Jussie Smollett charged! Whew
Cant wait for the media not to retract!
Jussie Smollett charged! Whew
Cant wait for the media not to retract!
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They've been reacting all day retard, and everyone is pissed at him. The chief of police went ham on his ass and they have no way to retort.
>Do something to send a message that the country has a racial issue
>get in trouble for it
literally dont understand at all
Well he got caught.. I wonder what's the next step of his master plan.
He did whites a favor. Nobody will take niggers even more seriously now.
Getting raped in prison... in the shower!
>so delusion you fake a hate crime because not enough happen
you can't rape the willing
Gay people can't be raped.
This is the funniest shit ever and I'm a liberal. Watching my neurotic acquaintances cry about how they hate cops and the Chicago police 100% set him up has been entertaining as shit.
no fuckin idea who the fuck that is or in what movie he played
Just saw on CNN that one of the Nigerians was Jussie's drug dealer. LOL this just gets more and more typical and hilarious.
The circus came to town early anons, I hope you all have your popcorn.
Just a gay nigger crying wolf.
It's been banned from r/ politics because its not politics related
What did he mean by this?
>two buck ghetto niggers buying gloves and ski masks
The real crime is all of actual hate crimes in trump's America where black men are targeted by white MAGA supporters with bleach and ropes that won't go reported
>Cant wait for the media not to retract!
Can't wait for you to ignore everyone reacting to the story so you can support your victim narrative. Oh wait ...
sounds about right
>Buying all that shit at the same time
>Buying it right before you're going to commit a crime
And I bet they thought they were smart for buying all that shit
You'd think it don't be like that but it do.
I Wonder mental gymnastics Twitter is gonna do now?
>'lynching' is top news there for days
>the fact that it was faked isn't news at all, go back to sleep
the actual real crime is people will take this bait.
I still believe him.
I, for one, don't care if blacks are dying. It's a net plus for the world anyway.
Why don't you niggers stay there.
I guess you can call it a case of fake noose.
They’ve been on level-5 damage control since there was hint of a possibility of the attack being staged.
>this doesn’t change anything drumpf still raysis reeeeeeeeeeeee
etc, etc.
Yes, that's what he was doing. By hiring Nigerians and everything lol.
At this point we have to ask, how many supposedly real historical lynchings were just elaborate hoaxes as well? I don't think you can find a single photo of a historical lynching which doesn't feature Vaudeville-tier special effects. I've illustrated this in a photo for you, you can literally see the guy wires or 'smolletts' as safety lines are sometimes called in the stunt, circus, and magic crafts.
>he literally got his drug dealers into the show as extras in a few episodes
holy shit this is peak nigger
Holy shit 100 thou for bail? But he's only worth 900 thousand! Hopefully one of his kind Hollywood liberal friends like Ellen Page will pay for his bail since he was attacked by Drumpf's bad men.
>those stupid extras looking directly into the camera
peak jew you mean
why is hitler there?
Why do lynchings look so comfy. It looks like a great why to get the local community together.
Neither did anybody else because he's primarily known for being the 4th most important character on a black nighttime soap and having a minor role in alien covenant, which I actually watched and had no idea who this guy was. Well now he's actually as famous as he thought he was, how ironic
ten bucks says he complains about his arrest and detention through his lawyers
will hollywood rally behind him?
>Spend 2 weeks screaming a lefty narrative at the top of your lungs
>After it gets debunked spend a day or two publishing quiet retractions and then memory-hole it
Who'd he play in Alien Covenant?
Jesus your friends are retarded. The fucking Chicago police chief is fucking black and wants more media on young blacks getting gunned down. So no this faggot wasn't set up. Your friends are a good example of Zoomer intelligence.
that nigger who died
Check em
he's gonna get a different kind of noose and bleach,,, in jail
But think about real hate crimes!!!
Let's try that again
Empire which is about nigs being niggers in the nigger music industry. Oh and because of this faggot the show's lifespan might be shortened. The City of Chicago where the series is filmed in just got negative press because of him and I doubt the network wants this show after the negative publicity this will generate. Other series have been cancelled for less.
holy based
he cute
>find out his dad is literally jewish
As a leftist, watching this obama-worshipping idpol lib fuck himself over has been very enjoyable desu
impee fowty fah
One literally looks like a hairless gorilla
Bet they all feel like dickheads now
No most everyone is turning on him at this point
I bet seeing niggers hang made her white cunny wet.
