Holy fuck was the eastern front in WW2 really this brutal?

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Is this from the new season of Stranger Things?

not it's from Poor Little Slav Boy 3

Person on the right looks like that weird person in high school that had an edgy sense of fashion and politics and always wore a leather trenchcoat

Yes, the Germany actually went around staging edgy photoshoots in real life.

>40 million people dead in just 4 years
Nah, it wasn't brutal at all.

3... 2... 1...

Would you have driven that little girl's cunny?

The eastern front is one of those conflicts where the opposing sides developed such intense hatred for each other that no quarter was given. It was also one of the first conflicts in history where civilians were actively targeted for reprisals and certainly it was one of the largest such conflicts.

It started when the germans captured hundreds of thousands of soviet POW which they had absolutely no chance of feeding or caring for. The german officers knew this, but there was nothing they could do except halt the war completely - which was of course out of the question. But no preparations had been made for such large numbers of prisoners - and none were made. Germany barely had the resources to care for it's own soldiers, and the upper echelons of power certainly didn't prioritize POWs over their own men.

Why are posters not this passionate about film?


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I'm not a Nazi apologist, but the Soviets did destroy A LOT of villages and crops in their retreat, which caused a lot of death.

Honestly, China had way worse atrocities and mass executions of civilians and POWs alike. Thousands of years ago.

Yes. It was the most brutal war in human history. That isn't an exaggeration, you can look it up if you don't believe me. It's the main reason Russia is still so fucked up IMO.

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and commies
fuck commies

Not to cheapen their suffering, but thousands more Ukrainian villages were burnt. I think the final figure is in the tens of thousands.

>It's the main reason Russia is still so fucked up IMO.
No, it's not. Russia has always been shittier than the rest of Europe.

WW2 was easily the most destruction in human history. By percentage it didn't kill as many people as other previous conflicts over time but it had colossal losses of life in an insanely short period of time with pretty fucking brutal actions by all sides

>There will never be a movie about Unit 731 prisoners because it would fuck viewers up beyond repair

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because this board is just a battleground for NEETSoc spergs and commie trannies

No Chinese civil wars were worse. Literally 20 million dying in 1 year type of shit.

I'm not passionate about it. There are very interesting apocalyptic personal stories but the countries themselves? Both primary aggressors of WWII they deserve no sympathy. It's a shame that even the best stories about young shepherds from Ural at Stalingrad fail to show the true political aspect of the German-Soviet alliance turned struggle. You don't even have to show how soldiers on both sides committed an unprecedented number of war crimes it could just be about normal people.

There is such a movie but it's like a gritty snuff film.

>By percentage it didn't kill as many people as other previous conflicts
Poland had 16.4% of its population dead, USSR 13.5% and Germany 10.2%. That's every tenth person dying, it's a lot.
Even "quieter" fronts like the UK and France had 1% casualty.

Three Kingdoms war killed about 38 million people in 96 years. Eastern Front killed slightly less in just under four years. Nothing compares.

>What is The Men Behind the Sun

I was more referring to older conflicts like the 30 years war and ancient Chinese rebellions that would wipe out larger percentages of the human population but the overall population was smaller. The numbers by far are larger but there were more humans during the 30 years war two electric bugaloo (WW1 and 2)

there are multiple movies about unit 731

Historical numbers are almost certainly inflated, so No - they didn't.

However in world war 2 and during the 1800's china had several devestating conflicts. In world war 2 dozens of millions of chinese died. However most of these, as in prior chinese conflicts, mostly died from starvation and famine.

No way

By who? From where?

Certainly no big budget ones like the Holocaust gets ALA Schindler's list or the pianist

people overblow the western front

The reason it was so fucked up is that the russian high command was so bad all their guys got encircled tons of times. This created situtations where in the span of 2-3 days you could have 100k prisoners to take care of and no way to do so

The real atrocity was germans einsatzgruppen (which this movie is about) which came into villages after the main forces moved through and just murdered everyone. The reason they did this is they were conquering russia for new farmland to be gifted to german citizens and veterans.

WW2 in the pacific was way more fucked up. It was a race war between whites and the ants. 2 different moralities on life. Where as german propaganda told its soldiers that they were fighting monkey slavs. That kind of backfires when they are visiting villages full of white people.

