
No Cakes Edition

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Other urls found in this thread:


First for Marc

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Woah amazing alien design

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>No Cakes

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don't worry, I got the cake!

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I tought those were just weird scars like Mindy Kaling had before she transitioned

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What's behind that door?

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Someone tweet this thread at Jonathan to make him cry

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four channel shades of frakes

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>Are we still on for hasperat tonight, Commander?

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the only cakes i need are lizard beefcakes

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>hurr durr muh gorn husbanos
>hurr durr muh reman waifus
When are you going to stop being cringe, user?

Girl Riker looks like the Orville Tranny


what reman waifus? i think you've confused me with another poster there.

Only an idiot would think Voyager was, or is, more popular than DS9 or TNG. Stop denying that Voyager was a wasted opportunity (as Enterprise was, too) and accept that, while it's far and away better than STD, it was not well received due to it being poor Star Trek.

>Cake? Oh just a bite, I’m watching my figure. I’m auditioning for a new Star Wars series next week!

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>two cakes
will someone stop this man!

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>Crewman. Why are your pants wet?

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Voyager was far more popular than DS9. Otherwise, why did Voyager run till 2001 while DS9 ended in 1999?

VF has the ability to delete posts like but refuses.

Oh no no, this can’t be happening!!!

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Let's all thank the Borg for never transwarping directly to Earth. Let's all thank the Borg for never assimilating any planets on their way to Earth, thus making an unbeatable army of shipyard building drones. Let's all thank the Borg for equipping less drones with ranged weapons than the Soviet Union did during WWII. Let's all thank the Borg for only beaming over a few drones to abduct Picard when they could have beamed over enough drones to take every crewman, despite being written as a collective consciousness at the time. Let's all thank the Borg for opting out of using communications probes to drive Picard and 7/9 crazy with constant visions and communiques. Let's all thank the Borg for failing to properly weaponize nano-machines. Let's all thank the Borg for only ever sending the one ship, which was never a tactical cube. And let's not forget to thank the Borg for never using time travel before or after any such conquests.

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>As far as I'm concerned it will always Voyager and all of her crew for me, for whatever category!
Fuck you Karen

>believes everything she reads
Who would've thought?

Now post some moldy old straw poll screenshot where 30 people voted showing how based Dukat is or whatever

Now direct your phone to a different site since you're not welcome here.

>that one person who in ironically hates DS9 because the showrunner is Jewish

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Love you too looking forward to our 10th anniversary ;)

>that one trip who unironically "doesn't like" TOS

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Is it you? I’ve read your posts and have contacted the JIDF

It's boring. 0079 fills the same niche for me.

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Power Play, which DS9 really lazily ripped off

>0079 fills the same niche for me

>enjoying one but not the other

Why did Worf not swear revenge on Dukat for killing his wife like he did with Duras?

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Avenging a thot brings no honor

Why do you keep posting that pink dildo?

Because he blew up a whole shipyard instead.

Polite reminder that "Prime" may not be canon and you might have all been rused.

Because she can’t afford to have kids, Aunt Leslie!

I really don't think there is a single character in TOS as good as Char and Amuro. The cast of TOS is so predicitible. You can always predict how Bones, Kirk, and Spock will react to most situations. They have an Id-Ego-Superego relationship. It's good to have a consistent character, but people aren't even realistically that predictible.

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>that’ll show ‘em!

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>comparing MSG to TOS

Stop talking to tripfags.

>actually talking to someone who thinks Chinese cartoon characters are good
just filter >her. None of >her opinions matter.

I got some cake.

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In DS9's defense, it's not linear.

Yeah sure Gundam is a little better but that doesn't excuse gaps in taste.

Because you didn't watch Wrath of Khan and you didn't watch Blood Oath.

Revenge is a dish BEST SERVED COLD.

Ah, cellular peptide frosting. My favourite!

No, seriously. What the hell does Gundam have to do with Star Trek TOS?

I saw Blood Oath. Ash/Voq’s baby went shithouse on those moldy old Klingons

>watching anything after TNG

She puts all "old" things in the same mental box.

So she doesn't need Old Thing X because she already has Old Thing Y, even though X and Y are more than 10 years apart.

