I never got the hate for 2 and 3. Then again I saw them at a relatively young age and don't remember that much by now, at least from 3. Can someone explain what's supposedly so bad about them?
I really didn't like 4, thouh, even as a teenage boy, and wasn't aware there was a fifth until less than a year ago.
I never got the hate for 2 and 3. Then again I saw them at a relatively young age and don't remember that much by now...
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Just watch them and youll understand
I dont recommend rewatching them, just hold onto your childhood memory
2 was better than 1
2 > 1 = 3
Wow i jad no idea there was a fifth, and it has fucking Bardem?
Queued up
2 was the best for me
The original scripts were very dark but the extensive rewrites to make them family movies failed leaving a very odd mix of incredibly dark scenes with almost out of place humor
The problem is that the plot of 2 & 3 were so heavily intertwined but people thought they'd be just 2 more pirates movies. I bet if they called them "Dead man's chest pt 1" and "Dead mans chest pt 2" then it would've had better normie reception
that is a good point actually
2's only good scenes were with Davey Jones - mostly stemming from the acting and CGI of him. The Kraken attacks were creepy and interesting but dont hold up visually.
3 is primarily schlock, it removes the Kraken and Davey Jones for political drama/character focus that is cheapened multiple times before a finale that turns into parody that cock teases the audience about a massive armada battle.
4 was just boring, it repeats the Will/Elizabeth stuff with new characters and the only interesting aspect was the potential sequel it teased 'evil jack'
5 had potential, but squandered it. It sort of continued on from 4 but never acknowledged it. It set-up a movie that would have been awesome but it never delivered.
Now we are stuck waiting on a reboot for a franchise that has only had enough content for two great movies.
Man i am stoked to watch this fifth kne, how the fuck did i miss this? I blame psycho ex gf for cutting me off from society
I remember the opening of 2 being pretty gruesome, actually. iirc we see a crow biting out the eyes of some prisonner on some penitentiary island.
>a massive armada battle.
what is a movie that actually has like dozens or hundreds of ships fighting each other
seems like it would be impossibly expensive
That and the cannibal island.
>Where’s the rest of the crew
>what do you think these cages are made of
Is there some sources where I can read about the original scripts?
2 and 3 are kino pleb filters OP
They are kino. 4 and 5 are shit though.
>scene aboard the dutchman
>dutch angle everywhere
The Curse of the Black Pearl works so well because Jack is the anti-hero supporting role and Will and Elizabeth are the mains.
Every other PotC movie shifts that focus making Jack slightly more the main character (till he is after 3) and less of a cunning anti-hero and more of a lucky idiot.
they're too long and have inconsistent tones
the deleted scenes from the original in which jack and elizabeth are getting to know each other on the island
are abslute kino
>I don't understand the hate for movies I don't remember
No, because the second film and third were written at the same time, there were no "originals", that poster is a liar and a retard
>when the Kraken's tentacles are rubbing on a ship, the sound design includes the thwap sound as the sucky spots go by
Foor meh-aah, number twoo is quite gewd
Daveh Joons is the bes thing about eht
I don't think you watched p4 and p5 where Jack is basically a glorified franchise mascot that barely qualifies as a character
especially p5
and the problem of p2 and 3 was never too much jack, p2 was fine and p3 was just too bloated bullshit (but still tons better than p4 and p5)
Dead Man's Chest is my fav desu.
>p4 and p5 where Jack is basically a glorified franchise mascot that barely qualifies as a character
Yeah and in 4 the camera is literally hot glued to Jack the entire movie. You don't go to a sports game to watch the mascot.
And in 5 he is a walking joke but the "main characters" whose names I can't even remember, have almost no stakes, no intrigue and next to no character development
2 is pretty comfy. Awesome soundtrack too.
>implying kaya and her cleavage needed any character development
What're you gay or something
2 and 3 are absolute fucking kino
Gore Verbinski is a shlock genius
I wasn't even aware 2 got any hate. That is one of the best sequels ever made. Bill Nighy's makeup/CGI is pretty incredible.
desu I always thought it was weird that afamily friendly Disney action comedy opened with a little kid being executed at the gallows.
Bros. It's kinda shit... Imo ofcourse.
i'm expecting shit but i'm stoked to see Javier
movie is shit, bardem is great, if only for meme value
A+ tiddies too
do you think they really write the thing in one go? the originals are referencing the first drafts
3 has one of the greatest soundtracks ever
Loved Dead Men chest far more than any of them
Jack's sacrifice, the fight with Jack, Will and that other dude and Barbossa made it really kino for me
>Dead Men chest
nigga wat
When he appeared at the end
Got me hyped as shit the first time i saw it
It’s alright. It’s nothing amazing but it’s not complete shit either.
The YAG memes have ruined it for me now though. Can’t even think of some scenes without laughing at this point.
2>1>3>>>>>>>5 is only higher because of meme value
4 is just boring
I think 3 is great. 2 seems to be popular but I didn't like it as much
As the franchise went on, more magic bullshit was introduced and it made the movies less and less fun. I enjoy the first 3, but don't think I could go back watching 4 or 5. Same with The Hobbit. Love LotR, can't ever go back rewatching The Hobbit.
yeah there was just enough magic in the 1st movie to make it seem like a ghost story set in the 1700s or whatever. 2 and 3 are fun but theyre like fantasy movies
3 has issues, but its the best trilogy ever filmed. I legit think its better than Star Wars originals which I grew up on, Indiana Jones and Toy Story.