How do we stop the Sneed invasion of Yea Forums?

How do we stop the Sneed invasion of Yea Forums?

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Post Steven Universe or Reylo

It triggers the FUCK out of those scumbags

reminder that only trannies hate sneed

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Fuck off back to tranny slicker

maybe if someone wrote a really long and really witty post, something really clever. that would probably do it

Fuck off
How do we stop the board culture hating Redditor invasion trying to force a dated cartoon show that's now been bad longer than it's been good down our throats?

youd have to bring back chuck

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Sn**d shitters confirmed for alt-right retards who cry about literally everything
Its quite hilarious how they claim we Simpsons bros are sensitive when they are the ones who freak out at the sight of steven universe reylo moe etc

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sneedniggers are pathetic

Formerly uninvaded

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>moe likes new starshit ship threads
of fuckin course

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if you think that's bad, look at this

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>he thinks this hurts sneed posters

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>look moe i posted it again

>Mr. Sneed, that's my name
>That name again, is Mr. Sneed!
>(Formerly Mr. Chuck)

Sneed posting should be an automatic perma ban. Why is this stupid fucking meme showing up in other threads that aren't about the Simpsons it isn't even funny to begin with.

literally the posters from reddit

You literally can't. Just accept it and let it pass. I give it maybe two years until it dies off.

>sneedally the sneeders from chucks


>two years pass
>formerly Sneed’s

sounds reddit

Based samsung note poster

this would be nerfed within two weeks.

Seriously, can someone explain this scene?

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Baneposting has persisted for about 7 years.

are we supposed to sneedpost in futurama and disenchantment threads too?

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Not Reddit, go back.

old school Yea Forums mods would have word filtered it, handed out range bans to the worst offenders, and sent a clear message with regular (USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)

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I really dont get this joke can someone explain it?

4channel mods
Formerly Old School Yea Forums mods

Oh......ooh my......oooh my oh my.

filter "sneed" to "radical"
filter "formerly" to "not"

radical's feed and seed
not Chuck's

filter chuck to sneed and sneed to chuck


They'll probably end up being involuntarily committed once the word ends up getting filtered, they won't be able to handle it mentally and they'll lash out in real life and do something really stupid and the problem ought to take care of itself. You have to remember, these are sick, broken people. They don't work jobs, most of them are going to be living off of disability for the rest of their lives and this is literally all that they have.

Give them a few months to let that sad realization sink in and then filter the word and 30 day ban anyone who even subtly references it. Only way to stop these sick freaks.

look im not afraid to admit that I use reddit but seriously this image needs to stop being spammed. it’s not entirely what the meme means at all and frankly we probably would fucking hate sneed if it were posted the same way there as it is here

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>he still thinks the mods are going to save him
Simpsons threads belong to Sneed now. Get used to it.

I post sneed at work from my office computer every time I am there

Imagine projecting this hard onto shitposters

Stop posting this shitty cartoon on this board if you don't want to be sneeded. Post it on the cartoon board, I rarely see any sneedposting there. And if there is, then the pussified mods over there will delete and you can have your safe little Tumblr colony. Sneedposting will persist on Yea Forums until the end of time and no one can stop it.

Simpson threads belong to Yea Forums anyway. Sneed posters are doing God's work desu

gummy bears

>comfyposters are redditors

Chuck’s Fuck and Suck
Soon to be Radical’s

Cringe and wrongpilled, Sneedposters are diverse

No you don't though, because you're habitually unemployed and you live at home with your parents. They're sick of you btw, when you go to bed at night they stay up talking about you, trying to rationalize how you've ended up like this, how their son who they had all the hope for in the world ended up a deranged lunatic who spends thousands of hours posting the same word again, and again, and again. You're a monstrosity in their eyes.

Truth hurts, doesn't it.


Sneed posters are literal nigger posters. Contribute nothing, ruin other peoples threads, and then act morally indignant on being called out. Sneed=niggers.

go back

Cringe and disinfopilled, Sneedposters and Baneposters are friends and both based


By using filters

y do u keep projectin bre

Formerly proud

>No you don't though, because you're formerly employed and you live at chucks with sneed. They're sick of you btw, when you go to the farm at night they stay up fucking and sucking about you, trying to rationalize how sneed ended up like this, how their sneed who they had all the feed and seed for in the world ended up a deranged cityslicker who spends thousands of hours posting moe again, and again, and again. You're a cityslicker in their eyes.

>being this mad at a shitpost

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used to be that way. now i unironically have a full time job, car, gf, friends and my health back. not to mention to love of my parents after i made amends to them.

it is possible to be move on and have a life beyond what seems possible.

God bless you and sneed


b a s e d .
all they do is shitpost.

