Trailer's right around the corner, but what the hell. Let's do this again

Trailer's right around the corner, but what the hell. Let's do this again.

Don't read unless you want to be spoiled

-there's a JJ-worthy insane twist in literally the first 3 seconds or the film

-some very persistent rumors/speculation are true, but that plot point gets one-upped by something new and weird pretty quickly (not Rey's parentage)

-the end of the Rebel show was essentially a prequel to the major thrust of IX's plot

-there are many unused plot points from VII that ended up being included here

-the end of the movie will be controversial because it's not actually an ending

-you can figure out the subtitle by combining the first letters in VII's with the theme of VIII's

-the e

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Other urls found in this thread:

>there's a JJ-worthy insane twist in literally the first 3 seconds or the film
I know this is a larp but they'd better not do away with the opening crawl.

>Being this vague
For what reason

Attached: I'm out.gif (295x221, 613K)

holy shit stop acting like this is a puzzle that we have to decode you stupid fucking larper. you give no evidence and we have to play your shitty fucking game to decode your extremely vague bullshit. Fuck off, sneed and die

The twist is in the crawl.


The subtitle is The First Apprentice.

>putting a twist in the crawl

that would be the most retarded thing in nu star wars besides the FTL combat

So what's the big "first three seconds" twist, then?

Can we get the twist, even if it's the last thing you add
Title sounds legit and is true pottery

>The First Apprentice

great post

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It was all a Force dream.


Probably something with Leia because she's dead right?

Come on. At this point a cool spoiler would be the only decent advertising this ugly trainwreck could hope to get.

No one cares retard the franchise is dead

Probably Rey turning out to be a villain

>-there's a JJ-worthy insane twist in literally the first 3 seconds or the film
Don't care.

>-some very persistent rumors/speculation are true, but that plot point gets one-upped by something new and weird pretty quickly (not Rey's parentage)
OK. Don't really care

>-the end of the Rebel show was essentially a prequel to the major thrust of IX's plot
What show?

>-there are many unused plot points from VII that ended up being included here
The entire film was an unused plot point

>-the end of the movie will be controversial because it's not actually an ending
Not a surprise. Anyone that expects Disney to not milk star wars until it's dead is retarded

>-you can figure out the subtitle by combining the first letters in VII's with the theme of VIII's
The Force of GenocideWhiteMen?

>>The First Apprentice

hard to believe this will be the title, since if they would had go on this direction, they had called it something like "the new padawan"

I say this is larping , and a bad one btw.

Not going to happen. They had their chance to do that, and they didn't.

Jedi have Padawan, sith have apprentices. Right?

OK fine one more:

-C-3PO's arm is the most important object in the Star Wars saga

P.s. you guys were nicer in 2014.

>The twist is in the crawl
>hey rian remeber when you fucked up in the first scene? dodge this!
Bravo JJ

The End of the Force

Sorry buddy, but Star Wars wasn't dead in 2014

>-C-3PO's arm is the most important object in the Star Wars saga
Yeah, this 100% bullshit

Fake and gay fuck off
Fuck the homo awakens and the last homos.

>Episode VII: TFA
>Episode IX: TFA

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>Abrams’ upcoming trilogy-closer will contain a MacGuffin that they describe as “delightful.” Among insiders who know a little more about the franchise fandom, however, the development is generally characterized as “controversial.”

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His red arm, silver arm, or gold arm?

Kylo impregnates Rey, Rey goes back in time and gives birth to Anakin

Fuck off, Campea.

full circle

I used to read Dark Side magazine!

That’s too sci-fi for a space fantasy movie.

The one Anakin salvaged from the scribe who copied the Journal of the Whills for the Hutt historian Eannatum.

Empire or whateverthefuck they are has a new superweapon, it shoots things into planets at lightspeed like at the end of the last movie.

nice twist jj

So the title of episode 7 is The Force Awakens, who is Rey. And the title of episode 9 is The First Apprentice. So according to this guy, Rey becomes a force god and sets up the moral-high-ground-having gray jedi LGBT order. Or maybe a magic force tree man does it. What's the "persistent rumor", time travel shit? Would they really put that into the 9th movie?

