Modern version when?

modern version when?

Attached: khjghfg.jpg (400x587, 72K)

There can never be another.

Fricke tried, but his movies couldn't escape the retarded art-house fraud that is rampant in the industry. Bullshit "lmao so weird" shit ruined his works (fucking clay man was so unneeded).

Even Reggio couldn't reproduce his success, Powaqqatsi and Naqoyqatsi felt like hollow imitations of the original.

The closest film I've ever seen was a German one called Unser Täglich Brot. It lacks a meaningful soundtrack, relying mostly on ambient sounds from the recordings, and focuses on a much simpler subject, yet doesn't come across as pretentious or fake.

it already is a modern version

Baraka > Koy

fpbp, but unironically
Naqoyqatsi had a great score, though.

Check your phone yo, it's already on youtube.


objectively false

Indeed it did. But nothing beats the original

the world has changed quite a lot, also drones might open up a whole new world of possibilities for shots


if there was a new one, it would have to evolve with the times, probably with a heavier focus on globalisation

Can you fucking read or are you just pretending to be retarded?

What about Psychohydrography?


How do you film Global Warming happening in real time? I suppose they could showcase extreme weather.

First it has to exist

already done my man

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b-but this has nig nogs on it...

Baraka, Chronos, and Samsara are really good while the latter is more modern but not as great as Baraka

is there a similar one focused on japan?

>american niggers