/ABAG/ - Alita: Battle Angel General - #19 - Salem Edition

This is thread for general discussion of Alita: Battle Angel.
Post and discuss your thoughts on the movie, pics/gifs/webms related and relevant info/rumors/news.


Rotten Tomatoes - Critics 59% Audience 94%
IMDB - 7.6/10

Production Cost and Box Office Sales Numbers

Conversation Starters:
>Have you seen it?
>What did you think?
>Who is planning to see it?
>What do you expect?
>Who won't be seeing it?
>Why not?

Previous Thread:

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Other urls found in this thread:

archive.4plebs.org/tv/search/filename/white dudes/image/tdq9QEmt6SJP0APp07Tpnw/
archive.4plebs.org/tv/search/filename/ poop pants brie/image/7U7rKdXsqawfCvMnYsbwpg/
archive.4plebs.org/tv/search/filename/ captain tranny/image/numWh1GNWukypq0tvna8Vg/
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archive.4plebs.org/tv/search/filename/ first female/
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It's nearly 10 am over in Japan right now...

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>$700 mi in China and Japan alone

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Because it offers a movie where your perception of yourself becomes reality. Something white CIS males and New York Times columnists don't always understand.

Take this example of breast-shaming and not understanting why minorities love Alita.


The question is... will they like it?

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Why is this board shilling this movie so hard?

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>this board
its a group of paid shills from some movie tracking forum.

Because we are all Hideo Kojima

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Are there any high rez images of Chiren in the bedroom scene wearing lingerie? A webm would be even better. Asking for my dad.

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Go see the movie and you'll be shilling too

It isn't

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>8 Captain Marvel threads up

>complains in a containment thread about a containment thread


Last Order is shit

watch it and you find out



>Japan hears gaijins hated film
>flock the cinemas to watch it
Why are they so based?

When did they become self-aware?

reminder, just a few more days and it'll be like no one ever saw the movie.

Translate that shit for a gaijin, will you?

>James Cameron made anime real
I can't deal with this timeline anymore bros

pshhh you want in?

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Just got back from watching it with a friend. I liked it. I hope it makes enough for a sequel.

How many of them are yours?
archive.4plebs.org/tv/search/filename/white dudes/image/tdq9QEmt6SJP0APp07Tpnw/
archive.4plebs.org/tv/search/filename/ poop pants brie/image/7U7rKdXsqawfCvMnYsbwpg/
archive.4plebs.org/tv/search/filename/ captain tranny/image/numWh1GNWukypq0tvna8Vg/
archive.4plebs.org/tv/search/filename/ fleurs/image/Ftwsexua4D67tJtxnhGxYg/
archive.4plebs.org/tv/search/filename/ first female/
archive.4plebs.org/tv/search/filename/MK Ultra Brie/
You stopped spamming these images after getting caught

>Have you seen it?
Came back 10 minutes ago actually.
>What did you think?
Fantastic. Pretty close the original story, superb effects, great acting, gorgeous environment. Watching The Jew Hunter Hans playing Dr Ido was mildly amusing at fist, but that's just because that's who I associate Christopher Waltz with most. It goes away quickly. It's also hilarious watching Alita slice Zapan's face off.

Saw it today in Cinemark XD 3D. It was alright. Solid 7. Pretty by the numbers.

shittiest movie from 2019 so far

Hollywood should stop taking good media, crushing every bit of story and turn it into generic_blockbuster_56846

I wouldn't mind getting in her if you catch my drift

Does anyone know how / why Alita's core was thrown out in Salem's trash? If her heart was so valuable why didn't Nova salvage it while her core was still in Salem?

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So many non-believers in this thread. In other news, Amazon is running out of copies of the manga.


"Pretty close the original story"

how can you even say that
they literally destroid every character, Yugo, Nova, Gally, Vector, even Ido. It's only the good guys vs the bad guys now. How is that "close to the original"??????

>people are going for the far superior work

Nova isn't supposed to be in Zalem in the first place. This just shows that this is a bad adaptation and they can't even be coherent with themselves

>t. seething MCU shill

Sure are just marketers too buying them.

its shills

jiggly flan party for 500+ million $

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No, it isn't.


She did some emm...bad stuff in the past and was trialed as warcriminal, she was executed via being thrown into planets atmosphere where you burn alive while falling, somehow she survieved and crashed into the junkyar, she was not thrown out of zalem

disney owns fox you absolute dipshit

I don't give a rat's ass about Nova or what faggot source materiel purists think.

The point of the question is, why did Alita's core, a valuable piece of technology was thrown in the Salem's trash?

They're buying the manga because they liked the movie, brainlet.

Cameron owns Alita you fucking moron.

I'm no shill, I just think Alita has a cute smile worth fighting for

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and they wouldn't just go see the movie again because...?

James Cameron is a heavyweight, he owns the rights on Gunnm and the tech company in charge of Avatar. Pretty sure he signed for Avatar sequels in exchange of Alita's funding guarantees.

