Reminder, if you're past the age of 29 specifically and

Reminder, if you're past the age of 29 specifically and
>still play video games
>don't have a house
>don't have a wife
>don't have a college degree
>don't have a paid off car
>don't have a child or one on the way
>don't have at least 2 outdoor hobbies
you need to get off this board and go outside.

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>grr you must strictly conform to society's standards grr!!

society improves from having standards

None of that shit is worth it.

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ok I'll go buy a hou-

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>tfw I have 0 of these things

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>past a certain age, a man married man with multiple affairs can be a bad thing.

Mmm I'm just going to enjoy my life to the fulliest and do the things I like to do.

Life is not a religion, I don't really have to do all that crap you listed just because you think its right. But we get where you're coming from ;)

I'm 26 and divorced
And I lost my job in October
And I am now living in my mom's basement again
Haha Yea Forums btfo

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Yes Mr. Goldstein! Can you give me a crippling loan I'll be paying you back for 40 years to cover all the costs please?

>expect me to have kids
>ive never even been on a date


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kys already you genetic dead end

>tfw I have none of those things
Every single person I know that has their life in remotely put together is absolutely miserable, just like their baby boomer parents

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what do i do? i have anxiety problems and nobody around to help.

>just man up bro haha

Why would I want a child you faggot?

>Stop shaming him1!

You should instead blame his shitty parents for failing him. We need start helpig our lost brothers instead of shiting on them.

>implying any of that is worth it

lmao at the state of this faggot ass cornholin cocksuckah op. we are not /yourgoys/.

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>what do i do?

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>Still play vidya
>Own a home
>Have a live-in bf (we're fags)
>Never went to college
>Car is paid off
>Don't want to adopt because gay parents aren't good for children
>Multiple outdoor hobbies
r8 me Yea Forums

Does a manufactured home with a monthly lot rent count as owning a home?

>no friends
>24 years old
>12k in savings
>have my own apartment (still owe the bank 80k kill me please)
>no grilfriend
>no car
>did not finish high school
>currently no job for 8 months

h-how am I doing guys?
if I only got a gf or something things would get better and I would feel more motivated

but being alone 24/7 and jerking off while drinking beer and smoking hash is never going to help me get things going

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>don't play videos games
>have a house
>have a degree
>have a paid off car
>have outdoor hobies
Fuck I only have 1 year to get a wife and get her knocked up.

stop being gay

Why do I need a college degree when I make $100k a year without it?

>>Don't want to adopt because gay parents aren't good for children

I almost wanted to put a bullet through yours kull, but this shit saved you. Do atleast keep your faggotory to yourself, that is not attend gay parades or kiss infrot of children?

Still play vidya
No house
No wife
No degree
Paid off my car last year
Have one kid
Hiking and gardening

Not too bad I think

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Imagine unironically devoting your life to slaving away for money that is all squandered by your unappreciative whiny stay-at-home wife and your asshole kids.
Is it truly the final cuck?

based faganon
would smoke with

You have me, fren

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I hate kids

>no wife
>have one kid

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Here's your roadmap.

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>paid off car
Dont tell me people go into debt to buy a car. Why dont they just get a cheaper car?

how tf you saved so much money?

I bet this poster is exactly all of the above.

Is that why normies are insufferable drones?

by working minimum wage jobs since I was 16 and living with my parents until I almost turned 24

the funny thing is that I am a fuck up but is still doing better than most peers who kept on going to school

I would like to do that but I feel like I'm too ugly to function. I'm at the point where receptionists at doctor's offices literally yell at me and get angry when they have to check me in for an appointment. How the fuck am I supposed to get a good job and spouse if I'm that low in the pecking order?