In the case of ww2 in the pacific it was as if we were invading an alien planet.

Okinawa had women and children attack US soldiers. And they jumped off cliffs because they thought the US soldiers would eat them.

So we used flamethrowers and napalm on everything. Most of the time killing civilians hiding in caves.

That doesnt even mention the firebombing campaign , which was the most transparent mass slaughter of innocent civilians in history.

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"the men behind the sun" is actually really good.

Its a chinese film. But its production qualities for the time are VERY good.

I believe there is another movie which was just a carbon copy of men behind the sun , but i forget the name but it should be easy to find if you do your googles.

Yes, things on the eastern front were beyond fucked. Give this a Ghosts of the Ostfront a listen if you haven't.

There's no big budget films about the Dirlewanger brigade either. There's a lot of horrible topics that haven't gotten big budget hollywood films.

But the Rape of Nanking certainly has, and that's got to be the equivalent to Schindler's List or whatever in this case

I'll check it out then. Thanks guy.

>WW2 in the pacific was way more fucked up.
No. Segmenting them into separate conflicts, the German-Soviet War was by far the worst.

Absolute nonsense. The massacre of entire villages was specifically a reprisal by the Dirlewanger brigade (reprisals for Partisan attacks). A group of psychopaths, convicts and rapists. They did not represent the German Wehrmacht at all.

The real atrocity of WW2 was as you stated, that numbers of prisoners were incredibly high, which didnt allow for proper supplies. Not to mention the forced death marches of German soldiers to Siberia and German civilians from Sudetenland.

I remember reading Belarus lost like almost 25% of it pre war population. Around 2 million people.
And it was mostly civilIans.


They were both high but totally different tiers of fucked up.

Eastern front however by far more ferocious from beginning to end.

dirlwanger brigade couldnt really be brought to film because people wouldnt understand or believe it.

they killed 40,000 civilians in the span of 2 weeks. Thats literally just going door to door and killing everyone , all day and all night.

Do you mean the eastern front?

Anyway as bad as the Pacific front was the Eastern front was suffering on such an unimaginable scale. If you ignore all the rest of WWII, it's still the largest war ever waged.

wtf was wrong with her?

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The Eastern Front didn't even exist, just a Chinese psyop so the Americans would waste trillions of dollars on pointless "Cold War" items while China invested economically and now owns 80% of the world's businesses.

>Firebomb Japanese cities made of wood and paper day and night
>Nook two of them

Look at the present state of Japan. The Pacific theatre had a far greater population impact generations away than Eastern front.

>Okinawa had women and children attack US soldiers
Wrong. Also encountering civilians only happened until Saipan onwards.

>And they jumped off cliffs because they thought the US soldiers would eat them.
Most japanese civilians in Saipan and Okinawa were forced to commit suicide by the japanese troops. And there were absolutely no massed efforts by japanese civilians to attack or kill US troops in a maniacal fit of fury. They were scared shitless and hid in caves.

The reason the US used flamethrowers and napalm is because the japanese troops (not civilians) would dig in fanatically in caves, pillboxes and often not give up. Not because it was a hard fight - because often it wasn't. The japanese were starved and malnourished. They were also hopelessely incompetent at times. They did not combine their arms and japanese regiments got lost from each other constantly.

While the enviroment in the pacific was no doubt not very pleasant the atrocities can in no way be compared to the eastern front. In the eastern front soldiers would spend weeks in holes during the freezing russian winter, covered with lice and not being able to stand up because some sniper is gonna send a fucking bullet through you once you do. So instead you lay there motionless and shit in a bag. Sometimes a food ration from HQ comes through - but often the incessenant russian or german bombing will kill or dissuade anyone from coming.

Fuck that, I'll take the pacific any day.

>parroting neo-nazi propaganda almost 80 years later
How could anyone be this fucking stupid?

She was a woman.

>Come and See had to wait eight years for approval from Soviet authorities before the film was finally produced to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the Soviet victory in World War II, and was a large box-office hit, with 28,900,000 admissions in the Soviet Union alone. The film was selected as the Soviet entry for the Best Foreign Language Film at the 58th Academy Awards, but was not accepted as a nominee.

Literal propaganda film.