The recent increase in sneedhate only makes me want to post more sneed

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>oh no, my quality board is ruined

Not buying it, sorry. You're a sad defeated man and I can see it in the way you write. You have nothing but this meme, and if it ever went away you'd have nothing left to fill that massive void because deep down, you have nothing and you know it. This meme is the only thing holding your psyche together and I'm going to laugh my ass off when it inevitably gets taken away from you.

Nice reddit phraseology and spacing there bud





>Not sucking it, sorry. You're a sad defeated cityslicker and I can see it in the way you write. You have chucks suck and fuck , and if it ever went away you'd have sneed feed and seed left to fill that massive farm because deep down, you have sneed and you know it. This meme is the only thing formerly holding your feed and I'm going to seed my feed off when it sneeds away from you.

>once the word ends up getting filtered
not happening

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Ok friend. believe what you want. i have nothing to prove and thats ok. regardless I unironically love you and sneed.

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And I unironically hope you kill yourself, fuck you and die you shitposting scumbag freak

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Great job not letting him have the power bud...

Based loving guy

Unbased and sadpilled hateful guy

Oh......ooh my......oooh my oh my.

So the cure is worse than the disease

Learn how to word filter you laughable moron. It’s the most easily avoidable forced meme.

its ok. hopefully one day he surrenders that fear and anger. we can only hope. until then

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>Reddit spacing
>No gaps between lines
Me thinks you're the Redditor here bub.

autoban it like S-o-y. why the fuck haven't the mods done something about this spam? Its fucking embarrassing and was never funny.

Thats not what the commie tranny discord wants. He absolutely cannot stand people doing things he doesn't like.

Oh......ooh my......oooh my oh my.

>How do we stop the Sneed invasion of Yea Forums?

Maybe the new janitors that just applied will actually be bothered to crack down on the extremely low quality spamming?

have you guys ever been in a simpsons thread on Yea Forums? It's weird how they are actually talking about the topic on hand and you only see maybe 1-2 posts about sneed

Nice reddit reply there bud


reddit the board

You're a fucking moron and should never post here again you absolute waste of space.
Same goes for the sneedfaggots. I want all of you in the dirt.

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>look im not afraid to admit that I use reddit

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Fuck off to your board tranny

How about you and all the other simpsons posters go there and never come back.

>They don't work jobs

Yea Forums is full of underage teenagers that are too young to have jobs

you guys ok?

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Return to your containment site first faggot, nobody wants you here and never did.

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>calls peoples
>is a fag
i will never understand you tranny slickers

based Don Cheetah

it is a poignant critique of the urban-rural divide in America, as shown in the way Sneed & Chuck deride Homer for being a 'city-slicker'.


You know that these sneed guys are two mentally ill doctor who fans, formally underage neets now full time neets.

Oh......ooh my......oooh my oh my.

I'm so fucking sick of these s**** posters. Who the fuck do they think they are? They ruin every Simpsons thread with their fancy german cars and their gucci loafers.

I still don't get it

formally young


Well LA DI DA mr. Park Avenue manicure!

It's worse than a lot of other legendaries you can get from Sneed's Old Shredder. It's just a worse Al'Akir.


You're the Redditor who is just mad you didn't get the joke at first. Us Sneeder's always got the joke and you're just salty it took you so long to finally get it.

formerly mentally healthy nurse when fans

we're at the point now where sneed needs to be filtered but theres the problem where the rest of the words that go along with the meme are common and cant be filtered like chuck, feed, seed, formerly. I'm glad it killed the circlejerky simpsons threads but its just being spammed out of control now.

Radical’s Sadical and Fadical
(not sneed’s)

It’s weirdly obvious you are a tranny

>cartoon threads on Yea Forums
why even have Yea Forums be a separate board when you fags keep posting here
literally just fuse the boards into /me/ - media


How about you do that faggot. Wanting us to do the work for you. Fuck , you useless

Am I late to the Sneed thread?


Can someone please explain this?

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that's fake blonde hair and she's not white


seeing people getting annoyed is funnier

How can one farmer make a forum of virgins so angry?

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It's simple. We Kill the reddit

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>this cringe garbage is somehow better than sneed

I know.
Let's quote every Sneed post in a thread, even though there's no conversation going on to disrupt, and we'll put the word "cringe" under it.
Maybe we can get away with avatarfagging using another Sneedsons character, a straight man like Moe the bartender. It'll seem like we're actually participating in the shitposting but the janitors will be too dumb to notice this.
Yeah, that'll teach the sneedposters.

Almost all sneedposters are mobile fags so once the account thing on /qa/ gets off the ground most of these faggots will run scared because they can't ban evade anymore

What went wrong?

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>some fag takes credit for a meme that went beyond him

yeah he's 15

Let's get one thing straight, after the original moeposter left this place broken and butthurt sneedposters have been moeposting ever since. It was a way to give their shitty meme legs so it looked like people were annoyed by the shitposting but really most people ignored it


But what if...?

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