>the point of existing is to keep making things exist

Take the Big 5 personality test. You will find that you are low in Conscientiousness. Conscientiousness is the strongest predictor of life success and happiness. The reason you are miserable and depressed is because you don't take care of yourself, you don't maintain a schedule, you don't think about how your actions affect other people, and you don't set goals for yourself. Life feels like it is passing you by because for some reason you expect things to just happen to you. You sit inside doing nothing, feeling sorry for yourself that ordinary life milestones keep getting delayed, and you wonder what it is about everyone else that allows them to find a healthy relationship, that allows them to socialize, that allows them to have little anxiety, that allows them to be functioning adults and this is it--every time someone tells you advice on how to fix your life, you ignore them. Society's standards were not set by accident. Having families makes humans happy. Being able to provide for our wives and children inherently makes us happy. Sitting around all day doing nothing, playing video games and eating like shit is not the dream. It is the nightmare. Grow up. Get a job. Get a life. Be happy.

>I stoped at 24

Fuck life and fuck it hard upp that ass!!

Yeah have fun paying for an adult child and one or more actual children for the reat of your life, with a probable chance of getting divorced (if you get married) and losing half your shit to someone that didn’t do anything to earn it. Yeah, that guy sure is the loser here.

>Do atleast keep your faggotory to yourself, that is not attend gay parades or kiss infrot of children?
We don't even have sex. We kiss but keep it at home. The both of us hate 99 percent of gays and hardly like to be associated with them. We thought about marrying but decided not to because that'd be disrespectful to religious people. Someone said once we're not even gay then, and we're just friends that kiss sometimes, but I love him.

9/10 choices. Quality brain you have, other than arguably the gay thing, but let’s be honest, dicks are WAY more aesthetic than pussies. Even assholes are more aesthetic than pussies. Tits are nice, though.

i still play games and dont have any of those except a wife (well gf) and a kid

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>2 girls asked me out this week
>not really attracted to any of them but they are cute
>another guy is interested in one of them
>he's a basic fucking douche bitch, so seeing the girl he is eying like me instead feels great
>start flirting with her because it feels good cucking him
>gotten to a point where she really like me now and wants me to take her out
>if I say no she'll most likely rebound with the faggot
>say yes and she'll think I want to take this relationship seriously

What do I do?

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Normie shit lol

it's not 1950 anymore gramps


pump and dump. that way you mark your territory and let him know he can have the leftovers.

Why the fuck would you not want to be normal you self-absorbed piece of shit?

least u didnt fail uni user.

i'd smoke some hash with you

Yeah, because losers like you can't stop masturbating to the thought of your own afterbirth.

That is quite literally not how it works. Most people who have followed the “ideal” path will tell you they aren’t happy.

You fuck her until she wants kids, then you best dump her ass and move because bitches ain't shit.

This sounds good, but she doesn't seem like the type who goes around getting laid any chance she gets. Pretty sure she's still a virgin.

dumb mobilefag

Lol. Fucking drone.

>A lot of money.

how about you bro, how are you doing?

hopefully ill find some random chick to smoke with on tinder when I get myself a phone

relatively for that age esp with no current job.

no every one on here is mr. banks like biz would have you believe

Got everything except a kid, Do play vidya though, helps me calm down after work sometimes.

>well paid job
>live at home with parents, share living costs, have large lving area, parents will move out at end of years
>khv but don't care
>have driver license but no car because i dont need one
>work remotely
>lots of spare time

making a family is for suckers, I'll shit out some spawn when im 50 with some thot from a poor country and will do whatever i want until then, mostly acquiring lots of cash so i can retire early

The normie life must not be all that when you fags have to constantly come here and shit on the scum of the earth to make you feel better about yourselves.

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Ok virgin

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that's even better, user. you'll leave that mark for good.

>failed uni

Same age as you though. Need to save some dough and get my own place. and to do that I feel i may have to wagecuck it for a while

What a response.

>if you haven't done a certain number of things which are increasingly difficult to accomplish at this arbitrary age it could be a bad thing

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Yes it is. You will understand when you grow up.

I'm a college dropout and have more than him just in a savings account. Not counting investments, IRA, and 401(k). I had more than him in savings when I was his age also.

For some reason, people in their 20s don't understand the importance of saving money.

TV and You bros is all I have left. I'm manlet, beardlet, and voicelet. I'll lost genetic lottery.

