So, how would Smollett's career and public life fare after this? Because I'm thinking he's fucked himself for good

So, how would Smollett's career and public life fare after this? Because I'm thinking he's fucked himself for good.

>Jussie Smollett: US actor 'staged attack over salary'

>US actor Jussie Smollett staged a fake attack on himself because he was "dissatisfied with his salary", Chicago police say.

>Police Superintendent Eddie Johnson said in a news conference that he "took advantage of the pain and anger of racism to promote his career".

>Mr Smollett, 36, is charged with filing a false police report after he said he was the victim of a homophobic attack.

>Police say he also had sent a racist letter to himself at a Fox studio.

>On Thursday, Mr Smollett appeared in court and was ordered to submit a bond of $10,000 and surrender his passport.

>Judge John Fitzgerald Lyke called the charges "utterly outrageous" and "despicable" if true.

>The star of the TV series Empire is suspected of paying two brothers to stage the attack. They are both co-operating with the investigation, police say.

>On Wednesday his lawyers said they would "mount an aggressive defence".


I genuinely feel sorry for his fans and everyone else who professed support for him.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>feeling sorry for kikes, shit skins and fags

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I think he’ll do some community service then he’ll do a repentant interview on a news show. He’ll be fired from Empire but pick up other work.


Yeah I'm not a /pol/freak or anything but this really pisses me off. I just can't imagine how fucking selfish you'd have to be. He even went on talk shows and lied through his goddamn teeth with a straight face. It boils my blood.
>how would his career and public life fare after this?
I really fucking hope not well.

Why'd the last bread get deleted?

>feel sorry
I know you are the same imbecile who posted this comment in JUSS threads for the past few days, and got hundreds of (you)s. Take another if it means that much to you, addict.

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Mods in damage control mode. At least, we have become the reddit

This isn't something new, but rather it's now a television actor perpetuating it.

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If anything, you should be mad that this gives /pol/freaks and the likes ammunition.

The only thing that would make this whole thing better is if he kills himself

Black Janie chopping threads.

how do people charged with serious felonies manage to keep friends? even a pedophile has a bunch of people showing up for them on sentencing and writing letters to the judge about how great they are

redwood?Same guy who used to ban posts he disagreed with and permaband people who said nigger?

Whoever you're even labelling a "/pol/freak" probably doesn't even go there at all and you're just boogeymanning. Calm down with those, reddit

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>go to jail for a few months
>do another crocodile tears interview with GMA about how he's sorry and needs help
>fired from Empire but will slowly start to get roles again in a year or two

Hollywood never permanently blacklists their "ingroup"

Lol I went to that college

Quality school, unironically. Almost went there for med school following undergrad.

my thoughts are 80% of libshits dont care and think the ends justifies the means. the remaining 20% are upset because he hurt the credibility of "real hate attacks from trump supporters"

Considering the circumstances that he did this because he wasn’t getting paid enough I can’t imagine who would want to hire him.

Exactly. Remember libshits sympthathize with child rapists and murderers in prison who get light sentences for the sake of rehabilitation. They will fortive him.

Hey would you spray-paint a building before burning it down?

Porn. He'll end up doing porn.

>be jewish woman
>commit fake hate crime
>"We'll going to get her the help she needs."
>no expulsion, police involvement, or penalties

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He's already fucked himself on camera so that checks out.

>Yeah I'm not a /pol/freak or anything but this really pisses me off
This doesn't piss /pol/ off in the slightest. They're thrilled at this whole thing and how it's panned out

>I think he’ll do some community service
Lel no way, he commited mail fraud and the feds will have his ass for that

there's a reason we tell kids about the boy who cried wolf...

Because none of us are actually discussing the tv show he's in

Yeah we are discussing the actor which is currently arrested

>because he was "dissatisfied with his salary"
Yeah. That's why.

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>feeling sorry for mouth breathers who are too busy virtue signaling and being #woke to stop and think for two seconds if someone was clearly lying

Yeah no. I wish the media would call all these pricks out.

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Do you think the media will also raise the fact a few years ago he got pulled over for DUI and lied to cops, telling them that he was his brother, even forging his brothers signature on the paper work?

nigga didnt have a career, empire is one step above traveling black stage plays

Remember, he's innocent until PROVEN guilty just like you incels bitched about for the rapist Kavanaugh

t. seething moderator

Msm is trying so hard to cover this up and twist the narrative.

