>character goes out drinking
>scene cuts to him waking up in the morning freaked out at the beast he brought back home
Character goes out drinking
Other urls found in this thread:
Imagine the absolute fucking stench
Someone post the r*ddit thread. Seething femcels just started calling him ugly.
Wew lad
He knew exactly what he was doing though. Doesn't matter how drunk he was either, he knew EXACTLY what he was taking home.
The whole, "wake up in the morning and look at her and she's fat and ugly now" trope is absurd. She was fat and ugly when you picked her up but you just wanted to get your dick sucked.
I've fucked a few fat women and I never for a second in my mind imagined them as anything but that. Ironically enough, it was some of the best sex I've ever had.
>character declines his more handsome and intelligent friend's invitation to a party
>sits in his room drinking a few beers in the dark the whole night
>goes to bed early
wait, he regrets the sex after the fact, and they were both drunk so he couldn't give consent? Sounds an awful lot like she raped him anons...
Oh user...
Well he is no prize catch. Unless she has a penis I don't see why he is remorseful.
I noticed one thing - he has no fucking bedding. He fucked a bitch on a mattress and is fucking disgusted about the sex and not his disgusting bed. Also - that doesnt look like a chick, but that's just me.
don't worry if you do this long enough people forget to invite you out and then you won't feel bad about declining
>character accepts his more handsome and intelligent friend's invitation to a party
>pukes on friends bedroom
>says its ok but party host is pissed
lol why did he post it this guy is going to get swarmed by news outlets and articles
damn I wish that was me
How much does the young lady weigh bt guesstimate?
He also has a joint in his hand
He's a degenerate pothead
roastie cope
What, he fucked a mtf? I didn't watch the webm
What's a femcel
Because she's a fat disgusting slob.
he's a 5.5/10, maybe 6 if he's pretty funny
"""she""" is a 2
He looks good, he's just making a funny face
jesus christ these subhuman bitches are disgusting. its like /r9k/ but its women so its infinitely worse
what the fug
Uterus is uterus, it only matters how healthy her genes are.
>implying they're women
>what's a giga stacy?
are they retarded?
>She's fat and needs to lose weight
>comment removed by moderator
kek the absolute seething in the comments section
The funny thing is /r9k/ is fairly ironic and self-deprecating. These are just retarded beckies.
Fuck normies
How deluded are these cunts?
>top posts
>some retard roastie mad about not having sex since she broke up with her last bf
This is worse than all the normalfags flooding Yea Forums crying about being single for 2 months
"Be they ugly or unsightly, or just plain make you sick;
every girl is pretty with her lips around your dick."
>Man: I fucked, I was drunk, I did not consent. That was rape!
>lmao who gives a shit you bigot
>Woman: I fucked, I was drunk, I did not consent. That was rape!
>genocide all MEN NOW! WOMEN RISE UP!
Every time.
More like
>Character goes out clubbing with friends
>All of them get hit on by girls
>Character isn't even looked at by girls
>Character goes home alone, goes to sleep alone once again
Whenever I do go out with some of my "friends" I am desperately holding my faux normalfag facade in every interaction and trying to be a good "friend" the best I can, but as soon as I drink enough in the night I stop giving a shit about anyone and everyone around me and I usually just literally get up and go straight home without even saying bye to anyone.
More like
>Character goes out clubbing with friends
>All of them get hit on by girls
>Character isn't even looked at by girls
>Character goes home alone, goes to sleep alone once again
>Character wakes up with mommy at his side ready to suck and fuck him off
Based and redpilled
But the moral is he can't grow up and get out of his moms basement.
That's redpilled but not based.
this. just admit you wanted to fuck a fatty
>friend's invitation to a party
took me right out of it there
Are they even fucking sentient? It's like they have zero self-awareness.
if a woman does this she can send the man for 20 years to jail and make him commit suicide by accusing him of rape
when a man does it he has to live with PTSD for the rest of his life
Patrice Oneal: Fat bitch from the Wiz
Well im glad i dont drink then.(epilepsy meds are a bitch)
Why would you tell the world though? why cry and do a video?
I hate when that happens, haha.
