. The subject matter plays such an insignificant role in each episode that it might as well be considered clickbait. The episodes themselves are just unfunny people with east coast accents trying their hardest to make clever jokes, but succeeding only in making jokes that were old in 1970, only for them to immediately trip over themselves apologizing if the joke involved anything slightly colorful.
>How can a podcast about serial killers be 'left' or 'right'
Someone has never had the misfortune of having to sit through an episode of caustic soda.
>when a show that uses reoccuring jokes like a man saying "molleste" in a stereotypical italian accent is too PC for you
no agenda show
It’s really not as political as people say, I had the misfortune of starting with the Dean Corrl episode where they whines about racist Texas towns for like 40 min, and almost dropped it, but it’s really grown on me. I like Henry, even if he’s just ripping off old Patton Oswalt bits, someone has to keep that going, Lord knows Patton isn’t funny anymore.
Just started listening, there is some good knowledge there. If you can get a bit more /pol/, Myth of the Twentieth Century is really good. It’s like as if /pol/ actually read books.
How gay are you, OP?
I bet you're so gay you identify as a heterosexual member of the gender you weren't assigned at birth.
when you have to drive 6+ hours a day for work..
Marcus is from Texas and loves the state, he's just not afraid to shit on it as well.
reminder you can listen to the pro version for free
Gareths reverse Dollops are much better. The history of Atari was actually hilarious and the one where Kim Jong Ill kidnapped a South Korean film director
Naw, there’s shitting on your state(which they joke about a lot and it’s funny), and then there’s extended “I hate where I’m from, but I made it and now I’m special and live in NYC, so I’m not like those other white people” rants. It’s funny that they live in NYC and complain about people in Texas being exclusionary, I mean, I lived in the shitty part of Brooklyn where the Hassids had their own special ambulance that no one else can use and the Jamaicans a few blocks down scream “why are you here?” or give you death glares for being white in their neighborhood. You can’t seriously live in NYC and pretend that people in Texas are the only people who don’t like people that don’t look like them. It’s dishonest moral preening.
Marcus has definitely said in episodes "people from Texas are some of the nicest people you'll meet" and Henry and Ben agree.
They act cynical mainly for comedic effect but generally have positive attitudes towards general populations.
I used to listen to the Dollop until it became clear what a retard Dave is
he was called out for cribbing his "research" verbatim from some guys website and got incredibly butthurt about it
>Marcus has definitely said in episodes "people from Texas are some of the nicest people you'll meet" and Henry and Ben agree.
This is true, but the part about Sundown Towns was especially egregious, it had almost nothing to do with the episode and was just a dumb personal rant. Like I said, I like the show, that was just a particularly bad thing to come across when I was just getting into it. They do a good job of keeping it light and non-partisan most of the time, and that’s coming from a guy that’s pretty far right wing.
I think if you're right-wing but get absolutely triggered from left-wing opinions you need to take a look at yourself.
This isn't horse-shoe memery, it's just having a thick-skin.
I mean I listen to a podcast where the presenters have pretty egregious views on homosexuality, veganism, etc but I still listen to them because I can just think they're faggots and enjoy the rest of the content.
It's really not a big deal to expose yourself to conflicting opinions, even if you're never going to be convinced by them.
>im tall
>i LOVE x
>bud light
has henry done anything with mufon since joining?
i mean he paid money to be in it
It’s not a conflicting opinion, it’s ignoring the exclusionary practices of the people in the city that you live in(who are not supposed to be criticized according to mainstream discourse) to shit on people that it’s culturally acceptable to shit on. It’s crassly hypocritical and stinks of moral preening. It’s also not an “opposing viewpoint” when it’s the dominant paradigm. Furthermore, I was raised in a leftwing milieu and was a leftist for many years, I’m not unfamiliar with the arguments, I’ve just grown to see a lot of their arguments to be flatly incorrect and self serving.
i bet you're fun at parties
jesus christ user go outside or something
Our Strange Skies is pretty good for ayliums without the bullshit. The host took a break recently though because of a death in the family. Cryptonaut podcast is good if you just want tales of the weird encounters with three best friends drinking some booze. They cover unique cryptid and aylium encounters I've never heard of anywhere else. Mysterious Universe is entertaining too but they do some dives into some deeply fringe bullshit. Although they never pretend the fringe bullshit is real. They just report the claims of the fringe nuts and have a laugh.
Dave died in 2016 when Trump was elected. He was replaced with an NPC bot.
Go back to the early episode of Dollop like 10 cent beer night and The Rube. Skip everything after the 2016 election because Dave became an insufferable cunt who just white bashes and shits on Gareth the cohost for no reason.
As a busy dad, I don’t get to a lot of parties, but I am actually well liked, and as shocking as this may be, how I post on an anonymous Bhutanese chicken entrail interpretation forum is not how I act in real life.
>needing to convince anonymous users of said anonymous Bhutanese chicken entrail interpretation forum that you're well liked
yep, I'm sure you're doing great
Lol, I guess I should go to bed.
>the left
>want to make a sjw joke
>listen to 2-3 episodes since last month i saw a thread
>they really are liberal shills and only like jew directors/movie/israel supporting movie plots
stop shilling. im gonna start reporting this shit. there really upfront with there anti white male shit too.
>only like jew directors/movie/israel supporting movie plots
>implying there’s any other type
>being so young and braincucked by /pol/ that you don't know the title doesn't refer to a political ideology, but a movie
kill yourself immediately
They are left wingers tho
They're not wrong.