He'll get a slap on the wrist because a proper punishment would "discourage real victims of hate crimes to come forward". You forget how cucked our system is.

I haven't really been following this but what charges is he looking at realistically
>Filing a false police report
>Obstruction of justice
Does the fact that he lied about it being a racially motivated attack bump it up to a more serious crime because I feel like there's a crime against doing that as well/

I've already read that in media reports starting last night.

He sent himself white powder and a threatening letter, the feds surely won't let that go.

Atleast you can talk

If they can prove that he sent the fake death threat, then that's a felony and he's going to prison.

In Illinois a felony conviction is minimum 1 year in prison.

Ignoring all the shitposts, he's ruined his career at the bare minimum. Nobody will want to hire somebody that got a biohazard clean-up team called in on the set of his show.

>Does the fact that he lied about it being a racially motivated attack bump it up to a more serious crime
Nah. May be a factor in sentencing though.

I love this libcuck faggots losing timeline were in right now. 2019 is already libcuck rape mode and it’s not even March.

She smashed her servers and cellphones with a hammer after being subpoenaed, the feds surely won't let that go.

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This. If he said he just really hated Trump or some shit like that he'd probably get work again.

>How would Smollett's career and public life fare after this?
Watch this video and judge for yourself.

>"That fable is rather problematic because it enforces the patriarchal narrative to ignore victims and their separate "truths", no matter how disparate they may seem from the facts. Objectivism is a white construct."
Clown world is doing a number on me, lately.

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There's a difference between some C-list actor committing a federal crime and someone who's entire family is deeply intertwined with the government.

The false death threat is what could really fuck him over, that's a federal crime and he could be going to jail for a few years (I think the max sentence is 5 but I doubt they'll give him that).

The question is:
A. Will that translate into votes?
B. Will the narrative change help/hurt those really pulling the strings?
I think yes to A, no to B.

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And the envelope & white powder...?

Enjoy it while it lasts, polcel. Bernie is coming to rape your incel white ass

He's fucked publicly, even blacks hate him now

It helps that he's only half black. His dad is Jewish.

Cant you do plea deals or does that not work for minimum sentencing.

White men can't run as a democrat.

He can try to plead down to a misdemeanor, but he's also have charges filed against him on the federal level so I think he's probably looking at some prison time no matter what.

Don't think he's been charged for that yet. Probably not something the local police investigate/charge you with. More of a federal crime I'd imagine.

he posted 100k bail and is literally back on set

/poltv/ seething


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the impulsivity of a nigger and the cheapness of a jew

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Is it confirmed?

>back on set
Bullshit, he's been written out of episodes they're currently filming and Fox hasn't confirmed if he's coming back or not. Dumb apu

wouldn't it be fun to be one of these Jews

And go against Jesus? No thanks, chief.

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What exactly is mail fraud anyways?
I never really understood what it is nor why it shows up in so many mob cases (same with wire fraud).

I’m enjoying the utter shitshow that is burger politics. Its like watching two monkeys throwing their own shit at each other

Imagine if all niggers and Jews died


Except only one side is eating shit and throwing a tantrum and the other side is growing in power and flourishing


Why would you shoot a man before throwing him out a plane? The world may never know.

>Larry prints up postcards imitating a non-profit organization seeking donations to save the local animal shelter. Larry then mails those postcards through the U.S. Post Office to residents of a neighborhood in which mostly affluent older people live, figuring they are most likely to write out checks for his phony cause. The moment Larry put those cards into the mail he has committed mail fraud.

>that entire roomful of people posing for that photo for the sake of the single black woman in the room


Stony confirmed best li school

You think things are chaotic now? We'd be lost without Jews desu.

When are these clowns finally going out of business?

>2 openly racist white dudes walking around Chicago in the middle of the night during a polar vortex, carrying bleach and a noose, wearing MAGA hats, happen to run into a famous gay black actor who they somehow recognise because i guess despite being violent racists they still love shitty shows about black people

how the fuck did anyone buy this horseshit in the first place

it was a ludicrously stupid plan

Reality has a way of giving us ammo. You guys have to make it up in order to reinforce your twisted worldview.

Monkeys are still monkeys, user.

For me it's the fact that he did it for selfish reasons. He didn't do it to further a cause, he literally did it because he wanted more money when he is already making millions. It was entirely "fuck everyone else, how can I get paid." He really is a piece of shit. Also

>trusting nigerians

Top kek

So when do the photoshops with that photo begin?