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Christ, fine.
Snoke's alive.

Oh wow they didn't kill off the main villain, who could have seen this comeing...

Well since Force awakens a big rumor was Rey is related to Luke somehow


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Absolute brainlet. It was obvious Kylo, not Snoke, was the main villain.

Surprising absolutely no one. Fans were speculating about Snoke lich since forever.

>main villain
>defeated and humiliated in first movie

Snoke is dead.

The first line of the opening crawl is about who Palpatine really was.

People are really going to hate the answer (and Matt Smith).

lol this sounds too bad to be true

palpatine is every white man who ever lived
take that you fucking incel nazi bigot

Honestly barely anyone cares. I'll torrent first crappy camrip.

>The first line of the opening crawl is about who Palpatine really was.
Explain. His entire backstory has been completely defined. There's no room to try to insert some twist into his character.

2014 was before the dark times. Before the Empire.

>Galaxy of the Brave
That one is particularly awful.

>The twist is in the crawl
It's JJ Abrams, all right.

"Victory" has got to be the stupidest title of all
considering Ep 6 was victory, and then Ep 7 was just "nope none of that mattered at all for absolutely no adequately explained reason we're just going to rehash everything except make it a much more hollow and pointless, depressing, hypercritical post-marxist affair where nothing matters least of all victory"

Nothing outside the movies are cannon remember? They still have his birth to political career to fuck things up.


Based Sheev teaching Hitler how too force choke jews and make it seem that it was gas.
Hitler was The First Apprentice ®

Source: ASS

who the fuck gives a shit about anything that obscure?

>The interesting part of the movie is in text format.


>C-3PO's arm is the most important object in the Star Wars saga
Secondary hard drive hidden there, one that wasn't wiped, something like that?

Ashes of the Republic sounds like a metalcore band name

The crawl doesn't exist, they barelly finished principal.


Palpatine was Snoke’s first apprentice and Matt Smith is playing young palpatine or palpatine clone?

Darth Vader and Palpatine up in the limousine


But how could be "The First Apprentice" when there were DV, and other sith apprentices in the story already, including the faggy Kylo.

Is it revealed he's actually the shadowy Sith Lord, Darth Sidious?!
I cannot comprehend how they could possibly put a plot twist on Sheev's "true identity." Then again, Lucasfilm has surprised me before with defying all probability with making shitty decisions.

This is so stupid that it can only be true when it comes to JJ. Hopefully this will dagger Star Wars for good.

>The first line of the opening crawl is about who Palpatine really was.
Some dark spirit that takes over people?

I would love a scenario where the entire strategy of warfare in SW was turned on it's head with the introduction of RKVs.

What was the purpose of this post?

>there are actually söymales in this thread

>first three seconds twist
if that'strue, then either the title itself or the first paragraph of the crawl establishes the movie as taking place before the prequels or hundreds/thousands of years after the last one so they can rip of foundation or some shit
they're not going to do this.

post all spoilers or GTFO

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ezra bridger fucked sabine wren and made rey

who the fuck literally cares about this garbage

Rey lives, Kylo dies

I wonder if they're going to change the color of the text again.

I hate the thought of defending a possible LARP as well as the fact that I ever cared enough to know this, but JJ usually films shit in order. Plus, he doesn't get Star Wars nor the purpose of the crawls. He probably just scribbled a draft on a napkin months ago and just stuck with it.

>Rey lives, Kylo dies
This probably is true, since there is that picture of the end of the filming where poe, rey and the nigger are together, so at least i doubt ther will any kind of Reylo.

we already have the leaked crawl

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They should chance the opening format and do it more like the Dune opening with a hot babe telling the introduction.

Hanging 'holos on my wall, every Saturday, force attack, Mister Darth-y Mauly Maul

The Force Jedi

>the end of the Rebel show was essentially a prequel to the major thrust of IX's plot
Time travel, eh? Let's hope not

>Where’s the Ep IX trailer? I want an Episode IX trailer!

You’ll get nothing and like it!

