Hey Yea Forums why do women have boobs?

hey Yea Forums why do women have boobs?

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lemme hear it

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Are you telling jokes? I love jokes

To breastfeed their babies. Men are attracted to them because they activate an instinct in their minds that says "that chick will give your offspring food and allow them to live for a while".
In other words, they feed, which make you want to seed.

so got something to look at when you're talking to em!

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jokes I like jokes

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Honk honk

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lit and based


to feed

I don't get it.

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Holy Based

Back when Family Guy was good.

based beter


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actually men are attracted to them because they resemble asses

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hahahhahahah fucking true man

More like you want to Chuck that can Feed your Seed formerly Sneed


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"i love jokes"

-woman, before reporting you to HR

I don't get it.

I did not care for the Godfather.

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I find this thread rather shallow and pedantic.

Of course not you idiot, your godfather is supposed to care for YOU

hmm yes shallow and pedantic

This thread is really grinding my gears.

>oh for Pete's sake

Aren't you two a little old to be drinking illegally?

her voice acting still haunts me

Young Peter flashbacks are almost always hilarious
>Getting molested by the guy in the van instead of getting candy
>pic related

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Haha yeah I get my facts from absolute shit tier animes too!