>he's making that face again

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no its well known there were child and women soldiers on okinawa

>muh cold
Jungle warfare is 10000x worse than anything in mainland europe. And the japanese didnt play by the rules. They used (in)human wave attacks which did not exist on the eastern front because they still feared god and valued their lives above the state.

pacific to this day has not properly been put on film.

even the HBO show sucked ass

>when u nutted but she still suckin'

Name another unit of the SS or the Wehrmacht murdering non-Jewish civilians wholesale like the Dirlewanger bridage. Name 1.

>muh reprisals

buddy its not arguable that germany had killing units following behind the main force and its not arguable that lebensraum was a actual national socialist policy being implemented during the war.

>murdering non jewish

interesting qualifier

>no its well known there were child and women soldiers on okinawa
There are no recorded organized attacks by civilians on Okinawa. Some were drafted into service - that's not the same thing.

>Jungle warfare is 10000x worse than anything in mainland europe.
Who said anything about jungle warfare? A lot of these islands aren't jungle.

>And the japanese didnt play by the rules. They used (in)human wave attacks which did not exist on the eastern front because they still feared god and valued their lives above the state.
Neither the germans or soviets played by the rules against each other. And if you don't think the russians used human wave attacks then you obviously have no idea about what happened on the eastern front.

>The 221st Security Division was a rear-area security division in the Wehrmacht during World War II. Commanded by General Johann Pflugbeil, the unit was deployed in German-occupied areas of the Soviet Union, in the Army Group Centre Rear Area, for security and "anti-partisan" duties. It was responsible for large-scale war crimes and atrocities including the deaths of thousands of Soviet civilians.

Did you really think that only the Direwanger brigade massacred civilians? That shit was bread and butter for German soldiers on the eastern front.

Buddy use proper syntax and grammar please. This isnt facebook. Partisan attacks were attacks by NON-combatants, ergo not protected by the rules of war. Civilian villages actively supplying and harboring partisans was also not protected by the rules of war. Thats a fact. As to the morality of murdering civilians. Thats a different question.

Now back to the "killing units". Yes, the Einsatzgruppen killed Jews, specifically Jews. They didnt kill non-Jews wholesale.

Killing partisans and villagers supplying partisans isnt a warcime sorry buddy. The moment you pick up a rifle to ambush Gnatzies, or supply the guy with the rifle, youre no longer a civilian.

Again, name 1 unit that massacred civilians wholesale.

>no recorded organized attacks
do you think mama-san getting a pitchfork and rushing a GI would be recorded as a "organized attack"?

Do you think a little boy bringing a grenade up to a group of GI's would be recorded as an "organized attack"

>Who said anything about jungle warfare
The fact that the pacific campaign mostly took place on tropical islands that had thick jungle rainforests with zero visibility.

>muh russian human wave attacks
Not comparable in anyway to what the japanese did. While it could be considered what the russian command did disregarded the value of life of the soldier , this was not the mindset of the soldier. There were no mass bayonet charges into machine gun positions.

Come and See is a bad flick for pseuds.
Stalingrad? Now THAT is kino.

>partisan attacks

Himmler had every jew and communist between the ages of 15-45 labeled "partisan"

How do you tell a jew and a communist apart from a normal civilian? you dont. you shoot them all

>It was also one of the first conflicts in history where civilians were actively targeted for reprisals
With all the fucking warfare that has happened in human history that can not be true at all. I suspect that shit happened all the time

>"...Anton Füssinger claimed he was Dirlewanger's cell mate, and said that he witnessed Dirlewanger being gravely beaten by Polish guards in French service on the night of 4 to 5 June, resulting in his death."

this shot is too kino

its absolutely not true

warfare before this century was much worse because peasants were viewed as military infrastructure

Beastern front was the most brutal. I'm amazed that no chemical weapons were used and that it was all conventional, simply amazing

But seriously the tank battles we're legendary and those machines got bigger and bigger and bigger

So now all Belarusian peasants were communists too? Im done with you. You dont know what youre talking about.

Yes, the Eastern Front was hell. Yes both sides committed war crimes. However, again, killing partisans and villages helping partisans IS NOT A WARCRIME. Executing commissars was a warcrime. Executing Jews was a war crime.

like swede with the sword who killed a bunch of nigs

They were monsters. ruthless and cold


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>passionate about film

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>I'm amazed that no chemical weapons were used
aren't you forgetting something, user

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Notice the quotes around "anti-partisan," retard. You know full well that the Germans falsely categorised all civilians as guerrillas and saboteurs to justify killing them.

