Your thoughts on Amazon turning Consider Phlebas into a big-budget TV series?

Your thoughts on Amazon turning Consider Phlebas into a big-budget TV series?

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I am interested. Tempering my expectations however.

Could be kino, probably won't.

The Culture universe is anemic and dull, they chose well because the only good ones are this and Use of Weapons and even that's just above passable

>mfw reading Excision and having to put up with all this irrelevant relationship bullshit

fuck! iain!

someone wanna give me a quick rundown

There's this guy and he's supposed to go to a place to get a fancy computer, instead he becomes a space pirate and has some adventures like being on a giant ship (water kind) which sinks and then he ends up on cannibal island, at one point he's in a very fancy gambling game, then he goes to the place, gets the computer, kills a bunch of aliens and dies

yeah sure I'd watch it

I always wanted an adaption of Look to Windward, but I'll take this too.

-Rothschilds bow to Bogdanoffs
-In contact with aliens
-Possess psychic-like abilities
-Control france with an iron but fair fist
-Own castles & banks globally
-Direct descendants of the ancient royal blood line
-Will bankroll the first cities on Mars (Bogdangrad will be be the first city)
-Own 99% of DNA editing research facilities on Earth
-First designer babies will in all likelihood be Bogdanoff babies
-both brothers said to have 215+ IQ, such intelligence on Earth has only existed deep in Tibetan monasteries & Area 51
-Ancient Indian scriptures tell of two angels who will descend upon Earth and will bring an era of enlightenment and unprecedented technological progress with them
-They own Nanobot R&D labs around the world
-You likely have Bogdabots inside you right now
-The Bogdanoffs are in regular communication with the Archangels Michael and Gabriel, forwarding the word of God to the Orthodox Church. Who do you think set up the meeting between the pope & the Orthodox high command (First meeting between the two organisations in over 1000 years) and arranged the Orthodox leader's first trip to Antarctica in history literally a few days later to the Bogdanoff bunker in Wilkes land?
-They learned fluent French in under a week
-Nation states entrust their gold reserves with the twins. There's no gold in Ft. Knox, only Ft. Bogdanoff
-The twins are about 7 decades old, from the space-time reference point of the base human currently accepted by our society
-In reality, they are timeless beings existing in all points of time and space from the big bang to the end of the universe. We don't know their ultimate plans yet. We hope they're benevolent beings

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You're forgetting the based Idirans killing billions of degenerate Culture scum. Basically three-legged space muslims who did nothing wrong.

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>Sentient spaceship AI crashlands on forbidden planet nobody is allowed to go on
>Except this random guy who can shapeshift into different people
>He gets recruited but his ship get blowed up
>Floats around in space for a bit then gets picked up by space pirates
>Kills one of them and gets hired, fucks a furry catgirl crewmember
>Crew tries to steal artifacts from a temple, fails horribly and half of them die
>Pirate captain decides to go and gamble his life savings away
>Space station they're on gets attacked, everyone separated
>While trying to save his catgirl gf, protag crashlands on island where a bunch of starving mormons tie him up and their fatass leader eats his finger
>protag escapes, finds pirate ship, kills leader, takes his place, goes to forbidden planet, finds ship AI, kills a bunch of aliens, and dies
>Only person who survives is a Russian-sounding cunt who's been a complete bitch to everyone this whole time, and an autistic, whiny, cowardly and obviously gay drone

someone listened to the audiobook
t. listened to the audiobook

No. Is the audiobook different? I have the paperback.

just because you said russian sounding, I assumed you meant peter kenney doing the accent

Her name is Perosteck Balveda so I imagined her being this uptight russian bitch like Frau from Austin Powers

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Who wins in a fight between the Culture and the Forerunners?


>godlike Minds
>big ass ships

>godlike AIs
>biologicals are much more powerful that Culture humans - basically immortal in their armor
>larger superstructures (Requiem, Trevelyan)

I have read Use of Weapons, Player of Games and Consider Phlebas and Use of Weapons is BY FAR the weakest of the three, it's not even close.

Just realized she's German. Close enough.

LtW is top Culture comfy. The descriptions of the orbital make it seem like home.

You just think that because you were confused by the multiple simultaneous narratives.

This is partially true but even then literally nothing happens throughout the book. Seriously the best part is simply him testing out his guns on the GSV ship.

oh yeah. anyway if you haven't, the peter kenney audiobooks are super comfy

started reading it but it was pretty gay so I stopped. Before that I was interested in the show.

I cannot wait to see Fwi-Song literally eat all a mans extremeties, crush him to death with his ass, and then force a bunch of natives to eat his shit.

Banks never explained this, but do you think there is any difference between the Sublimed and the entities who cross universes in Excession?

There is a scene in Solo where the pilot of their getaway ship is dying and it reminded me of the pilot in the book that kept saying "Horza"".."H..Horza"

I would bet money the screenwriter for Solo had Consider Phlebas in the back of his mind when writing that.

Agreed 100%.

Almost certainly not. It's heavily implied if not stated outright that the Excession came from a much older universe beyond the barriers of the energy grid.
With sublimation you stay in the same universe, but you're just folded up to the 11th dimension.

But that would mean the sublime ends when the universe ends but in one of the books they said it goes on forever

Am I thie only one here that clear as day pictures Ray Stevenson as the crew boss with the gambling problem?