You are an absolute moron.

yea ok kid

I’m 26 and have 22k. Am I doing okay? No college, minimum wage job, and I still live at home.

reminder that this website is full of failed normies that desperately want the normie life

ah shit, what did you study?

wage cucking isnt so bad if you find a place with coworkers at your age. i worked customer service for 2 years and had a blast. everyone was my age, lots of chicks and parties etc

just talked shit in between calls and was high at work because managers were too busy looking at our results

>start earning 40k per year
>two holidays per year

not on this planet m8

You're not giving advice. You're making assumptions. A lot of the problems you describe are relevant to people with a family, a job, "a life" as you put it.

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I'm not handsome
I'm short
I don't have a big dick
In fact my dick is not aesthetic in any way
I was not born into wealth
Why the fuck should I care at this point?

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>still play video games
I do
>don't have a house
I live at home
>don't have a wife
never had gf
>don't have a college degree
I only barely finished highschool
>don't have a paid off car
I drive my moms car
>don't have a child or one on the way
never had a gf rather watch porn
>don't have at least 2 outdoor hobbies
all my hobbies are indoor

I'm almost 30

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who on earth wrote this

That looks like a nightmare. Who would actually want to associate with humans that much in their life?

>tfw no hobbies and still play vidya occasionally
DoD is still fun. i'm unironically a 30 year old boomer

and how did you get all that money mr gucci loafers?

love to see people bragging about money and not including the only thing people care about; how you made it

i have 93k in the bank and own my own home.

based advice

do you even lift?

my only hobby is masturbation, Im unemployed and I dont drive

lmao OP btfo

me:1, OP: 0

>first kiss: age 15

haha that feeling when missed the first milestone. life is the greatest joke of all.

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here the real roadmap

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How good are you at masturbating?

Does masturbating in public count as an outdoor hobby?

>be happy
All that bullshit you wasted time typing up is worthless when your fucking brain has a chemical imbalance that is out of your control and the only way to (((treat))) it is with (((anitdepressants))).

>no job
>no car
>no girlfriend
>no friends
>no scholarship
>25k debt
>6"x5" dick

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My advice is the same as the advice you posted, with fewer words.

>importance of saving money
>having your money sit on the lowest interest rates in 70 years for Mr Banker to use
property and investments shit on savings, you're an idiot if you think savings make you wise compared to those spending it in their youth, you know that time in their lives when they can actually enjoy it.

nigga im 24 and have 12k in the bank and my home is worth 200k how can i even be doing better when i never went to hs

i bet you are a boomer yes???

I kissed a girl consensually on the lips at 5. Am I ahead of the curve? I haven’t kissed a girl since then, I’m 25 now.

the best, I learned to stop myself from ejaculating and instead have a full body orgasm which can last up to 20 minutes and my abs hurt afterwards as if I worked out

You should get a real job and move out.
I got a job on the railroad. When I started I only had about $300 to my name.

why are you 25k in debt?

inb4 depression isn’t real

>t. one car repair away from financial ruin

lol did your dad get you the job or what

youre silver spoon nigger

You need to learn to listen instead of just hearing what you want to hear. People who care about their emotional well being are miserable. People who care about the well being of others are happy. Care about and for other people in the way that you are best able to--that is your individual path. The more you believe your life is something held in common by the rest of the world, the happier you will be.

Is a real job one that I would need a degree for?

Have you used critical thinking at any point in your life?

t. has a shit life till 60 then takes out a worthless quantity of money saved in his 20s thanks to inflation
>misses every opportunity to make money because 'it's better to save' and can't invest well when old because disconnected from modern world

>I'm 26 and divorced

Alright, let's go with the chemical explanation. Guess what that means? All your thoughts are chemical. That means if you change the pattern of your thoughts, you will change the balance of chemicals. If you change your behavior, you will change the chemicals in your brain. You are unhappy because your chemicals are out of balance. Your chemicals are out of balance because you don't take care of yourself and you dwell on negative thoughts.

Change your name then

Nope. I am one of twelve children that my parents had, and everything I have I've earned. Stop crying and work smarter and harder at life.