God forbid we compare and contrast these two retrofuturist anti-war science fiction space shows that came out a decade between each other.

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The pragmatic choice would have been to close the wormhole.

This thread isn't about half the things you're trying to talk about, you stupid whore.

Do you think Starfleet have any safety protocols in place to stop a transporter chief beaming his sperm into the fallopian tubes of all female crew members?

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MSG has nothing to do with TOS, there is nothing between them that is alike except in the vaguest senses such as "sci-fi" and "military". It also doesn't make sense that you would say that because you like MSG, you don't need to like/watch/digest/whatever TOS.

It sort of seems to be xer argument, but I'm hoping it's not. For sanity's sake.

maybe not safety protocols but i imagine they'd have a pretty easy time analysing the dna of the children and coming to a conclusion

Do you have the one about Deanna’s dress?

>compare apples to oranges because they are both fruit
>huuur you fucking idiot you can't compare two fruits

I get that they are fundamentally different, but they are part of the same genre. You can still compare Star Wars to 2001 even though one is space opera and the other is Stanley Kubricks autism weaponized. At the end of the day I like the characters in Gundam better, and if I want to watch an old cozy sci-fi show I'd rather watch that over TOS.

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That’s nice. Maybe you should talk about Star Trek in a Star Trek thread tho, or are you worried about being lost in the crowd in a more appropriate venue? Jesus Fucking Christ you suck.

TOS very may well have influenced MSG.

>can't remember my social security number
>can remember what Riker looks like without a beard
Is the United States federal government even real?

Have some cupcakes, user!

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Thats a fucking good question man...

Also, this thread needs more based Neelix & Kes

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Remember when Jimmy was living in our heads rent free?

I would also argue that Gundam is as popular in Japan as Star Trek is in the US, though I'm not too sure about how the respective cultural impact of the series compares.

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>remember when Jimmy couldn't stop announcing it was indeed him who was now posting his tl;dr posts about how much he missed by speedwatching the series'?

the only reason I keep going to work is the hope that someday a perfect star trek gf will darken my doorway

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>I like apples, so I can't like oranges
I still don't know why you brought up MSG in the first place. By the way, 2001 is a lot closer to TOS than MSG is.
>I like this cartoon about giant robots and psychic teenagers there I have no interest in this live action show about middle aged socialists exploring space

I suppose you'd get caught on a starship, but transporter rape must be a thing. If you had your own personal shuttle you could find a populated pre-warp planet and spend months in orbit fapping away and beaming the jizz into thousands of women.


I can’t wait for intergalatic shitposting.

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None of the cosplay whores you posted have ever seen a single trek episode or movie.

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Because STD threads are made by shills. Don’t worry, they go away when the season is over.

Based Kirk questioning the almighty

so? Do you care about that when you're pounding their mounds

hi vf

Because characters I guess. I think the characters in TOS are too predicitible and I brought up Gundam because it was another old sci-fi show with good characters that act unpredictably but consistent.

It's why people like In The Pale Moonlight so much, because Sisko reacts in a unpredictable way to the unscrupulous thing he did. Scotty, Kirk, and Spock are rigid and consistent to the point where they are boring, and it's hard for me to care about the plot of a show if I don't care about the characters first.

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I doubt it. Star Trek never really caught on in Japan and what they did get was mostly TNG which was still obscure. Japan, I hate to say, is far more familiar with Star Wars. Which did inspire Gundam, even though Lucas himself was inspired heavily by Japanese works.

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the other threads exists so the namefag can call Tilly the filthy fat pig she is

I miss the paid fan art posters.

Which namefag?

Tilly needs to be spanked.

>Tilly needs to be spanked.
A Tilly spanking scene would get me to watch STD.

>Tilly needs to be ignored.
Fixed for the stupid tourist.

>I guess. I think the characters in TOS are too predicitible and I brought up Gundam because it was another old sci-fi show with good characters that act unpredictably but consistent.
MSG's characters are every bit as predictable as any TOS character. In fact, many of Gundam's characters are just as undeveloped/one note as the cast outside of TOS' main trio. Kai is always an annoying loner contrarian coward, Hayato is always a manlet loser, Bright is always an abusive hardass, Mirai is always a passive aggressive slut, Sayla is always an egotistical ice queen with a brother complex, Amuro is always an emo savant, Char is always a duplicitous egomaniac hiding behind lofty ideals and there's always a token childhood friend to the MC who is clingy and annoying. I'd say Kirk, Bones and Spock as defined as they are still undergo a lot more development and exploration as characters.