I hate the normie binge drinking meme. if you actually don't know what you're doing then you're a menace to society and belong in prison
RIP Dunn.
pickers vs choosers on alcohol
>he's not even average looking
Heh let's pretend certain male TV actors are average as we slather that makeup on.
I don't get it. How does this happen? I've been completely shitfaced, and not once did I think a hag like this was worth doing.
Some people's horny levels are uncontrollable when drunk.
simply because she looks much worse
You're part of the problem if you think women look better with makeup
When you incels are in this situation, you will realize there are things more shameful than being a virgin.
I mean its true, he's no looker himself
He's just ashamed that this is the best he can get and is trying to spin it for internet brownie points
keep seething coping roastie
>trying to spin it for internet brownie points
He has not even got smarts to fall back on. This guy is fucked if the wrong person sees this as MSM need a white man to punish atm.
a man that beds such a beast is a man that doesn't care
Staged as fuck
What woman would agree to that for nothing in return? She's humiliated about her looks the worst thing a woman can imagine
>character is the son and heir of a shyness that is criminally vulgar
>goes to a club on his own
>stands on his own
>goes home
>wants to die
How can they misunderstand so fundamentally what betabucks are?
based and how soon is nowpilled
>I would argue that every single NEET is volcel.
I'm living proof that argument is bs considering I was a lazy NEET whose first gf supported him for like a year and half
[Record scratch]
I've been at college for 2 years and I just can't make any friends.
Not once has anybody invited me to a party or anything
Why don't you join/start a nerd club
incredibly based irish goodbye poster
This place is a goldmine
>instagram thot filter
>cries about having sex
>I would argue that every single NEET is volcel
ya i had a girlfriend for a while before i became a neet but she wouldn't fuck me because my dick wasn't big enough
I dunno i have next to no experience of even talking to women in my adult life or even while i was a kid but i think if was actually doing things to improve my life and had the normie things like a job etc i could probably fuck a 1-3/10 so maybe she is right
>he gets invitations in the first place
fuck off
>character doesn't knock up some retarded hambeast
sounds like a net win or at least break even
>she wouldn't fuck me because my dick wasn't big enough
damn dude just how big was her pusy?
>he knows people in the first place
like throwing a hotdog down a hallway
you were home schooled by neo nazis right?
>At this point, if you're going to end up being pumped and dumped, it may as well only be with Chad. After all, hot men aren't so desperate for social approval that they try to humiliate their conquests on the internet.
hahaha wtf is wrong with this people, do they think a hot guy is going to hit that? like shit
invisible internet points. look at him mugging for the camera
That poor girl. Drunk idiot makes a bad decision and now he ridicules her online.
Both uggos.
No, libertarians
>caller her a poor girl
>agrees with the man that shes ugly and he shouldnt of fucked it
pick a side mate.
>all the posts on that subreddit are either "my way better looking crush won't notice me" "reeee incels only go for better looking women" or "I've been staring at my phone all day and no notifications"
I may be ugly but at least I wasn't born an ugly woman, what a stupid existence
The guy is clearly in the wrong, but it doesn't make the girl any less ugly.
the government should force ugly women to become our sex slaves / property
She apparently had plastic surgery for her jaw or some shit
Imagine being told all your life that nothing but looks matter to the point that you think the left side isn't qt as fuck
I've spent the last hour looking at the femcels top posts and laughing my ass off, send help
I'm not from the US
We dont have stuff like that here (europe) and I'm not really a nerd either
it just makes me really curious as to what these "femcels" actually look like
"Femcel ugly" apparently means "guys hitting on her if she wears a regular-ass sweater"
>spendings thousands of dollars on turning a perfectly good nose into a pignose
That's just sad.
You just show up with plenty of booze to hand around, just so nobody thinks you're a moocher that showed up. Next time you'll get an invitation.
Might be a bit too late two years in though.
Uhhh you're posting on a Bangladeshi kite testing forum I'm sure your nerdy ass plays vidya or MTG or some shit
look what i found i her profile
Okay that's enough r/trufemcels for me. Is reddit always that hilarious?
oh its BRUTAL
you probably go around trying to 'redpill' everybody and spouting memes like a sperg that's why
I'd say it's far more likely that he just doesn't talk to anyone. Goes to class, talks to nobody, goes home. That's more or less my situation.
who the fuck wants ridiculous machoman cheekbones like that?