Not yet they don't retard.
>Disney and Fox shareholders approved the acquisition on July 27, 2018.
>The deal is expected to close by June 2019.

and they can't change anything about the deal. so they essentially own fox.

And all these threads are hate threads lamo.

>The point of the question is, why did Alita's core, a valuable piece of technology was thrown in the Salem's trash?
Maybe it's like living near the gated communities where the heart surgeons and people live. They just throw out the entire living room when they remodel. Brand new electronics, furniture, fucking antiques they picked up, end up at the dump. They could have an alien hard drive used as a decorative centerpiece and not know it.

Because they want to read the manga you fucking donkey, most people don't watch movies more than once at the cinema

>what is viral marketing

>The point of the question is, why did Alita's core, a valuable piece of technology was thrown in the Salem's trash?

In the manga she was executed by casting her down from orbit, and that's how she ends up in the trashpile. I don't know what they did in the movie.

Do you really expect it to be a panel-by-panel copy of the manga?

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Doesn't change that fact that Disney is still competing against Fox/Alita with its MCU trash. Stop acting retarded rat face.

this is a dumb movie and YOU SHOULD ALL STOP!!!!!

Because they are interested in what the movie was adapted from and how the story continues.

>mfw only 3 people bought tickets (so far) for the IMAX showing on Saturday.

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He's behind them

Movie starts with Ido finding Alita's core in the scrapyard.

Probably the same. Cameron won't lose the chance to film such a kino scene.

Question, where do you live and what time?

It should, the execution scene is a flashback that comes much later.

No ! Even the opposite, I was totally okay with them going somewhere else ! Removing the blood, the motorball, some parts, it was all fine !
I just wanted them to stay coherent with the characters. How they evolve, how they interact,...

But nope, they couldn't do that, they had to make the shittiest love story between Gally and Yugo, introduce FUCKING IDO'S WIFE AND CHILD (how is that even useful), make Vector and Nova "muh really bad bad bad guys"
I hate this movie so much for literally spitting on the original manga

Thus, the movie is only serving to advertise the fact a much better version exists.

Wasn't Alita seen climbing the trasnport tube to Zalem during a flashback of the war? Maybe she got blown the fuck up and landed in the shit pile? Doc Ido didnt witness her fall from the trash butthole of Zalem; possibly he merely assumed so because he found Alita there and made that association.

How does fox and disney being the same entity not change their state of competition?

>I don't know what they did in the movie.
She was found in the trashpile and they assumed she was dropped. She remembered charging up the cargo lines as a military unit during the war before everyone was wiped out with one of those defense rings. She survived that ring and kept going, but was probably damage/destroyed after.


>Domestic: $47,079,933
>Foreign: $103,910,526
>TOTAL: $150,990,459


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somebody explain this

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They are not as of now. Disney won't see a cent of Alita's money.

I and my friend from Yea Forums watched the film today - it was fine.

I expected it to go for the entire arc, personally.

And that's without China or Japan, in 7 days, and foreign market hasn't been updated in like 10 days. Chances of getting a sequel are getting higher.

>nips do weird shit
What's there to explain?

What the actual fuck

Oh, and I forgot to mention that (in the dead local theater we usually go to) we were the only patrons in the entire theater.


Kishiro has a Youtube channel with just 205 subscribers~ We should subscribe and give him our respect and admiration anons.

Yo buddy. Your classmate working a the theater was pretty cute tbqh.

wow, its almost 30% of the way to recouping the production budget.

Literally fucking normalfags

The shilling is extremely obvious, Fox.

Starts with 9.0 on Taopiaopiao which usually follows Maoyan. Meaning this will have a good run, but won't break out in a big way like Aquaman or Venom. $150-170 million in China.

>in 7 days
Its been out since the 6th in most international markets.

*a different version exists

Why cant you fucking purists get it through your skulls that Alita as is is unadaptable to the big screen 1:1? Its too long, unfocused and episodic, which works in the manga format. Kishiro was writing the plot as he went along too, so many elements only get introduced later in the series as convenient and necessary. The movie, like the OVA, is an attempt to *adapt* that to the screen. It still keeps the spirit of the manga, as Kishiro himself raves about.

>This movie has truly inherited the soul of the manga, with a new skin on top of it--almost like Alita being reborn in the Berserker body! I truly think longtime fans will enjoyAlita: Battle Angel!


This is a new interview with Kishiro and worth a read.

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>introduce FUCKING IDO'S WIFE AND CHILD (how is that even useful)

That entire thing fixes that he's a weird creep in the manga and gets things across in movie timeframe that the manga takes much longer to do

If you think this is your loser echo chamber, leave.

Actually I'm a massive Chad who fucks cheerleaders constantly. You just have to be yourself brah.

You aren't too bright with math kiddo.

Wrong. That was Korea and UK.

>American maths

The issue is their changes served only to cheapen and lessen the material. GitS'95 isn't a 1:1 adaptation of the manga and its utterly timeless because of that.

>Alita did some ...erm bad stuff in the past.

Do tell me more about this naughty anime/manga girl and her sordid past.