The Dubsminion has endured for 2,000 /trek/ threads and will continue to endure long after more cakes have arrived.

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>cia, his hands on his belt, his stance wide


They're not made by shills. They're made by normal Anons who pretend to be shills because they see you as weak prey. You're a gullible target who is easily fooled, and they enjoy seeing you triggered by the presence of "shills".

Is tonight's episode the mid season finale thing? Will anything be resolved?

oh shit son

Do you think in the 24th century they still have gun nuts on Earth who insist on a right to own a disruptor?


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go fuck yourself, user.

It's just lonely people who want (You)s.

The opening episode of Enterprise had a white guy shoot a black alien with a plasma shotgun so I'd say yeah.

Just as soon as you leave my site.

Heh. Not bad, kid. You made me use 10% of my power. Now watch these dubs!

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You act cool and tough but in reality, I think you are a cuddly marshmallow.

>beaming the jizz into thousands of women
This is why only the scum of the universe visits us here.
Mostly for harvesting.

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But his wife called me!

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I thought Gundam and Star Wars were developed independent of one another. If I remember correctly Gundam actually premiered before Star Wars did in Japan.

Amuro gets PTSD and matures and Char is a nut because he's always on his own side and you never know what side that actually is. Spock is logical, Bones is emotional, and Kirk is the mediation between the two. TOS has an interesting concept for sure, but like I've been saying the characters do nothing for me personally.

I'll never compare and contrast anything to anything ever again.

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Not everything is a university essay, you smarmy cunt.

what # weyoun is this?

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An abomination in the eyes of ChristGod and the Angels.

I hope star trek is wrong and atheism loses.

>starship goes to Green Alert five times a day for prayers towards Mecca

Voyager is objectively more popular than DS9 now because women like Janeway. TNG and TOS are obviously still way more popular, but I think VOY is comfortably third for popularity.


>Voyager is objectively more popular than DS9
I'm going to have to call bullshit on this one.

Japan got Star Wars in 1978, Gundam came out in 1979.
>Amuro gets PTSD and matures and Char is a nut because he's always on his own side and you never know what side that actually is. Spock is logical, Bones is emotional, and Kirk is the mediation between the two.
This is a poor argument because you are oversimplying the characters of TOS while elevating Gundam's. You are also confusing character traits with character development. Amuro, Kirk, Char, Spock etc. all have defined character traits. Those same characters also go through various bouts of character development. Spock, Bones and Kirk all go through events that test their beliefs and behaviors, just as Gundam characters go through the same sorts of development. Frankly, I find your statements to be dishonest and if not that, then fucking dumb. I think it's okay to admit that you don't like something, but don't pretend that you're doing so out of some sort of elevated taste which scorns inferior character writing. Gundam is good and has strong characters, but Star Trek is also rightly praised for that as well.

He's just trying to get attention to be happy.

I really don't think the characters in TOS or VOY are great. TNG and DS9 have better characters that develop and are less one note in my opinion. I mostly watch shit for character arcs. It's why I like shit like Mad Men and some people don't and that's okay.

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Of course DS9 is considered by people who have seen all of Star Trek to be better than VOY, absolutely. But I think the number of Orange is the New Black retards outweighs the number of Trekkies who rewatch DS9 yearly

>some people don't and that's okay.
Lie nr. 1.

It's basically the same.

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All fucking tripfags must fucking hang

>I mostly watch shit for character arcs
That doesn't mean you can tell a good one from a bad one or if one even exists. For example, most of your Garak love is based almost completely in fan fiction head canon.

They have a right to post. Same as you.

It's based in shit.

>tng characters develop

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Anonymity should be enforced


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Why? Tripcodes mean it's easier to know who's talking to who.


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That would be the best transporter use imo.

Also, what stops you from beaming shit into the sky and make a diarrea rain?
Just adjust the replicator to create massive quantities of shit and beam them to the chosen planet.