>zero effort haircut
>thinning hair
>scruffy beard
>weasel face
Best he will ever do. And you too user.
>The amount of faggots saying the dude is not ugly just to StIcK iT tO tHe RoAsTiEs
Chads, apparently, at least according to these retarded whores.
She is like gym bimbo tier on the right
the one on the right is more qt
He is ugly. He's still leagues above the hamplanet.
No doubt, but is the one on the left not qt enough already? Did she really need surgery?
Yes, She's a 1 while the dude is a 4.
Thing is, making videos like this just to get internet points makes him a massive attention whore, if you fucked a slampig at least have the balls to own it and stop crying like a faggot
>ugly angry roastie #148518923050
Left is clearly superior. Am I going crazy here or waht.
Its wild I look just like this guy we could be brothers.
women have literally no idea what men find good looking
hint hint femcels, it's innocence. cake on makeup with stupid eyebrow adjustments just screams "i want to be pumped and dumped"
No, you're quite sane. That's exactly why I posted it, I just find it hilarious imagining the levels of delusion she must be living at.
This is the kind of guy that is slightly above average but if he was in a movie, everyone would say he's attractive in an unusual way.
god i wish she would put my testicles in a scissor-lock betwixt her thighs and squeeze with all her feminine might
It's interesting how much perceived attractiveness is based on common opinion. For example, all the fangirls drooling over Jim from The Office simply because every female character calls him hot
I think orthopedics might have been a better choice. I think plastic surgery is pretty extreme in most cases.
fuck that ugly retard. She's not even that bad looking, just a little pudgy
no one wants to date down, say shes a 6-7/10, she will like all other people call herself "ugly" and see herself as a 4-5/10 relative to her own scale
serious question for women on this board
do men just look better on average than women do?
If you didn't wear make up EVER would you all have pretty nice skin like men do? Or are women just baseline creeps that need to mask that shit?
Yeah there seems to be some doublethink going on between "I wanna look exactly like instagram thots" and "I want meaningful relationships instead of just sex with shallowe dudes"
I wonder how many qtpis there are who think they're ugly and who would never believe you if you told them they look amazing
Someone post this thread on there
Same with Adam Driver and the dude that played Loki.
>women on this board
All 3 of them? Just because you came from reddit here last year you shouldn't think Yea Forums has the same gender makeup
>Or are women just baseline creeps that need to mask that shit?
>women on this board
anyways im pretty sure makeup ages the skin to a good extent, putting chemical infused shit in your pores and skin more than two times everyday is bound to have some permanent distortions. this as well as
He’s honestly not ugly. He has decent muscles. Put him in designer jeans and a blazer and all those roasties will be clawing each other for him
Social status literally affects how women perceive men aesthetically. Its weird. It's like their version of big tits.
Same thing applies for a lot of female actresses too, like scarlett johannson or sandra bullock. They are 4s with heavy plstic surgery and makeup but people still fawn over them
anyone have any pictures of these femcels?
You either dont drink enough or its one of those things that varies from person to person. When I drink heavily I literally black out for like 5 minutes where I have no recollection of what happens or what I did. I can have a vague idea of what the women I met looked like but I always ask my friends to rate her next morning or if I got a number I'll look her up.
Yeah he really isn't a bad looking dude
women for some reason are totally unaware that the most attractive thing to a man is youth/innocence.
both from a personality and physical standpoint. why do you think 90% of the people who complain about 17 - 21 year olds dating older men are 30 year old women?
>No sheets on the bed
This is more disgusting than anything else on that webm
>Sandra Bullock
>a four
Isabela is a prime example for how absolutely fucking retarded makeup is. As she got older, she got more and more into the makeup meme (even in your pic she is still wearing way too much). I don't understand why young women think they need to wear it to seem "mature" or why women think dressing up should include painting their lips bright red and masking their skin tone
Yeah I've notcied girls get memed pretty hard by bitter roasties out to sabotage them
Young Scarjo was mega cute.
lmao damn that looks like genuine regret and sadness he's feeling
Are these people even women or just trannies in denial?