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he's not a creep, he is literally in need of someone in his life
There's a lot of things, starting from his old dead pet to Gally, that makes him a character that is terribly alone
One of the good points of the manga was the dilemna Ido had between considering Gally as her daughter, and loving her. At some point he really wonders if he is in love with her.
That's pretty much everything that made Ido interesting - his relation to Gally
guess what: the movie also killed that

I meant more the domestic market. But the foreign numbers haven't been updated in 10 days, so there can also be a surge in numbers along with the China and Japan numbers. The worldwide total will suddenly bounce up a lot.

international x .25
domestic x .5

>fucking Sarah

I hope you enjoy witchcraft, rocky horror picture show, and satanism.

What's that bulge between her legs?

>viral hate
w-well done

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>pulling numbers out of my ass

Actually, that is a pretty accurate way of gauging how much the studio profits.

Holy shit this is so cute

Why is Yea Forums always right about those behind generals? It's ALWAYS people not from here

Oh so we're back to pretending studios get 100% of the ticket sales. That's nice.

Not really. GitS is pretty good, but it's not really as masterful as you're placing it on the pedestal to be. I enjoyed it, but it was largely forgetful for me and this coming from somebody who loves cyberpunk. You're putting GitS on a pedestal higher than any of us here are putting Alita.

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because generals are something reddit came up with.


In what way? If you say toned down on the violence, I would agree to an extent. The PG-13 rating should have been R, but they pushed it as far as they could go. If you mean Nova being the focus now, what is wrong with that? Again, this is a movie that needs a tight plot and focused end goal - the original manga had the luxury of being as long and as detailed as Kishiro wanted (and the publishers supported). So we get all these side stories and elements in the manga as Kishiro felt like making them up. For example:

>Originally, Panzer Kunst didn't appear in the manga when the series started. An editor advised me to put Alita in more dangerous situations and have her fight more, so from there I came up with the concept of Panzer Kunst. Around 1985, I had come up with an idea for battling cyborgs, and how they would fight in low or zero gravity, and so I reused this concept forBattle Angel Alita.

The movie instead had to distill them and adapt them into a solid story that could be told in 2-3 movies, or else we would get a meandering and bloated cinematic universe. This movie then does elevate the original work.

>he's not a creep, he is literally in need of someone in his life
>that's why we needed to establish incestual overtones in this two hour western movie, to show this dilemma

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>he's going so far as to pretend one of the seminal anime adaptations was bad

man, you people will really say literally anything.

Just let them rule the world ffs.

Do your peers know you post on a board known for pedophilia?

Keep sucking dick dude.

Why yes, I do post cunny threads. How did you know?

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>either the numbers I pulled out of my ass are correct or the studios get 100% of the sales
just stop

>not discussing Yea Forums - Television & Films with your cute wife

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Leave and it won't be worth mentioning anymore.

I watched the movie monday and i thought it was good but almost all the changes from the original were bad. But what really caught my attention was how after she got the berserk body, in the next day they fixed her eyes and it was smaller a less round, that was really strange besides being better, and even in promotional ads she had her eyes way smaller, I guess they really knew they fucked up with the uncanny valley

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they are more correct than acting like 150m in two weeks is a big deal.

I think they made the pupils bigger compared to the original ads... but honestly I really liked the eyes. It made Alitas design unique and cute

>in the next day they fixed her eyes and it was smaller a less round, that was really strange besides being better, and even in promotional ads she had her eyes way smaller, I guess they really knew they fucked up with the uncanny valley
What do you smoke bro ?

It's one, really. The markets it opened in earlier are completely unimportant.

Like aploading a virus into earths ''master computer'', which hijacked ships and crashed them into Venus resulting in millions dieing, after that she also almost destroyed earths orbital ring (a structure that flying cities are part of)

With /film/ actually getting officially opened soon will we get old Yea Forums culture back?

The new body was supposed to react to mental image and product what she thought she should look like; not be a piece of shit technology produced by the locals that has huge eyes, but rather kickass Martian colonist technology. Sieg Ze- I mean praise Mars.

Subtle changes to her face after the urm body install were intended to symbolically portray her as transitioning from girl to woman.

Someone has a sandy cunt.

>It made Alitas design unique and cute
>unique and cute
>and cute

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There was a /film/ for like one whole day when Hiro took over but everyone bitched about it so it got deleted lmao.

making nova the central antagonist (who is going to build cyborgs to try to kill alita from his safe HQ in the sky city) doesn't make the movie's plot tight, its a cinematic universe setup. Nova's involvement in literally every aspect of the story makes the plot quite sloppy. Throwing in chiren doesn't tighten the plot, it loosens it. As now ido and chiren and their dead daughter serve only to clutter and muddle each character. Not to mention now chiren that is dead, that means ido either needs to grieve, vow revenge, or forget she existed (the latter being the most likely). Furthermore, involving nova in ido's exile just, again, adds another clumsy plot connection that really didn't need to exist. Then hugo actually loving alita means his death has basically no impact, because it means he was killed by the evil people and thus, she must fight the evil. Killing vector doesn't make the plot tighter, because either he's replaced by someone identical or he wasn't important. etc, etc, etc.

