>Tfw you Vasquez from Aliens isn’t a tough Latina chick but is instead a fat Jew
Tfw you Vasquez from Aliens isn’t a tough Latina chick but is instead a fat Jew
Pretty much Aliens' only flaw I don't know what Based Jim was smoking. At least he got a proper brown thot later on.
>tfw you
She was bodybuilding champion back in the days though. What are you?
nice feet and legs
Michelle Rodriguez is a qt, would drink beer with and sniff her boots
>yfw she also played john connors mom in t2
What in the fuck
What's it with the cliché of masculine and hot blooded aggressive latinas? The're either portrayed as sluts or dykes. I'd be offended if I was one. Yet Hollywood wants brownie points for perpetuating the trope
She was also the irish mom who drowned with her babies in Titantic
>tfw no aesthetic, red bandana wearing, muscular gf
>Tfw Vasquez from Aliens isn’t a tough Latina chick but is instead a fat tittied Jew.
Why are there so many jews in film? Can someone give a truly honest question to this conundrum
Why is Alien such a terrible film?
I’d say, no Vasquez.
Also, I’m right.
>sniff her boots
user I think you might be based
Women love the "hot blooded" label. They feel it's a badge of honor.
Jews are based
Jews hire their relatives
Has to do with rebellions in central and South American countries that had a lot of women in the public view
OOH DAS IS ZE REASON I never could stand this fucking bitch.
Thanks for clearing zis mysterie up for mich, user.
based trips, was he secretly a crazy women, cuz he got the eyes
He was secretly a crazy Jew
Nein, but he MADE the Fräuleins crazy.
Mainly they voted him into office.
As long as it is Corona.
how can i argue against these trips, but i cant believe that
Let's just fucking wait and see what you look like in your mid 60's OP. She'll probably still be looking better than your ass.
>"You can have annnnnny beer you want..."
Honestly she was convincing and qt