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Consider Phlebas was absolute trash from the moment they set foot on Schar's World. Boo hoo, some catgirl got pregnant and a bunch of aliens played with a train set. Use of Weapons is the GOAT Culture novel, lightyears ahead of Phlebas, it just gets stronger and stronger.

Not even a contest, Halos = autowin. Culture has some neat tech, they'd stomp factions like the Imperium, but Forerunners would obliterate them.

You are absolutely entitled to your completely wrong and backwards opinion.

How do the Halos = autowin when the minds simply phase out of this plain of reality until the pulse is over.

The vast, vast majority of Culture citizens are backed up. Since Halos don't affect AI, the Minds would simply restore the population by downloading their mindstates into new bodies.
That's assuming the radiation the Halos create could even penetrate any of the myriad fields a ship employs.

Halos kills everything in slipspace and realspace

Dude you need to read the 40k Revanor trilogy. The Audiobooks in particular are GOAT. Its got that whole motley crew of misfits on a mission thing down pat and rhe final book in the trilogy Revanor Rouge is god tier.

>instead he becomes a space pirate and has some adventures like being on a giant ship (water kind)

Is this what they are saying on cliff notes these days? His shuttle crashed into the water because one of his shipmates lost his shit after one of their piracy excursions went wrong.

I dropped this book a couple of pages after the cannibal cult, it's really not that good.

Based 666
There’s real tranny fantasy of being able to change your sex on demand. Otherwise it’s a kino universe. However, there’s no way they’re going to make consider phelbas watchable. They’re going to have to skip a lot of stuff.

that part on the island was by far the worst part of the book. Holy fuck did it drag. Thankfully they got off of that shit and got back to doing more interesting ahit.

That part is critically panned for bad pacing. Everyone forgives banks for it because it was his first book, of the series

I honestly can't remember what happens after that, he gets on the automated shuttle thing and meets up with the alien dude again I think, but I was totally checked out.
The crystal mirror temple assault was utterly pointless too so cannibal island was the final nail.

for some reason I went ray winstone

They aremgoing to have to spend a literal fuckton to not have the warrior aliens be cheesy as fuck. They pretty much seemed like Halo Elites but with extra limbs.

ha ha when googling the pic at first I put in Ray Winstone

Ravenor Returned
Ravenor Rogue

If you lthought the the premise of Consider Phlebas was interesting but dropped it because it was too boring then check out this trilogy. I honesty dont think there is a single Space Marine in the entire trilogy. The main guy is a psychic cripple and half of his crew are women. One is even a former gymnast. This series is nothing like the 40k you are familiar with. Also the audio narration in the audiobooks is the best I've heard.

Thanks bae

three legged, eleven-foot-tall, IMMORTAL, carry a laser cannon as a side arm, devastated half the galaxy, pushing the Culture's shit in space muslims.

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now who'd win in a fight between the Culture and Broly, you dumb fuck?


> literally nothing happens throughout the book.

except for the two atomic trains crashing head-first into each other.


dude's first SF novel isn't as good as his second. who ever would have fucking guessed?

The culture is fucking boring

That image isn't consistent with how they're described in the book. Aren't their heads supposed to look like huge upside-down triangles?

Culture could've curb-stomped them the moment they started producing GOUs and war-Minds. They only got as far as they did because the Culture wanted unconditional surrender. Too bad it took gridfiring their orbitals for that to happen.

*Consider Plebas*

That looks nothing like they werd described.

How would The Culture fare against pic related?

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Exactly this but with three arms and legs.

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should I read/listen to any warhammer? semms like a line I don't want to cross desu


Culture tech is far beyond 40k. The only races above the Culture are races like Ascended Ancients from Stargate.

/tg/ has been over this. Unless you allow maximum Chaos and Necron wankery, a handful of Offensive Units would devastate the entire 40k universe.


i have read the novel and my body its ready !

cant wait to sex change my gender have a baby and then turn my self again so i will be the dad (formerly mom)

thanks senpai

are still a planet based species they are fucked by the culture massive mobility, they are may i say it "uncultured"

>larger superstructures
>who have the bigest BDO
this is not a game with a wonder game objective

Sounds like something people would absolutely do once we get virtual minds. Actually once humans go virtual we will probably barely even have males left.

That's basically how I pictured them.

Considering how The Expanse TV show is superior to the books this could be good. We'll see. More space shows is always good.

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I really wanna see an animated/CGI version of that whale/microverse story.

Why would infantry even matter in a war between races this advanced?

They don't. Some Minds consider it offensive if you ask if there's anything you as a person can do to help.

These guys snuck onto a planet even the Culture isnt allowed to go. Ascended beings shot down their ship and theh crash landed. Then a platoon of them force marched across a continent the size of the united states on foot..with minimal a blizzard. Just to hunt down one of rhe culture minds that was hiding on the planet.

looking forward to it. but having read this thread i'm sure the comic irony will be lost on most viewers so it will probably just be a straight space pirate show.

So does this actually show the war or it's only about people doing their things while some side characters mention the war is going on?

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if it's like the book it will be the latter

A Cutrue GSV ship cannot be beat by non ascended beings.

Think if the state of california. The ACTUAL state of California which is a thousand miles long and has a popularion of 50 million people. Now think if rbia fully populated state of California was sentient, genius level sentient, and could fly, at trans warp speeds, through multiple upper and lower levels of hyperspace. It can replicate anything it wants and it can disintigrate or shunt anything inside it into hyperapace at any time. You could detonate a nuke inside it and not wake up a sleeping baby taking a nap in the next room.