All the Sneed posting made me start rewatching the simpsons

All the Sneed posting made me start rewatching the simpsons

Why is Marge such a fucking bitch?
Multiple times she tried to cheat on her husband and ruined his chances at any sort of promotion
And just in general nags him constantly
How Homer hasn't killed himself is beyond me
I would fear going into that house everyday knowing that fucking witch was there each time

She literally tried to posion mr Burns and no one cared

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Marge and Lisa are fucking awful characters.

Every time Homer is about to get ahead, every fucking time, Marge ruins it.

Bart gets hit by a greedy old fuck, they're about to get a shitload of money, and OH BOY HERE COMES OL' MARGE TO FUCK SHIT UP.

>Old cruel and abusive shit that literally everyone hates and makes your husband's life miserable every day just ran over your son
>Literally no one believed his story in court and they were ready to fuck him up
>Better help him out
One of the worst episodes of old Simpsons easily.

You're better off making this thread on Yea Forums, this board is absolute dog shit and is incapable of discussing the show in any capacity anymore, thanks to the insufferable shitposters.
"sneed" should be wordfiltered, only instead of being changed to something else it auto-bans you and deletes system32. Surely /g/ can figure something out.

Lisa at least complies for the first part until ol bitch queen decides

I can't even be mad at Lisa, she's just a product of marges indoctrination

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whats even more fucking frustrating is later, when Burns does something to piss off Marge/Lisa, they TRY TO FUCKING POISON HIM with that blinky fish in the OP.

>Taking an evil old coot's money by exaggerating how much he hurt your son
>Poisoning same old coot because he disposes of industrial waste in a manner you don't approve of

When did Marge try to cheat on homer? Other than s11e05.

She absolutely berated Homer for not going to Church for a day and then she lets Lisa be a stronk womyn piece of shit and literally betray their religion.
I think the original writers had deeper concepts going on, people like to laugh "haha Homer typical American male" but absolutely lose on women in the show.

Bowling episode
First season

Sneed's feed and seed formerly Chuck's


Just report him and don't bother giving any (you)s

Remember when sneedposting was being forced by one guy and everyone laughed at him.
I think newfriends don't.

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but Homer also almost cheated on Marge with Mindy

why is seth allowed to model his characters after Groening’s with total impunity?

But le grill...le grill!!!

>and literally betray their religion.
You mean not falling for the propaganda they were shoving down her throat? Stop using buzzwords like "betrayal" to make your dumbfuck peers mad


Marge was a depiction of the kind of overly-earnest housewives the boomer writers had for mothers growing up in the 60s and 70s. It was a different time.

That was “I don’t get it” posting. Don’t worry you’ll figure out how things work around here and Sneed is gonna show you.

Master key

Mindy was a literal once in a lifetime soul mate for Homer

Marge literally jumps on whoever's dick pays attention to her

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Except he didn't, and when he was put in a compromising situation with her he called Marge and had her come and visit to remain faithful.

Multiple times throughout the series Homer has been put in a place where he could have acted upon temptation, and he has steadfastly refused to do so.

Marge nearly made out with her goddamned bowling coach who had a faggy frog accent

You should go back.

God I want to fuck marge so bad

IMO Homer would have been happier with Mindy.

She had way better juggs than Marge too



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Master seed


And suck her?

Mr Gucci Loafers is telling me to go back?

Than you would have to deal with her venom for the next 30 years while you eat yourself to gain some pleasure in your miserable life

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Haha religion bad

To be fair, Marge didn't cheat either, she resisted the temptation too.


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When asked if she wanted to get fucked she literally said yes and only after Homer reminded her that she has 3 kids and a life did she have a guilty conscience

And even then she first drove to the chateu before deciding nah

Btw after that episode is when she started to become increasingly more of a bitch to Homer

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fuck off you're not helping

that's how women are though. they exist to ruin men

They didn't used to. The Simpsons is just a part of the continued cuckening of the west

This user is underage

Formerly feed on your helping

This user is a city slicker

Well la di da Mr salad fork

thing is, when the topic is actually warranting a discussion, you don't get sneedposter infesting the thread
when its just "DURR WHATS UR FAVORITE EPIZODE" then yeah, you get fed and seeded

this dude has the same nose as Mr. Largo

It was fine for a few minutes, then all at once several of those shitposts showed up and now keep happening at the same pace. Strange, almost like there's one or two here just spamming the thread the way they spam every other one. I wish they'd kill themselves.

Well if you want to uncuck the west you need to swear off women. Don’t give them anything.

So a normal female then

Normal female who works for Chuck’s

i'd rather unchuck the west

Samefag spammer trash

Sneedfag Sneeder Sneed

Formerly multiple spammers

You are legitimately worse than the /mlp/ faggots at this point

formerly better

My low pH?

You can tell Marge hates Homer and only keeps him around for financial support.

