>millennials cite this episode and this line in particular as proof that The Simpsons used to be redpilled
>they were too young to realize the writers were mocking Republican attempts to bring down Bill Clinton with sex scandals
Millennials cite this episode and this line in particular as proof that The Simpsons used to be redpilled
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>millennials cite this episode and this line in particular as proof that The Simpsons used to be redpilled
>they were too young to realize the writers were mocking Sneed's attempts to bring down Chuck with sex scandals
quit trying to be divisive. It was a great episode because it truth regardless of your partisan bullshit
Sneed feed and seed
>>they were too young to realize the writers were mocking Republican attempts to bring down Bill Clinton with sex scandals
What? The standard protestors in that episode were stereotypical SJWs... the feminist, the pony-tailed guy, "we ain't crazy about nuclear power either"...
>being old enough to remember this episode at the time of airing
Shouldn't you be asleep, gramps?
>false accusations are only valid against people i disagree with.
This is your mind on leftism.
alt right zoomers think that opening a massive investigation into Clinton for getting a blowjob is any better than opening a massive investigation for Kavanagauh trying to rape someone
Shouldn't you be feed and seed, sneed?
Christians are the original SJWs. Their fee-fees are the reason society is like this today.
This is your mind on sneed
>strawman strawman strawman
the absolute state of right-wing intellectualism
Women falsely accusing men has always been a thing in history.
Thats why ancient societies knew nobody should take women seriously.
he literally spent decades boning every intern, volunteer and staffer that came within 20 yards
he has multiple bastards and dozens of women who literally came forward and admitted he raped them using his position of power, all with the complicit approval of his wife Hillary Clinton, who even helped cover some of them up
strange how the (((media))) forgot to do any kind of journalism into the entire situation huh
>he's still seething he won't get generic capeshit 3
You mean for lying under oath.
>Op doesn't realize he's demonstrating how insane the left has become
just like Kavanaugh
well said mike
>Chucks cite this episode and this line in particular as proof that The Sneedsons used to feed and seed
And of course the woman who always defended him and attacked all the alleged victims became a feminist icon.
Awful thread but it does make me wonder how much better this site would be if we quarantined leftypol and sneedposters to one thread and just left them there to rot
didn't he rape more women prior to the presidency?
t. non american seeking knowledge
Reminder that the scandals around Clinton were not simply about a blowjob in the whitehouse
Sneeds feed and seed
but he is?
Gunn got hired by DC to make Suicide Squad 2
>strange how the (((media))) forgot to do any kind of journalism into the entire situation huh
Were you born after the year 2000? You couldn't get through the day in 1996 without hearing about a list of all the women he fucked.
It's retarded when either side does it
A tragedy. Whether right or left we can all agree capeshitters deserve to be BTFO.
>"BECAUSE CHUCK SELLS FUCK AND SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SNEED SNEED SNEED, AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, SNEED IS SO FUCKING FUNNY, I'M TOO AUTISTIC TO THINK OF SOMETHING ELSE TO SHITPOST ABOUT SO I JUST POST "SNEED" IN EVERY FUCKING THREAD AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
>I'M NOT A RETARDED AUTIST, I JUST FUCKING LOOOOOOOOOOOVVVVVVVVEEEEEEEEEEE THIS ONE SCENE FROM THIS ONE EPISODE OF THE SIMPSONS SO MUCH THAT I ABSOLUTELY HAVE TO POST ABOUT IT IN EVERY FUCKING THREAD SNEED SNEED SNEED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>OP too young to know that PC madness first started in 1990 and many Simpsons episodes referenced it, this included.
lmao worked
>one is something he actually did
>the other is something he didnt do
Thanks Mike
Point still stands, op
Except slick Willy was caught lying under oath and he actually did do what he was accused of.
Are you left wing leaning parasites able to discern the difference?
This. It was about fucking in addition to sucking.
>OP doesn't know that this episode aired in 1994 and Clinton's sex scandals were not a big thing until 1998
Is the guy playing homer in "Portrait of an Assgrabber" saying "With THE man in the white house(which would be a jab at Clinton)" or is he saying with A man in the white house. I've heard it dozens of times and I can't figure out which one he's saying. I
>muh party politics
Kill yourself brainlet. Trump is not a repub nor a dem. Trump 2020.
OP is an uneducated faggot
Good Simpsons is better than the best of any other show that ever aired.
That episode came out 35 years ago and is funnier, and more honest than anything being released today.
>All these faggots that think s6 was still great.
Yikes. Garbage like this is sneed tier.
whats going on in this thread
not only doesn't get the joke, but is the exact type of person the episode was making fun of
>the writers were mocking Republican attempts to bring down Bill Clinton with sex scandals
wow really makes you think huh
And Clinton was literally a rapist lmao
>making rape jokes supports rape culture
>but go ahead and joke about kid rape
just admit you're a spineless fruit who's thirsty for pussy and fears angering it
>35 years
I wish Ben was a real talk show
They are too young to remember that conservatives HATED The Simpsons
I'm starting to think most of them were raised by liberal hippies
I wasn't even allowed to watch this show until like 98
youre right. i can do better
jajaja una sneeda
That's what OP is saying though?
>they were too young to realize the writers were mocking Republican attempts to bring down Bill Clinton with sex scandals
how was this not redpilled? Being redpilled is not confined by party lines.
I doubt it.
>Greg Daniels, the writer of the episode, originally pitched this episode as being more centered on Lisa's and Homer's opposing ideas on feminism. Eventually, the episode became more a satire of the media and shows like Hard Copy. David Mirkin, the show runner at the time, felt very strongly about the "tabloidization of the media" and has said that the episode is as current today as it was at the time and things have since gotten worse. Several gags in the episode are based on what real-life shows like Hard Copy would do, such as making people appear guilty without a trial as well as completely invading their privacy by setting up camp outside their homes.
Nah that's just ideology
he says 'A man'
the people protesting Homer were clearly drawn to be 1990's sjw/feminists not Republicans.
No joke feminism literally started in the late 1800s as a spinoff of evangelism meant to shame males.
spbp, OP is a dumb faggot redditor
yeah christians made triggered trannies
>Hard Copy
shit was kino
>we used this line of thinking against you in the past!
>that means you're not allowed to use that same sort of thinking against us!
>rules for thee, not for me, tee hee!
based and sneedpilled
>Yellow man bad
wtf im a lefty now?
>yellow man bad
Kek, based golden age Simpsons 25 years ahead of the meme game
This but unironically
cringe and yikespilled
the more things change, the more they stay the same; (((they))) just control context
the spirit of Hard Copy lives on with To Catch a Predator.
Any interview show where they can edit is the same meme.