The Orville™ begins in one (1) hour!
The Orville™ begins in one (1) hour!
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Is this the episode where they visit Issac's homeworld?
love you
Is this the episode where they have an original story that isn't a copy of Star Trek and isn't about fags?
This better be a proper scifi episode and not any more of that Moclan bullshit.
Watch a rocket launch before the Orville
I hope they don't delay the 2nd part next week, fox has a habit of doing that
I bought the first season. Its Mcfarlane right? The guy has done some funny shit. I forgave the low budget style. I tried to overlook that Seth was actually a better actor than a few of the other main characters. I tried to overlook the in your face non ironic preachy social justice warrior shit. I tried to let the characters grow on me. At the end of the day? This show is not very good. Not very good at all. Its trash.
So thoughts on what the story is this week
>Singles: Bortus decides to become a woman
>Dubs: clyden decided to become a woman
>Trips: this new planet is full of moclan woman
>Quads: everyone transitions to molclan including Simon
>I tried to overlook the in your face non ironic preachy social justice warrior shit.
Seems more like ironic slightly-off-from-expectations social justice warrior shit to me.
Yes, but it's our trash.
Can you imagine a show set on a Moclan ship?
isn't that basically what we've gotten the last 7 eps anyway? although a matter of honer type crossover crew exchange would be fun, but really enough with the fucking molcans already
Final Predictions?
>A Plot: Bortus and Klyden are having trouble in the bedroom.
>B Plot: Topa is being cyber bullied.
I hope we see the Chak'tal again this season.
where the fuck do I find season 1, I need to binge this
Hulu, Amazon video, torrents
>Topa is being cyber bullied by clyden
Teleya is the only thing that can salvage this season. It's the only remotely interesting storyline left right now.
It's on DVD.
Man I wish she had been in more episodes before the reveal.
>4D candy crush
50/50 chance of being a Moclan sexuality episode or actually advancing the plot, who feels lucky?
What a dick
Yeah, I don't think anyone had a clue she was a Krill agent (despite both characters sharing the same actress in IMDB).
seems more like a trip to ISAAC's homeworld episode
glorified speak and spell
Looks like Isaac's warranty just expired.
So its either Bortus or Issac ep, every ep.
>Isaac has been Sybian-jackrabbiting her in the next room for hours every night.
Yeah, I think they knew.
not so superior now are ya buddy
RIP Isaac
Issac DED!!
it's just as well, they're the more interesting characters
although Not Alara is growing on me
RIP my husbandfu KushKush
He's not dead he's just pining for the fjords!
Isaac has to be rebooted and will lose all memories of her. Calling it now
Post your favorite Isaac moments in memoriam.
I liked when he misunderstood organic culture.
i missed EVERYTHING before the intro
im gonna need a QUICK RUNDOWN on what i missed
Safe bet.
>Episode named Identity
no shit Sherlock
doc told her kids she was dating Isaac. Isaac started glitching then falls dead
inb4 Brent Spiner plays one of the Kaylons.
>Picture your mom trying to hook up a stereo
>...I understand.
Even centuries in the future, the pain is real.
You'd think he would have a backup in the cloud.
What a sexist, ageist, prejudiced 21st century joke.
Isac went night night
they've avoided direct Star Trek connections so far
it'd make more since for everyone to just sound like ISAAC
holy fuck it's been what, a few weeks?
im happy to know stereos still exist, instead of shitty bluetooth speakers.
imagine if they cast an attractive black woman.
>It is not so impressive
Shut the fuck up you gay golem.
Bortus is not impressed
>V'ger tier scan
>it's been a long road
>they've avoided direct Star Trek connections so far
what? They've had a lot of Trek actors show up so far what are you talking about user?
htf can the Orville land with that shape
Very carefully
television magic
perhaps I'm just blind as fuck, list them
I bet she gave him a virus during coitus
probably has retractable legs
beautiful fuckin city
so damn kino, someone for the love of god give webmds
The Doctor from Voyager and his wife the Vorta from DS9 for starters.
