How did this crap become a meme?

How did this crap become a meme?

Attached: Sneed.png (628x479, 394K)

Other urls found in this thread:

It's flexible yet straight forward


It makes redditors and other normies mad.

It was mocking the fact that Simpsons threads had become as bland as the zombie Simpsons they claimed to look down on.

>Hey, remember this funny line from the Simpsons? xD

We don't need this thread ten times a day. Sneed is the chemo to the Simpsonsfag cancer.

started with either zoomers or ACTUAL boomers (not the 30 year old meme boomer), then the fucking discord trannies ran with it.

if you can’t sneed em feed em

bane is basically played out

This is guy is Based and Sneedpilled

you are the niggers of Yea Forums
all you do is ruin threads, contributing absolutely jack shit, and then bitching and making memes about the jannies who delete your stupid threads.

Attached: sneedniggers.png (1057x93, 6K)

No matter how much you keep spamming it, it will never be true.
Sneedposters=Yea Forums

Formerly White

Start repeating a random stupid shit daily, few weeks down the road you'll see retards repeating it, from there it spreads like fire.


whats going on in this thread

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comfytrannies cut another inch off their dick every time sneed is posted

Attached: sneed4ever.png (500x375, 160K)


The only people that get made at Sneedposting are those that legitimately struggled to understand this simple joke. They are constantly reminded everyday how retarded they are.

>I like the jannies and respect the hard work they do.

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Because people were sick of Simpsons threads and then cunts ran with it. God knows who the sneed posters are anymore, I just know they need a good dose of rape in their life's.

Sneed already rapes the comfyfags on a regular basis though?

It's just the perfect meme. You can put as much effort into it as possible (those elaborate pieces of OC people create) or as little (just post Sneed). It's unironically the most Old School Yea Forums meme this site has produced in years, it's egalitarian and it has its roots solely in disrupting the enjoyment of others. It's not about community, it's not about politics or culture, it's about how for the entirety of its existence the internet has been a soft-soap for The Simpsons, and now we're found its flabby underbelly. We're taking every scene, every line, every aspect of your beloved show, and we're wiping Sneed all over it. It's a truly beautiful thing and I am damn proud to be a sneedposter.

chuck's fuck and suck lol

How do people still watch the simpsons.

of course, you fucking marxist,



All it took was one autist posting daily for several months that he didn't understand the joke.

The majority of it is literally just "Sneed" and the rest is just the simple formula "formerly (the opposite of some aspect of what you're responding to)"
What little potential it had has been crushed by thousands of unfunny Redditors, the type of people that can bring down a several year long Yea Forums meme in a matter of weeks.
Sneed is what happens when you take the unfunny, borderline spam reference humor of Reddit, but refuse to just let the meme die.



How cucked are you, m8?


le grill


the pill

Concentrated, sustained spamming by a small number of anons/bots originating from outside of the website. It's reaching a peak now, which is why those posting it are throwing everything possible at people who hate them.
If you hate sneedposting, you are altright and an SJW, a /pol/tard and a discordtranny, both right and left, roastie and incel, whatever label gets you to engage in an argument that allows them to keep spamming their garbage.

formerly a meme
now a lifestyle

>from outside
the main neet who spams this bullshit is originated from kiwifarms btw.

oh...ooh my....oh my....oh

chuck's feed and seed



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I had never heard of them, gross.

>Let's just say the name of a character involved in a joke in a Simpsons episode

Real epic stuff, guys.


formerly unepic

Dude le.simpsons sucks lmao do i fit yet?


dumb zoomer meme that will die in a month or two
>haha sneed hehehehe lolsorandum

Now, baneposting, THAT's a real meme

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What if I told you to keep those lines in the back of your head for qt’s. It will come in handy one day believe me


A few anons made daily sometimes hourly threads about it. It took about a month for the threads really to kick off and have lots of replies. Then it started snowballing and it is what you see today.

Want to get a meme on Yea Forums? just post it over and over until it catches on.


sneed sneed

not only on Yea Forums i made the same on two other boards and they were kinda successful too bad the mods starting being salty about it and became bannable image/text combos

formerly other

In over a year this is the only funny thing to come of this shit meme

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>dance off

Not a fan of baneposting either, but at least that one has a lot of material to work with. Sneed is just being obnoxious cunts by saying Sneed everywhere.

Formerly consensual fuck & suck

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Today I will remind them

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God I would fuck Sneed in a heartbeat. Sometimes I dream of what our sweaty lovemaking would be like. God, I'd fuck the shit out of Sneed.