Attached: 6106E56B-FFF3-4916-94C9-D7D9CB019AE5.jpg (479x347, 27K)

A hot babe? In THIS current year? HA!

Star Wars : user inhales Rey's anus fumes for 3 hours

He’d better be if Darth Maul is!!!

None of these sound interesting enough to make me watch the film. Not even a rental or a stream.

d o u b t

there was no background on snope. he's just some random figure who is supposed to be a powerful evil but we didn't get to see much of that power. he's the forgettable villain. like greedo.

Star Wars lost me the moment it introduced "Darth Maul"

sorry but this shit is for children and queers

Time Travel is the one thing that guarantees I won't even curiosity watch. Unfortunately it seems like the only option Rian left JJ to fix shit. Oh well.

I seriously hope none of you are falling for this shit.

Sounds more like you'd love Star Wars, then

I know this is supposed to be funny, but the fact that it's based on and also accurately summarizes what happened in TFA and TLJ makes me really sad. They destroyed everything George built in just two numbered entries and there's literally nowhere to go after TLJ. How did they fuck up this bad?

>being a literally pleb

>haha i'm not the queer even though i love these shitty kiddie movies written by trannies and jew women, y-you are for NOT liking my shitty kiddie movies!
wow you sure showed me, foreskin-eater

>not actually an ending
That’s it, I’m out

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>the end of the movie will be controversial because it's not actually an ending

In other news, water is wet

Well when does it drop then?
Next week?
March 1st?
St. Patty's Day, so everyone has an excuse to drink their memory of it away?

>the end of the movie will be controversial because no one will go see it
yawn color me surprised

>The first line of the opening crawl is about who Palpatine really was.
>"Sheev was a Sith Lord."

HOLY SHIT big if true

>I'm out
Only now? You actually had hopes?

>the end of the Rebel show was essentially a prequel to the major thrust of IX's plot
JJ is going to rape Thrawn. What a time to be alive.

Attached: fuck star wars.png (853x480, 497K)

I still was going to pirate it a few years after it came out, now I’m not gonna bother.
Best I can do is half-heartedly point and laugh


No i think it means the time travel force shit

What did you expect to happen?
JJ is incapable of creative thought.

>only had to pause it six times to read it

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Another insider here, this is not a larp.
The crawl pretty much reveals that Palpatine is Anakin's father.
It does so in a non-direct way, by stating that he lives through his ancestors, Leia and Kylo.
There's also a titbit plot about Leia refusing the Jedi training because she knew Palpatine lived inside her head in a way, it's like a DNA memory but with The Force.
C3PO is the MacGuffin, although I didn't hear about his arm specifically, between his parts there's an ancient recording about a plan that Darth Bane has put in motion, so that through generations (which preserve his consciousness) he would eventually become so powerful that he could take over the galaxy (and his worthy ancestor also), which almost came to fruition with Vader and then with Kylo.

I wouldnt mind an /sw/ to be honest

So how many hours of your life do you think you've wasted with this shitty nuwars fanfic writing just for a few dozen autist responses? You gotta be up to 3 days lost by now

Yeah maybe but Thrawn and Space Aladdin went on their own time and space adventures at the end of Rebels.

user, this isn't Star Wars. Nothing can touch Star Wars because it lives on in our hearts. This is Mouse Wars. Just sit back and enjoy the dumpster fire. Schadenfreude, my man.

Oh God.
>the end of the Rebel show was essentially a prequel to the major thrust of IX's plot
Time travel bullshit
>the end of the movie will be controversial because it's not actually an ending
Because the ending is the beginning
Rey is Shmi.
it all makes sense now
Yea Forums was right

You're not denying I'm right, child.


>h-haha i did it, i proved that i'm a faggot who loves kiddie movies written by jews and trannies
>wait, what did i prove again??

>Rey is shimi
>The defenders of the sequel trilogy realizes this means Rey is killed by Tusken Raiders

> Don't read unless you want to be spoiled

No one cares anymore shill. Lucasfilm and JJ's MO is to trick the audience.