i go to plenty of parties (collegefag) and every time before i go out, i look in the mirror and ask myself "is this the one where i finally talk to a girl". i then proceed to watch the friends i went out chat up and even get with plenty of girls while none of them even give me a second glance. i don't know why i keep doing this to myself.
that dudes not even ugly, he just has bitch mode crying face and is red as hell with a phone in his face.
they'd be calling pic related ugly if it was him filming too
Now that you mention those, I realize the best example would have been Benedict Cummersnatch. Fucking ridiculous
It's interesting for actresses because having a relatively pretty face is enough to get everyone to want to fap over her. So you have people saying Gal Gadot has a great body just cause she isn't ugly
Same works for men to be fair, if they have facial aesthetics and a sixpack, women will swoon over them no matter how built they actually are
prob more women on Yea Forums than most boards, plenty of arthoe roasties with agendas
oh wait those are just the fags
anyway, there are women on Yea Forums believe it or not
Sounds like you care too much senpai
hes not ugly but hes not fucking bradly cooper
hes like 1 or 2 points higher then her
>character goes out for the first time in months
>immediately mocked by "friends"
>pretends he doesn't hear what they said and laughs it off
>once everyone is busy with themselves he slips out and takes a taxi home, crying softly
you realize the only reason the roasties are bashing him is because he is shitting on one of their kind
and the only reason the anons are bashing him is because they are actually attractive?
i had acne throughout my high school years that left me with a high level of anti socialness. although the acne is completely gone, i still feel that it is there and people notice it. i cant help it.
You're like Elliot, expecting women to come over and talk to you, aren't you?
That's not Bradley Cooper either
If he was a woman these ho's would argue his regret was evidence of him being literally raped.
The women that use reddit all look like this
Dunno about the rest of you but cleft chin = unmarriagable to me.
perhaps i misworded my first post, but i do attempt to talk to girls. i just have no idea what to talk about and how to keep a steady conversation, nevertheless flirt.
That's the most retarded thing I have ever heard
You aren't antisocial if you go to parties
it looks like he was just doing it for the shits and giggles when he was lifting the phone lmao. i didn't realize until i went to that femcel reddit link that he was crying and wasn't making fun of her
i doubt it, women are incredibly un-selfaware. you do realize there's a Yea Forums for women too right? and there's threads sitting on the random catalog that are more than a year old. Yea Forums doesn't appeal to women
moner looks the best she has, there's some photos where she looks like worse because of makeup though. like in that dance video, holy shit she looks like garbage in that
would the world be a better place if makeup was banned?
Because you already set yourself up for failure.
It literally takes redface, heart thumping courage to talk to some one, and you literally have to endure the same of her not giving a fuck, being polite and walking away (or even ignoring you).
Let me give you a tip: Play, Taunt and Tease Her, Never Appease Her. Taunt, Tease and Play Her, Never Obey Her.
next time you're getting a drink, if there's a girl nearby, no matter what she looks like, if she's not clearly preoccupied, just ask her anything. Ask her if she would like a beer. Or ask her "do you like this beer?" And she'll say literally anything. And then you'll tease her. And then you'll realise it's that easy to be in control of a conversation.
And as soon as it gets challenging (run out of things to say, she get's too sassy/shittests you) you just end it. "I have to catch up with my friend now". In whatever tone you like.
>making fun of ugly guys is funny
>making fun of ugly girls is sexist rapesplaining incel NEETdom
clef chin = instant raging boner for me especially on blondes good lord
I usually just yawn really loudly when they talk and show them my Sneed collection
The point isn't that Moner's getting uglier or somethin (she's hot as fuck), the point is that she keeps overusing makeup
No, make prostitution legal
> not picking up a Korean hottie at the Chili's at the korean air terminal
i appreciate it user. i'm not looking to argue with anyone online about how i feel, im gonna give this a try.
This. I can't even go to a party because it ends up with me having a panic attack from being around people while trying to drink and seem comfortable.
Fucking retards going to parties yet whining about being antisocial simply because they don't know how to flirt.
this subreddit is fascinating. suddenly im aware of femcels and have even more perspective with which to hate inceldom.
