What do the sophisticated, cultured, posh upper-class peoples watch?

What do the sophisticated, cultured, posh upper-class peoples watch?

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italian neorrealism?

They're too busy making money.

bum fights

fart porn


I watch shows based on the lower classes mostly. Early seasons of TPB are a perfect example

snuff films

Downton Abbey comes to mind

czechoslovakian surrealism

Agents of K.I.N.O.

Attached: AoS - The Dirty Half Dozen.webm (700x394, 3M)

reruns of frasier

Civilisation: A personal view by Ken Clark.

If I had my way I'd make millennials and zoomers watch it whether they wanted to or not, Clockwork Orange style.

Attached: kenclark.jpg (960x721, 119K)

We don't have a civilization any more.

t. 14 year old

Any serious answers?


You'll do. I'm going to change the course of your life for the better.

Neon Genesis Evangeillion in their half an hour of spare time.


Intellectual kino

Homeless people dodge in and out of traffic after they throw a handful of change in the street.

We do, but it's jewish civilization.

This but unironically


IRL streamers

Attached: Hampton Brandon trolling.webm (640x356, 2.63M)

Attached: get a load of this guy .webm (1280x720, 724K)

they have friends, so relax spending time with them going out to shows or live music, for the few times they are home alone they probably just watch snuff and cp

Alita: Battle Angel.

As someone who lives around these types they watch what tv calls pleb shit.
>over the top action movies (mad max fury road)
Then like 10% of them watch art house, foreign films and oscar nominated stuff.

They're rich because they either work hard or are born into it. If you work hard you dont want to think so you watch some mind numbing easy to follow movie like transformers or marvel. Or some simple tv show like walking dead, sons of anarchy etc. And if theyre born into it they either work hard or are a spoiled brat with no real wits About them and watch the same stuff.

Attached: 1540945638414.png (1024x768, 280K)


tell me, why is the jannie's hat so tiny?


You know what they say about """""""men"" with tiny hats.

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Blade Runner 3049


Oh no no no no no

His streams were kino before he got arrested and almost went to prison


Plays, not movies.

we have a society

Attached: 1531772474049.jpg (1466x2211, 484K)

the weird one is the fixation on judge judy. you wouldn't believe the people who watch judge judy. yeah, they watch the HBO prestige dramas, i get it, but judge judy?? it's a religion.

Reruns of Bold & Beautyful

Shakespeare productions

This guys running the simulation