You could also create a religion.
>pick a virgin girl
>get her preggo
>wait for birth
>do crazy lights in the sky and make it rain blood with the replicator/transporter combo

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stop posting that fucking pedo. it's in poor taste.


>geordi's romulan mind rape
>data almost killing a guy
>picard living another life
>beverly's relationship with picard
>barlcay's struggles
ah yes all that great tng character development

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It literally doesn't matter who is talking to who when you're anonymous. Every post is judged solely by it's content.
There's also a lot more discussion of the topic at hand and less "oh boy I wonder what Xtripfag is up to today, anybody seen Ytripfag, is Ztripfag or Xtripfag better" bullshit
Just look at /arg/ on /k/ for the end result of this faggotry

Make your own website.

>Just look at /arg/ on /k/ for the end result of this faggotry
link it, u momo

t. BF

Was this an outtake that was kept in? It really seems genuine

Fuck off, neelix is life

It's called good acting. I know you Stationfags are accustomed to broader performances.

It's been 9 years. Let it go.

I love my tripfag friends
They're more interesting than Trek


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I judge a characters merit based off if they demonstrate agency and if the agency they exemplify is consistent and realistically nuanced. What metric should be used to decide if a character is good or not?

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Lately, when my mind wanders, I find myself thinking more and more about /trek/.

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>I love my tripfag friends
They don't like you though

>Anonymity should be enforced
Not this again. Not when it's finally safe to use names again. How about we enforce names for everyone?

Why are you here?

>literally who trip makes separate posts to reply
how new r u

Gul "The Cuck" Ducat

I have literally never seen the dubsminion get dubs before now, what is this the mirror universe?

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This. Why the fuck would someone go to an anonymous forum and decide to use a name?
If you wanna be recognized go to another platform...

Look user, I'm not asking you to like me, or to be my friend.
I'm asking you to join me, to fight on my side.
You know what I'm doing is right.
And it's what you want to do as well.
I know that our past makes it difficult for you to accept me as an ally, I also know that every fiber of your being is telling you to say no, no, no, but somewhere, I know there's a yes.
You need to listen to that yes.
Not for my sake, not for other user's sake, not for the tripfag's sake, but for /trek/'s sake.

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They are asserting dominance by branding the thread.

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Why would somebody shoot a man before throwing him out of an aircraft?

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This place needs rules, man!

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uh so I've been here for three hours and still haven't met a perfect star trek gf

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Tripfags are like chewing on aluminum foil. Most other canons are blithering idiots. But I will follow you

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I would not be surprised at all if Reeds actor was a virgin IRL at that time.

I'm always here.

I survived the purge of 2017

Disregard my previous posts, I am a huge faggot.

Wrong trip faggot


based anti-tripfag poster

Who is the Micheal Scott of Starfleet?

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Chekov without a doubt.

Barkley and Geordi.

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both of you shut the fuck up if you can't figure out how to talk about star trek

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Data with the Emotion Chip

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Disregard my last post as well. I too am a huge faggot.

>trip alts
>trip socks
We're better than this /trek/

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Just started DS9 again and forgot Sisko looks like a baby in the first season!

At least use the trip that's public if you're going to roleplay as me. Low effort.

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Those are some knockers. Shame about the face.

>Brannon Braga apologizes for writing Threshold, which he himself admits was a mistake and one of the worst things he's written

>Roberto Orci flips out at Trekkies over Into Darkness, says it was the greatest thing he ever wrote, and that everyone against it is just an angry nerd incel

What went wrong?

Brannon wrote some incredible episodes of TNG, VOY and ENT. Are there some stinkers? Sure, but they were having to crank out 26 scripts a season, so another one will come along to cleanse the palette and he seems to have a healthy attitude about it and he got to bang premium Jeri Ryan. Orci had two mediocre movies that everyone knows are more forgettable than outright awful, is a fag and 9/11 truther.

man I've never seen DS9. How is it compared to TNG? I've been told it's less idealistic/philosophical and more realistic & grim.

>realistic & grim
>They're cops!

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It's pretty realistic.
There is a shapeshifter watching everyone and invisible reptilians enforcing order.

The Orville begins in 15 minutes! Come enjoy this week's gay Moclan episode

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Is it possible to learn this power?