> We're doing Star Trek with a younger cast!
Actually did Star Wars with names from Star Trek.
> Star Trek 2 will have a NEW villian, he's not Kahn.
It's Kahn.
It's not a sequel, it's a remake of A New Hope with a shit load of mystery boxes and toy commercials. Some cameos from the OT characters but they're there to prop up Kathleen Kennedy's self-insert.
The answers were stupid and unsatisfying scribbled together by a gaggle of idiotic wine aunts too lazy and stupid to write anything worthwhile. Except writing Luke as a bitter lonely cowardly failure for Kathleen Kennedy's self-insert to smack around.

No reason to care anymore. JJ's storytelling is shit. Lucasfilm's storytelling is worse. The ships and aliens look retarded and unimaginative. And the fight scenes are a sad joke with zero emotional weight. Fuck JJ and Fuck The Mouse.

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Everything except the non ending is bullshit.

killed and raped user.

I don't have to prove anything since you're doing a good job proving I'm right.

Seriously they thought the anger from the longtime fans was bad, wait'll they see the anger from the new fans over that

Please i need this to be true, i really dont think it will be this stupid but i want it to be

>Rey and Kylo will make it through the portal
>throne room scene only with Snoke and young Sheev played by Matt Smith
>Kylo mortally wounded
>parallel to the Vader saying Goodbye to Luke
>Kylo tells Rey everything is fixed, she can now raise their child The chosen one in a galaxy that will never be ruled by the Sith
>future movies will be remakes of the prequel and OT with Snoke’s species as an invading force

They are copying Children of Dune

>proving I'm right.
you don't need to "prove" you're a faggot who loves kiddie movies written by jews and trannies
you've made it obvious enough already

We ALL know it will just be a loose reboot of Return of the Jedi.

Shitty larping + tripfag
you should be excecuted.

Dont forget that Mary Sue Burnham will help emoSpock to become TOS Spock.

>film starts
>mary sue & co adventures in space
>leia overdoses on space coke
>evil white man wants to rule galaxy
>strong wahmen kills evil white man

It cant be, because Rey would need a character arc to copy RotJ

This in turn is what Kylo means by killing the past.


It might actually be kind of awesome if it were true.



>The First Apprentice
Really. Let me guess, Nu-Wars are so bad they have to bring back Palpatine to make it good.
Let me also guess, Snoke is the "First Apprentice".

Make him Plagueis that switches bodies you talentless hacks

Attached: 1502934447731.png (843x842, 228K)
Stupid ass

Who fucking cares at this point? The stories a shitshow by the end of tlj. Might as well just enjoy the fucked up ride. Star Wars should have ended in 1983

lol no I wasn't faggot

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Unironically Kino!

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Here's what's going to really happen:

> Luke will be given a cameo where he's not an asshole so clickbait sites can go SEE?! LUCASFILM DOESN'T HATE LUKE YOU INCELS! GO SEE IT!

> They will add a gay character or make an existing character gay because they haven't checked that box off yet.

> Rey will face a hardship for the first the 3rd movie. This way the clickbait sites can go SHE'S GROWN MORE THAN LUKE DID YOU INCELS! GO SEE IT!

> The movie will end with a bullshit cliffhanger to sell the next trilogy.

Attached: 1511037600216.jpg (1241x1245, 483K)

>the Rebel show
can i please get confirmation that we're talking about the star wars rebels animated tv show? of which there are 4 seasons?

>Luke will be given a cameo where he's not an asshole so clickbait sites can go SEE?! LUCASFILM DOESN'T HATE LUKE YOU INCELS! GO SEE IT!
False. They are NOT that self-aware. They absolutely will double and triple down.

They made a spinoff movie WITH A FUCKING TRANNIE ROBOT for christ's sake.

He's SHEEV PALPATINE, oh yah spoiler alert

This sounds painfully possible.

Attached: stormtrooper_vs_appletrooper.jpg (1600x1706, 1.67M)

Yes. The one with Ezra Bridger finding a magic Time Zone is the Rebel Show.
For its name was Star Wars: Rebels.