Think I'm gonna do this as well
Don't care about the plastic surgery desu
He's gonna get fucked in the ass by the SJW media for bodyshaming or some shit lmao
Not the same guy, but I think I'd rather stay alone than approach women and deal with painful rejection (even when drunk). Plus, I keep hearing if you're actually handsome they come to you, so why bother? Pointless if you aren't a handsome, tall god.
nice therapy thread faggots
>He’s honestly not ugly
he literally looks like this
Lazy-ass faggot.
that's a dude!
Would that honestly solve anything, in your opinion? All the normies with stupidly high sex drives who think not having sex for a month is a life-ending catastrophe are already using escorts, and there's no point for an incel to use a whore because afterwards he still hasn't gotten a real girl to sleep with him out of her own free will
And women love pugs, checkmate user
Pussy-ass faggot. I'm more than willing to admit I'm a fucking pussy in this area of my life.
I'm not saying they don't. I'm just saying he's not that good looking, and putting up a video like this just shows how retarded he is
t. married white male with white children
maybe, but you don't want to fuck any girl that's approaching you. Almost always a red flag.
Girls who want to be chased are the most attractive. They're the cute ones who want to leave early. Who's dresses are a little less showy but their eyes are much kinder.
imagine fucking this chick, you are having the best sex of your life bashing away at this dainty lil asian chicks pelvis, but then you open your eyes for a moment and then fucking michael jackson's nose is staring right back at you with his triangular nostrils
delete that picture you disgusting human being
>tfw you are the only ITT who has made out with an Uggo at a fast food place
Those girls don't actually go to parties, bars, or clubs.
I don't want a gf because it sounds like a hassle to constantly have to cater to some cunt
I would like to have sex though, where do I start? Just start going to the gym and then get on tinder?
Tumblr is going to lose their shit over this. This retard just torpedoed his life.
I think it would at least reduce the misogyny that is innate within a lot of incels; a lot of them are resentful towards women because of lack of access to sex if they can have a "trial run" as it were with someone who is comfortable with them and their peculiarities, it could enable them to be a little bit more comfortable towards approaching women.
>white male with white children
Sure thing goblino-san
At uni, fuck knows where you'll meet any girls irl (i.e. no dating app shit) other than at those places or societies you hit up.
I think he's doing the thing women do when they start crying and record themselves morning after
You don't get to call anyone else a pussy when your entire game is waiting to be approached, like a woman.
i used to get approached by girls in highschool a lot, and now im a freshman in college and i have no friends and not a single girl has talked to me. even had a good trio of bros
i have no idea what's happened bros, i've done nothing but improve since too.
i can actually talk to people as well as pass classes, are high school girls more confident or did i just get ugly
>their eyes are much kinder.
Are you fifteen years old?
Damn nice numbers but nahhh
I don’t think I can comprehend the irony of this post
>do I get /fit/ and go on tinder
No, you're better off /looksmaxing/ and making friends
I got a bj from a 50 year old crack head once. An absolute .1/10
>best head ever desu
>house parties (i.e. just hanging out with their shared friend circle not a giant college party)
>whatever sports thing they do
Get grindr and your degenerate ass is set.
That's what happened to me except instead of having no friends I latched onto a group of hipsters who kind of tolerated my presence and mostly ignored me except to occasionally roast me, so I guess they counted as friends. I ended up dropping out and becoming a construction worker.
I'm pretty sure high school girls just have much lower standards than college girls.
I have plenty of friends, not sure how that's supposed to lead to grills
Did you pull the ultimate Chad move and smoke the rock you promised her as you came?
I did this at my cousins wedding and walked 25 miles home in my suit down the side of a country highway.
In UK house parties aren't really a thing for first years. You do predrinks/pregaming with your flat/house or other flats/houses you might make friends with or your societies before heading out. Closest to a house party so far is when a second year hosts predrinks at their house before the club.
>femcel forum
Men are banned from posting
>incel forum
Lonely corners of the internet
Says it all really. Even in that femcel forum they have to ban guys who want to talk to them.
>house parties (i.e. just hanging out with their shared friend circle not a giant college party)
>get a text from the cute girl you are crushing on at 12:30 am
>its her telling you her fuck ugly fat friend thinks you are cute
Dating girls in high school is infinitely easier than after high school. I used to have girls asking me out in high school, now I actually have to try.