Not in the slightest.

mfw 28

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Yeah. It's why I'm not depressed anymore and I actually saved money while I was doing it.

you are a boomer or a fucking mexican hahaha

>Thinks saving means only throwing money in a savings account and not investing it.
>Thinks that because I save money I don't spend it on things that actually interest me and experiences that I enjoy.
Project some more.

>work hard at something I didn’t opt into

That's generally a good idea

I'm 29 and white.

No, you just conformed to an illusion.

the projection is all you man.

God i hate self hating faggots like you most of all.

Once automation kicks in hard, this will become a reality for so many people.

I'm 25 and I have a gf. My big brother (construction company) is going to help me build a house. I can't drive but I have plenty of outdoor hobbies. Fuck having children

>Take the Big 5 personality test. You will find that you are low in Conscientiousness. Conscientiousness is the strongest predictor of life success and happiness

I got a 76 in that. You're full of shit

>Only play the genre's I like (TBS, fighting games and Flagship Nintendo stuff)
>Kinda half have a house. Given how shit the house market is, we took out a loan and "bought" an extension to my mother-in-laws house with its own entrance.
>Have wifey, she's cute as fuck, I got fucking lucky
>Don't have college degree, got into an IT role at the local hospital as an apprentice. Full on server engineer now.
> >Buying a car you need to "pay off". 2005 Suzuki Jimney. Fucking love it.
>I have 2 furry 4 legged children. I love them with all my heart
>Running. One will do.

There, do I pass your fucking test?


I'm 39
>completed degree for Nursing recently
>car will be paid off in two months
>getting married next year

Years 18-34 were a wild ride.

a degree in"graphic design" so all in all no degree is probably of equal value.

Yeah man the environment definitely does help to get by. It seems like you're sociable, do you really have no frens?

No, because the actual test was not about the material gains you accrued, but your insecurities

>tfw everything can be automated
The future looks bleak, YangGang 2020

Don't make me fucking shiggy diggy in 2019

Oh, in that case, I'm very happy with my life choices.

>start earning 40k a year
>after you've already bought and sold multiple properties
Wow I'm shocked that this graphic was produced by a loan company. Also I beat one of these stupid milestones! Started renting with my partner age 23. Feels good man.

Just bee yourself

You're not honest with yourself. Take it again.

>Be happy. I command you.
You just summed up the reason all normans are brainlets

What is the difference, in your mind, between happiness and the illusion of happiness?

is she the wun?

literally is

This might be the repressed shit I've ever read.

>start exercising and force myself to work
>no desire to play video games anymore

>not reading
>not listening
>looking only for reasons to stay miserable
You just summed up why nobody likes you.

>2 kids, new car, and a house by 31
>dont make 40k until 37
How in the FUCK does this work?
Also where do I sit if I have none of this but my own flat and 40k a year at 25

chasing milestones is a sure way to get your shit fucked up, senpai. the only one of note is for women to shit out a kid before their ovaries become the gobi desert.

Since when is Yea Forums full of NEET losers with autism?

I got depressed just reading the comments, fucking do something with your lives Anons.

>think about playing vidya but never have time for it
>have a house
>have a wife
>have a (meme) college degree
>have one paid off car
>don't want kids
>hike and hunt
I'll take mediocrity.

29 is way too high, that still gives me 5 years and I already have half of that done.
Gotta say 23, that aligns more with how shit used to be and makes me feel like shit for not being married or having kids

playing video games designing cities with your friends and socialising isn't a waste of time

>still play video games
>living with sister
>only have a gf
>only have a worthless Associate in Arts degree
>traded in my car to make payments on a newer one
>no kids
>no outdoor hobbies
>already 21
I feel like a failure at this rate, especially with 70 year old boomers telling me I should have my life started by now
If I flunk this semester I'm gonna get booted from uni and work min wage forever or kill myself

How's Wojak earning minimum wage in a warehouse?

Everyone wants to pretend there's a huge influx of newfags but the truth is people who grew up shitposting never matured and are still at home shitposting. Imagine that.
It doesn't work. That's a con-job road map from loan brokering site to encourage poor financial decisions out of people financially locked out of middle class.

