Brie talks about the controversy

Brie talks about the white male controversy at 1:23 mark

She says:

>... What I'm looking for is to bring more seats up to the table. No one's getting their chair taken away, there's not less seats at the table. Just more seats at the table. That's it...

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Other urls found in this thread:

Jesus Christ the interviewer is oozing soi

Ok but hows her foot game

stop spamming this bitch and stop watching capeshit you pathetic manchildren

Yeah, and the way to solve poverty is to print more money.

there's a limited amount of seats though

Based Brie

kys reddit




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Does she talk about the Madea's controversy ? NO! so stop talking about her

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Bumping for this

Have you noticed how many shills were added to this board after the "controversy"?

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Bumping for Stan, what a legend.

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You don't want to know, trust me

>No one's getting their chair taken away
the more chairs the less time and opportunity for each


Who's the greasy trannie?

God how is she so good at coming off as unlikable?

I hate her so much, smug bitch

Why is she talking to this hwhitey?

her voice is cute

how much pre interview bullshit do you think goes into these? like making this ghoul look presentable and charismatic, going through all of the questions and her answers etc
>don't mention the toe fungus
>don't mention the toe fungus
>don't mention the toe fungus
so how's all that fucking toe fungus

He's clearly a faggot, that's a minority

Someone must've given her a lecture

>when a fucking white male smiles at you

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Did she talk about why her feet are so fucked up?

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holy fuck I couldn't get past 5 seconds of this SHIT

"captain marvel"
whats next, DCman?

She is the most insufferable, smug and unlikable person I have ever seen.

What an absolutely repulsive human being. Ask her what effect does skin color have on a person’s ability as a journalist. She’s a disgusting racist pig.

“I have a dream that one day my children will not be judged on the color of their skin but by the content of their character.”

Try and remember that Brie, you detestable cunt.

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Lmao, disney on damage control.


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Her voice is cute in this. She has a history as a singer I guess

>She is the most insufferable, smug and unlikable person I have ever seen.
lol nope. Not even close.

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Some one shop in the Undertaker

Oh well, now I'm gonna buy 4 tickets

Imma post it again
>"Honestly it smells sooooooooo bad =)"

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lol yup

Wow would you look at that she's just a reasonable person and not some sort of evil reptilian extremist cultural marxist that polcels claimed she was.

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t. Seething Disney shill

She’s a cunt.

>I was just pretending to be a racist cunt

> Be Brie
> Wants to be interviewed by black women in wheelchairs.
> Get interviewed by the whitest of males.

Well, at least he's feminine.

how can that fucking loser sleep at night knowing what a jibbering doormat he is.

is it possible to be an interviewer on one of these junkets and not be an absolute failing mess of the human.

he could have easily made that same point without coming across like some quivering piece of plankton.

this face is mostly just shock and awe at the soi-ness of the interviewer, but lawdy

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Why does she always have psycho eyes?

Is it weird that I hate the interviewer even more than her?

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>she's just a reasonable person
>you can only review A Wrinkle in Time if you're a biracial teenage girl

>straight white female gives opinion
Not interested.

>posts on an imageboard

>No one's getting their chair taken away
And who's going to lose their seat when there aren't enough chairs to go around?

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she looks cute in this interview desu

kind of makes me feel bad for her. she'd be such a bigger and more well-liked star if she had just kept her mouth shut instead of spewing identity politics bullshit. also holy shit that interviewer is maximum sóy

>Cis white woman thinks she can say shit about ANYTHING
ummmm NO Sweetie

she's warding him off, lest he think she's approachable enough to hit on. I don't even think she realizes she's doing it at this point.

I've never been in a real fight but holy Christ do I want to deck that guy.

God I hate shore women so much. Theyre so privileged and think they can fight for minorities rights and then go back to their big white houses and gloat about how good they are. Go fuck yourself cracker no ass bitch.

No one, just more and more chairs so everyone's cramped, pissed off, and no one can hear one another.

This. News organisations aren't going to start doubling up on who they send to cover press panels or interview the people involved in the movies, the current people are going to have to give up their seat for somebody else.

I think I'm falling for her

She looks really cute here fellow 4channers. I guess we really should reserve our tickets to Captain Marvel™ in theaters and IMAX on March 8th!