>I'm amazed that no chemical weapons were used
You bet your ass chemical weapons were used. Just not as much as first world war.

>was the most brutal war in human history
lol kys

>do you think mama-san getting a pitchfork and rushing a GI would be recorded as a "organized attack"?
>Do you think a little boy bringing a grenade up to a group of GI's would be recorded as an "organized attack"
These things didn't really happen in wide numbers, so it's not worth recording.

>The fact that the pacific campaign mostly took place on tropical islands that had thick jungle rainforests with zero visibility.
Okinawa is a forrested island, as is Iwo Jima. But they are also rocky. These same biomes are found on the eastern front - as well as city warfare which is perhaps described as the worst of them all.

>Not comparable in anyway to what the japanese did. While it could be considered what the russian command did disregarded the value of life of the soldier , this was not the mindset of the soldier. There were no mass bayonet charges into machine gun positions.
The fuck you on about? There were way more human wave attacks on the eastern fron than there were in the pacific. You have no idea what you're talking about. The Japanese committed a handfull of banzai charges, whereas in the massive eastern front they were a common sight.

I would be interested to know if it would have been as brutal if Stalin would have acknowledged and followed the rules of war instead of discounting them as a Tsarist thing

>himmler dindu nuffin
>partisans are war criminals
>shooting entire families/villages because your leutnant got fragged is okay!

lmfao i bet you think all the jews died of typhus in the camps and the 47 ovens they had at auschwitz that could cremate 140k people a month were for dealing with people who got sick.

>"I understood that this would be a very brutal film and that it was unlikely that people would be able to watch it. I told this to my screenplay coauthor, the writer Ales Adamovich. But he replied: "Let them not watch it, then. This is something we must leave after us. As evidence of war, and as a plea for peace." —Elem Klimov

I can't imagine a single writer or director thinking like this today.

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yes, fuck the nazis

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Provide a valid counterexample.
You can't, and won't.

Rian Johnson

>still fully clothed
some 'rape'


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Cringe and retardpilled

They were also gay af

>feeling sorry for Russians
I see their propaganda works well. The only thing you should feel sorry for is that they haven't all been exterminated.

>thread has been rational and reasonable so far
Amazing. What causes this

only because of their really shitty serf system which they should have abandoned long ago.

>these things didnt happen in wide numbers therefore its not relevant

>I named 2 places that were not jungles
-the entire malay campaign

you have tiny shitbrain

How's the moon Hanz?

If you think Come and See is russian propaganda you're beyond retarded.

This. It might sound edgy to some idiot Westerners, but the Russians have brought only misery and death to everyone (including themselves).

In battle.


It was worse

It's anti-war propaganda, if anything. But since it's about the Eastern front the obvious interpretation of most people is "Germans bad, Russians good".

I really can't understand how these people come to such retarded conclusions. You can't even blame poor education, because in this day and age you can just look something up on the internet. It's all out there, yet still some people believe in Flat Earth. Human stupidity never ceases to infuriate me.

>it's an opinion, don't comment on it, it's only an opinion

>I really can't understand how these people come to such retarded conclusions.
You have to understand that atleast 50% of posters in this very thread didn't even watch the film, they just see "eastern front" in the title and they start spewing.

Well, you can look up flat Earth evidence on the internet too. I mean, it's all out there.

>the obvious interpretation of most people is "Germans bad, Russians good".

Again, only if you're a retard with the emotional maturity of a toddler, which apparently describes most people very well. You correctly point out that it's an 'anti-war' film. Yes, one side is clearly worse, but the Russians are hardly portrayed as virtuous throughout most of it.

>portrays genociding Russians as a negative thing
>not propoganda
No, user, you're beyond retarded.

Most of those islands saw little fighting to begin with. Robert Leckie was on guadalcanal for maybe 3 months and had what... 6 encounters with the japanese?

Compare that to german or russian soldiers who are under constant fire from their enemies in freezing cold.

Compare that to civilians who are systematically starved to death and forced to eat each other.

