So how bad is the Amazon adaptation of LOTR going to suck?

So how bad is the Amazon adaptation of LOTR going to suck?

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Sauron, described by Tolkien as being unable to take a fair form by the third age and being monsterous with only four fingers on the hand that the ring was cut from, will be a fucking white male.

if he has no form how come he has four fingers?

He has no fair form. He's apparently an ugly fucker.

Arwen is 2,800 years old when she meets Aragorn so her choosing to stay in middle earth either makes total sense or none at all.

yeah,she was an old girl with daddy isues and without children.
and then her papa tells her to go on a journey to fuckwhere, leaving his bull and her oportunity to have cute kids behind.

"fair form" means "elf-like", i.e. he's going to look like an orc

do elves think humans are practically goblins then or what. they sure act like it

humans are ridiculously inferior to elves. Im sure some Tolkienfag can explain the nuances of how they have their own strengths but let's be real

Basically yeah. In the First Age basically all humans were uncivilized savages little better than orcs. The exception were three clans, basically overgrown families, who were kind of "tamed" by the Noldor (big dick elves) and allowed to hold lands within their domains and fight in their armies. These human clans were called "elf friends" and were the forerunners of basically all the good humans in middle earth, and also Aragon's distant ancestors.

Humans don't really have "their own strength", Tolkien didn't make an RPG, there was no reason to "balance" the races. Elves are just better, they're the ideal, the perfect existence. Immortal, full of innate beauty, grace, and varying degrees of divine enlightenment.

Unlike men, all elves actually were created equal, but through their choices they became divided and unequal. The hierarchy among elves is confusing to list in full, but to put it briefly, there's two main camps: elves that saw the two trees in valinor and were enlightened as a result, and those who never went to valinor, called "dark elves". No, they're not drows, they don't have dark skin and red eyes or any of that shit, they just never received divine enlightenment, so they're more simple and earthy, concerned with worldly affairs. Basically all the elves you see in Lord of the Rings are dark elves, though some are descended from light elves.

Men by contrast are 100% unenlightened. They were brutes with no grace, no culture, until the Elves taught them their elf lore and raised them out of barbarism.

Tolkien is a hack and only dicklet virgins think otherwise

do you think anyone could make a movie about the elves doing stuff over in Valinor?

Wasn't Galadriel a descendant of a light elf?

Yes. She's a very special elf, being descended from two kings.

It's be powerfully dull, I'm afraid. There's a reason Tolkien never focused much on anything going on in Valinor, it's all peace and wisdom yadda yadda yadda. All the dramatic shit goes on in ME after the Noldor come back from Valinor and start fucking up Morgoth's shit.

Morgoth is the Lucifer character right? I didnt realize his story took place in Middle earth

Morgoth / Melkor is basically Lucifer, yeah. He's a Vala like the others, but evil. And while he predates ME like all the Valar and Maiar, most of what he does takes place on ME because he's obsessed with ruling it. The other Valar knew that Eru Iluvatar (the one true god) intended his mortal creations to inherit ME, but Morgoth was having none of that. He twisted the creations of of the other Valar to serve him, creating monsters like balrogs, dragons etc. But he couldn't dominate by force of will the creations of Eru: men and elves. He had to corrupt them in other ways. Originally Tolkien had it that orcs were twisted elves, but he revised that cause it would mean that Morgoth could corrupt even pure creations of Eru, not just the creations of his fellow Valar.

Most of the First Age is comprised of a millennia-long war between elves and Morgoth's hordes of orcs and other monsters. The main elves fighting this war were the Noldor (a group of light elves that returned from Valinor) and the Sindar, a group of dark elves ruled by a light elf (he was one of the original 3 emissaries who journeyed to Valinor on behalf of the elves, but the elves that followed him when he tried to lead them there never made it to Valinor). The Noldor founded a bunch of kingdoms next to the Sindar in Beleriand, a part of Middle Earth that no longer exists because the Valar sank it into the ocean when they blasted Morgoth into the void of unbeing. Before that happened though Morgoth had wiped out nearly all the Noldor and a good many of the Sindar.

that sounds immensely more interesting than the lotr tbqh, ty for the information

Read Children of Hurin if you want a glimpse of the First Age. It's one novel, not that long, but written in more of an "epic" style, in the sense of the old historical epics. It gave me a much better appreciation of the elves than LotR ever did, even the Silmarillion is pretty dry reading, more like scripture than a real book, but Children of Hurin brings the drama of it to life. The Noldor were fucking bad ass. It makes you realize why the elves basically didn't give a shit by the time the third age rolled around. Galadriel had seen so much shit by then.

La numenora...

>Dwarfs are short greedy bastards who hoard gold in a mountain, greed leads to downfall of middle earth

Elder Scrolls
>Dwemer are greedy short bastards who hoard wealth underground, laugh at God worshippers while making a Golden God in secret

Why is the fantasy genre so based and redpilled?