What’s your favorite kung fu film?
For me, it’s 36th Chamber of Shaolin, or perhaps Ip Man.

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master of the flying guillotine Hands down

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Mine is Kung-Pow and I'm not gonna stream shit.

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Shaolin vs Lama

The Crippled Masters

Tai Chi Master is a hidden gem

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I'd like a pound of nuts

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Taking in mind only Hong Kong ones:

The Grandmaster
>Late 00s
Ip Man
>Early 00s
Kung Fu Hustle / Shaolin Soccer combo
The God of Cookery / Riki-Oh: The Story of Ricky
Police Story
>Late 70s
The 36th Chamber of Shaolin
>Early 70s
Intimate Confessions of a Chinese Courtesan (Highly recommend this one, not many people know this one, pic related, also called Ai Nu)
The Magnificent Trio (Also really good)

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Kung fu hustle has no right to be that good, but it is.


it's cool how the main theme is a real 3rd century piece

You know shit's about to go down when that theme kicks in.

basic bitch choices

patrician choices

What's your opinion on the spanish kino 'Karate a muerte en Torremolinos'?

i like that one, and most of the wutang clan ones

I enjoyed the original Drunken Master.

>The King of Comedy remake
>The MC is now a girl

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i don't care what anyone says drunken master > drunken master 2

you can tell the choreographers really researched shaolin and tai chi and worked out the nuances to both styles. The Ip Man 2 table fight is impressive just for the character it conveys in all three styles in a very short time.

This one or Five Deadly Venoms, honestly

that was nice too yeah

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five element ninjas
>that scene where the guy trips on his own guts

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I really like how old kung fu movies end really abruptly.
>defeat main villain
>freeze frame, credit song starts

This one, where Jet Li literally fight like a chicken

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It's not heavy on the Kung Fu, but it's still underrated Stephen Chow kino.

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enter the dragon

Blood of the Dragon
Snake in Eagle's Shadow
Five Element Ninjas
Snake Deadly Act

Post a better opening to a kung fu film -

(it can't be done)

Ip Fucking Man? Watch The Street Fighter and then come back and apologise.

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two nukes weren't enough

This is Buddha-tier and cannot be recommended enough.

Been wondering something. It says that The Street Fighter came out in 1974, was it the first Japanese movie or anime to feature the whole "breathing deep gives you magic powers" concept? (I know it has always been in martial arts) but Fist of the North Star took that concept 10 years later and ran with it.

Doesn't that came from martial arts power defense stance to deep breath and hold it, while the opponent hits you and then you hits back?

It's been awhile since I've seen the original, does it have the same relationship between Jackie and his mom? I always thought that brought a lot of humor and entertainment to the sequel, which I remember as being the superior version.

The Prodigal Son
the dinner fight is mental

i don't recall, it's been awhile since seeing either, i just liked the story of the first one. fuckup trains hard, gets drunk, becomes master. simple stuff. didn't love the whole antiquities smuggling conspiracy plot of the sequel, though the tea house fight was great of course.

Is kung fu cinema a lost art? It seems like no one bothers with proper choreography or physical stunts anymore.

jackie and jet both have some good films I liked kung fu hustle as well
most kids train actual martial arts instead of kung fu or just sports in general with Olympics being so big now in China

But I thought chinks took pride in martial arts. The Japanese, for example, shill kendo (and the samurai culture in general) constantly, same with the ninja arts. They fucking love telling everyone how cool their stuff is.
But it seems like the Chinese don't see their martial arts in a similar fashion anymore, which is a shame.

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best opening of all time

Blame the commies. They don't give a fuck about culture in general, and Hong Kong can only produce so many movies before shit gets stale.