>designing cities
It's incredible that gamers always do this same thing, and never notice it. You're not designing cities. That's an illusion. Nothing you are doing is even remotely similar to what actually designing a city would be like. You are living in a fantasy. It's childish.

They're all interesting. You could be replaced by an edgelord statement generator and nobody would notice.

I'm not a newfag, been coming here for /got/ generals since 2015.

People warned me that Yea Forums is a rough place where racism is tolerated and so on, but honestly had no idea how socially crippled the userbase is until now. How the fuck can anyone still live with their parents after college, not have a gf (or at least get some casual pussy), not have a work and just play video games all day long? What kind of miserable life is that?

cool! my dad did the same in the 90s and hes on welfare now.. you should just do that stuff on hobby basis and if you are good things will work out my man!

yeah no friends. i have a hard time keeping friends cus ""depression"" and other stuff so it only works if they are coworkers and the only social thing we do together is drink

You have some low standards.

>Not a newfag

>be honest about it and take it again
>repeat the test 10 times
>get 74 average

You're full of shit.

>I'm not a newfag
>been coming here since 2015

yeah, you're a newfag

It's been 20 minutes. You didn't even take it once.

>waste my days playing videogames, watching cartoons and just doing nothing in general
>no house
>never had a girlfriend
>no friends
>just started university but can't get myself to study
>skip half the classes because can't get myself to get out of bed
>can't even drive
>no hobbies
>poor and no savings
I don't know how to change. It's like every time I try, next morning I'm back to square one.

this. if anything they only hire you part time. I made $15 an hr working in a Fedex Warehouse.

That's still a year earlier than 90% of people here, the average poster is a 2016 reject from Reddit.

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You fuck him in front of her.

>What kind of miserable life is that?
Its better than wagecucking 9 hours every day and having to deal with roastie drama. the fuck I need to move out and get a job for?
What am I gonna run around like some teeny bopper somewhere for someone elses money?

>Delete your internet.

There, I saved your shitty life. Abstain from the web for atleast one year and you'll see change. Your brain is made of shit right now, it needs a good ol reboot.

>I don't want sex, money or fulfillment of any kind

i agree, it's a vocation that you can learn all by yourself really and truly. not worth pursuing at an academic level.

that sounds familiar. bet herbal remedy helps to an extent. you kept in touch with em during your 8 months out rn?

Mental or physical illness. If you aren't independently wealthy there absolutely not a single way out. Men are the very very lowest on the gibs scale and don't get handed anything when they are in a bind. I know this from experience. I got a college degree but could not get a job because I had serious mental illness problems that I didn't have enough money to solve and I could not get a job to pay for getting better.

It's a strange day when you realize that civilization may not depend on the lynching of sub-saharans but if it isn't then it's dependent on you getting framed for planning on lynching sub-saharans. Basically there is no "outside" even millionaires are getting taunted to go outside and hung rhino or sumshi'.
I'm sorry your so dependent on stagnation. Maybe you're a beer.

i can really recommend getting a job bro

was just like you and wanted to kill myself everyday but got a wage cuck job and just talking to random people about shit really helped me and things just went better from there

just getting some money will make you feel better. same goes for just being a little bit social.

also go to your doctor, using some pills for a short time might help a lot. only use it to get to work for a while and then quit

Why would you want to be Alexander when you can be Diogenes?

I have porn, I get NEETbucks and thats fulfilling enough.

>wagecucking and pussy gives you """fulfillment"""

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You're neither, just a loser coming up with lame copes to justify another day of doing nothing when you wake up tomorrow. I don't mean to sound harsh but honestly I'm shocked how dysfunctional some people here are.
You never dreamt of achieving something, of being loved, of being able to afford some luxury items? Yeah I get that getting 6/10 long-term gf and average paying office job isn't the life of a rockstar or famous athlete, but it's still not a reason to give up completely and rot away in your cum-stained pajamas.