I'm really liking the background music in this episode.
Are we supposed to believe football is still around in the future? It’s dying fast
>The Doctor
>Cassidy Yates
I think thats it so far
let the racism begin
>cybernetic lifeforms bother mass producing bipedal humanoid forms rather then custom building them for diplomatic/intelligence gathering reasons
Is that Robert Picardo doing one of the voices?
>dramatic music and slow panning shots of Alien Shit
now THIS is Trek
>Gordon, floss the ship onto the landing pad.
I bet you Isaac will be some kind of black sheep misfit of his planet absolutely cookie cutter.
Frakes directed an episode
>the vorta from ds9
combs hasn't been in it yet
So did Robert Duncan McNeill.
Braga also has a few eps now
why do they need guards?
Nope, seems like they're all Isaac's VA.
Not him, the female one was Alara's mother.
>they’re all humanoid
Disappointing tbqh
I was hoping they’d be eldritch techno-abominations and just sent one shaped like humans to study them
including this one
>AI using robot bodies to type
how inefficient
Are Isaac's eyes different this episode, or is it just me?
All I want to know is who created the Kaylons and what happened to them.
Riker if you could episode directors
this could all be a ruse to avoid revealing their true nature to outsiders. If this was TOS it'd definitely be a ruse
ah cool I missed that one
Imo he's really improved since ST, pretty much every ep he's done has been a good one
Yea thatd be cool
>advanced alien planet
>shortage of chairs
Didn't we do this already
I want either Dorn or Frakes to play the captain of the Alliance flagship, like 3 4 times the size of the orville and everyone is super efficient and constantly bullies the orville for being losers
Yes how many episodes do we need to relay to the audience that Isaac is a fucking robot with no emotions.
Why is Seth trying to get rid of al my favorite characters?
First Alara, now Isaac.
Soon the only one will be Bortus and Klyden every episode.
Lmao even the robot dad gotta leave them blacks behind.
>but you were going to be our new dad
>b-but.. you were gonna be our new dad..
fuck man it could even be Stewart, he and Seth are chummy
everyone understands this is a 2 parter right?
Jesus, a little on the nose, Seth.
individualists btfo
too on the nose, but stewart as just a back ground character on the flagship ala tapestry would be fun, just one brief scene of him as a crewman handing in a report or maybe frakes or dorn lecturing him something like that
is she coming back?
Finally he gets to sing
no i don't think seth's ex girlfriend is coming back
but why?
At the end of this season.
Christ Seth just write a fucking broadway play already and get it out of your system like Matt and Trey
He's got some pipes, yo.
Wow gordons got them pipes
lmao he's got pipes
more like steelface
Integration is wrong thanks Seth McFarland
>isaac's gone
He has a really good voice
Haven't you seen American Dad?
Based Bortus wanting a corner piece
>two part episode
I hope they don't do the "red-eyed evil Isaac" at the end of this episode and the "blue-eyed good Isaac" by the end of the second.
poor bortus
make him the ship's barber
Why? Why didn't you cut him the corner piece of the cake in time?!
Missed a golden opportunity for a Hitler speech
Lmao i know right
>ship barista, who hates tea
Punished Bortus, a man denied his corner piece
700 years of speeches, and he chooses Sally Field
>superior intellect?
That's what I was expecting
can someone please make that meme, id fucking love it
this episode is too soon after their previous relationship ep
That’s been the message of the whole season
>I know we’re supposed to accept differences, but there’s got to be a line somewhere
I know he's a robot, but why would he litter?
why is isaac so based?
This entire season has been horribly out of sequence. I feel like some of this is leftover scripts from last season.
so when they opened up his face plate and moved his eyes around, they wiped out his emotion, didn't they
I threw it on the ground
You must think I'm a joke
I ain't gonna be part of your system
these are both great
literally no emotions. He only dated her because avoiding her was causing problems with his program.
he never had emotion
>zoom in on his face
he never had emotion, stop trying to impart human emotions and mindsets onto an artificial construct
only the first ep, which is very obviously suppose to be the finale of the first season, all the various threads from s1 are mostly tied up by that ep also
bortus says he only pees once a year
>s1 finale
bortus pees
its pottery
I'm kind of disappointed that his people all look like him instead of being built for whatever role they do and his appearance being only to fit in with the crew.
