...and this is my son's room. He's quite the television and film enthusiast

...and this is my son's room. He's quite the television and film enthusiast

Attached: e59f79397d03ee68c61b44057a55d76f.jpg (550x366, 38K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Why do your doors look like they're still in the 16th century

Get out! I'm trying to sleep!

Attached: image.png (1876x1200, 80K)

>why are you here?

Attached: 1539364926931.jpg (2048x1362, 570K)

Attached: ELAm1vl.jpg (1504x1000, 428K)

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They keep him in a shed in case he chimps out.

Attached: img_1391.jpg (1066x1600, 462K)

>Father, I would prefer that you knock the next time. I was just in the middle of posting 'sneed' to an online cinematography forum.

Attached: herra_pilluministerin_elegantti_lemmenluola.jpg (2272x1704, 1.18M)

Not the worst case scenario desu

How does that happen?

>"I've been expecting you"

>"BECAUSE CHUCK SELLS FUCK AND SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SNEED SNEED SNEED, AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, SNEED IS SO FUCKING FUNNY, I'M TOO AUTISTIC TO THINK OF SOMETHING ELSE TO SHITPOST ABOUT SO I JUST POST "SNEED" IN EVERY FUCKING THREAD AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Attached: R E E.jpg (592x639, 182K)

I don't get it


I have mixed feelings about this one.

imagine bringing a chick to this place

Imagine talking to a chick

>"Fuck you dad!"

Attached: icon-van.jpg (600x600, 37K)

Honestly not that bad, the room is organized and the weebshit is only slightly above acceptable levels

>weeb shit
>leopard print drapes
I almost admired the aesthetic before I noticed these

The fucking top hat on the end table kills me


Attached: 1539400667918.webm (640x270, 920K)

I fucking can't dude

Attached: 8oZh.gif (450x330, 3.22M)

>gurrenn lagann
>yuru yuri

Your parents must resent your existence.


my parents are faggot npc boomer brainlets.

literally me

>this is someones room without a shread of irony in the execution
the stack of fedoras must be a mile high

sneedshitters ARE discord trannies.

>overlooking the top hat

plenty high, thats for sure

Cuz only steers and queers come from Texas and I don't see any horns.

...and this is our son's room. He's 35.

Attached: setup2.jpg (1501x1126, 219K)

Honestly the biggest sin is the actual DDR mat combined with a pathetically tiny tv.
If it weren't for the leapord print drapes, top hat and random cheap weeb banner it would... Yeah it's gay as fuck.

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based and sneedpilled

Post your kino dungeons

Attached: 1532585084980.jpg (746x559, 79K)

...I'm busy right now.

Attached: reddragon.jpg (640x418, 19K)


Attached: 1460102397452.webm (624x352, 1.47M)

those hands say it all

I-I think you got the wrong file