>when she says "my body" and my dick immediately turns to diamonds

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I'm so hyped for Captain Marvel™ in theaters and IMAX on March 8th that I've purchased several tickets for underprivileged minorities so that they too may enjoy this wonderful and powerful movie!


ok but what if we took away the table

>You wake up to box office numbers for Captain Marvel on opening weekend, dreading its success
>Instead you find CM only made a little more than Medea or Alita (Maybe 60mil)
>Turns out all the shitters that hate Brie, but will see the movie anyways, waited a week
>Feminists on full meltdown

This is going to make bank either way, but it'd be amazing to scare the shit out of them like that, but people have no restraint, even for something they only feel obligated to see.

Yeah, of course she thought that. More like Disney was threatening to kill her family if she didn't go full damage control. She's a fucking racist and that's it. Not going to see that shitty movie

Holyshit based

I smell damage control

Unfortunately true, there are some guys at my work who said "I don't think it looks good but I'll see it cus its in the MCU" it's all so tiresome

Horror show extreme and I don't even like feet

She doesn't give a fuck at all.

>nobody loses their seat
>except white males who I don't want on the review team
>they definitely lose their seat

Shilling her Brie purse in a condolences post. What a cunt

Wait, wasn't it miss marvel? Now it's captain marvel?

She legit looks reptilian like an alien posing as a human. Not joking or shitposting but she gives me a sense of unease every time I see publicity of her.

If she's honestly going tell me she didn't know about the headlines, then she's clearly deluded. She knew..... she just doesn't care. Even when trying to answering the question, you can tell by her facial expressions.

The interviewer is nothing but a shill. He was choosing his words carefully and basically answering the question for her. We honestly need an honest white male to ask her questions and grill her a bit - she seems like the type who would snap back and insult you if you press her.

Of course she'd snap back but the entire media front would be after the evil white male for making her a bit uncomfortable

Fuck soiboi was sucking her dick hard

Go back to facebook alitashill

no, I'm not mentally ill

the interviewer is insufferable. do many young americans talk and act like this or is it pure performance?

Niggers only care about niggers. Paradoxically they also hate other niggers.

Brie has killed the MCU!


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forget Brie, what the fuck is with that interviewer?

Why are straight white men talking in such feminine ways now?


You can tell Brie has been told by Disney to shut the fuck up, it's in her eyes, she hates this interviewer with a burning passion for being a cis white male.

Note her reaction at 1:55 - the blinking eyes as she tries to surpress her racism coupled with trying to remember the lines that Disney told her to say. Then when she does remember she goes into speaking about 'seats at a table' - despite Brie never using comparisons before. All while staring at him with the craziest eyes i have ever seen.

This is fucking terrifying.

>there's not less seats

Like said theres something very off about her and the way she acts, fuck knows why she was hired for this huge role

What the fuck is it?!

Defintely damage control by Disney.

Unfortunately, she's said too much too many times. The damage is done.

guys... this bad girl nihilistic attitude she has makes me a bit attracted to her... what do i do bros...


How come nobody ever asks her how she feels about white-washing the first female Captain Marvel? Even more insulting, they make her that character's role model. Tone-deaf much?

Also, stop coming to this board for manchildren.

It's about time Boyega sneeds himself.

I'm not listening to the interview because I dont like her voice. I'm not an Americlap so I don't actually know where shes from

>her hair is thinning

Why the fuck is she wherever that is?
Oh ok, I image searched it. I knew those people were too gross and that girl was too pretty for this to be a picture of Brie.

embrace the fermented feet

Based cryptoStannisposter.

this pic is the sole reason it won't succeed internationally
in Asia Stan Lee is considered a kino god (Marvel fandom is huge there), and the media exposed Brie and sensationalized the news and now everyone hates her.

There's boycotts to not see the movie in Asia right now

>psuedonerd gushing 100 words per minute over block buster nostalgia he went over in his head before this interview thousands of times


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Based Asia

that's just fucking communist gabberish, you can't put all the chairs at the table, the table has a limit space you dumbfuck.