You are the one making a big deal out of it faggot

Thanks chief

Chiren is still alive. I'm pretty sure she's gonna be stuffed into a cyborg body.

>completely unimportant

man, with that logic all the money it has made so far is unimportant

the new body yea, not her head tho

Unless they showed a non finished version of the movie, what I don't doubt since I live in hueland, me and my friend saw how they changed the size of her eyes after that party and how better it looked from there and beyond, at least I won chocodilla from taco bell

>shills, when cornered, will accuse their opposition of being shills, in desperate hopes of confusing people

saw the movie today. It was ok but held back by a shit director

You mean the /film/ board that wasn't officially opened, didn't have a sticky, moderation or feedback threads like when other new boards are added?
That very same one where plebs from these threads shit it up?

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Nah, you don't get it, I payed attention and her eye didn't change after the transformation, it was some scenes after that, when she is with hugo and puts her heart in his hand, and even if what you said was true, this guy is right

so i guess Yea Forums isn't officially opened either, what with it's lack of sticky.

How the fuck is Hugo so goddamned retarded that he can get away with stealing enough money to hypothetically buy a ticket to Zolem at that age, but think you can just climb your ass up there with a prosthetic body?

Look at all the fucking bounty hunters and criminals with custom bodies, some looking like goddamned spiders. Would there be any around if you could just climb the pipes you dipshit?

Here she is with the berserker body...

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>most of the threads bitching where people from Yea Forums saying that without movie discussion, Yea Forums would be slow
>now trying to say it was closed due to "lack of moderation" and le normalfag boogeyman
Wew. Good thing I was actually around and saw what happened (and remember it).

hugo is a retard through all the manga, he only made lots of money cause he did one of the most disgusting things in that hellhole

There wasn't much thinking involved, that's the point.

Why would Yea Forums have a sticky now discussing it being a new board if it's been 12 years since it became a full board?
Why was it opened in the middle of the night?
Why was there no moderation, stickies, feedback thread, etc like when new boards are officially added?
Why was it found on [s4s] of all board first?
Why was there also no banner announcement?

>I know you're a shill, but what am I?
the absolute state of disney shills

I liked the part where vector is all like "i've tried to explain to him what he's buying but he doesn't listen."

there were only 2 other people in the IMAX 3D showing when i went with my mom today

how did the actor that played hugo get the role in such a high budget film??
He had no charisma, his acting was bad and his looks are mediocre at best.

>dude disney is shilling against their own properties!

still waiting for some high rez pics of her with the berserker body wearing the tight sleeveless sweater.

Yeah, her eyes are different here, but if you get her eyes when her body is changing and a little after that they are not like this, I wish I had the movie in my computer so I could show it better

There's this thing called 4(2)chan, where they have boards for everything. Why not go and stay go?

>everyone accusing each other of being shills
Mamma mia

Maybe because it was made within days of new management and there was no formalized procedure for making new boards you fucking brainlet.

>when i went with my mom today

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Wrong. We have already been through this above in the thread. Your statement has been proven incorrect. Try to keep up.

His eyes are too close, looks like an oblivion OC

you make a high budget movie like this by not wasting money and hiring no name actors

yeah it was a good film, we both enjoyed it

Yeah, Vector is great, even I not liking him that much in the movie, at least they nailed in the actor choice

Not that guy, but you don't spend quality time with your family? I'm 30 and when I'm in town my mother wants to go shopping, or see a movie, or do something because she only gets to see me so often.

Maybe you're just a bad son?

>if I keep insisting falsehoods are true then people will eventually give up and stop replying to me!

disney can either cancel the buyout or proceed. They can't change anything. They will acquire all proceeds and losses with the acquisition.

But by all means, keep conducting yourself as if calling shill will make people there aren't shills here.

>new management
Hiro took over in 2015 and has made a few boards with all those things added.
/film/ happened in 2016
Nothing changed in the "management" in that time frame

It sets up for 1-2 sequels, yes, but definitely not a cinematic universe as you're thinking. Nova is one of only 3 Zalemites we see in the movie, the one most active in Iron City affairs. We see the world from Alitas eyes, and Nova is the one whose actions we see most clearly in this movie. This doesnt even cover Ketheres and the potential of LADDER among other things. Nova just as a Zalemite has the most direct interest in Iron City affairs that we know of so far.

Ido's and Chiren's love sets up for Ido wanting to take in and care for Alita. It gives him a fatherly bond with Alita as we get the symbolism of her being "born" in his daughter's prosthetics. Chiren serves as his foil and an opposite viewpoint for one of 3 zalemites we see in the entire movie - the desire to go back.

Hugo loving Alita is fine. He had to first come to terms with it, as he was like in the original story, just using Alita for his own ends. However his love with Alita is key to her growth from naive child to aware adult, and humanizes her and keeps her from just being a full on cyber weapon of mass destruction. His death also serves the movie in that he was trying to run from his problems, run from what he needed to face. As such he died, and it cements for Alita the realization that she cannot run, but must fight. Fight though not because of her Martian programming, but because she has people she loves and loved.