My original point is that, "back then", big TV/movie/corporate folks wouldn't outright insult the people who consume their product like they do nowadays. It's probably because Trump shitposts on Twitter and gets away with it so they're like "I wanna do that too!"

>and he got to bang premium Jeri Ryan

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>no young, over compensating star fleet rookie taking a bite out of the cake's crotch to get a laugh from the lads

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Working in media now, I can only imagine how much damn work it would be to crank out that many scripts in a year. He had a decent amount of help at his disposal and didn't write every one, but still the task is daunting.

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It's pretty rad! They move away from the monster of the weak formula TNG had and definitely explores some of the grey areas of Starfleet mortality.
It's a wonderful companion series for TNG after you've gotten used to all of these strong impenetrable archetypes DS9 steps back and introduces you to more complicated characters. The plot starts to sag towards the end but the characters are consistently engaging!
Also there's a Trill cutie who could probably break my neck if I approached her, which I find immensely alluring.

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>here's your Androrian gf though

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>retarded tripfag say aircraft insted of starship in /trek/
This is why your life sucks, i hope hirojew start charging for using tripcodes.

I even wrote a better version referencing Rom airlocking Quark like three posts before she started Baneposting yesterday but probably didn't even recognize it because it's not a Garak episode.

>I took four dips and watched Kevin play Silent Hill, I can't be bothered to remember anything

What does /trek/ think about deep space nine? Is it really THAT bad?

It's fucking trash. They literally sit in a darkened space mall and don't "trek" anywhere. It should be called Star Stationary rather than Star Trek.

I love it, but find its hardcore fanbase insufferable.

All tripfags must hang.
if you dont reply to this post with "tripfags must hang" riker will stab your mother in her sleep tonight.

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lol lol fuck tripfags

It's not terrible, it's just boring. SOME episodes were classic Trek, others felt like a soap opera in space with a Trek flavour. I've watched the whole thing and don't remember most of it.

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It's pretty great, thanks for asking.

>find its hardcore fanbase insufferable
This is the post.

Why, are we too REAL for you?

nope, shan't even (you) that pathetic bait attempt

>animated episode written by walter koenig
>features an entity known as a retlaw plant

genius really
brilliant writing
no idea why the animated series never got past ~24 episodes

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TAS had amazing writing. I think the end of the WGA strike is what killed it though. Everyone went back to live-action TV.

I wish I could remember the actress' name. She is perfect

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Love that hair.

was there a time avery brooks wasn't stoned out of his mind while on set?

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You have no proof he's ever smoked in his life, you tawdry gossip.

Come on. I HEARD the nigga sing jazz. He was high as a fucking kite on left handed cigarettes.

Why did the original enterprise bridge have random pictures of galaxies and shit?

I found her.
Christi Haydon from the band Sparks.

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Because it was cool.

>Cowboy bar has cowboy shit on the walls
>Space ship has space shit on the walls
It's basic set design


How new are you to act like this is a discovery?

I am not new at all. I wanted to remember her name, is all.

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I'm just gonna leave this here

It's spreading


whats up fellow trekkies. reporting in a lil drunk and ready to shit post.

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>dabo bitches
My fucking nigger

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This is a discovery.

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why the fuck are you crossposting all this bullshit?
I dont know what the fuck is going on today, but the threads today where pure shit.

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you're pure shit

orshills have orders to destroy trek threads on new disco ep days.

Yeah I was really disappointed in the religious intolerance displayed by a prominent poster today

haha it's a MIRROR universe so the earth rotates in the opposite direction of ours.

That's why they don't like bright light, since it rotates backwards their days would be nights.

STD is shit
ORV is shit
DS9 is (STD+ORV)^2

That was fucking bullshit.
>haha the dark moody lighting in the MU was actually for a reason

>all the mallfags are leafs
Imagine my shock

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I guess having sex with dogs wasn't enough. They have to be pedos as well. Sickening.

>no tripfags
Which timeline is this?

The final evolution of /trek/ is to migrate and become a /pol/ general.

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But why is Africa so close to Asia? What did they mean by this?

Pure white Vulcans?