It's apparent you don't know alot about the eastern front or the pacific since you continue to spew out so many things that are simply factually wrong.

the fuck you talking about? its the hitler who broke all rules of war on eastern front literally saying on the west we have knight war on the east we have war on determination coz russians and other ussr people are untermench. and he got rekt by them. such a loser.

There are no russians in Come and See you beyond dumb mental midget.

id say alex II's death is what fucked them up

Comment on it if you want, but the way the reply was phrased suggested I called it a fact and not an opinion. I'm more than aware that many people disagree with me.

Did you even saw the movie this thread is about?

>there were like no encounters with the japanese

woah its almost like not knowing where your enemy is , one of the foundational problems of jungle warfare , makes for random and sporadic fighting and creates in the soldier a sense of total paranoia that they cant see the enemy and they could be just meters away and not know it

are you done?

eastern front was cold thats it

And yet the Japs were still more savage.

>when you embrace diversity correctly

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No, it's almost like the japanese were - for the most time - simply not there. Most of the japanese casualties on guadalcanal were from disease and malnourishment.

You can't compare the two. the pacific was shit but the eastern front was hell on earth

Anyone have a torrent link?

>murdered everyone

Only partisans, Schlomo.

>the eastern front was hell on earth

just admit you are a wehraboo and have never been in 100 degree weather with 90% humidity with one set of clothes for a year

It also didn´t help that the Jew bolsheviks exterminated Russians in the tens of millions after the war.
Major chunk of the intelligentsia too.

In numbers that the oh so bad NAHTZIIIES never could hope to reach.

But oh, (((Communism))) is soo comfy.

>Call everyone who sucks your dick "Honorary Aryan"

>only partisans

himmler labeled jews and communists as defacto partisans

how do you tell if somebody is a communist? you shoot them , which is what happened

Sadly there is still not a proper bluray out there, only one japan transfer but it's completely washed out and full of motion jittery fuck ups so don't bother finding that.

>It also didn´t help that the Jew bolsheviks
Stopped reading there.

just go and die nazi.

Somebody post that pasta about Soviet military encounters or some shit. I forgot what it's about but it's fucking absurd.

>jew bolshevics killed everyone

stalin had all the jews purged before germany even invaded you fucking idiot HAHAHAHHA

wehraboos are so adorable

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I'm pretty sure Nazis were intentionally trying to exterminate the Slavic people. Once the Soviets realized that they were fighting against an extermination campaign, they fought back with equal hatred. One Soviet soldier upon entering Germany wrote a letter to his mother saying something like "Why would they attack us? They have so much." The Germans got what was coming to them.

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Based weeb. I can guarantee this poster has a gargantuan penis.

There was like 1 Jew on the whole Soviet politburo at the time of the war

>pivot to reaction image

did stalin purge the old bolshevics or not?
does your argument that jews killed everyone stand up to actual historical fact?

>spoiler it doesnt , the jews were thrown the fuck out of stalins circle before german boots touched poland


>there were 20 million partisans in Russia

He's talking about the civil war, you moron.

in his post it says "after the war"

he wasnt talking about the civil war

>it another "OP the jew samefags his Come and See" thread

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I wasn't being sarcastic, I was agreeing with you.

>there should only be 1 reply per poster
based retard

>Muh Neo Nazi propaganda
Germany should've been nuked.

based seething nazi homo

>entire thread is nationalists trying to downplay their own atrocities while magnifying atrocities of other countries
/tvpol/ never change

Should i retaliate and make a "actually the holocaust happened" thread on /pol/?

nah don't bother, you'll just encourage them to counter-raid and god only knows we have enough of that going on

Would argue ww1 was more brutal. If you survived it, you watched all of your friends get killed in front of you on the battlefield.

fuck it im going in anyway *pinches nose*

>Set in White Russia
>No Russians

It would have been more worthwhile for you to just post Sneed, but have a (you) anyways

>If you survived it, you watched all of your friends get killed in front of you on the battlefield.

That's great, but on the Eastern front you watched all of your friends die on the battlefield, then your hometown was bombed to the ground and your family was murdered, and everyone you ever loved is dead.