>Just for sex
Don't do it man I'm pretty sure I got warts from some trashy girl. Even asked if she had anything and she lied.
They have friends and want to meet Chad too. They just have a different idea of what Chad is.
Due to women's highly emotional mindscape, the 'alpha' man is not an objective quality. It's completely relative, and that scale tips massively when she falls in love with you. You're all going to HATE this but being the best YOU makes you an Alpha. It's confidence, self-posession, unforgiving or unabashed you. What you need to do is realize that (if you're anything like the incels I've known [i was a virgin until 20]) you approach everything from a judgemental, rational frame that frankly makes you look like an asshole. It's not that you shouldn't have an opinion, it's that you have to be more diplomatic when you employ it. Have a good time, let people live, live how you like, and talk to girls like humans (rather, children).
I knew I shouldn't have said "house parties". What I mean is when you just hang out with friends instead of making it a giant fucking gathering.
Playing boardgames and shit if you wanna go full wholesome
No, be friends with their friends. Get your friends' gfs to bring their friends along, for example
man is shit really that different now? I'm not quite a 30 y/o boomer but back in my day having friends and going out doing fun shit would eventually lead to pusy
Should facial hair also be illegal? It's basically make up for men.
that reminds me of that video of that homeless guy getting his dick sucked by a crackwhore for 5 bucks and as he cums steals it out of her hands leaving her with cum in her mouth and no cash
Very Cool!
>on bumble few weeks ago
>match with qt
>24hrs later she never messages me
>this past Valentines on bus home and she comes on and sit directly across from me
>she looks at her phone
>looks at me
>rings bell and immediately walks off
social circles are huge preselection bonuses. You have friends? Good, I can be your friend too. It lubricates socializing because when there's an awkward silence you can count on somebody else to step in. And every conversation doesn't feel like a date either.
Reminds me of this: youtube.com
This exact same "muh self confidence" advice is absolute bullshit every time. What you need is
>facial aesthetics
There you go, that's it.
as an ugly guy who's also a bad drinker, that's my worst nightmare
I fucking hate that shit. Its disrespectful as fuck.
Yeah but beards don't wash off in the pool and are naturally occurring
I'm self-confident and rational. You know what that makes me? The exact same boring dude that everyone else is
Immediately pictured it like a Peep Show scene.
no because im too lazy to shave, facial hair is naturally occurring, its not a weave, extensions or make up
Because there are a lot of men who come and post really awful things.
Fucking lol
perhaps i'm just good looking then
vast majority of lonely dudes/incels/virgins/etc... aren't cynical dicks, they're just quiet as hell and not good on small talk
would have been funnier if you chased her
You're no Travis Bowdish or jsanza or truly hideous trucel. You look like some hardy dudebro. Also, are you tall?
Yes, congratulations. Did it really take you this long to notice?
Top kekeroni at the "virgin until 20" thing as well
He's no 8 but he's still 5 points clear of her.
post a picture of yourself plz i bet you are an 8/10
you "justBurself" fag
How many men do you see actually flirt with women? Like, really flirt? Walk up to them out of the blue, say something funny, touch their arm?
Like one a night? At most? Yeah. You are just like everyone else.
Imagine if that's what she wanted but user's autism and self-loathing made him interpret it another way.
true story bro
been with my current GF for 5 years tho
in case to guys didn't know, all the real femcels are hanging out at
>had sex with an ugly guy
>figure it won't be so bad, at least you got laid
>groggily open your eyes in the morning, hoping he's gone
>he's some Baked Alaska-looking motherfucker filming you without your consent
How do you not ghost him for 1 month and then send him a cryptic "get tested" text?
A night? What the fuck are you talking about? Apparently you are imagining some club setting, and women get hit on every 10 minutes then
>just saying you have to leave for your m8 as soon as the more complicated things happens
that's actually a good advice user. This is actually pretty good, being in control and leaving. Not sure girls will even be used to that
Then you're fine. Try being 5'2. Point is, the confidence and personality stuff does matter but after a certain looks and height threshold.
that is me
That's flirting if you're cute.
That's harassing creep behavior if you're not.