> Russians blamed for Rotten Tomatoes discrepancy - AGAIN

>The First Aprentice

Lemme guess, its Rey's kid, your larping on FOOSLS's leak nigga.

>when you enjoy a spectacular trashfire infinitely more over mediocre movies that would have the franchise on life-support for a century
Sit down and enjoy the flames Yea Forums

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Top kek

These people are no longer in the business of making movies, they are in the business of pushing an agenda, and they don't care how much money they burn doing it. They'll keep doing it until their neck is snapped back by the leash. Star Wars is absolutely about destroying the entire traditional notion of the heroic story arc and the foundations of western civilization.

TLJ wasn't just about "Luke/incels=bad", it was about seeding their entire postmodern, hypercritical marxist ethos into the cultural fabric of the viewing public.

thank you, kind sir.

No, it's literally replacing TLJ

Mediocre Tier
>Legacy Of The Force
>Ashes Of The Republic
Bad Tier
>Reign Of The Force
Holy Shit What The Fuck Are They Thinking Tier
>Galaxy Of The Brave

matt smith = ezra bridger

Darth Plagueis?

>Rey gets enslaved then raped to death by Sand People

Accurate to the woke woman experience but I doubt they'd let it happen.

got this pic today, not really a huge fan but hope y'all enjoy

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>ashes of the republic
>new republic never given the slightest bit of coverage other than citizens faces when they die
Even their acceptable ones are throttled by the broken legs nu-wars had at launch

I let my 'saber rock 'til my nephew popped
Now I'm smokin' weed on Ahch-to, sippin' on Thala-Siren slop

>Rey is Shmi
>Sheev is Sneed
>Snoke is Chuck
finally it all makes sense

four 'I's after the 'V' = 9

IX = 9

>Rey will face hardship

>but this is worse than her not facing hardship

Taken directly from Making Star Wars

Fuck you

Star Wars Episode IX: My Wife's Son Of Darkness

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Thats the disney park


This. I'm a long time Star Wars fans, and in no era (Classic, Prequel, Sequel) has anything established in EU takes priority, story groups be damned.

I can go doo doo by myself like a big boy.

what came first? the master or the apprentice?

Ask the Catholic church.

Warrior, disciple. In me, the Wishmaster.

>The First Apprentice

Attached: the next journeyman.jpg (403x389, 20K)

I like the part in Wishmaster 2 where the genie made the lawyer fuck his own asshole.

I would if I could... bitch.

so thrawn and the empire come back, team up with the rebels and btfo the first order

> dubs of truth

Disney hates Mark Hamill as a person. Bob Iger saw TLJ 7 times before release. Not once did he think "Hey, why is there so much effort to tear this old character down instead of building the new ones up?" Because he could disassociate the character from the actor.
And after the debacle of the promotion tour where Mark was such a deliciously snarky fuck guaranteed everyone in Lucasfilm hates his fucking guts.

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I recommend Wishmaster 2.

Palpatine was Darth Plaguis, and Matt Smith's character was his master, 1000 years ago.

Snoke is the guy who tried to kill Plaguis.

But Sheev wasn't born 1000 years before the events of the movies. Was his secret to eternal life in reincarnation of sorts?

No one cares. We all know Rey is going to win, she always does. Our entertainment now comes from pissing on a dumpster fire filled with old toys we used to love.

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I am positive that that was intentional.

Sheev was a holographic projection of an even more powerful Sith, Sheevicus Maximus Palpatinius

fake as fuck

Star Wars: Blood from a Stone

No. It's Star Wars: Raping a Dead Horse.

Star Wars: You Retards Are STILL Watching This Shit?

>Star Wars: Wait, You Still Care About That Flop, user? Haha, Ok.. We're Going Out to Lunch, Do You Want Anything? Have Fun With Your "Star Wars" Sweetie

Why would Sheev have two sith names?
What’s Smith’s character name?

A few words at the start of the film are a bit different, and there's a segment BEFORE the crawl.

anons, you're not replying to tripfag OP

>A few words at the start of the film are a bit different

You're so bad at describing stuff, holy shit.