>Expenses go up
>Homer starts working MULTIPLE fucking jobs, falling asleep in the car at times
Notice how Marge getting a job never fucking enters the equation? She only does it when she wants to "do something new" like the Real Estate shit or her stupid pretzel van.

Also, the breast implant episode
>marge accidentally gets huge jugs
>makes homer happier than we've ever seen him
>hospital admits they fucked up, refunds entire payment (so basically free breast implants)
And then of course she gets rid of them, because the momentary discomfort of having to adjust to a change in body shape was just too inconvenient for her.

Marge is a stay-at-home mother, yet Bart and Lisa have to either walk/bike/skateboard home from school, or take the bus. She could pick them up, but nope. The occasional time they get a ride from one of their parents, its Homer on the way to SNPP

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You were the first person besides OP to mention Sneed in this thread tho

Well she used to work at Chuck’s Suck and Fuck. Made good money too. If only it had stayed open.

More of these.

She wasn't doing any of the sucking or fucking though

Administrative positions pay well too

Nothing tops Lisa turning down 20 million dollars and giving her father 2 heart attacks. Fuck Marge let her do it too.

She wasn't doing that either. She was in janitorial

Oh fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck she was there cleaning up all the seed after the fucking and sucking

It was formerly fine for a few minutes, then all at once several of those feeds and seeds showed up and now keep feeding and seeding at the same pace. Strange, almost like there's one or two Sneed here just feeding the seed the way they seed every other one. I wish they'd fuck and suck themselves.

Cleaning the seed. By feeding on it.

well I guess niether marge or lisa are ever allowed to bitch about the famiy's financial situation when they've costed them millions.

>She literally tried to posion mr Burns and no one cared

You literally missed the point of the episode.
It was a political move that was heavy on optics/symbolism. He was the one who insisted that the mutant fish were perfectly natural/healthy, so by his own logic he should be able to eat it. He spits it out, which instantly destroys his credibility. This is like basic surface level shit I don't even know how you can't understand it.

You have to go back



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Gotta pay for those Gucci loafers somehow

Eating goldfish is effed up anyway

>Waah I can't take this money it came from evil
The evil is already done you stupid bitch. If you actually read more than a Kombucha label about that religion you claim to practice, you'd understand what the Buddha said about the profits from deeds already done.

Not to mention Lisa could have taken that 20 million and spent some of it on her own fucking recycling center. Liberals really are retarded sometime

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Between the two of them they've cost Homer something like 45 million dollars

don't they still make lisa go to church on sunday? I guess marge doesn't care what she practices as long as she sits there for an hour on sunday. Sounds like the stereotypical merican protestant.

It's a perfectly cromulent word.

That was one of the end results of the Buddhism episode, where Lenny or someone explains to her that Buddhism isn't directly incompatible with any western religions, and she should stop acting like a little cunt.

But the Simpsons had all but forgotten religion as anything but a lead-in for other things by the end of the 5th season.

Gucci Loafers? Imagine how much seeding and feeding she had to do to pay for that fancy german car.

>She literally tried to Fuck Chuck and no one cared

You literally missed the feed of the episneed.
It was a fancy German move that was heavy on tomacco/soil pH. Sneed was the one who insisted that the mutant gummy bears were perfectly natural/healthy, so by his own logic he should be able to feed on it. He sneeds it out, which instantly destroys his credibilisneed. This is like basic surface level Sneed I don't even know how you can't undersneed it.

reminder that you frequently go on reddit and take screencaps?

remember that episode she had a mental breakdown because she had to

>make lunches for the kids and homer
>go grocery shopping
>fix homers bowling ball
>and like 2 other things


Fuck and suck your optics im going in.

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>this is a Mary Bailey family

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Sneed feed and seed

>This is a city slick er family

why was Burns expected to eat a raw fish like that, mutant or otherwise?

remember that episode Sneed had a mental breakdown because Sneed had to

>Feed and Seed
>Fuck and suck Chuck
>plant gummy bears
>and like 2 other Sneeds


>gets job as a fucking nuclear safety technician, despite lacking any degree
>goes to fucking space
>does a job as a long-haul trucker
>has done a metric fuckton of other jobs
>doesn't bitch about it

>once was a real-estate agent
>once had to do some chores
>flips the fuck out and loses half her hair

why was Sneed expected to eat a raw seed like that, feed or otherwise?

she also got buff once

This board fucking sucks.