It was never good
It's spam from an underaged shitter who never grew up witg the simpsons

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I still don't understand why people post "sneed" so much, I don't even understand why it's funny in the first place. Someone please explain it to me.

sneed's feed & seed
formerly chuck's

Okay, this is epic.


right here my friend
hope you are now ready to enjoy our sneed and feed meme culture! :D

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Can we just ignore these Sneed shitters and try to actually have a comfy Simpsons thread? Post your favorite characters I'll start. In no particular order:

Eddie Muntz

Fat Tony
Eckhardt Simpson
Eliza Simpson

Nikki McKenna
Don Brodka

Evelyn Graycomb

Yves Bouvier

Uma Nahasapeemapetilon
Chuck Muntz
Skinner (formerly Armin Tamzarian)

thanks for keeping things on topic with a comfy post my nigger

Imagine how pathetic your life must be to get this angry at a meme. You are guaranteed incel.

Attached: Sneed Sock.png (785x757, 309K)

Moeposting is lazy as fuck. Sneedposters put in hours of work, and their blood, sweat and tears to formulate the perfect post. You can't even be bothered to actually spam or to use a different picture or provide any form of commentary on anything. You ruin all Sneed threads and you should be ashamed of yourself. I'm going to speak to the mods to get you wordfilitered and banned for ruining these once great threads.

More like euthanasia but ok


Why is Sneed such a funny word?

chuck's feed and suck

>h-h-how dare he criticize our le based forced maymay
>i know, I'll call him an incel

Ooh watch out lads, the nails are out now

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One syllable. Consonant at the beginning and end.

you couldn’t grow stink on a monkey!

It's funny how comfyfags thought sneed was dead because of a false flag

Just goes to show their critically low iq

Through the darkness of seasons past
The shitposter longs to feed
One chants out between two threads...
"Fire... walk with Sneed".
We lived among the people
I think you say.... convenience store.
We sat out front it.
I mean it like it feeds.... like it seeds.
I too have been touched by the Groenish One.
Overall strap on the left shoulder...
Oh but when I saw the face of Him, the store was changed.
I took the entire sign off.
My name is CHUCK.
His name is SNEED.

Attached: Philip_Gerard.png (400x310, 162K)

look at this Hot Head

based twin chucks/sneed peaks poster

this kills the redditor
its funny to see them falsflag sneed to oblivion


>it's egalitarian and it has its roots solely in disrupting the enjoyment of others
this guy gets it


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It's annoying like dubs or bane but also like dubs and bane the more you see it the more you're eventually conditioned to find it funny. I HATED sneed at first but now I can't help but laugh when I see sneedposting. I can't help it, it's purely an unconscious action now.

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>I’m an NPC and proud!

Some guy posted the same thread hundreds of times asking to explain the joke and eventually it just became a meme. It’s interesting because there’s actually nothing clever or funny about the meme itself like most memes that catch on. It just was spammed so much it eventually became a parody of itself.

moeposters are worse than jannies

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You can just hide the threads, you know?

Yea Forums does whatever they think would piss reddit off.

You can just go to you know?

wait...does sneed ever exist?

Attached: sneeded.png (1045x218, 29K)

If capeshit is allowed why should the Simpsons not?

350 days untill sneed 2.

Attached: IMASNEEDFUCK.png (1234x1134, 225K)

>you have witnessed the death of sneedposting
haha eat shit cunts
regards, the best shitposting country on earth

Because it makes people seethe.
There are plenty of morons in this thread showing their discontent towards sneed which is what the sneedposters want.

formerly canada


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>there will never be an episode like this ever again

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Can the fucking mods just word filter sneed already jesus fuck. While they're at it word filter $need, sn33d, $n33d and any variations of it. fucking hell

It's very clever and went over the heads of many people (myself included). People are now overcompensating.

Seems like you spend a lot of time on reddit

Well, well, look at the city slicker with his fancy German car.

Reverse image search doesnt work

s f & s

>implying sneedposters can ever be stopped

Attached: 18CC3302-4746-4101-8183-AFF2D3CCF04D.png (620x413, 420K)

>mfw i see non-australians trying to shitpost

Attached: pablo 3.jpg (1100x1650, 264K)

>mfw I see city slickers trying to farm

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>a suburb is a city
get a load of this illegal mexican worker hirer

>mfw I see australians

Attached: 1549567743081.jpg (640x480, 44K)

>going on a site run by people you hate

Attached: 1535470024052.jpg (1000x1000, 80K)

It would do nothing.
It would cause more shitposting.
Just stop complaining, your whining is what is fueling sneedposters.

>your whining is what is fueling sneedposters
they're all clearly underage because they only get satisfaction from seeing the anger
unlike the superior AVSTRALIAN shitposters who have finely honed their skill over 40,000 years

Came for the Sneed.
Stayed for the comfy Simpsons thread.

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Sneedposting in a Sneed thread is hella cringe. Sneedposting in comfy Simpsons threads is extremely based.

hot head city slicker

formerly slaves

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I love how sneed posting happened to take off around the same time my doctor prescribing me xanax. This is a high so pure

>being australian

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Yeah, I've heard of sneed on Twitter first too.

>We don't sneed this thread ten times a day.
I don’t get it.