Hey boys thoughts on my physique? Been working on it for a while

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Hey, I saw this thread on /fit/ before.

what the fuck is going on in the hip/ass area?

Welcome to the meat show

hes a chunky guy

>what the fuck is going on in the hip/ass area?
I think he might have had lipo? I don't know who it is.

Extreme weight loss does this. He was bulking too much.

loose flaps of skin because he obviously used to be extremely obese

post the picture where he is smiling like a fucking goblin

loose skin from rapid weight loss. he was probably fat as fuck (300+ lbs)

The body says "I'm gonna fuck your wife but the face says, "please fuck my wife".

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i have a similar gut/hip area and i was an obesse kid, i wonder if it'll go away someday now that i'm on my way to low bodyfat.

Thanks for weighing in, disgusting obese avatarfagging anime poster.

The body says "I used to eat your wife whole"

>What did you just saw about Nintendo?

Riley? Damn boy goy swole

The body says satan and the face says monster

i think it depends on how fat you were before weight loss. Skin is elastic but i guess there is a point of no return where it won't fit to your body anymore after weight loss and you'll have to get surgery

Can this even be avoided if you lose weight slowly enough for the skin to have time to readapt?

do women like hairy dudes? pls respond

some more than others.

I definitely don't have it as bad as that dude but it's noticeable, my parents fucked me up big time because they thought i was malnourished and started pumping me with iron and weird supplements that made me gain weight rapidly.

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only if you're a big guy. Body hair is thought of as a sign of masculinity, but a skinny skeletor with a hairy body is a contradiction, same repulsion people feel when seeing overly flamboyant fags


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