That pissed me off because she could have easily donated 10 million to green causes and to environmental causes if she was so butthurt and let homer get 10 mil.
Thats what a regular progressive would do

But whoever wrote that episode was a massive cunt asshole.
Pissed me off for years
Still does. What a fucking awful "life lesson "

They thought they were teaching people to reject capitalism or something but they made me go the opposite way

You forgot they were both mediocre Farmers once

Formerly seeds

She also never says anything to her sisters over treating Homer like legit trash

I think it was cook, it probably just tasted like shit, I don't even think it's ever stated to be lethal...just gross.

what's the episode where homer tells marge he's not sure if he can love her anymore for costing her money? And then she just wins him over with pussy power

Off Roids, no less. And then she proceeded to bully the fuck out of Homer, because domestic violence is so funny teehee

>gets job as a fucking Feed and Seed technician, despite lacking any degree in soil pH
>goes to fucking Chuck
>does a job as a long-seed feeder
>has done a metric fuck(and suck)ton of other jobs
>>doesn't bitch about it
>once was a fancy German car owner
>once had to polish his Gucci loafers
>flips the fuck and suck out and breaks his park avanue manicure

Marge didn't really do any of the feeding or seeding. Barely call her a farmer

>Marge is supposed to be the smart one
>Can't take the fucking pill or get her birth control right

The bart gets hit by a car episode

looks like sneedposters are the real snowflakes

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Okay you can stay

Formerly raindrops

I fucking love Sneed guys

Hell yeah, me too

>opens his own brothel (chuck's fuck and suck)
>literally makes money off bitches
>later switches to a comfy life working at sneed's feed and seed

The fuck and sucking pill?

>Sneed is supposed to be the smart one
>Can't take the fucking seed or get his feed control right

We are having an actual The Simpsons discussion on Yea Forums!
Finally the day has come.

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Holy Shit BASED

We are having an actual Sneed’s Feed and Seed (Formerly Chuck’s) discussion on Yea Forums!
Finally the day has come.

I guess she was too?

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She looks ready to give Homer the old FUCK and SUCK if you catch my drift


This is a lot to take in.

care to discuss this scene?

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Testing, fuck JANNIES and fuck TRANNIES

>Chuck’s Feed and Seed
Okay, I’m stumped. Somebody wanna throw me a bone here?


Marge was deffo sneeding city slickers feed while homer was at work

Formerly having a discussion. The threads get sneeded

s f & s
f c

>When asked if Chuck wanted to get fucked he literally said yes and only after Sneed reminded him that he has 3 stores and a life did he have a guilty conscience

And even then he first drove to the fancy German car dealership before deciding nah

Btw after that episode is when Chuck started to become increasingly more of a cityslicker to Sneed

b & sp


i could really use a (you) right now kinda sad today

He was never into her. She literally had to proposition him, and was still turned down.


Only if you post Sneed

I hope tomorrow is better

Handing over your savings to someone wanting to fuck you probably comes with problems

thank (you) i feel better now, sneed on!

Especially when they want to fuck and suck you


Any sneedchad here have the pic of chuck's with the for sale sign, with sneed's underneath?

How do we get the white birthrate up then? Isn't that a major issue as well? I don't necessarily disagree with swearing off women, I already have. But how to we get more whites in society? Should we all get a bunch of black chicks pregnant to whiten up the next generation? Or Mexican women?

how many chucks must a sneed fuck and suck before you can call him a sneed

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cringe and false flag pilled. or you could be a beta male incel too fat and stupid to get a normal white woman

We need Chuck's again, whites used to breed like rabbits there.

How does it feel that you started the sneedposts in this thread?

The guy I'm responding to was swearing off women. That's the person I would like to have respond. The question is how do we increase the white birth rate while mitigating the negative effects of women.

We should send all white women to interracial sneeding grounds

It's simple, we reopen Chuck's Fuck and Suck.

And raped Homer in a fit of roid rage

that style of animation is so comfy

She had a little too much seed I guess

What about this style?

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Formerly Chuck.

but did she do any fucking or sucking

sneedy old chuck lol


All black women will be slaughtered immediately. Jewesses will be raped to death. Latinas and Middle Eastern girls will be forced into free whorehouses. White women will be locked in cages for breeding. Asian girls 13+ will be allowed in the house to play a loving wife role.

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>free whorehouses
Sounds a bit like Chuck’s

Wow sign me up for Pepe 2020

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And you still won't get any lol

More of sneed

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whats going on in this thread

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Some cringeworthy Simpsons discussion was going on earlier, but based Sneedposters swooped in to save the day.

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your yeast levels just went up 10%, loosey

>your pH levels just went up 1.6, slicker








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Report who?

OMG!!!! YES!!!!!!!!! LOVE THIS!!!!!

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sneed posting is unironically great tho. Its an easy meme to learn so new people can join in on the fun straight away

Doesn't understand Sneed posting! Sad!



formerly and chuckpilled


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Where'd the Sneed spambot go? I want him back.


THIS is why the Simpson will never die. People like this

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based roastie

>trannyfag assblasted about his tranny propaganda cartoon gets the snees treatment.

you knew what you were doing

also there is always google you lazy fuck

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feed and seed-pilled.

>Mindy or Lurleen?

Hotheads are so funny when pissed

Christ, she could have really used it to fund her ambitions of getting into a top Ivy League and climbing the US political ladder, ostensibly to do good. Stupid bitch shot herself in the foot.

reading the thread chain is fucking hilarious

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Was sneeding this thread part of your plan?

I don't understand. This isn't even funny at all, can you kill yourself?

Formerly a little funny