It really is the best sequel of all time, isn't it? Nothing else even compares

It really is the best sequel of all time, isn't it? Nothing else even compares.

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greatest sequel is Gremlins 2

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I prefer the first movie for being a great urban techno-horror with special effects that aren't as perfect as T2 but have interesting vintage quality. I even prefer the beginning with the text on screen.

T3 > T2

The Godfather Part II

I'm glad I watched both movies so I no longer have to believe and agree with this meme.

Of course the thread doesn't specify that those are supposed to be sequels better than the previous movie just that they're one of the greatest sequels so...

It's not even a contest.
If LOTR The Two Towers was better than Fellowship Of The Ring, then that would take the title.

If you think Terminator 2 is better than Terminator 1 you are a fucking pleb. T1 is better in every way.

predator 2

No you dingis

>Character from the first movie becomes a paranoid gun-obsessed lunatic after being traumatized
More movies should use this trope. It's a good trope.

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Linda's change between the movies was impressive. Also impressive was that she had a twin sister which happened to fit perfectly with the gimmick of T1000.

pic related or Empire,
these would be the top 3

BTTF would be 4th I guess

Godfather II is overrated

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If Skynet sent a T101 back to 1984 it would instantly know if the mission to kill Sarah Connor was successful or not. Why not just send another T101 back to 1984 until the timeline is altered? Why not send a platoon of T101s? Why not send a T101 back to pioneer times and kill Sarah Connor’s great great grandmother while she’s turning butter? Why does Skynet continue to use T101s as ground forces after the nearly indestructible T1000 is developed?

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>best sequel of all time
That title is already reserved.

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Wouldn't the very act of sending someone back in the time obliterate that timeline anyway?

I love Terminator but this shit is crazy


Different genres. T1 is terror/slayer while T2 is action. That said your question was not if T2 was better than T1 but rather that T2 was the best sequel ever. On that we can agree.

Yes, Aliens is pretty good too and it has the same genre issue. Alien one is terror and Aliens is more action. For that movie however i think terror is a better fit.

I love BTTF2 and it is certainly bigger than BTTF as it goes to both the future and the alternate 1985 which are great and make it my personal favorite. However the original BTTF is a better movie. BTTF doesn´t have a single useless shoot. Furthermore most shoots work with depth showing plantings or information for the next plot point in the background and stuff like that. It´s narrative is very fluid and effective. Meanwhile BTTF2 has useless shoots that ultimately lead nowhere even if they are fun to watch.

Yeah, no. Not ever. Everything about T3 is subpar compared to T2. The female terminator is far inferior to the T1000 and far less threatening and they really just fucked up John Connor character. Plus no Linda Hamilton...

Fuck off. Original Blade Runner is lightyears away from 2049 on fuckign everythign. 2049 is pretty good considering it came out in the age of capeshit and it´s aesthetic is certainly beautiful to watch (though not as much as the original) but it has some fundamental flaws as a cyberpunk that makes it little more than average when pit against first wave and second wave cyberpunk...


try greatest film of all time

>Nothing else even compares.
Aliens is literally comparable for a bunch of reasons.

both post and movie

Aliens is one of the best too check this fan trailer its fucking magnificent

100% accurate

God I fucking love this scene. The theme song kicking in as the T-800 reboots gets my dick hard every time.

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