>comes on Yea Forums
>preaches the virtues of being a pathetic fucking normalfag

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What a horrifically gay perspective, in the worst and most meaningful way possible. Straight autogynephilic. How can you bear to live with the shame of living so well off the labor of others? How small must your penis be that you still haven't chocked to death on it? All of your ancestors weep to look at you. Redeem yourself before it's too late.

>video games and porn give you fulfillment

>since 2015.
you sicken me

not as much as i sicken myself, but still

so when did normies take over Yea Forums?

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Pretty much, yeah. What’s the problem?

Did you even fucking watch True Detetive?

Marty checked all those boxes and still ended up sad and alone. His job was the only one of those things that gave his life purpose.

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no. deleted social media before I quit job and lost
gf. im just a mess bro. half my family is gone cus alcoholism and my head just doesn't work right at times

weed and alcohol works yeah! do you have friends or gf??

do you like to draw or just design stuff? remember my dad just making shity sites in java or something

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They were always here.

Have you ever related at some point in your life to the situation you're describing?

Uhhh, 2D wife counts right?

Anybody basically quit gaming due to boredom? I think there comes a point when you have played too many games and it is all so repetitive. Not to get too pretentious but games as an art form are very low brow. "Oh this game has such a great plot and it's so deep etc...", the actual mechanics of playing the game will always distract from the message of the game, meaning art forms consisting of reading and watching are more intellectual.

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I did for a while, but now I'm into flight simming. It's like 80% reading manuals, and 20% actual gaming. Pretty sweet, actually.

I love how the OPs who make this thread (probably fellow useless NEETs just baiting for Yous) completely miss the point.
And it's not just a TV show thing either. Go grab a beer with any guy in his thrities with young family, wagecuckery job and mortage. After six drinks, 90% of those will tell you they'd rather be NEETs without any responsibility. Naturally at this point they have no other choice than to maintain happy facade on social media, as dictated by the wife.

>Be happy.
OR ELSE!!!!!!!!
Fuck you and your (((life))).

I´m neither supporting your degenerate civilization nor your degenerate roastie whore daughters, voting degenerate whore politicians into office.
So they can "distribute" aka STEAL my earnings and give them to ORCS and NIGGERS to breed instead.

THIS WHOLE SHIT is going down, S O O N.
And all I have to do is sit at home, shitpost, play my vidya and watch your pretty world crumble down in and on itself.

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reminder, if you masturbate, you are raping yourself, wrecking your innate ability to regulate mood and energy, just to get a few seconds of dopamine rush.

Same applies with eating sugary food.

>still play video games
I don't "play" video games, I fucking live them. I've got every game known to man at my disposal and will have every new one that comes out, every platform to play them on can be at my fingertips instantly. I have a goddamn arcade and a VR room.
I have a goddamn luxury mansion. A lodge in the mountains. Oh, and an island with many buildings that all belong to me. Does my own fucking movie theater count as a "house", faggot?
Don't have choice. I have a harem of the most beautiful women you could imagine and they'd all marry me in a second. I have sex roughly 4-5 times a day....if I'm not feeling particularly horny.
>college degree
I've got one in a bathroom somewhere in case I need more toilet's worth about that much.
How about a garage of cars? Motorcycles too. And a fucking yacht, not to mention my own goddamn TRAIN.
Maybe later
>outdoor hobbies
Well I can literally do anything I want whenever I want so I'm sure I could form two outdoor hobbies from that.

AHahahahahahahahah you thought you could make a thread like this and make me feel bad? Fuck you faggot, you fucking lose.

Which one? Being a functional member of society or depressed, delusional NEET with no purpose or joy in life?

The more the art form engages your imagination, the greater potential it has. A poem which can elicit a clear and precise sensation is the highest of art. Nothing engages the imagination less than video games. They are the lowest of art.

fuck off jordan peterson

>have masters in stem with 4.0 gpa
>cannot work in my field because not us citizen
>either move back to europe or live with my american wife, cant have both
>cannot work any other job because of opt limitations

even when you work hard and marry your soulmate like a good christian you can still get fucked

>You never dreamt of achieving something
being good at Videogames is enough achievements for me.

>being loved
too much work to attain this meme shit, why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free on the internet (porn) ?

