Spider-Man (2002)

Did you cry during this scene?

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>"Wooden doors, peter"
we get it raimi

>Ay Mengeles don't forget we're painting the town red after school
How did raimi get away with it?

I still cry, but of happiness because a real holocaust will happen this time
Just like Uncle Zyklon Ben would have liked

>"you can call me racist, peter, but facts don't care about your feelings"
ironic considering ben shapiro stole the line from this virulent antisemite

>hulk 2003 > spider-man trilogy

Amazing Spider-Man scene is more sad.

That uncle ben was cooler.

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>it was all a hoax Peter. No matter what you, or those yids at the studio say

I'm sorry what? I didn't notice that line first time around

I want to lick her feet.

All of his scenes were cringe. I hate father figures. No real father tells his son how the world works. You are giving your own personal view as solidified gospel. That isn't a good way to raise a child.

The way pete tells him he is liberal now just made his death that much sadder

Holy daddy issues

well yeah I cried, when he starts talking about "The White man's burden", brought tears to my eye

Is it normal if i only started crying at movies in my 20's? before it i never did

it's not normal to cry at movies unless you're a woman

Emily Jean is amazing

>"Around blacks--...."
>"Well, you get the rest..or should, by now."
Based Raimi

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I was so proud of never crying at movies ever but Bridge to Terabithia broke me. Now any remotely sad part in a movie makes me cry.

>"they're called splibos, peter--not African Americans. Splibbo is sound their bootlips make when you throw em into a wall. Splibo. Hear it Pere?"
>"..ye-yeah uncle ben"
seemed out of place

This but unironically

t. discord tranny

I burned to the ground entire villages, Peter. I had to shoot pregnant women who were trying to escape and then look their kids in the eyes before executing them. If I ever slept, I was awakened by the sounds of impaled soldiers around the camp. I had to eat one of my childhood friends when we were held in a P.O.W. camp. But you know what, Pete? I enjoyed it. I loved every single second of it. And I know I'm going to hell for it. But even God makes mistakes, and this world is not going to cleanse itself. So if I had the chance, Pete, I would do it all over again just to see them die one more time.

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