In any social setting. Flirting is that rare.
outside of clubs it doesn't happen. most relationships occur out of circumstances that put the two together.
like friend circles or being students sitting next to each other in class that whole "confident men walk up to women and ask for their number, or start a conversation" thing is non-existent. especially nowadays when everybody is using their phone or listening to music
>that toe cleavage
>Walk up to them out of the blue, say something funny, touch their arm?
This isn't how human beings flirt.
You remind me of Ethan Klein for some reason
I feel bad for you guys. I'm 6'3" and a 6 and I have girls flirting with me most times I go out. I rarely approach women and I still get laid. I wish you guys knew this feels I really do.
I'm sorry guys, I didn't realise how many insurmountable hurdles there were for men to getting laid. But I can say I thought i was one of you once. And I'm not anymore.
Why does a random cute girl even have your number?
no offense but you went from an 8 to a 5 real quick. but from the first pic i can tell you'd be hot if you lost that chubby ass face.
but you already have a gf so good on you bro, did you fatten up on her?
I don't know, he could be Captain Disillusion's slow brother.
I talk to loads of women but I never had a gf ;_;
One of my bros told me to just start flirting with women (like telling qts at work that their dress looks good for example) but I'm deathly afraid of it
What if they scream and shout rape
lol get fucking real, this normie cunt
this guy is easily at least a 7/10 and giving us this BS confidence speech
From the thumbnails you look like h3h3
Every relationship I've had has been due to random circumstances. That's how I ended up married, a friend of a friend. I don't know a single couple that has met through anything other than that, or dating apps that they tried to lie about. There's a lot of misinfo online by people that watch movies and TV shows and believe it to be reality.
listen bros if a 5'7" cuban/mutt like me can get thicc pussy, you guys can too
gotten that before, it's upsetting, we're the same phentotype/archetype in a lot of ways (i'm not jewish or unfunny though)
If you're being serious your brain has been thoroughly poisoned by internet memes. Women won't scream and shout rape if you give them simple compliments. Keep in mind there's a difference between "I like your hair" and "I want to lick your feet" and you should be fine.
>5'7" cuban/mutt
Thanks for the new reaction image.
Hahaha, why would anyone do this.
What a coincidence, I was just about to make a post starting with
>be 6'3
>be moderately okay looking (a 6 maybe)
How do I get women to flirt with me
destiny is 4 feet tall
no, I've lost weight since I've been with her
nice gamer bod
Stop LARPing as some random fuck, or take it to /soc/
>all women are the same
they are using the term stacy unironically. i think its safe to assume that they are not exactly feminist
What the fuck? You ARE Ethan Klein, bitch!
I'm 6'2".
I used to think I needed to be in shape to get chicks so I worked out really hard. Didn't work.
Then I thought I was obviously poor - so I worked at a career and I made 226k last year. Still alone.
Now I'm basically just an old fat alcoholic who's given up on life.
Dress nice and smile (girls love go lucky guys, smile and laughs lot. Never show anger annoyance). Be approachable.
I'll stop but I'm being real with you guys
I recently started visiting a club at my college and there's a girl there who could very well be one of these femcel posters. She's always bringing up topics that are very much part of that universe and on top of that she's extremely unattractive and socially awkward. I'd almost consider asking but there's no way to do it without coming across as an asshole, so I'm not going to bother.
Pump and dump her just to show her how evil men are
>Just be yourself, be funny, and smile a lot.
do you show off your money with nice clothes, car, etc.?
how do you expect women to know you're rich?
even something like buying an expensive drink for a girl can be a sign
Don't do it user, just be a cool dude
just ask her if she browses any websites, she'll mention reddit at the very least and you can elaborate with which subreddits in particular.
that guy probably doesn't have a sense of humor
Of course I won't, I'm not going to hurt someone's feelings for no reason. I'll always wonder, but I'm fine with not knowing.
Actually I just made all that up.
I'm a manlet who has never had a job and lives with his parents.
The old fat alcoholic part is true though.
You're missing the point. I feel helpful though, so I'll give you a hint: Women will still think any shit joke he makes is hilarious
Figments of imagination rarely do.
Not sure this is real but
This is absolutely true, and it goes both ways. If someone holds another person in high esteem they're going to laugh at all of their jokes, even if they're bad.
I did buy a nice car about 10 years ago, because I thought that too. Didn't really seem to work.