I think the title will be
STAR WARS: Children of hope

star wars: the first avenger

Star Wars: ..Wars? Nah, I Haven't Seen the New Ones. Not Really Interested Anymore.

sheev is thanos




Attached: pwoahliebang.jpg (750x422, 34K)

>-you can figure out the subtitle by combining the first letters in VII's with the theme of VIII's
The First order Androgynous

this, but with less energy

i really honestly don't care

>the end of the Rebel show was essentially a prequel to the major thrust of IX's plot
i just rewatched it and at the very ahsoka tano and sabine wren go searching for ezra bridger. which leads me to believe that >matt smith = ezra bridger

>The crawl doesn't exist, they barelly finished principal.
>they didn't write the crawl somewhere first

time travel, eh?
so the ending is on earth and rey shoves her lightsaber up that Kennedy woman's asshole

>at the very

>not so long ago in a galaxy not so far away
>pretitle scene of JJ smothering Rian with a pillow
>looks into the camera
>looks like his expectations were SUBVERTED


Attached: holdo.jpg (1366x768, 126K)

Fuck off Disney shill

>P.s. you guys were nicer in 2014.

Ok but there were no accurate leaks for the first movie so you just outed yourself as bullshit.

listen if you go pay money to see nuwars 9 you need to get off of Yea Forums forever and go hang out on /r/starwars. if you fund the mouse for this goofy-ass fanfic-tier bullshit, you are the problem.

Attached: holdo.png (1159x1600, 1.82M)

>Time travel shit at the end of the Rebel show
I just rewatched the last episode and didn't see any time travel shit. I saw Ezra jump into hyperspace, to an unknown destination, with those huge space creatures. then at the very end ahsoka and sabine went to look for him.

But nothing about time travel.

Attached: hyper.jpg (1530x862, 74K)

Are you a moron? It's the first film that had the entire shot list leaked.

what's the significance of refering to it as "mouse" wars. it's has happened a few times itt.

If I had to guess and that it pisses everyone off, Palpatine is Luke or Anakin or Ren from another timeline.

>Unironically watching this shit

Attached: 1550713846941.png (246x205, 8K)

>those huge space creatures.
Hyperspace whales. They were hyperspace whales.

>I know the details of X
>but I'm going to be sooo cryptic about it tee hee hee

There are better ways to get the attention you desperately want

Sure thing, Star Wars fan

>JJ Abrahams's Star Wars Episode VII: TFA
>JJ Abrahams's Star Wars Episode IX: TFA

It's metonymy. Mouse = Disney. Because of Mickey Mouse.

if you have a better alternative then name the series

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Clone wars

> Yaddle

Dropped hard.

ok, thanx user.

Tiny little life support pod cylinder containing the real hero of the franchise.
The whole movie is set well before TFA and has Luke and his first apprentice, Ben, do-gooding around the galaxy in a couple of tricked out A-Wings, while looking for Jedi lore and finding Snoke.

Attached: abafar-gascon.jpg (2400x1200, 255K)

ffs i can't believe i didn't see that connection. thanx, user.

seen it. next!

>they both said, whilst posting in that same thread.

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So was Sheev the Second Apprentice of Darth Plagueis, and The First Apprentice was Matt Smith?

Charles Soule's Darth Vader:Lord of the Sith comic already confirmed that for the most part. 99.9% of people don't know that, but it's still not a revelation.

>mfw the opening crawl is JJ actually explaining it was all a horrible dream and calling Rian a cuck faggot in the same opening crawl
Anything other than this and I wouldn’t even bother downloading this slow-mo dumpster fire.

You know your stuff my nigger. I was saying that to my friend but about the dark tower. Symbolically replacing Roland with Luther black man was an attack on what Roland and the dark tower represent

How was it confirmed? What you're saying is genuinely interesting.

>Insane twist in the text crawl
The letters floating in space exists in the starwars universe and a character reads it before the action begins, having meta informations no one else has in-universe.

There is a Droids episode called The Revenge of Kybo Ren. There is an old EU novel called The Last Jedi.