He had to have the attack be impossible to track like not appear on CCtV cameras and there not be ANY witnesses. He thought the racial and homophobic facets would carry the hoax to fruition. There was a method but it failed.

All Trump has to say to win the 2020 election is to mention Jussie

This is fake.....right?

They could have been planning to attack him for weeks which is why they had the supplies and did it right outside his home. And you would target a famous person because of the added publicity.

I'm racist but still watch BLACKED porn

So maybe another couple of weeks...?

So is it like open season on nogs at this point? Like I could literally rape Angela Bassett while wearing a MAGA hat and klansman mask and no one would believe her, right?

Asking for a friend haha.

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Trump doesn’t have to do anything if libcucks keep squirming and screaming and embarrassing themselves to moderates

>The Big Cuck Theory

You guys are fucked by demographics either way. It's almost impossible for him to win Florida at this point.

Because they wanted it to be true.

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This is literally what liberals say every year to help them sleep at night but non whites DONT VOTE

Proving him guilty wont be very difficult.

>Criswell Predicts: Ol' Jussie will plead guilty to felony misconduct re false report, take fine, restitution and two years in prison and the mail fraud charge will go away but result in 5 years probation after release

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Hey, I wish you guys luck, but there is a point coming that will end your country due to Spic migration.

The real fight is over who Bernie's VP would be because it's clear that he'll probably die of a stroke within his tenure in office.

>But hate crimes are almost never hoaxes
True, but one fake is enough to ruin the credibility of legit cases.

>is it fake

Also, updated lol

lmao people arent stupid user
everyone knew the kavanaugh shit was bullshit

Already the wave of seething faggots try to blame Trump for "setting the tone"
This was a fantastic thing to happen. I hope the shame and consequences keep ramping up.

He’s totally done career wise. This is not some mere lie, he’s gone balls to the wall & it’s completely collapsed in on him. He’s toxic now, what awaits is a stint in prison before being cast into the public abyss.

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>getting the nom
>then beating trump

LOL. He doesn't have Clinton's scandals to hide behind this time. He'll get a proper vetting. They're already after his ass over tax returns and his NRA ties.

>mail fraud
He should be so lucky. He mailed a white powder to himself. He should be praying the FBI doesn't level him with terroism related charges. The feds don't fuck around when it comes to post office. It's a nationwide system that deals with millions of letters, parcels etc on a daily basis. It's a constant flow, and many items get scanned, sniffed etc for illegal shit, but more don't than do, and the mail basically operates on the honor system, i.e. don't mail illegal shit, don't take advantage of the system. They can't really give him a slap on the wrist, they can't let people think they can get away with using the postal service to commit crimes.

Just make it the most ridiculous caricature possible. Wear blackface and leave an envelop with white powder on her door step (don't use USPS though).

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no jews means no mommy ryder and that is a world I cannot live in

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Ahahhahahaha imagine

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I can’t believe a black Jew would do something like this

Florida is not his worry - Texas is. Florida is Cuban as far as their latin american roots. Much different from Mexican, in which they are far wiser and aware of the threat that socialism poses (as well as far more successful than basically all other "latin american" subgroups/countries). Thus why both senators are Republican, as well as the governor (one of the senators and governor are from the midterms). The worrisome part is always Broward county, which continuously has rampant voter fraud and dysfunction, which obviously matter heavily in a presidential election.

IQ : 10

>hows the career of some no name dude now hes famous
lmao yeah i wonder, he'll do some meme community service then start on the talkshows talking about how he sees what he did was wrong now but america pushed him to it and by the time he's 40 he'll get his own show, they'll call it Smollett's Sign of the Times and it will make conan look pro trump

literally fucked his life over by being a jew about pay.


>stages a racist attack on himself
>goes on TV and lies about it
>sends himself hate mail, thus committing mail fraud (a felony)
>all to further his career (formerly)

thats tea, sis


Does anyone on this board even watch Empire? I can remember maybe 1 thread about it here but I could be misremembering it for a Boardwalk Empire thread.

They are saying he made almost $1 million last year and got paid $60,000 per episode on empire

Can they use the interview of him lying on TV in court?

That should be enough.