Unironically cringed

t. vatnik
learn some english

He's not wrong

Before Barbarossa Hitler issued an order to regard the population of the USSR as subhumans and to act accordingly

Yes this went to Wehrmacht Divs as well not just SS

whats the difference with americans

Can you imagine actually believing that, our of all human history, war crimes against civilians started existing during WW2 and were started by the ebil nazis.

You've already made this thread.

does the conflict between Germany and Russia in WW2 confuse amerimutts because they are supposed to hate both nazis and commies? Their burger brains get deep fried triyng to think about a war with no good guy, or they start to lick nazi boots or suck commie cock in an effort to pick a side.

Top cringe

german prisoners would sift any undigested grain out of their shit for any last tiny bit of nutrition. Friends had to literally sit on and sleep with their dead buddies in order to stop people from trying to eat them before the guards finally came and took them away.

Eastern front was some real shit

t. wears jeans and a fleece everyday

>They did not represent the German Wehrmacht at all.
Wehrmacht used children for target practice and raped and robed with such brutality that SS commanders wrote letters condemning Wehrmacht soldiers for such barbaric behaviour

> Yes, the Einsatzgruppen killed Jews, specifically Jews. They didnt kill non-Jews wholesale
Both Poles and Belarussians were mass murdered wholesale by German forces

>Killing villagers isnt a warcime
International war crimes tribunal begs to differ

idra elbis

>However, again, killing partisans and villages helping partisans IS NOT A WARCRIME.
And yet Nazis were sentenced for this very war crime as war criminals....

Still, you had tons of slavs who despised russia, Ukrainian and polish nationalists etc. Stalin hated them as much as the Germans, just look at what he did to Warsaw near the end of the war and how he treated members of the Polish home army.

>It might sound edgy to some idiot Westerners, but the Russians have brought only misery and death to everyone (including themselves).
I am a Pole and I assure you people welcomed Russians with open arms after experiencing German occupation.
Russians were more chaotic and more thugish but at least they didn’t try to exterminate us.

been listening to Dan Carlin huh? Good lad.

As a Pole you should hate them for watching the Warsaw Uprising from across the banks, then treating everyone who took part in it as enemy combatants. Stalin hated the Poles since the Polish-Soviet War where he got cucked hard.

>you had tons of slavs who despised russia, Ukrainian and polish nationalists etc.
Literally not even Polish nationalists wanted to ally with Nazis, in fact some allied themselves with Soviets

>just look at what he did to Warsaw near the end of the war and how he treated members of the Polish home army.
wtf are you on about? Warsaw was destroyed by Germans, and all Home Army grunt soldiers eventually got amnesty, some even became communist prosecutors

Technically they weren't trying to exterminate the Slavs entirely like the Jews, just reduce the population in areas they wished to colonize and turn the rest into a slave race.

Which isn't better, is it?

>Pole you should hate them for watching the Warsaw Uprising
the Uprising against Germans, in which Germans destroyed Warsaw

I never said they did, merely that they were equally miserable to be under soviet control. The Nazis wouldn't have allowed either group to ally with them, that was diametrically opposed to the lebensraum doctrine. If the Germans had decided to prop them up as a buffer to the soviets (that is: if the nazis didn't act like nazis) then their every bullet would have been aimed at the heart of a Russian make no mistake.

While the Soviet forces watched from across the bank. The only reason the Home Army did the uprising was because they anticipated the soviet advance and expected support.

Why do you keep making this thread?

>then treating everyone who took part in it as enemy combatants
kek, you are a complete moron.
Members of uprising were imprisoned and deported to POW camps by Germans.
Also HA and other Polish resistence were recruited into Polish People’s Army, of course some refused, some fought but majority were never treated as enemy combatants

is wrong?

>did the uprising
the Uprising against Germans who wanted to exterminate Poles

The Ukrainian nationalist probably would have allied with the Nazis if they hadn't started burning down villages and made explicitly clear that they thought the RACIAL place of all ethnic Ukranians was as a retarded slave race.

