Tfw you Vasquez from Aliens isn’t a tough Latina chick but is instead a fat Jew

>Tfw you Vasquez from Aliens isn’t a tough Latina chick but is instead a fat Jew

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Pretty much Aliens' only flaw I don't know what Based Jim was smoking. At least he got a proper brown thot later on.

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>tfw you

She was bodybuilding champion back in the days though. What are you?


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nice feet and legs

Michelle Rodriguez is a qt, would drink beer with and sniff her boots

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>yfw she also played john connors mom in t2

What in the fuck

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What's it with the cliché of masculine and hot blooded aggressive latinas? The're either portrayed as sluts or dykes. I'd be offended if I was one. Yet Hollywood wants brownie points for perpetuating the trope

She was also the irish mom who drowned with her babies in Titantic

>tfw no aesthetic, red bandana wearing, muscular gf

>Tfw Vasquez from Aliens isn’t a tough Latina chick but is instead a fat tittied Jew.

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Why are there so many jews in film? Can someone give a truly honest question to this conundrum

Why is Alien such a terrible film?

I’d say, no Vasquez.

Also, I’m right.

>sniff her boots
user I think you might be based

Women love the "hot blooded" label. They feel it's a badge of honor.

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Jews are based

Jews hire their relatives

Has to do with rebellions in central and South American countries that had a lot of women in the public view

OOH DAS IS ZE REASON I never could stand this fucking bitch.
Thanks for clearing zis mysterie up for mich, user.

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based trips, was he secretly a crazy women, cuz he got the eyes

He was secretly a crazy Jew

Nein, but he MADE the Fräuleins crazy.
Mainly they voted him into office.

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As long as it is Corona.

how can i argue against these trips, but i cant believe that

Let's just fucking wait and see what you look like in your mid 60's OP. She'll probably still be looking better than your ass.

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>"You can have annnnnny beer you want..."


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Honestly she was convincing and qt