And vector served as the primary antagonist in Iron city, but that is only the first level, the first world Alita must ascend. Vector was just the front for something greater.

He is probably underage and don't know how to value family, I almost invited my mom to watch with me cause I knew she would like it, maybe when a good version comes to download I will watch it again with her

You probably got deceived by her facial expressions, but her eyes size never change. This is one of the final scenes.

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You trying to go motherfucker

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Christ, even that post is sloppy. And you're trying to claim alita had a tight plot.

You are literally retarded and have no clue what you are talking about. Here is your final (you) from me. Spend it wisely.

yeah they are good like this, but for me looks smaller than the first scenes, even if her expression is different

She has a tight ass that is for sure.

I'm phone posting, what of it? The real issue with the plot is the pacing.

I see you have no arguments. Facts are sure frustrating like that.

>I almost invited my mom to watch with me
Why did you fail so bad user ?

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>the real issue with the plot is the pacing
and how its filled with alll these sloppy connections that serve no purpose.

Cause she couldn't go that day, and I went with a friend, she almost never likes to spend money on theaters too

>Why would Yea Forums have a sticky now discussing it being a new board if it's been 12 years since it became a full board?
Notice of how quick he answered the other question but ignored this. These Disney/Alita shills genuinely believe this board was just made proving that they're not from this site.

what are you even gibbering about?


What did he mean by this?

Its okay if you don't have any actual arguments. No one expects you to. You're stuck here defending a very sloppy and poorly thought out adaptation of some pretty tight material. You don't have to keep doing this to yourself.

But they did? The only ends we cant be fully sure about are Nova and Zalem as a whole - that will be answered in the sequel likely. But otherwise everything fit together to show the theme of the story - a young girl born in a fantastic and futuristic post apocalyptic world. She goes on a journey to discover who she was and in doing so cements who she is, becoming an adult in the process. This is symbolized by the destruction of her child body and her taking on her Martian berserker body, which coincidentally looks more adult features wise. It also serves as a point of her accepting her past yet embracing her future.

>Cause she couldn't go that day
Implying she has better things to do...

Saw Alita last night. No surprise. It was fucking [spolier]kino[/spoiler].

The issue with all the forced character connections is they diminish the size of the setting, reduce the complexity of the narrative, even though they were clearly made to try to increase complexity. They make all the characters less compelling and nuanced because nova is literally the architect of everyone's pain.

marvel capeshit tard


Someone tweet a Photoshop of The Terminator with a beer belly at her and ask, "why would they bother sculpting his muscles? he's a machine, after all."

She was tired of working, she doesn't like to go out that much, I know it's strange but it's true

He isn't though. They made him more important, but there's still lots of suffering happening he isn't involved in.

People still not knowing how to use ctrl+s, probably a dumb phone user

Been watching the box office like a goddamn hawk for the last 5 days. Alita is actually outpacing Ready Player One and other related films by a decent margin. Literally the only market that's uncertain right now is the US. Alita will more than likely do at minimum 300 million foreign side by the end of it's run.


Kindle ftw

To continue with this, another user in a prior thread mentioned the obvious Christian imagery and themes. Alita is a "fallen angel" from "heaven" who in her own way will redeem Iron City. She has to first learn to be human (as mentioned in the last post). If you remember that bar scene, her cheesy speech was to show how she was a moral cut above those around her, but that she wanted them to join her and find their redemption. Chiren symbolizes that kind of redemption- she spends the movie trying to selfishly find her way back to heaven, only to in the end be redeemed by Alita and sacrifice herself instead for her.

Yeah, it deliberately shrank the scope. They're not going to make 16 movies.

>He isn't though.
In the movie he gets ido, chiren, and their daughter exiled
he builds grewshika (through chiren) and sends him after ido and and then alita
he triggers the shredder ring
he gets vector to load the motorball match with assassins (for literal goddamn reasons)

Nova is behind literally every plot movement.

The issue is the OVA adapted the first two volumes of the manga in 60 minutes. So they diminished the scope for no good reason. They had the opportunity to even expand the scope and trim away some fat (pop star alita), but instead decided to make a cluttered and muddled mess.

Why is there such a disparity between critics and the audience on this?

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>you will never have an Alita gf
>you will never have even have a regular gf
At this point, is it even worth it to keep going?

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its basically speedracer all over again

Spending two hours silently staring at the screen doesn't count as interacting with your family.

oh yea, best part, they establish alita's mission the entire time was to kill nova. So nova is over 300 years old.

Critics usually try and find some faux deeper meaning or purpose in films while the general audience literally just wants some fun entertainment, so-called bread and circuses.

seems like most critics cater to SJW nowadays and this movie is everything SJWs hate despite it being a strong female MC.

Speed racer was good though mentally ill directors aside

As far as we are aware, yes. But we dont know the full extent of his involvement in the world as we are stuck in Iron City, barely see Zalem, and technically arent even aware of Ketheres (though astute observers would notice the elevator tether in the view shots above Zalem).