>>There will never be a movie about Unit 731 prisoners because it would fuck viewers up beyond repair
There are a TON of Unit 731 movies. Men Behind the Sun is the most popular

>If the Germans had decided to prop them up as a buffer to the soviets (that is: if the nazis didn't act like nazis) then their every bullet would have been aimed at the heart of a Russian make no mistake.
Nope.Since Germans had nothing to offer to Poles and Polish resistence was mostly organized by socialist and peasant parties.

it's enjoyable seeing wehraboos get btfo every single time

That is my exact point, yes.
Are we all just pretending that the Red army didn't invade Poland in 1939 too? Or the incredibly recent war between Poland and the Soviet Union? I was just replying in response to that of course slavs hated the naxis but don't be so fucking stupid as to ignore their wretched experiences with the Soviet Union as well. The fact that the Russians were slavs meant almost nothing to eastern europeans (indeed as it meant nothing to Stalin).

>Yes, the Einsatzgruppen killed Jews, specifically Jews. They didnt kill non-Jews wholesale.
Why do you lie? We have their reports. We have exact copies of their reports and the english translation. You have no excuse. Go read them. The Einsatzgruppen weren't death squads in the sense they systematically went from villages to villages killing all jews. They committed war crimes, oh yes, nobody will pretend they didn't, and their war crime consisted of killing enemy combatants and anybody who helped them, including their innocent families. They even killed children, old people, cripples and the mentally challenged. These are horrible crimes but they are not specifically the crime of systematic racial killing.

A typical Einsatzgruppen report read
>"we killed X jews and X non-jews who were enemies, we killed X jews and X non-jews who were helping the enemies (war crimes obviously), we didn't kill X jews and X non-jews that were neither enemies nor helping the enemies, the region is secured, over"
That's their reports. They literally say they didn't kill all jews. It couldn't be any clearer. Go look them up before answering my post.

Before this gets into a bigger clusterfuck argument, these reports DO show the nazis were interested in removing jews from the region. We already knew this. In fact the reports show they were interested to proceed with non-lethal measures. For example a report suggest that among the remaining jews (which they didn't kill) they could perhaps make it illegal for jewish women to get pregnant, punishable by death, or perhaps they could demand that jews can only stay if they are made infertile in some way. They could just shoot all these jews but they requested permission for alternative methods of population control because obviously they didn't have permission to actually kill them. And to be perfectly clear there is no historical evidence any of these random suggestions scribbled at bottom of reports were carried out.

absolutely nothing

>However, again, killing partisans and villages helping partisans IS NOT A WARCRIME
I think you need to offer your definition of partisan. The first definition of partisan in any dictionary is "supporter". It's a french word. It means being part of something. The second less popular definition is "secretive guerrilla armed forces". When people talk about the war crime of slaughtering partisans, they are using the first definition. It means slaying non-military personnel, complete non-combatants, literally peasants in dirty mud farms, for their political opinion.

are those mark pellegrino and that french canadian actor on the left?

I completely forget how I stumbled onto Dan Carlin, but I'm so glad I did. "Ghosts of the Ostfront" is a masterpiece and I'm powering through "The Celtic Holocaust" currently.

Whole Europe knows what Russians did when they came to Berlin. Not taking any sides but that was savage.

Fuck off OP, spamming is against the rules.

>4 years
American education everyone.

because I lurk and cbf posting

Sort of wish I lived in the entirely plausible world where Russia had attacked first, which they were planning on. It would put things into perspective.

Yea Forums is shit cause T.V. is shit.

It was pretty bad but the most brutal was the Nips in China. I don't like bugmen but fuck, nobody deserves that.

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why didn't she act in another film after this?

this is a fake photograph


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You are mixing things. The Pacific wasn't Vietnam. Also the japanese were often very unprepared and lacking ammo or supplies.

The only jew of importance in the URSS was probably Trotsky and Stalin kill him and his descendents.


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Fyora was living he dream
That rape scene was pretty rough on her


Not him but...1941-1945
Do the math yourself.

Why was this top-tier cunny in only half the movie????

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>The fact that the pacific campaign mostly took place on tropical islands that had thick jungle rainforests with zero visibility.

Are you Moron comparing a few jungle islands with hundreds, even thousand of kilometers of russian tundra, swamps, forests with -40 Celsius in the winter and +40 Celsius in the summer ?

when they weren't eating each other
historical fact

>WW2 started in '41


you're baiting right

>Unit 731

Bloody hell they didn't teach us this shit in history class.

Here's 2 Assyrian soldiers making a father cut up the bodies of his children for opposing him. The art was made by Assyrians to remind the locals not to get uppity.