Now I drive 4-5 older cars, because I like older cars and I work on them myself. When I say 4-5 I mean I own different ones because I like them each to be specialized in their role. None of them are worth more'n 10k though.
haha imagine feeling the comfort of another person
Do ugly women have it worse than ugly men?
>holds another person in high esteem
Nice skirting around it. It's purely based on physical attractiveness
I lift weights 2 hours a day every day you have to work for it bros if not well sorry it's a competition and you're gonna lose unless you work for it.
you don't want to fuck the woman who would laugh at this guys joke just to fuck him
they're collecting notches like men, not being women
this is what I don't understand about you incels... You complain about women you wouldn't even take if they were thrown at you. Worry about your demo. Cute chicks with modest lifestyles who would never even approach chads because they find them grating and uncomfortable to be around.
>its a competition
>when there's roughly 6 million more females in america than men in the USA alone
>because they find them grating and uncomfortable to be around
Hahahaha yeah. Your girlfriend totally hates those chads!
I used that language because it applies in situations that go beyond physical attractiveness. If a priest or politician tells a terrible joke during a speech they're still going to get laughs if the audience likes them. Physical attractiveness is just one of many things that can lead to this reaction.
> Cute chicks with modest lifestyles who would never even approach chads because they find them grating and uncomfortable to be around
Oh okay.
We all care too much
What career did you work towards?
I get insecure about this all the time
and then i feel her getting wet sucking me off, so
no, you can still sell foot fetish videos on the internet
It doesn't have to be just someone you're physically attracted to. People kiss ass to their boss, authoritive figures, etc.
I lift weight 3 hours a day and will fuck your twink butthole til you love me faggot and then make you watch as I fuck your sister
Happened to me this summer , woke up in a apartment naked next to this fatso. I ran out of the place, it was on the other side of the city too.
and every single male wants the top 10% of females
What kind of logic is that?
That's like saying "I was scared of her being attracted to chads but then I felt her bounce on my dick"
Like she can't do that with anyone else?
Corporate middle management in manufacturing engineering.
Nothing that sounds hugely impressive.
generally yes. men dont go as crazy when they have to live/die alone, in general. also women overall care about looks, humor and character while men care about looks and character
i dont understand how people can be fat bros, ive been hungry skeleton mode for 6 years, if i lift weights its going to do nothing unless i pile on some pounds right?
Maybe if you fags settled for girls in your league (3 to 5) youd actually get a gf.
Of course she can, but if she could why would she waste her time with an incel like me????
Damn she probably gushes while sucking off chad then
I dunno man, a lot of people seem to think those top 10% are bimbos or generic looking blonde thots even though qts are clearly superior
do you smoke? that was what kept me locked in skelli mode
you'd know right user
Because no Chad has shown interest in her yet
You can feel free to believe everything about her loving you or whatever but you're deluded if you think she's not physically attracted to Chad
yes, is it because smoking alleviates hunger or what?
I'm a 9/10 aesthetics but just shy haha
Bumble is the gayest, shittiest dating app I've ever used. What the fucking point of matches disappearing in 24 hours? fuck
why would you be with someone who physically doesn't make you happy?
there's a difference between chasing a super model and a girl that isn't disgusting, you need to be happy with who you're with on every level.
I'm physically attracted to Stacy too, but i'm not cheating, and I'm pretty sure men are the polygamous sort, right?
liar if you were 9/10 girls would be throwing themselves at you
>and I'm pretty sure men are the polygamous sort
Oh they do I just miss them you know butterfingers haha
Women have no honor, user
Imagine being this much of an incel.
>1 or 2
Fucking please. He's at least 3 to 4.
Call me Incel Adams because *SNAP* this one's going in my cringe collection.
based Incel Adams poster
Maybe if you've got a negative chin, but again: w a t?
Left pic looks more feminine
Plus if she was going to change anything, why didn't she get those shit dots removed from her face
>tfw it was a ham planet in my case
Like 250+ territory.
>tfw everything here could have been fixed with a simple loss of weight as well as different hairstyle
women can be so stupid, why are they so quick to jump on the surgery train?
he's kind of right, but it's only the alpha men or chiefs of the group that ever really get to have multiple wives