YOU are a funny, funny, FUNNY person
>just "one"
you don't have to pretend to be nice here user
What a beautiful thing. This guys fucked himself so bad he will never find work again. I would so it leads to his suicide but this guy seems so narcissistic I doubt he goes that route.
Made this with my phone btw
*smacks lips* AYOOOOOOO
a lot of people on twitter don't seem to think there's a problem he made the whole thing up
learn to read
Well the one with the purple beanie is especially apish more than his brother
The media is pushing the narrative that he did to get back at the all-black show that's killing him off, not to create more hate against whites as part of the democrat anti-white hysteria.
They're so full of shit.
>As a leftist
you're not fooling anybody, commie
>about to lose job
>fake hate crime
>community rallies around you
>cannot possibly be fired now
>unless everyone finds out
>then you're fucked
So close
and he still believes himself
Yes I'm literally communist, you idiot
Yeah because if they did the same stunt and they didn't have this guy's fame and money to eventually bail them out they'd go on and tell the FBI how so in the right they were for almost causing a race riot in Chicago I'm sure. At least White Supremacists go to jail without compromising their ideals. All these Twitter faggots would rat on themselves the instant the police interviewed them. It's not a political statement it's a power fantasy on Twitter's behalf.
They're reading press releases straight from Jussie's legal team. Only the cops know how far this goes, and maybe the FBI, and also certain guilty looking parties...
cool your jets discord tranny and go have another dilation session
they already said he wasn't/isn't going to be fired.
He did, however, stage all of this right before a concert he was having. A concert which had zero tickets sold before the event. A concert which was sold out after the "attack".
If anything that MO makes him even more shitty as a human being cause it was only for money and getting noticed. He's a piece of shit regardless.
The facts were incorrect, but the narrative was true.
fuck wypipo
imagine this dude sucking your dick. holy moly
>Cant wait for the media not to retract!
a retraction is made for a factually incorrect error, not a developing story thereafter reported on correctly. as far as I've seen not even your /pol/tard bogeyman CNN was reporting on smollet's hoax charges in a nonfactual way.
A homosexual with a drug problem? Well I never!
>a day or two
It's frontpage fucking everywhere. The media thinks the story is juicy so they're all over it. You'll have to rationalize your victim narrative some other way user.
Watching that CPD press conference made me want to rewatch The Wire.
Are you even fucking listening you idpol cunt? trannies belong in the gulags right alongside you fat fucking magacunt parasites
Well they just wrote himself outta the show and the show's future will be in jeopardy. So he dun fucked over everyone.
Give Chicago Fire a go
>not to create more hate against whites as part of the democrat anti-white hysteria.
Any evidence to support this assertion my good man?
Noooo! What are you doing goy!
so you be sayin’ we buyin’ masks n shieet
So what should niggers do if I feel unsafe around them?
reading comprehension is important user.
maybe you should slow down and read the post you're replying to at least one more time before posting.
Did he say black people from the show beat him, yelled "THIS IS EMPIRE COUNTRY," and put a rope around his neck?
And don't act like this is an isolated case. They commit so many false-flag anti-white hate crimes that there's a fucking web site for them.
Am I in The Truman Show or something what the fuck. This shit keeps getting more and more ridiculous.
>not to create more hate against whites as part of the democrat anti-white hysteria.
Tell us why the media should be pushing this. What evidence my illiterate friend?
They dont feel safe goy!
bruh this dude is a genius
>Did he say black people from the show beat him, yelled "THIS IS EMPIRE COUNTRY," and put a rope around his neck?
No. What does that have to do with the situation? Have you never heard of people using unrelated events as scapegoats before?
how do you not just call the police right then and there?
Why? They were pushing the exact thing for the past month.
>They were pushing the exact thing for the past month.
Evidence user. Where is it? You seem really bad at this.
>"yes goy, think of the real ones!"
To be fair you sorta have an excuse for buying a ski mask when it's negative 20 outside
>ask Jussie to supply call log
>subpoena phone record from his provider without telling him
>cross reference and find the entries he deleted
>tell Jussie you found the perps and ask if he wants to press charges
>without informing him that his story was already falling apart
CPD went beast mode on his ass.
He's mounting a defense btw lol
>literally dont understand at all
This is bait, no sjw would ever be this honest
kys red shit muerte a los rojos