Again this is due to the necessity of distilling the manga and giving it some kind of overall plot.

man, thank god you came along and gave the shills something else to talk about.

Chiren and the daughter who wasn't in the manga.
He built the worm guy in the manga to but he doesn't send him, yeah.
Vector did that on his own.

Nova has nothing to do with Zapan fucking up Hugo.
They made him more important but the world would still be a bad place without him. Get over yourself.
inb4 the schizo posts the two tweets again

>on this?
It's like that for everything these days. Critics are SJW shills and give good reviews to SJW propaganda, while bad reviews to anything that isn't SJW propaganda, regardless of the actual quality of the movie

when are you people finally gonna admit it was a flop?

For example:

Alita: Battle Angel foreign opening weekend
88,327,326 million WITHOUT CHINA OR JAPAN

Ready Player One foreign opening weekend
$127,500,000 WITH CHINA ADDING 61 mill

To be honest, the more I look at these numbers from all these movies I've been comparing, the more I think this movie will do really good.

Negro, everyone understands why they did it. The issue is it is not an improvement. It is clumsy and silly. It changes nova from a madman raging against determinism into a mustache twirler.

It was out on 6th in a few asian countries with lunar calendar holiday or smth, and then few others on 7th or 8th. Altogether it was out in only 11 countries that week. It was released next week everywhere else except China and Japan, so it's really only been out for less than a week in most of the world.

>Literally the only market that's uncertain right now is the US
>relying on US to do the things right

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see And Ready Player One ended up making 445,200,000 foreign side alone, so...

Is this where we pretend the OVA was good or something?

>while bad reviews to anything that isn't SJW propaganda
Now do damage control by saying somethings get by

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nah more like its only been out for like an hour, 150m in an hour goddamn this is gonna make all the money

>most critics cater to SJW nowadays and this movie is everything SJWs hate

That's like, objectively wrong though

We literally do not know that though. We dont know what Novas intentions are or what he wants. We know next to nothing. Now, this is where I say this movie's legacy rests on how the sequel goes.

but the china one is wrong though. It should be a pale dead baby with the umbilical still attached in some dirty puddle with tire treads over its gut

Comparing your image to this image I can see her eyes are very different, and in both she is crying

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The point is the OVA did it and the movie had the opportunity to expand. Instead the movie takes the OVA and just adds some clutter to it and calls it a day.

you need to share more enjoyable things with her. if you just let the distance grow, you end up losing all the important people in your life

it's like, literally not though.

We know nova is deeply invested in alita for reasons and was behind just about every significant plot point. Whereas in the source material he was just a madman littering the world with nightmares.

>At this point, is it even worth it to keep going?
Sure bro.

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If Cameron directed the movie it would have been a hit.

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Just got back from seeing it and holy shit, could they have hired an uglier actor to play Hugo? It was almost distracting every scene he was in 'cause he's just so goddamn unappealing to look at.

they look exactly the same except the one you posted they're bigger because her face is tilted down.

Look how stupid you are.

Cameron basically ghost directed it if you look at behind the scenes and he's heavily promoting it in China right now. Refer to

what are you? some kind of fag or something?

A cross in his head, and he kills gays? I am not that user and didn't watch this, what it is about?

Yes. If they're gonna make Alita pretty as an angel, I expect the same from the male love interest.

Is it? Or do you only mean movies with at least a 100M budget since anything lower too pretentious for you?

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how is it wrong? Can you actually argue shit or do you just kneejerk respond without explanation and then act as if you know what you're talking about without saying anything?

>cameron ghost directed!
they're still trying to force this meme, wow.

I said basically. He was there on many days of shooting, but in the end, it is Robert's film.

ohhh, so that's why alita was a 30 year old housemaid.

Black panther i dont think anyone needs to say more.

Just watch it. If you liked Bone Tomahawk then you'll love it

And he could ultimately be doing the exact same thing. It could be all revolving around karmatron dynamics. It could be anything. We just dont know yet and writing him off at this stage as a "mustache twirler" is just asinine.

so critics catering to SJWs giving black panther favorable reviews when it wasn't even that great of a movie means I'm wrong...?

so cameron had some slight involvement because it looks like this might not be a monstrous flop? Then if china saves it (lol) then it'll be cameron pulling all the strings? But when it is a flop it'll be all rod?

Have to watch that too

>he could be doing the same things!
>but in a completely different way that establishes the character is almost totally different!


Why won't this teen from Yea Forumseddit answer? Here's one that meets your not pretentious hipster bullshit pleb criteria btw

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i mean you basically say it yourself .. and still ask.

How did they get that emoji?!

That's not what I said at all. Point is it's a joint production between both of them, but Cameron's clout in China will sell it. They love his movies.

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Why would I respectfully debate some broken brain who is so essjaydubya obsessed that he thinks they hate Alita? He's a fucking idiot and mindless buzzword'er and should be treated as such.