Damn that doctor bod
this, but muh budget
Needed that budget for Bortus gay porn addiction ep.
As a doctor, probably trained in xenobiology, she should have been the last person on that crew to project human traits onto Isaac.
Very unprofessional.
lol this guy is right on the money and the kid was the first to detect it.
she's a desperate woman though
you can't control who you love
We really need to stop bringing kids into space...
people even warned her about this when she pursued him romantically
For a second I thought he was stepping out of an airlock.
J-Just me?
>Issac's unwittingly been sending data back to Kaylon to help them construct superweapons to wipe out the Union
why does a child have clearance to leave the ship alone
That is an airlock user, it's just being used to go to the surface.
children are retarded
oh shit whats gonna happen
>it'd make more since
bless you user
Blue Kaylons good, Red Kaylons bad.
pretty spooky.
thank you so much
>pay no attention to the man behind the curtain
...fuck inb4 they are building robot duplicates for infiltration
These fuckers are about to go full Borg.
>now they're gonna have two ultra powerful enemies
Union is fucked
forgot the mustache
So they're just like the Geth.
My guess? The robots are being controlled by imperfect biological creatures.
Perhaps they exterminated their creators.
>it’s a benevolent race isn’t what they seem episode
I hate Talla so much. She lacks screen presence. She's utterly forgettable.
Oh wow the Orville is already devolving into another boring war sci fi show? That didn't take very long.
well this just went 1488 in a damn hurry
this isn't necessarily all that bad, just their way of becoming the dominant species on their planet
She's a red shirt, if it doesn't work out they'll give her an emotional death scene.
Turns out the Kaylons were Cybermen all along.
Probably the poor fools that built the AIs
Cybermen convert biological lifeforms
I was expecting some dulce base stuff
She is ugly alara with no personality
when will people learn to never go full AI
Aw damn....
what sanctimonious shits, Ed and the Union, its' their species history, everyone's is just as bad, fuck the Moclans are still pretty fucking deplorable
Is Isaac the leader?
This only means one thing. Invasion.
Bingo bongo.
>the robot was a bad guy all along
I mean the mustache he got in previous episode
but it makes them hypocrites for criticizing humanity for doing the same thing.
Isaac led the genocide.
more like extermination of all biological life in the union.
I know but I thought it would be funnier with Snake's beard.
krill/union team up?
>ran out of memory
>gonna increase memory by assimilating other worlds
5stars, mac!
Luckily the bridge was only accessible by stairs so the crew was safe from the Dalek menace.
Be silent.
[cybermen marching noises]
Never thought Issac would go traitor on his own free will
more like the cybermen, m8
FACT: One of the black kids will save the day.
>all the red shirts dying
nah they are dedicated exterminators
better than the borg
InB4 it's the Mirror episode.
oh shi
They have three minutes, how are they going to resolve this.
That's a lot of dead red shirts
hardly, the borg wouldn't need subterfuge
it's a two parter
one of the doctor's kids will die triggering isaacs emotions
It's a two-parter.
fucking cliff hanger!
Totally Not The Borg (tm)(R)
>Kaylon Ball instead of a Borg Cube.
there are only so many basic shapes, what would you prefer, triangles?
Totally Not Star Trek (tm)(R)
Somehow I was expecting Ron Jones to score the episode.
hell yeah
So thats why we so many ship episodes
Borg are cyborgs who want to assimilate
These are machines who want to eradicate, a concept far older than the Borg
Borg have spheres too
nah, fuck user. Spheres are a more efficient shape.