I remember about that towelhead, it was right after the election and her case was widely cited as being an example of things to come everyday under Trump presidency
then it was revealed she had lied lol

>white people faked news every day and nobody's arrested
I agree 100% with this young gentlenigger. Maddow, Cooper, Colbert: arrest them all

>"But user, if all that stuff you said is true, why do blacks still overwhelmingly vote democrat?"

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You don't fuck with the mail service


And people still wonder how OJ was "not-guilty".

>her case was widely cited as being an example of things to come everyday under Trump presidency
>then it was revealed she had lied lol
Truly a sign of things to come

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Never fails to make me laugh

It's probably going to kill the show, like House of Cards and Roseanne died.

>go against the actual King of the Jews

after lawyers fees & hollywood refuse to take him back WWHD $1M isnt much

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Niggers are the real racists

they want to convict the two innocent based nigerian bros

I've never seen it, but I don't think this guy is integral to the show. He's a nobody. That's why he did this shit.

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No one did it just fixed their narrative so they ran with it.

>[Police Superintendent] Johnson said Smollett paid the brothers $3,500 US to stage the attack and that the cheque he allegedly gave them was part of the evidence investigators had against him.

>Johnson said they wore gloves during the staged attack and "punched him a little bit." He said scratches and bruising Smollett had on his face were "most likely self-inflicted."

so not only was this guy smart enough to pay others to help stage the attack - he payed them with a *cheque* and literally beat himself up cause they didnt do it right
then those same Nigerian niggas snitched in him...

>Another prospective problem is the bill someone might receive after falsely reporting a crime that prompted a nearly month-long investigation, including the collection and review of hundreds of hours of surveillance video.

>Given how much time the police have invested, the cost could be huge.


I watched the first couple episodes, could get into it

Smollett's character is gay (so is the director of the show) and gets beaten by his dad (the main character) for wearing a dress as child in a flashback

the show is flashy, and theres multiple clear character arcs, but nothing outstanding about the writing or acting. no big booty bitches either

Can't recall ever seeing a thread about it until this queerbate slandered good, wholesome white people with his lies.

He never made a million. Fed, state and local taxes would cut that down. Then you pay the lawyers, the agent, the manager, the stylist and so on.

prison is going to be paradise for his ass cheeks.

*couldnt get into it, rather

same article says he probably wont go to jail but will likely have to pay hundreds of thousands

I hope those brothers get a good job out of this. They deserve a chance
Jussie was willing to testify against them and put them in jail for life for his lie

>That guy wearing a mask of a black persons face to rob banks
>Was only caught because the company that made the mask said something

Imagine a giant 14 inch Zulu cock sliding inside that thick seasoned mulatto asshole.

If CBC is shitting on him you know it's real.

Yeah it was a big deal of local NY news for a week, then magically disappeared after a brief mention she faked it (albeit I think I'm talking about the one in the parking garage and I don't know if that's the same as the pic).

You can search the archive. I know Smollett was mentioned a total two whole times before this happened, and one was for an Alien movie.

GW is in Washington DC, user....

>Jussie was willing to testify against them and put them in jail for life for his lie
But literally the opposite happened. He was willing to testify until he found it was them, at which point he declined to stating that he felt sorry for them as he worked with them.

Involving the postal service was huge mistake, and that alone, he's fucked

>testify against them
Not only was he willing to frame them, he publicly stated that he would have been willing to frame whoever was caught...aka two completely innocent people.
Luckily, they caught the actual "suspects"
That is some fucked up shit, and there may be some kind of conspiracy to frame-up charge coming soon.

That moment when liberals are pushed so far into a corner they can’t double down and MUST demonize Jussie in order to maintain some sliver of a semblance of credibility

Make sure to yell some slogans like you're a liberal Netflix show redneck villain

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>America is so racist a negroid has to pay two other negroids just to commit a hate crime against him
Actually based, he's already created more jobs than Drump.

This literal niggerfaggot should be forced to apologize to trump supporters and all white people. In a fair world he would personally apologize to trump like so many gullible crackers have apologized to Jessie Jackson

this fucking nigger...

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>he would have been willing to frame whoever was caught

Probably why the flipped on him.

>utterly outrageoys and despicable if true
>if true
lads the judge is literally /ourguy/

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the whole "mailing a fake anthrax threat to his production office" thing is most serious accusation

that is a 20 years in the fed pen type of crime

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I do believe that the "mental illness" route is going to be his only avenue to leniency. He'll make the rounds saying how much pressure he has as a black and gay man, etc, etc. In the past, I would tell you that it would have worked. However, after Covington, Kavanaugh, muh Russia, I have a feeling that more and more middle of the road normies are waking up to the this shit.