>those dilated eyeballs
>the exagerated body language
>that sniff at 1:55

This bitch is on coke. Same with the interviewer. Disney needs to tell their girls to lay off the nose candy

Top related search results for Brie Larson in Korea

Brie Larson Feminist
Captain Marvel Pay
Brie Larson Stan Lee
Brie Larson White Men
Brie Larson mocking Stan Lee
Brie Larson body
Emily Blunt
Katheryn Winnick
Stan Lee

Her top results are all related to the Stan Lee incident, Feminism, or confusion why she is casted over other actresses

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>There's boycotts to not see the movie in Asia right now
[citation needed[

>guy thinks he's clever by calling some Hollywood nog out on his hypocrisy on diversity
that's like coming up to a feminist and saying, "but what about male rape? did you know that most rape victims are males?!"
they're gonna shrug it off and go like "whatever dude lmao"

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She was Miss Marvel back in the early days. Then it was changed to Captain.

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>>... What I'm looking for is to bring more seats up to the table. No one's getting their chair taken away, there's not less seats at the table. Just more seats at the table. That's it...

She was 100% told that line by PR. That's about the best you can do to salvage her comments.

goddamn I hate Brie Larson so much

>Chinks are in on it


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>feet big

The real Captain Marvel comes out in April.

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>foot code
tell us more

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>someone got PAID to do this

Why doesn't she just talk about the fucking movie and try to make people want to see it?

脚码 means foot scale, just like size

Oh, I fully expect her to back to her racist and sexist self a few weeks after the movie has come out.

This is just a damage control interviewer who was obviously hand picked by the studio.

Based asians

Good point about the comparisons. she never said anything like that before it was more a literal
>"white men shouldn't get to criticize this movie, this isnt made for them"
Although the fact this vapid cunt has been able to run her mouth unchecked by Disney for so long after The Last Jedi and Solo underperformed still has me wondering why they'd suddenly be told now to play nice. Yeah it's the final leg of the press tour but still damage is long done

Because it's just an agenda movie for her. She's said it multiple times she wants to push her agenda on the big screen because she can't do it physically all around the world.

I honestly don't think she cares if the movie is that successful or not. She's been paid 5m for it and will still get paid a shit ton from future MCU movies.

>She's been paid 5m for it
Fucking ludicrous

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>99% of all film and tv coming out is capeshit
>stop watching capeshit


That’s not Brie, that girl is attractive


Amazing that they ditched Terrance Howard because his post oscar buzz meant he signed a deal that'd make him way more money on sequels than he was worth then they give this bitch 5 million

Who the fuck is going to see this movie because the chick from Room is in it?

Son, you don’t want this.

>stop watching 90% of all film and tv that's coming out

The damage had done me and my gf not gonna see it, fuck off brie

Listen to this interviewer holy fuck..

Clint Eastwood. He likes chairs.

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Did she get plastic surgery recently? Her face looks strangely different.

Yes, she upset the snowflakes.

>She legit looks reptilian like an alien posing as a human. Not joking or shitposting but she gives me a sense of unease every time I see publicity of her.

I know what you mean. Seems like something trying to mimic what a normal person is like and failing miserably!!!FACT!!!

>He doesn't post with other devices to hide his/her tracks.

>those comments
Kill them all

>>... What I'm looking for is to bring more seats up to the table. No one's getting their chair taken away, there's not less seats at the table. Just more seats at the table. That's it...

It's a dilution of power. You are taking power away from people who do good work and people who buy the most tickets and your giving it to ugly people, foreigners and outright freaks.

lel you can't shame people to watch your shitty movie. It never works

>she can't do it physically all around the world.
>she's been paid 5m for it and will still get paid a shit ton from future MCU movies.
Second point is a solution to the first point. If phase-whatever keeps making lots of money, she can negotiate RDJ-esque paydays to funnel towards charities and grants and other such shit she supposedly believes in.
She'll have time to do that work herself too if she's making enough money from MCU, and not have to commit to other acting jobs for the interim.
I don't think one normie in history was ever inspired by a celebrity preaching at the camera during an award show or a press junket. Promote your fucking thing, get paid, and go inspire people with actions. You think Bono gets people to feed starving niggers by screaming on stage while handing out a Grammy?

Does it piss anyone else off that while we can skip this movie we will have to see her in infinity war

>I'll just shave it here, so people know where my jawline is supposed to be.


Yes. Hopefully she isn't in it much because this is my final MCU movie.

Yeah, I get that vibe from her too. But I think mental health issues and medication abuse has something more to do with it than space lizards, lol.

Have you ever seen a feminist shrug off anything?

