Here we get to see Conservative made entertainment

they can get rid of the lefties so more stellar
right wing entertainment like this can be seen

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Other urls found in this thread:

I'm not going to watch your retarded video but the chubby bitch in green looks like she might be cute.



This is the dumbest shit I've ever seen. Ohio truly is the worst.

God damn. White people need to be gassed.

Unironically better than SNL.


why is america so fat

Anything Vice is shit.

>all the actors are fat

really makes you think

this is all pretty sad, tbqh.

This is what Yea Forums wants in entertainment. Surprised this isn't the most popular thread on the board.


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conservatives are based
liberals are unbased

What's with that flag? Circle of yellow stars and an indentation at the front. Is that what Trumpsters think the American flag looks like?


I don't think they're bad, but I don't particularly like them, and I respectfully disagree with several of their core party values. Does that make me an NPC?


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based jewish men

Yes. Supply side economics is more effective than demand. Socialism is immoral. Killing babies is wrong. People should have guns to protect themselves. National security is a benefit to society.
I don't understand how anyone over 25 can remain a liberal based on their values.

>Killing babies is wrong.
Only killing white babies is wrong

So some kike writes extreme representations of conservative values and people believe it's not subversion?

seething discord tranny

lol voodoo economics brainlet detected.

Conservative cinema is fucking terrible though

Attached: pureflix_christianmovies.jpg (783x675, 132K)

Based and correctpilled opinion

I got your conservative entertainment right here.

Attached: RoboCop-on-the-cross.jpg (600x392, 37K)

>theater is full of liberal politics!! WAAAH!
>makes cry baby anti-liberal plays about politics instead of actually making a play about something interesting that might have conservative value undertones sprinkled in.
low quality. not even near kino.

*ziotard cinema

Get the fuck of here with your nigger-loving policies

>Not including this kino

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>all that low budget trash
all-time highest grossing rated R film in your path

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look at that big kike nose, yeesh

Exception proves the rule. Only other example post 2000 is the Lord of the Rings. Everything else in the mainstream is liberal and anything conservative is trash

yes i trust vice to show what conservatives can or cannot do..
just to be clear mel gipsons morning shit is worth about 5 marvel movies.

The whole of cinema prior to 1990 was conservative. And movies were coincidentally better back then. We've been over this before plenty of times.

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>Killing babies is wrong.
So is killing baby chickens for chicken tendies but I still eat em!


Was the original Ghostbusters conservative? Was Back to the Future conservative? Was Star Trek conservative? And what about Blade Runner?

Or Aliens? Or Terminator 2?

You could argue the Sam Raimi Spiderman movies

Conservative, mostly yes. Better, well that is debateable.

>Spiderman is conservative

Too weak an example. Now if you said Forrest Gump, I'd agree with you, aside from the fact that Gump was best friends with a black guy

conservatives are mentally ill

>GB makes fun of unelected government officials that bureocrat their way to get their bullshit done
>Back to the Future alludes a much more conservative pre-hippie America and how it all went to shit with 1985 Hill Valley being a dump
>Blade Runner is about love of life and what it means for someone else
>Aliens and T2 are about family, sticking to your offspring and how women need men to protect them

The only one I give you is Star Trek because it's literally about how good it would be if we had a world government, and the plot of the first movie shits itself once they go the atheist route to explain V'Ger instead of attempting to be spiritual about it, but it's all subtle and tame so eh.

Stupid b tier chrisianspolitian movies
Not putting any movie by Clint Eastwood, Mel Gibson, or any action movie made before 1990.

Forrest Gump came out in 1994

The 90s are a bit of a mixed bag because on one hand you have Hollywood KIIINDA exposing communism and making fun of it (almost making the reds the new nazis) but you also have shit like Dances with wolves, Titanic and Schindler's list which all set up the later trend of ''whitey STOLE land from injuns :('', demonizing authority figures and cartoonifying History and six gorrilion kino.

That all went out the window in the 2000's though, 911 kinda made everyone more conservative (the first Iron Man begins with him making weapons for the US Army and blowing Iraqis up in the desert), but once Obummer came that all went out the window too and they resumed their history re-writing and stereotyping people they don't like like nothing happened

Ghostbuster's is baby's first introduction to right leaning media. It's pretty obviously a libertarian movie even fucking Cracked made a video about it way back. The Ghostbusters are small business owners providing a needed public service, harmed by excessive government regulation and oversight.

>nigger loving policies
>when open abortions and supporting programs target niggers
Why are /pol/cucks such brainlets?

>aside from the fact that Gump was best friends with a black guy

What's wrong with that? Do you know who Emil Maurice was? Stupid fucking spaz.

gee it's like it's a meme or something


Yup, that it for me volk.

conservatives and art don't mesh

>Aliens and T2 are women need men to protect them
>women need men to protect them

T2 had Sarah O' Connor as a single mother with a goddamn robot looking after her son. I know you want to humanize Arnie terminator, but the T-800 is an android. Its not Officer Murphy, its not Deckard, its a motherfucking T-800 with a skin job.

And Aliens. Aliens had Ripley in a commanding presence for msot of the movie. Ripley didn't need Hicks, Hicks needed her. Ripley was the one who led the Marines, saved Newt (who was not even her own daughter) and take on the Alien Queen all by herself. If any movie typefies the "woman stronk" trope, its Aliens.


>GB has a black man as their team member

>Back to the Future alludes a much more conservative pre-hippie America and how it all went to shit with 1985 Hill Valley being a dump

That is the biggest reaching I've seen in a single comment. Like, I could argue that Back to the Future 2 shows Trump's America when Biff comes to power, and Marty has to go back in time to prevent Trump from becoming prez.

>Blade Runner is about love of life and what it means for someone else

This doesn't make it conservative?

She couldn't do much against the T-1000 could she? you're mixing reality with fantasy

I also did not especifically meant that Ripley needed any men, I mean, unless she needs someone else to shield her from the alien, or if you want to go deeper or say that she won because of the man-made invention of doors that open into the vacuum of space

> I could argue that Back to the Future 2 shows Trump's America when Biff comes to power.
That's exactly what it is. People were making fun of Donald Trump being a president even back then, especially during the 90s when suddenly you had to shoehorn envoirmentalist shit down everyone's throats.

>What's wrong with that

And you call yourself a right-wing conservative. Smh. You never heard of NIMBY? The movie would have been PERFECT with the Gump making a friend with the nigger. It is the only weakness in the whole movie.