White people are wising up and the Jews and negroes are shaking in their boots.

Who cares? Who cares about any of this? This doesn't matter. I mean, breaking news: our entertainment industry is full of shitty, infantile, deceitful people. WHOA.

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>Police say he also had sent a racist letter to himself at a Fox studio.

Oh shit

He's going to get fucked over for this one specifically. The USPS is autistic when it comes to fake anthrax hoaxes.

You'd be surprised, but there is an increasingly vocal black minority who are aware of the manipulations and trying to turn the "black vote" right - ex people of the Thomas Sowell school of thinking. However, I doubt they will grab a significant minority before the next election.

He went to pretending to be a victim to becoming a sex slave in prison. Don't drop the soap retard haha

>w-w-who cares?
>g-g-go watch Captain Marvel, goy
>s-s-stop caring about things and just consume

framing innocent people, especially of race related kinda a big deal

committing mail fraud is a also a a big deal, especially since it involved
send false terrorist attack(white powder) to a office building

The gay mafia pails in comparison to the mail mafia, unironically.

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>Someone ACTUALLY does a false flag
>falls apart within days and is exposed

How the fuck did they do false flags like 9/11 and Sandy Hook but can't even manage shit like this?

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>thinking she cares enough to cover up for him
He was a pawn and he'll be treated as such.

That being said, prosecutors aren't judges and this is something /pol/ and Yea Forums don't get it. He'll get a slap on the wrist for both but he will likely do time on the federal charge if there's enough evidence to convict.

It's because Jussie was working alone. Obviously, he wanted to score points with Kamala Harris and Booker for his budding political career, but I don't think they were involved.

5,000 jewish things to know about Trump

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He's doing time, but I agree nothing is going to come of the connection. Assuming they were involved (they weren't) Booker and Harris are not that stupid to leave direct evidence of any interaction.

I'm thinking community service and probation for disorderly and a few months on the fed charges.

Well we got rid of that old nigger in charge in Broward who had been fixing elections for years so who knows maybe things will be better next year.

Believable, but time will tell.

it's Chicago, they ain't going to do anything at all about this

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Postal Inspector.

Really not people you want to fuck with. I could easily see federal charges coming in a few weeks. They might wait for the local police to get more info out of Jussie's friends or get him caught in lies.

What if I did go watch Captain Marvel? Why would that matter? You post a whole lot about problems you see in the world, but what the fuck am I supposed to do about them? And if I can't do anything about them, then what exactly is the point of caring? All I can do is try to get myself away from this stuff.


Who did they replace her with? And did they clean up the overall issue with that election board?


Why are blacks the only ones that are victims of hate crimes?

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Pete Antonacci picked by /ourguy/ Rick Scott and I don't think he's done anything yet actually

>only worth $1 million

Holy shit. This guy is like a C-list celeb and he threw it all away.

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Kek, /pol/ has been saying from day one that this was bullshit and so was everybody else with half a brain. Everyone is just reveling in the fact that there’s yet another bullshit story out there meant to slander one side of the political system, but this time it wasn’t part of a mass media driven effort and the guy that had perpetrated it is getting fucked by the long dick of the law.
Smullet isn’t a big time actor outside of empire and generally unknown to international audiences, he’s fucking done for. You can go on a little tirade or act like a dick, but nobody is going to hire this dumbass mullato motherfucker after he set up a fake assault against himself trying to leech of the Trump hate in America.


man can you imagine the stank on that cunt?

That's really good to hear.

Makes me think of pic-related

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>"Wh-who cares if it wasn't 6m! I-it could have been 100k, or 20k, or maybe there weren't any at all, but Jews still died during the war! That's the real tragedy here"

Fucking kikes.

Yeah about the day he was sworn in he dropped a list of problems with the election system which you can read about: if you like
Islamophobia is worse than terrorism in bongland

>37 years old
>net worth only $1M
He is going to go broke from this and kill himself even if he doesn't serve fed time for mailing himself a death threat.

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Great article, thanks. Seems like he's really going to clean it up. Also:
>"The office purchased 875,000 election day ballots for the November election, when fewer than 225,000 ballots were actually cast at the polls, with the excess printing costing taxpayers $1 million"
>"She also challenged the idea that some cost over-runs were foreseeable"


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This is an authentic hate crime.
Jussie was willing to frame two random white men for a crime they didn't commit.