>of being able to afford some luxury items?
I'm not poor. I don't pay for rent, food or anything else, I'm debt free.
I also have a good gaming PC, a PS4, a smartphone, two onaholes what else I need?
some memecar or a wooden mcmansion?
nigger pls

>but it's still not a reason to give up completely and rot away in your cum-stained pajamas
thanks to /biz/ I'm early enough into chainlink so will become a millionaire in the future and if not I will just kill myself.

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I would play the shittiest game in the world as long as the mechanics allowed me to perform functions that my brain is trying to do with no impedement. Unfortunately most games I play can’t (or aren’t designed to) keep up with my brain.

>Flagship Nintendo stuff
>"2 furry 4 legged children"
one yikes please dawg

This is right though. If you're happy that's all that matters
>although being happy while causing others misery isn't happy for most (re: no sociopathic) people

>hey guys, just stop eating food

please do us all a favor and kill yourself.

Hi there!

You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of Yea Forums are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have used a tripcode when posting, but your identity has nothing at all to do with the conversation! Whoops! You should always remember to stop using your tripcode when the thread it was used for is gone, unless another one is started! Posting with a tripcode when it isn't necessary is poor form. You should always try to post anonymously, unless your identity is absolutely vital to the post that you're making!

Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my bait to help you get used to the anonymous image-board culture!

Quality bait

but what if I do visual arts as a hobby

>still play video games
>have a house
>don't have a wife but same gf for 6 years
>have a college degree
>car almost paid off, will be before I'm 30
>don't have a child but gf is 4 years younger so have time
>don't have at least 2 outdoor hobbies but go the gym and play guitar so not catastrophic

Definitely need to play less vidya and make more money so we can start pumping out some kids. I'm trying user I'm trying.


why would you want to browse this shithole if you have a life?

Yeah, real fucking hardcore and impressive. You've really shown us. You'll be the hair that breaks the camel's back. The reason society is going to shit is all the people contribution, and not the increasing number who fail to contribute. I guess though, since you realize how pathetic you are and how little your are making the world a better place, you actually are more righteous than me, because in doing exactly the opposite of everything you think is moral you've managed to not go against your principles. Good job. Good effort. Kek be with you.

I’ve achieved things without dreming of them. Achieved by accident essentially.

you're the same, user. instead of justifying your shitty life on a tibetan basket weaving forum you're going to wife up some dumb 5/10 cunt that baloons after the first kid while you're slaving away at a shitty job. at the same time you'll look down from your high horse on some losers on the internet. i bet you think people here are posting ironically and for the memes, right? lmao at you redditors

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>life is a series of milestones
No, not really. I lived like how you live now. Just living life as though it were a series of checkpoints. It's not fun. It's full on depersonalizing. There's no way in hell you're 25+, because you would have known this by now. When you get all goal obsessed (because surprise, that's what your lifestyle becomes), then you do things you want. But you do that shit in the sense that you're there, but your soul ain't there. You're just there in body. You see it all of the time in social media pics, people on boats in exotic locations, drinking sugary cocktails, but not genuinely smiling. You see it in their eyes. It's as though they're just running down a checklist of happiness instead of doing what makes them actually happy or living.

All you're really doing is applying pressure to people and greatly increasing their anxiety. This ain't personal zen, you're just coaching them to be fucking drones or else. That's why they have anxiety in the first place, because dipshits like you placed so much pressure on them in the first place. You're not giving advice, you're straight up gaslighting people to be nuerotic wrecks. Not everyone will live the same life, and do the exact same things as you at the exact same time you do. You wanna know why society has gone to shit? Because gormless fucks like you are sitting there, shitting out saccharine platitudes and thinking that will fix things.

>Having families makes humans happy.
Normally yes. But not in this society that DEMANDS you fit in and do X, Y and Z before 35, or else you may as well kill yourself you fucking loser lmao. For you to have a happy family and wife, you effectively need to get the fuck out of this sick society.

>I'm not a newfag, been coming here for /got/ generals since 2015

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>murika posting

here's your daily ration of (you)