Why do people praise this monologue so much?
Why do people praise this monologue so much?
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It shows he's a real human bean.
I've sneed feed you suckers wouldn't fuck
summed up pretty well
Because The Vangelis Soundtrack: Track 13 Tears in Rain
When the line drops there is other-worldly analogue sub-bass from a Yamaha CS80
This. The words are corny as hell, but they're conveyed with such sincerity it works
It's pretty profound for a 4 year-old
>my man I have seen ships
>I saw jets and helicopters
Literally the equivalent to what he's saying
It’s a statement about vets returning home from ‘nam. We asked them to do unspeakable things and when they came back we viewed them as a little less human.
time to die!
It's fascinating because his experiences show a departure from humanity (they are only possible because of his superhuman replicant body) but the way he feels about them is deeply human.
Good imagery and a statement about how the replicant lives where more fulfilling than theirs, maybe because how limited the time was for them to enjoy it.
>I've seen things Yea Forums wouldn't believe
>trolls on fire off the shoulder of Orion
>I watched faggots glitter in the dark near the Tannhäuser Gate
>All those shitposts will be lost in time, like piss down the drain
>Time to post
>went somewhere and looked at some lights
It's vapid and useless, so it resonates with travelfags.
extra memely low quality post
Haha, nice one kid! I like your moxie, I really do. You remind me of a younger me.
Back when I was just starting out on the boards, I would pull stunts like this all the time. Turn a meme on its ear. Try to be a "big guy" and impress the oldfags. It's completely normal.
But ya know what, kid? In time you'll come to learn that there's more to memery than simple tradition. There's great strength in it. Playing along with some OP's epic bait isn't something we do because we want to fit in. We do it because it weeds out the reddit fags and normies from the true memesmen of Yea Forums.
You stay around here long enough, kid, and you'll come to realize this. But for now, get out there, have some fun, and think about what I said.
And then read the first letter of each sentence of this post ;^)
Why does a dove fly out of his pants?
So this is the power of autism
>When you own a CS synth, you are required by law to post a Blade Runner Main Title video. I have now fulfilled that requirement
cuz he saw like... a spaceship and stuff
I saw C Beams, nigga. For real.
>hurr fireworks
>hurr exploding space shuttle
He was literally trying to impress Deckard, someone who just showed up riding a fucking FLYING CAR, with shit a random humie could have seen in the 20th century.
Not quite. More like, I have seen ships in an environment that someone stuck on earth couldn't even comprehend
>I've seen nothing past the firmament
jesus raimi
There is literally zero value in the things he has seen.
>I've seen sephiroth kill aeris
>I've seen two brothers fight to the death in the middle of shadow moses
>and a young boy in green storm the spectacle rock to save the future of hyrule
>all these things will disappear...because of the meddling...of SJWs...
Idk why but this one really got me user.
>hey man I've seen some shit and remember it so I'm just like u *dies*
>I've seen things
I always thought he just found some real nasty stuff on the internet
like loli breeding compilations or some shit
Spaceships and Lazers nigga, I seen em
Not quite. More like, my man I have seen ships
Nigga, we wuz on the belt of Orion and SHEIITT.
The 'Tears in the Rain' speech means a lot more to me because I have early onset Alzheimer's. I can feel the memories leaving me, slipping through my fingers, I want to cry anytime someone brings up something and I just don't remember any of it. I find myself confused at the most ordinary things, I want to fix myself, but I can't. I can just sit back and wait for everything that was me is lost to time, only remembered by others.
I don't know why people praise that monologue so much. Maybe in those last moments he loved life more than he ever had before. Not just his life, anybody's life, my life. All he'd wanted were the same answers the rest of us want. Where did I come from? Where am I going? How long have I got? All we can do is sit there and watch him die.
it runs in my family too
The 'Tears in the Rain' speech means a lot more to me because I have early onset Alzheimer's. I can feel the memories leaving me, slipping through my fingers, I want to cry anytime someone brings up something and I just don't remember any of it. I find myself confused at the most ordinary things, I want to fix myself, but I can't. I can just sit back and wait for everything that was me is lost to time, only remembered by others.
Was absolutely not expecting this feel itt
Do you keep a diary m8? to track your thoughts and remember them and stuff
Rutger wrote it himself because he thought the prepared speech wasn't good enough, and it's pretty fucking impressive writing for a non-writing actor
Only other person I can think of who did something similar was Brando in Apocalypse Now
user, I...
>bro i've seen advanced technology woah...
You already posted this you faggot
>lasers go pew pew and ships go boom boom
The 'Tears in the Rain' speech means a lot more to me because I have early onset Alzheimer's. I can feel the memories leaving me, slipping through my fingers, I want to cry anytime someone brings up something and I just don't remember any of it. I find myself confused at the most ordinary things, I want to fix myself, but I can't. I can just sit back and wait for everything that was me is lost to time, only remembered by others.
>dude haha I like looked at these things before