Yes, it's called an adaptation? Different does not equal bad, and as I keep mentioning, its fart to early yet to tell anyways. Besides we do not know how much will be different and how much will be the same ultimately.

that's the narrative that's been being pushed, though. When it flops, it'll be all rod. If it's a smash hit, it'll be all cameron. When it seemed like the flop was in, it was all rod, now that it's made a little bit of money, you're edging towards cameron on the spectrum.

This is patently obvious so I don't know why you'd bother trying to deny it.

but that's my argument. How can you prove my point for me and then say I'm wrong?

>Different does not equal bad
In this case, it did. Because the changes didn't improve the material, the changes cluttered the material and actually locked off every possible plot arc from the manga going forward. Meaning it will all have to be entirely OC from this point on, and hollywood's writing has been the subject of abject horror since the writer's strike.

Cruise is the exception to the rule.

critics overrate sjw movies is my point

I'm legit not. Maybe others are, but not me. I love Robert's films and I love Cameron's, so it's cool to see a film basically made by both of them.

How does everything that based Jim touches turn to solid gold, bros

>not allowed to praise or even shill Alita in an Alita Thread.

Mousecucks just stop.

this is why her eyes are big, not just for "the anime look" is for you to believe that that tiny girl can really kick ass... is more easy to believe she is a robot...


You realize you're just proving me right, right?

That rating makes no sense, coming from someone who liked it. Anyone who shits on Alita's pacing should shit on Fallout's double that hard.

Do marketers get paid to become forum influencers?

>try to force positive word of mouth
>this backfires hilariously because you are obviously shills
>just start calling shill until the money stops

good job guys.

>sjws don't hate alita
>all those articles saying her body is too sexy or that she's idealized for men instead of women don't exist

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that's my point too. Alita isn't an SJW movie. They consider it a man's power fantasy. see, this guy gets it

>try to force positive word of mouth
Didn't happen.
>this backfires hilariously because you are obviously shills
Didn't happen.
>just start calling shill until the money stops
Talking about yourself?

I like how there's a different rationalization for the stupid googly eyes every day. When the reality is cameron only watched the ova and read the first three volumes of manga. And in the OVA there is a grand total of one single large eyed anime character. Then in the three volumes of manga, there is only one other "cute young girl" character. Thus he confused the giant eyes for a character trait.

Do they too even though they showed how savage natives are?

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It only felt cluttered because of the pacing. Watch it again and you will see.
As for the rest, that is base speculation and your own opinion. At this point we can amicably agree to disagree. I agree that Hollywood writing sucks atm, but I have faith in Cameron's love of the material.

No one called shill when we tried to do the same thing for Dredd

There is really no point in lying. Its obvious and pathetic.

Taking out obvious things like inflation and more theaters and more competition, funny to see almost the same opening weekend numbers. Obviously Alita won't replicate Titanic by any stretch, but any doubt of 100 mil + is out.

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It felt cluttered because they took the over-stuffed OVA and just adapted it 1:1 and threw in as much other shit as they could fit. Another hour of movie wouldn't affect this.

It's hilarious how much this thread is full of it too
>Yea Forums was like _ before
>no it wasn't heres proof
And my favorite one
>it's just like the manga!
>no it isn't

I personally called shill when the dredd was happening. But because it was maybe 1 thread a day no one gave a fuck. Whereas shills have been spamming the shit out of this.

Can we all just get back to talking about our lovely film we just got?

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Nice projection.

You could have just let Alita have a 7/10 quietly and everything would have gone as planned. But no, you just had trigger a Streisand effect with your desperate hit pieces.

Good luck with captain fungus toes.

Then stop.

The eyes are honestly good and I think Cameron knew exactly what he was doing when he decided on them. He took a risk and I think it paid off.

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My IMAX originally had How to Train Your Dragon scheduled starting tonight, running until 2/28. They scrapped that due to NO TICKETS BEING SOLD, and Alita remains in there now until Apollo 11 comes out. I saw Alita there last night, and it had a lot of people for a Wednesday.

yeah... over 20 years waiting for winning money with that and he only read the 3 first volumes and watch the OVAs... yeah... a guy who makes movies for a living, successfully movies is that lazy... yeah right...


that budget was insane for 1997

He bought the rights and came up with his treatment when there was only the OVA and three volumes. This movie was slapped together inside of 6 months. and it shows.

Why do audiences hate movies with strong white characters?

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The only thing I uderstand in that picture is that Alita is 1 hour too short.

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>if we ignore inflation and how ticket prices have doubled since '97, then alita is going to make titanic money!!

man what the fuck. I'm suffering minor brain damage just reading this shit and your literal job is to post it.

Alita is hot af, has a dad that loves her, has no politics or agenda behind it and she only interacts with males the entire movie... hmmm I wonder why critics didnt like it.

Hard disagree, it would give each scene breathing room to allow the viewer to digest what happened and expand on it nicely. It's just unfortunate the the CG cost so much that it had to be cut down to 2 hours.
Also speaking of the OVA this movie is much better paced and coherent, even with the addition of the motorball scenes.

The ending btfo's the roastie trying to change him, people hate that now.

