Attached: 1622172016512.webm (1920x1080, 700.88K)

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amazing post friend

Attached: 1650624722444.jpg (1536x2048, 441.15K)

giving yujins nose a run for the money

Attached: [Queen's Land] 아침에도 미모 폭발하는 잘 나가는() 언니들과 조금 못 나가는() 언니들 _ 이달의 소녀(LOONA) 2차 경연 출근길 셀프캠 #퀸덤2 EP.4 00.471.webm (960x1080, 2.88M)

wait this is japanese no wonder it doesn't suck

garam bully princess

Attached: 1620864355476.png (523x727, 732.2K)

Attached: 1651600844237.jpg (1728x2160, 1.43M)

omo nose hair...

Attached: 1633914191350.jpg (1080x1080, 212.96K)


Attached: FQtOJJuUYAIm1M2.jpg (1080x1350, 162.91K)

kazuha jav?

Attached: 00978pl.jpg (379x538, 152.46K)

remove yejiwiga

garam loves big white poles

Attached: [Queen's Land] 아침에도 미모 폭발하는 잘 나가는() 언니들과 조금 못 나가는() 언니들 _ 이달의 소녀(LOONA) 2차 경연 출근길 셀프캠 #퀸덤2 EP.4 00.52.webm (896x1080, 2.87M)

Attached: 1639856289621.jpg (2684x4026, 1.41M)

soulless bottom of the barrel bullying compared to soulful irene bullying

Idek what to say about this...

Attached: Albino.jpg (2192x2328, 228.08K)

Yunjins rubbed off on her


why did hybe make a 16 year old do this?

Attached: bum.webm (1920x1080, 2.14M)

i do
albinos have red eyes

Attached: 1633964486.jpg (1311x1819, 225.39K)

lo how the mighty fall and the tides turn as the age of bean supremacy dawns and shines its lights on our barren lands

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Attached: 1626388188937.jpg (1080x1350, 269.95K)

they really want my support specifically

post chinks

i miss those

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who's his favorite idol?

Attached: 1651531496129.jpg (1365x2048, 584.21K)

Attached: FR0g5JZUUAAS4R0.jpg (768x1024, 83.26K)

>big white poles
omo i have a chance

im about to do the same

what if it was her idea?

chimp clavlicking extravaganza

Attached: 1651513357183.webm (802x1080, 2.8M)

Attached: womy.jpg (1024x1024, 362.29K)

that's an aespachad
the eyes give it away

>its all vocals and it just comes across as lazy
yeah imagine actually singing a melody


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will-o'-the-wisp babe
oh baby it's blue flame...

Attached: 20220408_123932.jpg (2048x2509, 660.94K)


he prays to hal'nouq, idol of the western lands, bringer of disease and guide of the nethered

>doing some old meme dance
yea i wouldnt do it at that age either

Yunjin or garam?


Attached: 1641380391173.jpg (1200x608, 64.48K)

does he stream

Attached: 210512 ITZY.jpg (3600x1237, 1.49M)

Attached: 1649330282434.webm (1920x1076, 2.95M)

this is like the 8th webm i made of this scene
this one's from the 4k vid, down to 1080p

Attached: bum babababum bum.webm (1920x1080, 2.87M)

Attached: 1628708087.jpg (599x624, 52.02K)

kill yourself

not anymore, SHE is a youtuber now

Is Winty's butthole going to recuperate after that school visit?

abundance of basedness

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Attached: OH_03.jpg (1536x1536, 1.28M)

we can't wait to see wony and chimp make out furiously with tongues and teeth on music bank

Attached: 20220502_223031.jpg (1827x1822, 382.16K)

the koreans are sexualizing children and you're laughing

Attached: 1650985462023.jpg (458x457, 21.93K)


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orib cute

Attached: bum4.webm (1600x900, 2.95M)