And how is a 1 in 300,000,000/day chance of being the victim of a hate crime supposed to be a compelling number?

Jussie? More like JUSTsie lmao


You mean to say; /pol/ was right again

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Fake hate crimes are more common than actual hate crimes. I hate this "this only hurts those trying to report real hate crimes" bullshit.

This guy is fucking bottom of the barrel scum

fuck the police

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Gonna want some kinda citation on that. My gut calls bs.

Pol has all the ammo it needs, contrary to your establishment certified shit you believe they are often more right then they are wrong

>/pol/: always right, even when it's wrong.

redpill me on this. would it be legal if i did it with a private company like ups or fedex? seems like a great idea

No, probably not.

Lefties will say he was under stress due to the political climate in CURRENT YEAR and that no one deserves to be punished for life, he’ll say he’s sorry and get a new acting job.

>I genuinely feel sorry for his fans
Why? He's a faggots nigger kike. Fuck anyone that was a "fan" of him.


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>literally shaking

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Problem is what is a hate crime? Most violent crimes are hatred-inspired. You aren't whooping someone's ass because you like them. Yes, you are likely to be mutter curses and insults while doing it. That's not the reason you're beating them.

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This is not /pol/ or Yea Forums why are you posting this shit here?
I fucking hope he goes to jail and his career sunk. What a lying piece of shit.

I believe him

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>This is not /pol/ or Yea Forums why are you posting this shit here?

Because it's Yea Forums related. He's a Yea Forums personality.

Can we get some photos of damage control?


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Captain Marvel eveyone

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notice how she said "speaking your truth" instead of "the truth"
even they knew it was bullshit, they just couldnt afford to say it publicly

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can one of you geniuses shop in a pair of feet hanging from the rafters and chlorox bottle


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He is a sociopath. He would have derstroyed the lives of two random innocent people to keep up the lie. Scumbag

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based nig

the devil obviously and undeniably, what a stupid question, the prick

unironically based predictably tribalistic black man

What a faggot

Nobody likes trump worshipping /pol/nigger wannabe nadzees, but if you're not racist you're a fucking idiot.

and they would have went right to jail, socially ostracized into oblivion by the liberal media loons. journalism is now nothing more that retweeting some retards posts

no that’s just a woman “empowering” others

>Hate crime is real, everyday in American there is a black being lynched
>Can't find one of the 365 black guy who got lynch per year and has to act out one out of MAGA City of Chicago

How embarassing kek

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Just say nigger

Hes yhat terrible he doesnt even deserve to be called that

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That Muzzie is cute, shame she's crazy

>He had to have the attack be impossible to track like not appear on CCtV cameras

I thought he planned it specifically so it could be seen by a particular security camera as 'proof' - when he pointed out that camera to the police during investigation they were suspicious that 1) it was pointed the wrong way 2) why on earth did he know about that one specific camera and where it was pointing throughout the crime?

The more I have read about this the more disgusted I am both with that actor, those liberal idiots who jumped to his side without question and impressed by the sheer stupidity of his crime in all its aspects.

wow, I think the worst is all those liberal politicians jumping on the story for sjw points
they were calling it a modern day lynching for christs sak, you can't just walk that back

Sure you can. And they will. You'll never hear of this from any of them ever again.

pro-israel doesn't mean pro-jewish dumbfuck
it's giving them a containment nation

>makes $100k per episode
>still bitches about it

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Anyone with a shred of cynicism can see through this.

It would be amazing if he suddenly said that he was a woman in a man's body and wanted to have a sex change. The hardcore leftwingers would praise him but it would be the most gigantic redpill to the other 98% of Dems.

/pol/ here, can confirm. Between this and Bob Buckhorn getting hacked I’ve been cumming non stop

>“Mr. Smollet is a young man of impeccable character and integrity who fiercely and solemnly maintains his innocence and feels betrayed by a system that apparently wants to skip due process and proceed directly to sentencing,” read a statement sent out late Thursday on behalf of the Empire actor.

>“Today we witnessed an organized law enforcement spectacle that has no place in the American legal system,” the hyperbolic statement added. “The presumption of innocence, a bedrock in the search for justice, was trampled upon at the expense of Mr. Smollett and notably, on the eve of a Mayoral election,”

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More like...Bob Cuckhorn huhuhuhuhuhu

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