In the last issue of Soule's Darth Vader, Vader experiences a force vision kind of thing that walks him through his life. Early on, you see his mother with Palpatine behind her and the quote "there was no father". It's not 100% confirmation but it's pretty blatant.

You can read the series here, It's on the fifth page of issue 25 though the entire series is worth checking out.

>The letters floating in space exists in the starwars universe and a character reads it before the action begins, having meta informations no one else has in-universe
That guy had better be admiral yularen

Bet it was better than the movie.

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Sneed Wars: Feed the Seeds

That's full on retarded. I mean FULL ON RETARDED. Sidious was Plageusis's apprentice. Why retcon something that nobody was wondering about? If they're going to retcon anyone, retcon Rey's parentage or all the Jedi being killed off again.

Sheev has two sith names because he was a sith twice. First he was Plagieus the wise, who faked his death to Snoke, then he was Sidious who was apprenticed to some other jobber.

Matt Smith is Palpatine's first teacher Darth Bane. Bane is Luke Skywalker from the Legends timeline, who traveled across the dimensions. That is why Mark Hammil voiced Bane in the Clone Wars

So I watched the film already but without cgi since I work at disney and here it is
matt smiths charater is Palpatine but he is young. Turns out there is time travel and the main plot is that there is an invasion from the outer rim that the rebels called in. Some characters time travel at the end of the movie but hux tries to kill them. Hux believes that if they go back into the past they cause the future. Palpatine then goes back in time and becomes a sith. Rey becomes darth vaders mother and kylo is the father.

>lol water is wet
>lol get it
such an epic comment. die cunt

Star Wars Episode 9: Straight to DVD

Just imagine if it flopped. I know it won't but it'd be great

>-the end of the movie will be controversial because it's not actually an ending

I completely believe this

Oh. Ooooh.
Thank you, this is spicy.

>Hurrr Schmi is rey guysssss
it doesnt work, get it on your heads already

None of you better pay money to watch this shit

>Gets raped to death by Muslims

Attached: AA67DC08-D1BD-48A7-8393-D0C62794846C.jpg (640x294, 39K)

HAHAHA. I am gonna go see it twice. Maybe pay for a ticket for it and sneak into Jumanji too.

I can buy Matt Smith being young Palpatine that travels to the past to become Sidious.
But you didn't see the movie, you know how long it takes to have literal kilometers of the film roll developed? And they just wrapped a few days ago.

Nigger no one films on film anymore. This cunt didn't see the movie, but it was shot digitally.

Pretty much this. It's no longer Lucas' vision and from what I read his vision was turning to shit. It's just a name now. The content has been shit compared to the original trilogy which was great but no spectacular.

Suck a dick

Is Rey a carpet muncher? Why the fuck is she smirking at 0:07 after looking at walrus tiddies?

Subtitle is the The Force Subverts

>Rey becomes darth vaders mother and kylo is the father.
so leia's son is also her great uncle. yup.

TFA was shot on film, dingus.

This is one of the more retarded larps.

Introducing time travel that far in the movies make no sense story-wise. 20000 years of jedi vs siths and nobody ever tried it?
What's next? Holdo's adventures in a parallel universe?

>Galaxy of the Brave
And land of the freeeee!


Whatever the movie is, it'll be worst than all the fake leaks.

Nothing beside remains.

Episode IX is shot on film, JJ is one of the autists that refuse to go digital.

>Galaxy of the Brave

Shoot the family of whoever thought of that

Attached: Kao Cen Darach and Satele Shan vs Lord Vindican and Malgus.webm (1000x562, 2.96M)

The best. This is what lightsaber battles should be like.

Muh floaty

Wow what an insane twist worthy of J.J. Abrams himself.

Rey should be a nudist

Why didn't Snoke bodyjack Kylo?

Attached: 5191065-valkorion_01.jpg (459x673, 57K)

>all the final episodes of a Star Wars trilogy have “of the” in the title – ‘Return of the Jedi,’ and ‘Revenge of the Sith’
>it's possible that the titles of the new trilogy spell the first part of a sentence: The Force awakens the last Jedi ______.
Reign of the Apprentice.