STD forever BTFO
I was saying that because he scored The Best of Both Worlds.
t. that one faggot who only shows up to bitch and whine. kys, retard. no one will miss you.
there's no realistic way for Ed and crew to win without ISAAC being a triple agent....or the Krill having the Orville bugged.
I don't know man, there was that one really advanced race from season one, and the time travel episode makes it clear the Kaylon lost in the end
They’re actually more like pic related
The sad thing is they burned off their most of their viewers before getting to the kino.
Because the show is usually so lighthearted, the impact of shit getting real was that much greater
Today in her hometown: 7 shot, 1 dead, also 1 injured in stabbing
seth set this up pretty well really...bravo I guess
>Isaac tossing the drawing
>Dr. Finn's milkshake
>Gordon belting out a song
>Genocidal machines
>Red shirts dying
So good
Well, I hope this gets the normies interested. This feels like an episode that was supposed to air later in the season that was moved up to try and boost ratings/avoid cancellation.
They look like cylinders to me.
>inb4 whale probe from ST4
its the mid season 2 parter, as is tradition
not really, the Geth committed genocide in response to having genocide committed against them for the crime of becoming self aware. The Kaylons are doing it because of a sense of superiority.
i thot catacomb skellies were gonna be the former bodies of the machines after they transefered themselves to robot bodies
The borg assimilate. These guys are more like the Geth, Pic related or terminators.
is this licensed from whom'st ever owns star trek? how do you get away with just blatantly copying something like this?
So, more like lore, then?
You can look at the production codes for the episodes, only the gay porn episode is an S1 episode
S2 is actually in production order otherwise, whereas S1 bumped its early episodes to get to better episodes sooner
>only the first ep, which is very obviously suppose to be the finale of the first season, all the various threads from s1 are mostly tied up by that ep also
It's a characterization episode meant to introduce characters. The second statement just isn't true at all
by being smart, when paramount brought the axe down on fan-films/shows, they essentially provided a blueprint of exactly what and what doesn't breach copyright, fuckwits
thanks f@m
>the second statement isn't true
just watch the first season with ep 1 of season 2 as the end, it's suppose to be the finale
the cybermen are from Doctor Who. Trek doesn't have a monopoly on homicidal robots.
Who cares? There's no Star Trek show on air these days.
Shut the fuck up about your stupid production theories.
Cylons! They're pulling a Cylon routine you fracking idiots!
how absolutely new to sci-fi are you, zoomer?
Galaxy quest is a bigger copy of Star Trek and nothing bad happened to them. Paramount can’t stop you from making a show like this.
Haven't seem any torrents go up for DVD rips of Season One. The best quality were the Amazon rips.
Haha discovery.
The amazon ones are better, they're blu-ray quality.
It's a shame that FOX refuses to release their shows on bluray.
The cyber men are way more like the borg’s retarded cousin, tbqh
Hmm, the original cylons in BG were organic reptiles and just had a robot army.
Repeating yourself isn't an argument. And I did that binge watching the show to catch up.
S1 skipped the gay porn episode and took a 13 episode season down to 12. Yet still didn't have the schedule to hypothetically fit in a finale that's not a finale. S2E1 has a season 2 production code. S2 has 14 episodes which is the exact result of a 13 episode season gaining an episode from season 1.
It fits the bill for a finale or premiere episode because it's a good episode. But there's nothing about the plot that makes it a conclusion to S1. Unless you want to pretend S1 was about waiting for the day bortus would pee.
calm down sperg
>It's a shame that FOX refuses to release their shows on bluray.
I don't even get why, they're basically as expensive and can be sold for a higher price.
Fuck off, Fedora's Edge
I'm not arguing dumb fuck, the episode is clearly written as a finale, don't really care if you disagree
I've heard that it's because they want people to use their streaming service but it doesn't make sense, a bluray is way better than an episode on streaming that could disappear from the internet at any moment.
It kinda pisses me off because I wanted to get the blurays but it's not even available in my country.
>Orville - 300 posts, friendly discussion
>STD - no posts, any discussion met with 25% laughs and pity
Yet Orville will get cancelled. Fuck this gay earth.