>Ok, so there is a M class planet.
>Pre warp civilization so prime directive apply
>this civilization is phisiologycally indistiguishible from terran humans.
>The society has weird thing.
>Every girl under 15 y/o is legal to be used sexually by anyone who desires to.
>Starfleet stops in that planet in search for X thing needed by the ship.
>They have to close a deal with such civilization.
>is customary that to close a deal, after the contract is signed, both parties have sex with a 5 y/o girl to make such contract legal.

How will each captain procede?

What is more pathetic?

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Convince the self-aware contract machine to self-destruct
After a series of speeches, Dr. Crusher/Geordi/Data figure out a way to synthesize the rare thing they need
Pound that pussy
Grind on that clam
Accidentally kills the girls in an attempt to liberate them


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>“The Original Series has to be rated NUMBER 1 because of 2 things, most importantly because without the original there probably would have been no Next Generation, DS9, Voyager or Enterprise...and secondly because it was the only one with SPOCK!!” – Robert L. Hutchinson

He forgot TAS. I literally hissed.

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Janeway is seriously oddly attractive.

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yea it is called not going outside, so you all already masterd it

Bow to your queen.

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Nah, qt romulan is my only queen.

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How exactly was he aware of the time Mr Woof had that vision in the cave as a child?

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I tried

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>literally just watched the Orville

How fucking horrible was today's episode

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It would have to be Vic “If she’s under 15 slip ‘er the dick” Mignogna

Honestly the final form of /trek/ will be to migrate to Yea Forums. There are several of us here already.


hi nordic wonder

Kirk: Since the PD was a lot looser at that time, Kirk would've just liberated the society from whatever bullshit they were laboring under. Basically TOS: "The Return of the Archons".

Picard: PD is strict; they can't execute a deal with them, at least not openly. So this is closer to TNG: "Who Watches the Watchers", with a bit of TNG: "Code of Honor" and TNG: "Symbiosis" thrown in there. You could also draw analogies to TNG: "Justice" and TNG: "Suddenly Human". My take is that Picard would refuse to take part in their barbaric ceremonies and would try to find some alternative way of obtaining the substance. I think Picard would sooner steal it.

Sisko: DS9 isn't Trek so I don't care.

Janeway: Probably would just steal the shit if she can. Otherwise send Neelix over to do the duty.

Archer: Did they even have a prime directive in ENT?


pweeeaaase no buly an nasties in /twek/

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You disagree on some point? I wonder which.

>Girl Riker
What the fuck?

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Why, oh why, do I wanna fugg Saru's sister?

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>when you have the bridge to yourself

What do?

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jerk off to pics of Bashirfag on the big screen

>What do?
Computer. Recognise Data, Lieutenant Commander. Alpha One clearance. Maintain minimum auxiliary power and disengage subspace communications.

>captains log

it's the only trek show i enjoy

gib hot Kelpian gf, plz

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jerk off

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i think it's great and compliments tng and ds9. they feel like two halves of one whole. tng is episodic, very little carries from one story to the next. there is very little conflict between each of the crewmembers. picard is a solitary and distant individual.

ds9 is serialized, where each story builds up and develops the next one. it's gritty and nobody on the crew gets along all of the time. sisko is a family man and engages with the crew.

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>MKULTRA pays for STDs
damn I thought he was one of the good ones

I can't wait for the season 3 spread.

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Why does the girl somehow look more like Riker than beardless Riker?

of all the dumb fucking shit

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put stuff in my butt then call that annoying admiral who's always telling me what to do and make him look at my gaping asshole then later blame it on a gay version of myself from an alternate timeline


Save it for the jury, Neel. We found the hard drives.

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You now remember the larvae eating episode

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Old Frakes is turning into David Bowie


Who gave you the latest viewer tally for STD?

Mealybugs are fun

was pike seriously going to try to take out the pylons with photon torpedoes despite they fact that they are pretty much nuclear bombs?

Apart from the fortunately brief few minutes of nausea camera in the opening scene, that was a damned good episode

This entire season has turned out to be what you get when you actually listen to criticism, but also thankfully don't listen to complete fucking idiots like Yea Forums posters

I agree, ORV has gotten good again.

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make a neww thread

>ENT god
>STD okay
shit taste

Nah. Orville is garbage.

You, obviously. Kys

You'll address him respectfully.

Cartoon Kirk is best Kirk

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pwease no nastyposting

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samefag and STD lover, leave!

New thread