...until the 4th trilogy

yeah Reign of the Apprentice is probably the best name ive heard so far

This post is Jussie Smollett in words

Return of the Key
Meesa back

What a godawful plot

>Anakin finds Shmi in tusken camp
>Shmi: “Anakin... I’m rey...”
>Anakin: “they raped you?? I’m gonna kill em all”
>Shmi: “no, I’m..... (dies)


>Rey naked


I wish that Star Wars had gone back instead of forwards. There is so much that could of been produced from the time of the Sith race, Hyperspace wars, and the Mandalorian wars.

Instead, the original story has been trampled to death.


What do you think his master plan is

>Rey becomes darth vaders mother and kylo is the father.
which would make kylo his own great father

seems legit


>Rey is the circle, made complete.
So who's going to tell the Sith and Jedi to get the hell out of the Galaxy, because we don't need them anymore?

>So who's going to tell the Sith and Jedi to get the hell out of the Galaxy, because we don't need them anymore?
General Grievous, back from the dead.

>Grevious is actually the Steel General from Creatures of Light and Darkness.
Works for me.

its just the arm from a dead droid he befriended in one of the canon comics

It's going to drop with Captain Marvel so they can have hope in actually selling more tickets, and both movies are space adventures in a way.

Somebody actually got paid to choregraph that fight. And they patted themselves on the back for a job well done. Probably went home and fucked their wife. Maybe went out to eat dinner at a fancy place.
When really thay person should be not only black balled from the industry forever, but put in prison for stealing money from movie goers who aren't afforded a refund.
Fuck you Hollywood.

>there's literally nowhere to go after TLJ
Just because your small brain can't comprehend the story doesn't mean there's no story. Fucking faggot.

Palpatine is not Anakin's father you fucking larper. Kys

C3PO had red arm in TFA

But not in TLJ, mere seconds after TFA

Someone took red arm from C3PO? Chewbacca?

Poor Mark. I'm convinced he was unaware he was killed off until after he saw TLJ at the premiere. He got put in an unwinnable situation since he was still under contract from signing on for the sequels with Lucas, and telling Disney to fuck themselves not only would have gotten him sued (not really a big deal in grand scheme), but Disney would have blacklisted Hamill from all of Hollywood and ended his voice acting career too. Not to mention them revealing any skeletons in Hamill closest and getting him Metoo'd.

Kennedy definitely hates Hamill and Rian probably does too, but Iger and the other Mouse execs are only worried about Hamill's star power overshadowing their new baby.

jawas make a comeback

>so leia's son is also her great uncle. yup.
>her dad's father
>great uncle

>C3PO's arm

Disney's already added time travel, it's fully reasonable that they'd continue to fuck up

>Disney's already added time travel
which episode? is it cannon?

Rebels' final season's final episodes, so yes it's canon.

see i must have missed it

who time travelled? ezra?

He doesn't have it in the closing scene of TFA either, when Rey leaves

Episodes, choads, not episode. Look for World Between Worlds in the title. S4E14 comes to mind.

Sort of. He goes to a dimension between time, and pulls Ahsoka into it to rescue her from Vader.

Ezra and Ahsoka.

Hey, another insider here with more news about what's happening behind the scenes. Me and the rest of the insiders in this thread guzzle Kathleens piss while Rian takes turns fucking us up the ass.

This. Rebels was garbage most of the time, but 'time travel' is a bad way to put it.
For people who don't want to suffer through the show, Ezra went into a Jedi Temple, which placed him into a kind of limbo connected to other temples and moments in time. He saved Ahsoka from Vader, but didn't save his own master because he realized established moments in time would be destroyed. The temple was destroyed, leaving 'time travel' as a purely Force-related subject and not a 'time machine' kind of thing.

ah, that rings a bell. pretty sure i remember now. cheers.

it reminded me of this bugs bunny shit.

Attached: bugs-bunny-in-haredevil-hare[1].jpg (1280x720, 144K)

>A few words at the start of the film are a bit different, and there's a segment BEFORE the crawl.
I have to say, that would be pretty great to see. people would genuinely loose their fucking shit.