>Rotten Tomatoes - Critics 59% Audience 94%

It's like mainstream critics are begging weeb sites to crack tsundere jokes about them and Alita

It would simply give the audience time to realize how utterly nonsensical the plot and characters are.

Let's not forget her boyfriend is a bad boy, instead of a scrawny loser.

It's Arita: Bateru Angeru

ok man... bc making movies so easy... is just magic, is not a business... he just buy the rights and poof! and he make a script George Lucas style... is just like SW:TPM like poetry... go home you cynic.

I was just making note of the similar opening weekends. And I said, it clearly won't make Titanic money, but it will make over 100 million at least.

>has no politics or agenda behind it
its literally always been about class warfare and still is. It even has the evil white man trying to keep all the brown people down.

I see you have no actual arguments. Facts sure are frustrating aren't they.

None of that matters. Jim only makes movies if he gets to experiment new stuff, he likes challenges. He wanted to make a lifelike anime girl and just by looking at that scene, you have to admit it just works. The fact it's a cyborg also makes it easier to accept, it would've much been stranger if the character was supposed to be a regular human.

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Starts with 9.0 on Maoyan. Which doesn't indicate break out in China. Maybe around $120 million there.

They didn't just throw in other shit but they shortened the much longer original script for the movie. Pacing is something I kinda agree on, although I prefer it this way over being bored by the movie.

I'll bet you anything you want that all the anons here hating on Alita will follow suit into the next thread. Why would they do this? I don't know.

>dude things are happening fast I am entertained

consider the possibility you are mentally retarded.

Why did the child of Yea Forums not answer any questions about the critic ratings posted?


>>if we ignore inflation and how ticket prices have doubled since '97
Same as gas or noodles, but the consumption remains roughly the same.

It's funny to see lots of cyborgs everywhere and she is the only one that looks like a retard

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This is what happens when you are obvious shills and your attempts to force positive word of mouth backfires.

I am retarded because I can keep up with stuff happening fast?







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If you could keep up, you would've been able to see how nonsensical the plot was.

Disney hired shills and disgruntled capefags with Stockholm syndrome.

No. This is what happens when you don't take your meds or have hit your head too often, too hard.

>t. brainlet

Tell me about how Yea Forums is my secret club again.

>anons make thread to talk about movie that is currently on theaters
>random user comes in
>"hey is this movie any good?"
>anons in the general: "yeah we liked it"
>"should I go see it?"
>"sure it's worth it"
Last user is you by the way.

Took some friends to go see it today.
The face Alita makes when Hugo asks if she wants to hang out the next day to go see the ship.
The way she's trying to contain her smile is FUCKING ADORABLE.
Or her breathing and the way she spoke when told to close her eyes.
It's so genuine. It's like when you're talking to a girl, you both have that puppy love. You're trying to not let your voice break. Seriously, genuine.
Rosa Salazar was really good. Great mocap. Happy to have seen it again.

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She's the only one who's amnesic.

and all the other posts are you.

So in the left news of my country they said alita is trying to follow the trend of female main characters badly, and made in a dumb and forced way, citing the way she gives literally her heart to Hugo, saying that is the same as calling us retards, btw it was written by a woman, is she right?

why are they so bad at fitting in though? constantly getting told they're wrong then vanishing only to pick up another argument about how we can tell who they are and repeating above

i'm not even a manga fan... but is unfair to say that is a bad movie... look GitS, that's a bad adaptation, DBE... but this... this is good, well acted, well adapted, good vfx, great action scenes, like sin city, speed racer... i like it, is ok if don't, but don't say is bad... is not your taste, that's a completly different.

It's just conjecture on your part. Cameron has read Last Order so your little theory is wrong.

Are you even trying?

I am talking about her optical cavities

I cant find any screen shots but Alita has a whole squad of big eyed soldiers.
Michelle Rodriguez plays this one.

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Why do shills always think they're the first people to figure out that you can pretend to be multiple people on anonymous image boards? Its like eight year olds who've just figured out they can lie.

>Its like eight year olds who've just figured out they can lie.
Same as your quip/attempted insult from before then.

Based Japs



Yeah because the one with blades in place of hands who couldn't eat or grab anything isn't a retarded design...

Convince to go watch the 10 showing in Imax senpai. Is it worth it?

>Rosa Salazar was really good.
Indeed. I spotted her in Labyrinth (sht movies) because of her facial expressions and ironically big eyes. I'm glad she was picked for that role.

Feminists hate Alita because she's endearing as fuck, when the ideal feminist protagonist must be a frigid, unlikeable cunt like Brie Larson


alright see yall in a few hours

I know and they are terrible

Fucking weebs

>kiss in lips

The last time I went, there were 30 people or so. I'd go again, but it's 20 freaking bucks for a ticket and I need to take a 2 hour bus ride to even get to the theater, so the total I end up spending is like 30+ bucks.

He was literally fan service for girls. Why would they add that? Idk

>He was literally fan service for girls
How is that a bad thing?

>This is my waifu Hugo. Please do not bully.