Are there any films on the plight of the Asian man?

Are there any films on the plight of the Asian man?

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pokemon movie coming soon

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I really wish stupid Chinese, Korean and Filipino dicklets would top grouping all "asians" together as if they are tribal niggers.

This is fucking cringe.

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So he's bagging an alien looking chink and I'm supposed to think he won?

Who is doing that?

They do that because they foolishly believe if shit hits the fan then all Asians are gonna somehow unite to exterminate the non-asians

asian "men" on suicide watch

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I'm banging my hand, man...


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she looks half-white

I wonder what the person who makes these threads looks like

Imagine being this handsome and settling for some down syndrome moon faced zipper heads.


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These threads always bait the chinks browsing the board top kek

those thots are ugly

nobody cares about asians that much you gook

You're going after average looking women because you are a beta fuck with yellow fever who can't get the cream of the crop. You are a sad pathetic fuckwad.

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look at that passionate kiss. You know he's going to fuck her brains out with his European cannon.

sauce me up senpai


Oh yeah, this isn’t gonna be biased at all

if you think they are ugly then why do asian boys get so butthurt at it?

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>Asians are the most populous in the world
>I'm supposed to believe they all can't get laid

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Mostly talking about the ones in the US


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If you're from the US you have the biggest advantage of all, a green card.

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>that kids face


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>Incel TV

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It's a photohop filter, retard.

you fags always say that shit but the fact that you get so upset over it just shows that it's pure cope lmao

You know that asian women in asia throw themselves onto (even ugly) white men because having an European Employee/Boyfriend/etc. is one of the most prestigious status symbols you could ever get?

Every rich Chinese can buy afford and BMW or a Ferrari but you can't buy a Bavarian or North Italian that easily


If spanish spics and indio spics have to share "Hispanic" then you fucks can share asian

I just want a black gf with a big but not fat(as in actual fat) ass, that's my plight

Chink cope ITT

>Incel TV

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This but unironically

I think its funny that the asian incel cope is that white men are too good looking for asian women

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Nah, little gook looks like he inherited the down syndrome genes from his plastic mother.

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I think it’s funny when Asians and Indians come to the U.S. (SoCal in particular), to leech off of the education system and take jobs, then get utterly blown the fuck out when their women want nothing to do with them

average (not full ugly) asian dudes who go full r9k are bizarre

it's complete fantasy land made by their own depression and morbid thoughts

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Why does the wh*te women seethe when I say I like the Asians

they should just become traps already and join their asian sisters in white dick worship

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this shit is nonsense and they're living in a online world fantasy feeding on each other's depressed thoughts that go in a morbid "what is the worst possible case scenario"

i have a balding asian friend who looks like a japanese John C Reilly and he's happily married with a big titty italian woman

(but fuck the r/asianmasculinity chinks spamming cuck shit here)

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Asian here, what's up with these random hate threads? I mean if were pathetic losers then you shouldn't even think about us but still find so called self proclaimed whites who make posts like these
I wonder what the person behind these posts really looks like and what their motivation is


there used to be troll brigades from asian subreddits posting cuck porn here and every once in a while the people who take the bait keeps the fight going

all the whiny asians must be asian americans, right

white men didnt make this thread.
The first post is from the point of view of an asian incel whining about the plight of of asian men

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I wonder what compels someone to go on those subreddits, I'm an pretty anti-social guy but I could never be that insecure about being asian.

these dudes are ultrally mentally ill and think about white men and asian women 24/7

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Dating shit is already hard for most dudes. Women are terrible all around and some asian guys actually might have a slight harder curve (in a very broad general sense), so i can understand at least people gathering and exchanging points of views

I could imagine getting angry if i saw the women saying stupid shit like in OP's video (it makes me angry even not being asian). But some guys' autism and depression really takes them to some dark self-destructive roads

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One possible issue with an Asian mate is your kids probably won't look like you and then grow up to be a supreme gentleman.

yeah, you should keep it full white so you can have a kid that grows up to be chris chan

i LITERALLY just watched this on pornhub
is there an extended cut?

No she doesn't

>those comments
r/asianmasculinity is leaking

whats the equivalent but for mexican men? where can i go get worshiped?

>Asians are successful thus white therefore fuck'em
t. liberal