You're the same retard spamming your baseless production theories, aren't you? Every post you make is shit.
Any kind mega-anons here feel like sharing a link?
>the episode is clearly written as a finale
you don't do a two parter as the finale, you split them between seasons
also future episodes in the season will likely reference this event and any permanent changes. it would be extremely obvious if isaac was still present and he/the crew acted like nothing happened.
My first post in this thread. But hope that paranoia works out for you.
but its not a 2 parter, I think you are getting confused we are not talking about the current ep
I believe you, cumguzzler
>I'm not arguing I'm just trying to convince you
>my opinions are facts if I repeat them enough
>let me show you how much I don't care by continuing to reply
Protip: start your opinions with things like "I think", "I suspect", or "maybe". No one does this and the world still spins. But if you're confronted with evidence to the contrary, don't repeat your claim without an argument.
FUCK, why do I keep forgetting it's on?
I got it recorded so it's not a total bust.
I'd be far easier, more efficient, and ultimately quicker for the Kaylon to ingratiate themselves with organic life, become inseparable parts of their society functioning, then encourage the social suicide of their culture. Don't have any children here, fight over resources here, until they're too weak to put up a threat. And they'll thank you the entire way.
This is a test of some kind, though what for is up to Seth and the other writers I guess.
We're arguing about S2E1. I mean we're clearly clearing about S2E1 and he doesn't care.
>the mass graveyards are just a test, bio-bro
My posts are obviously my opinion, disagree if you want but please understand as stated in that post, I don't care.
fuck off newfag, every post is someones own opinion i'm sorry your a special snowflake that needs a preface of
btw this is just my opinion
at the beginning of every post thats your problem not mine, faggot
this fucking m&ms advertisement is so annoying
>It's just a prank
>They're trying to outdo the time he cut Gordon's leg off
I hate when some faggot jumps into a discussion like this, anyway, i'll clarify, s2e1 is suppose to be the s1 finale, It was only a script that wasn't made so it became an s2 ep but imo it was written as the s1 finale, and if somehow I'm proven it wasn't don't really care, from now on I'm including it as s1e13, it also helps break up the endless run of bortus eps
You're wrong and you need to stop posting your misinfo. Congratulations. You're a shitposting retard.
I can make you damage control any time I want. If that's apathy then what does caring look like?
He needs it because he can't remember why he believes something and how certain others should be
How many men have rewarded you with sex for whiteknighting?
I mean, those graveyards are both damning evidence for any organic who sees it as well as a waste of resources and space.
If your goal is to kill flies and experience the maximum of existence before the heat death of the universe, and the method makes no difference, then there is no reason to use vinegar when honey is better in every conceivable way. It's illogical.
"Our superior technology will allow us to revive those security officers we just killed."
>makes shit up
>my opinion
It's called imagination
All of this because he got involved with a black woman? There's a lesson in here somewhere.
It's called lying
>youre wrong
no i'm not, if you convince me it really wasn't written as the finale then so be it, I'll still include it that way, as explained in the fucking post you are replying to
>implying that they're actually dead
In fact, why bother keeping prisoners? Unless the Earth has a secret field that needs Mercer to unlock, but also assuming the Kaylon can't replicate his appearance and voice and assuming Mercer wouldn't give a hidden message to Earth to warn them. It's illogical compared to their stated goal, and thus either their stated goal is a lie or they're not logical. I highly doubt the latter so the former is the only explanation.
what? you are one paranoid faggot
>I'll still include it that way
What he fuck does this even mean
There's headcanon, then there's going around telling everyone your headcanon is real. You are deranged
>There's a lesson in here somewhere
He's mentally ill.
It doesn't cause me stress when men reward you with sex. I was just asking
you are intentionally misreading what i'm saying, I figured as much, hence the 'i don't care if you agree' bit
stress? no really are you schizophrenic?
>jokes on them they didn't read the retarded things I said
> thread barely hits bump limit hour after show
It's dead Jim.