I don't watch children movies, let alone get mad at that.

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It's just major Marvel fandom communities saying they won't watch the film, you can't really "show" it, only the results will tell

Based !!FACT!! Poster

Goddam right.

>I don't know what the headlines were, or what was said or

vile cunt

>I don't know what the headlines were, ot what was said or what I said or what people think that I said

Damage control set to maximum. There's no way she doesn't know what's going on, if she has any kind of agent or publicist they would've told her about it.

>seats up to the table
>less seats
nice butchering of the english language

If he was a true ally why did he choose to interview her? The company that he works for doesn't have any non-white or women interviewers? If he really believed what he was saying, he should've let them do the interview.

I think she's giving off those crazy eyes because she obviously doesn't want him to bring it up but he keeps going and she can't just outright tell him to stop so she's like "I don't know what you're talking about but...."

This can’t be real

She's mad because it's a fuckingwhitemale bringing it up and sucking her clit over it and the irony is getting to her.

Greasy AF

>suburban white bitch

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but but.. that's HARD

What a vapid bitch

So many white women have been killed or raped because "progressives" keep telling them that they're safe and fine and good so they start believing it and letting their guards down.

The Jew fears the dynasty warrior

Work her looks, she should have never made it past the hollyjew D list. Guess she must me gr8 at sucking dick or something

>"what a legend"
When you have nothing real to say, use "legend"

>The narrative has now gone from, “ugh, White guys” to “uhh, white guys are alright!”
What changed between then and now? Is this the power of diminishing expectations on their movie?

>Emily Blunt as Captain Marvel
that would be the first time i pay to watch a marvel movie

It is, she deleted it almost immediately because people complained. The Gwyneth Paltrow tweet about Stan's death is also pretty messed up but she's an adorkable notorious brainlet.

I remember reading about a German woman who worked with helping immigrants as part of a charity organisation or some such, who got gang-raped by immigrants. And she was then told by her colleagues to keep quiet about it because it could hurt immigrants' reputation.
I should probably see if I can dig up the article.

But holy fuck, some nasty shit happens sometimes.

It's over, normies are in on the memes now

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Deranged cunt

she's full of shit by saying that she doesn't know what people have been saying or what she said. this response feels very much put together by a PR team

>she actually looks pretty nice when she can be bothered to smile

She is just an actor. This stupid kid's movie wasn't even her idea.
Fuck this timeline. I want off the ride

See , the movie’s prospects are starting to sour, and unlike Ghostbusters which doubled down on the madness, Disney wants nothing more than to reverse the trend by going back for broad appeal.

It’s a literal, “oops, haha! Our agenda isn’t working... We cool, right?”

But she literally said she doesn't want white men.

Disney should've learned with Solo that belittling the fans isn't good for business.

Same reason they don't drop out of college or quit their jobs so a minority can take their spot. White liberals think the rules don't apply to them because they use their "privileges" to advocate for less white people in their positions.

>I don't want white men to see my movie
What a marketing strategy

I don't know why they think gaslighting attempts will work when everyone has been screenshotting everything even mildly controversial a high profile person says for the last decade.

Well, actually I do know...the average normie won't bother finding them, so...yeah.

No she was talking about white chairs.

She never actually said that
Yea Forums is overreacting yet again
It's pathetic

So what DID she say about white men?

Based CreepyThinMan

You tell me

Someone edited that with FaceApp which is why she doesn't look wrinkly there

what she actually said was that she wants more "diversity" among film reviewers, and that she doesn't want old white dudes being the only deciding critical voice for movies (the recent A Wrinkle In Time, specifically in this context) that were directed by and made for minorities.

It was a weird hill for her to pick to die on, sure, but whatever. /pol/ incels are the real victims right.

>caring AT ALL about infinity war
fuck you retard. I fucking hate you.

when she fails to keep that promise and there aren't enough seats I'll let her sit on my lap if she quits her bullshit

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That was probably the photoshop where people put in smiles and women get angry about being told to smile.

>what she actually said was

No, that's not what she actually said.

>I don’t need a 40-year-old white dude to tell me what didn’t work about A Wrinkle in Time. It wasn’t made for him!

Damn, she is looking fine as fuck in this interview.

The only nice thing I can say about her is that I like those shoe laces.

fuck off cunt i ain't watching your shitty movie