UH OH! Marie Kondo is coming to YOUR house to make you clean your room! Is your room clean, Yea Forums, or are you a slob?
UH OH! Marie Kondo is coming to YOUR house to make you clean your room! Is your room clean, Yea Forums...
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Everything in my room sparks joy so she can get fucked
>implying i wouldnt just plaster my walls with deep fakes of her
>place them just high enough that she cant reach
Incoming butthurt roasties.
>Marie finds the cumrag
>asks if she can spark joy in me instead
>fuck her tight pussy
My wife cleaned the house last week so I'm good.
creepy little insect woman
>tight pussy
Wishful thinking my friend
Why do Asians look like they have Down Syndrome?
Just marathoned the first fifteen minutes of this show, what the fuck is on the anxious wife's lip? herpes?
why do people with down syndrome look asian?
Everything is covered in glue. Soon, she will have to eat all the eggs.
this is NOT a waifu board.
there really should just be a /waifu/, so all of you can just go there and fuck off.
I couldn't stand that cunt. She represents the majority of white women these days. Absolutely worthless. Can't cook, can't clean, breastfeeds her dumbass kid way after you should. Feel bad for that guy, divorce is coming soon.
she's smol as fuck and doesn't look like the type to have rode the cock carousel
even at 34 she's probably tighter than average
My room is very tidy.
>pussy gets more loose with use
it gets tighter if you fuck a lot, since it's dependent on muscle strength, brainlets
Downies and asians have similar skull and facial features, that's why it used to be called "Mongoloid idiocy."
As soon as she knocked on my door, I'd crack her in the jaw with a preemptive right hook followed up by a left cross and leave her laying on the porch
You could tell they had a shit marriage. They couldn't even manage to act like they loved eachother on television.
>breastfeeds her kid way after you should
Kids should be breastfed for a long time. Weaning your child early severely hampers your child's growth. Ideally, children would be breastfed until at least 3 years of age.
>this is what what men find attractive these days
>your room
The sock will make her lose consciousness even kill her. Either way, I'd enjoy her petite, warm and thigh asian body.
>expecting virgins to be knowledgeable about sex
I just cleaned my whole house. Wiped the surfaces, scrubbed the bath and toilets and vacuumed and mopped. I've seen the way some of you guys live and It disgusts me
Bluepilled as heck
i cleaned my room a bit earlier. i still have plenty of empties to throw away and my closet is still a mess, but the rest is nice
it is pretty clean, desu, although she could probably tell me how to order my wardrobe, and maybe motivate me to finally get rid of a lot of old clothes I have not used in years
she may also produce me the biggest boner in the process, and marry me
>this will never happen
i want pete to come to my house and fucking kill me
no u, phonecancer
What I would give to kidnap Marie Kondo and make her life a living hell. I would force her to dress up in elf and leprechaun outfits and subject her to pure awfulness and humiliation. Just terrible degradation and shameful acts. It would be so easy to break her spirit and drive her to seppuku, but I wouldn't let her do it. If I could train a dog to rape on command then I would totally do that as well. A really big dog like a mastiff. She would be so completely and utterly powerless to stop it, not to mention terrified. A big ass dog is even scary and life-threatening to a normal human but to a midget? Might as well be a dragon. I'd keep her in a cell and what's more is that I would actually place the key inside with her but put it in a high place. Not extremely high but just ever so slightly out of reach. It would drive her mad. I would dress her like a baby and force feed her 99 cent store baby food. I'd also pick her up like a child and toss her from one corner to the next. I'd grab her by one leg and swing her as hard and as fast as I could then hurl her to see how far she goes. I'd rent one of those giant inflatable bounce houses and body slam her all day until my arms got tired. I'd hold her down with 1 hand and slowly stick things up her butt just to see her squirm. I would stick her in dryers and turn them on and leave her in there for long periods of time. I'd force her to fight other midgets to the death. Just so many things i would do.
fpbp if this nip midget thinks she's taking away my cum jar she's sorely mistaken
>have flat inspection in an hour
>hate going outside or seeing people
>10 rubbish bags stacked up
>too lazy to dump them
>fruit flies everywhere
oh god
>Many of us have hundreds if not thousands of images saved and meticulously catalogued
what a faggot
>breastfeeds her dumbass kid way after you should
formula drinking plebeian detected
enjoy your inferior immune system
Fruit flies huh? I've had that issue myself, you'll need a dozen or so spiders and they'll take care of it. I'll PM you the contact info for my spider guy
nice projection
>using 4channel's posts to gauge men
What would be the first thing Yea Forums hides from their room when she knocks?
>beer cans and wine bottles everywhere
I'm basically fucked
really nothing. my house is pretty clean. she goes through all this effort with the folding techniques, but it isn't really needed for me because I can't even fill my closet as it is let alone needing to do special folding (although I am using her technique for towels).
I don't keep lots of keepsakes or momentos of stuff, I toss that shit out pretty quick. I barely have any family photos, i have three family members so just one photo of each printed - the rest are on my computer.
I throw a lot of stuff out often, never been one to horde or buy a lot of extra stuff.
dirty myself up and lie naked among the filth
My house is massive, the slanty-eyed midget would get lost.
>your room
Are you faggots all under age?
Literally not true. There's a certain tolerance to stretching that develops when the vaginal cavity is constantly penetrated, thus making it looser. Look into the anecdotes of porn stars for example. There have been a few that have gone on record stating that giving birth was relatively easy due to a wider canal opening. There have also been porn stars that claim that 9" MINIMUM is the only way they can be pleasured when it comes to sex, due to prolonged stretching during sex.
>look like the type
riders have no "type", they're all whores. even that quiet girl in the back of your class
are you not?
True, this user gets it. Also if you get back pain make sure to lift more than your max rep. The pressure on the spine will literally squeeze the pain
Alot of us are NEET/Hikikomori, in our 20’s and 30’s. We wish we could go back to being underaged
Does Nanking spark joy?
Haha like imagine how terrible it would be if Marie Kondo discovered how filthy your room is and shoutted "Bad user! Bad! Need punishment!" then took of her stockings, shoved them in your mouth and put a ball-gag in there too, then made you sniff her feet haha like wouldn't that just be the worst? haha
>the sock
w-w-what sock?
I'm too ashamed of my room to let Marie-san see it
My floor is dusty and I have cum tissues under my bed. She'd probably tell me to get rid of my DVDs and Blu-Rays.
Devour them you fucking whore
I would be fine, she would probably ask why I have 7 headphones but then again japs would get this kind of headphone hoarding. She would probably want to fuck me and I'd give it to her, hard.
Seek help.
Marie Kondochan would be proud of my pad. I only have basic stuff.
this, plus she's had kids too
I want her to come to my house and make me clean her asshole with my tongue.
>I would stick her in dryers and turn them on and leave her in there for long periods of time
That would probably kill her pretty quickly, idiot
She’s been fucking baby dicked gooks and she’s like 4 ft 6 in. For sure my BWC will stretch her out like no jap ever could
>miss kondo found the semen strainer
I've fucked grandmothers with tight pussy.
>fucks grandmas
Whats the point? Sounds horrifying.
Her clothes do not spark joy and don't belong in my room.
>she finds the poop drawer
my cumbox
Do you not have your own bedroom?
>not just anecdotal evidence perpetuated by urban myths but anecdotal evidence from people with literal below average IQ
Oh yeah, you got it.
My collection of BBC dildos will spark joy in her