Note the Chad pose of the Assyrians.

People who go on about WW2 being brutal are supremely ignorant regarding human history.

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It confuses the amerimutt because Hollywood showed their side as the one with the greatest battles and biggest loses.
While in comparison it was just flyshit

>Wehrmacht used children for target practice and raped and robed with such brutality that SS commanders wrote letters condemning Wehrmacht soldiers for such barbaric behaviour
>SS complaining about Wehrmacht atrocities

You should leave your basement a t least once a week, the fresh air helps cleaning your brain.

yes I am

People who go on about how WW2 wasn't that brutal because of brutality in the distant past are supremely ignorant regarding industrial wars of extermination.

>whole thread about the Eastern Front
>"hurr durr WW2 started 1939"

Its really so easy to spot you amerilards

thank you for your honesty

you're welcome user, cheers!

The only qualifier is the industrial part. The majority of extinct human races/tribes/peoples happened before the modern age.

We got given a history project in high school about WW2 once and I chose to do it on Unit 731.

Looking back, using a lot of the actual images from the camps is probably why people thought I was a school shooter.

Beat me to it

>nazis slaughtered the Russians in a war of aggression after signing a pact, considering them subhuman.
>lay seige to their largest cities, killing millions of people including civilians
>deny them any rights as POWs, starve and torture them
>create plans to colonize the area up to Moscow, exterminating the native slavic population


germans were doing to russians what russians did to poles in 1939.

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*what the Germans did to the Poles in 1939

Imagine a front reaching reaching thousends of kilometers from wooded area in the north near Finland to the vast steppe east of the Black Sea.

Blistering cold in the winter and scorching heat in the summer, mud period in the spring and fall making the dirt roades that would put 3rd world infrastructure to a shame, to a halt. Mind you that their equippment was transported mainly by millions of horses. Yes millions. Being undermanned outgunned and always on the brink of the whole front collapsing, that is what it was for the Wehrmacht in the east from 1943 on till the end.

Attached: steppe.jpg (798x519, 103K)

>The only jew of importance in the URSS was probably Trotsky

And Radek, Zinoviev, Kamenev, Bubonov, Sverdlov, etc.

Wehraboos are pathetic

its because he's the flamethrower guy

The Russians might have done terrible things to the Poles, but they did not try to actively exterminate them. They wanted dominion over them, as evidenced by the post WWII years. The Germans on the other hand considered the Poles subhumans in the way of their ethnic and territorial expansion.

listen to the jocko willink podcast on unit 731.

>Again, name 1 unit that massacred civilians wholesale.
Ok will just mention only Greece
22. Luftlande Infanterie-Division
Viannos massacres
>most sources agree that the number of executed civilians exceeds 500. The order was to promptly execute all males over the age of sixteen as well as everyone who was arrested in the countryside, irrespective of gender or age.

Razing of Kandanos
The Germans killed about 180 residents and slaughtered all livestock; all houses were torched and razed. Nearby villages such as Floria and Kakopetro met a similar fate. After its destruction, Kandanos was declared a 'dead zone' and its remaining population was forbidden to return to the village and rebuild it. Finally, inscriptions in German and Greek were erected on each entry of the village. One read: Here stood Kandanos, destroyed in retribution for the murder of 25 German soldiers, never to be rebuilt again.

Distomo massacre by the 4th SS Polizei Panzergrenadier Division
went door to door and massacred Greek civilians as part of "savage reprisals" for a partisan attack upon the unit's convoy. A total of 214 men, women and children were killed in Distomo, a small village near Delphi. According to survivors, SS forces "bayoneted babies in their cribs, stabbed pregnant women, and beheaded the village priest."

Massacre of Kalavryta by the 117th Jäger Division
In total, nearly 1200(actual memorial in Kalvrita names every one) civilians were killed during the reprisals of Operation Kalavryta. Twenty-eight communities—towns, villages, monasteries and settlements—were destroyed. In Kalavryta itself about 1,000 houses were looted and burned, and more than 2,000 livestock seized by the Germans.

Is that enough you fucking nazi apologist or do you need me to go on?

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How else were the SS supposed to get muh huwheat fields for the 1000 year Aryan empire

He is right 41-45. What country do you live in?